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Everything posted by MarkEzra

  1. Final testing Results are in: So what we've ended up with is properly patched MAC are working. Properly patched PC's are working and somethings wrong with a few Computer/game/patch/configurations.
  2. Latest result are in: Two different Macs vs my PC played without trouble. I am now hoping to send one of the Mac setups to another PC player who has exhibited the flipping. Stay tuned...
  3. Thanks to those Mac Players who have sent QB setups... Don't need any more.... I'll post results here.
  4. Not at all germaine to this thread. The map is what it is...troops aren't a map issue. Setup zones and AI plans are and I'll give a bit of look at that some other day....
  5. I have received some Mac (Atomicgamer V1.1b) vs PC PBEM save files that show's the Flip. I've asked the players involved some follow up question for a BFC bug report. I'd very much like a Mac Atomicgamer V1.1b player to send me a PBEM setup using QB Map "Attk Large Rough (bocage) QB 127". Use standard US Attacker-German Defender for setup. I'd like to play it through to each sides setup/movement orders turn. Please also let me know if you are on a laptop or desktop Mac and if you are using "snowbird" (whatever that is) I'll be on a Desktop PC. send to mark.ezra3591ATgmailDOTcom
  6. To date only one QB Map has been found defective, Asslt/Attk/Probe Large Open QB-096I have fixed it for the next patch.
  7. A Mac-atomicgamer V1.1 player took time to play me The test was trouble free. Mac player should be sure they are using the atomicgamer V1.1B and follow all installation instructions. Thanks to those players who took the time to provide info and participate in testing. __________________
  8. I am nearly finished testing for this issue I can say this about PC vs PC... I cannot duplicate this playing PBEM players who said they may have had the problem. I have not fully completed testing on the MAC vs PC PBEM but it appears that Mac players who do the following should be OK: from Schrullenhaft-- The Mac 1.01 patch has had 3 releases, the latest considered "1.01B", but it will only appear as "1.01" on the screen. There is no way of distinguishing between the three other than the date of the executable file. The second 1.01 Mac patch (released on 7/22, but internally dated 7/21) should have fixed the issue with setup zones being swapped. The latest 1.01 Mac patch ("1.01B") addresses mostly copy-protection/DRM issues seen with OS 10.7 and addresses a small issue with some keyboard controls. I suggest that your opponent download and install the 1.01B patch (Atomicgamer download site) after reinstalling CMBN. I will keep you posted. Also: It seems important to note that when players use the map review function in the unit selection screen they are looking at exactly how the map was originally made. If a map was made with the default of Allied as attacker then you'll be looking at a blue strip of ground on the edge/side of the map. Of course the Axis defender default will have a large chunk of red covering a large portion of the map. It will NOT show what the players have chosen for attacker/defender setup. So don't let that fool or frustrate you. Just continue on to the setup phase. Now if your sides appear reversed do these in order: 1 open the menu screen, check briefing and verify that you are supposed to be attacker/defender but are not in the right setup area. 2. write down the full name of the QBmap 3. save the file 4. send the file and any password and if PBEM Mac,PC or mix to me mark.ezra3591ATgmailDOTcom
  9. Dear Mr. Tread Head: I cannot duplicate this problem. Absent a save file from you there is no way to help. I notice you have posted this exact comment in threads I have already responded to. If you care to search for solution with my help, I'm happy to do so. I take finding/fixing bugs seriously. My email address (as posted elswhere) remains mark.ezra3591ATgmailDOTcom
  10. send the file with your password to mark.ezra3591ATgmailDOTcom
  11. ?? I'll try to duplicate your problem. Did either of you use the review map toggle while in unit purchase screen? Important to know for duplication of the problem.
  12. 1. QB Meeting Engagement Map 097 is correctly made. Blue Units setup should be seen in SW corner of Map and Red Units on the North East corner. If this is not the case check to see you are Both using the latest patch (V1.1). Next (most likely case) If the "attacker" was changed from default "allied" to "german" and "Defender" was switched to allied then allied will be red and setup in red. German will be blue and setup in blue area. To check the ingame "briefing". Whoever is the attacker for map 97 will be blue and in the south west setup area.
  13. Tell your Mac OpFor to get the V1.1 patch that corrects the earlier patch problem...whichever that is. The reverse side issue ONLY exist in games involving a Mac Player who uses the View 3d Map option during unit selection
  14. Here's the link: http://www.armchairgeneral.com/combat-mission-battle-for-normandy-seeing-the-game-through-contemporary-field-manuals.htm
  15. Mac Users HAVE had issues like this due to problems with the V1.1 patch. And I did find a map that had a map setup error that will be fixed with the next patch. But if you are a PC user having consistent map setup reversal then you should make sure you have the latest patch applied. If so please provide the name of the QB map. I will be happy to check them out Re: QB Maps being terrible. I'm responsible for every QB Map in the game. Sorry they don't make the grade for you. Re: CMx1 QB auto generated maps: 1. I've played hundreds of CMx1 QB Auto Generated Maps. Some good, some OK, MANY just dorky. And truthfully... just how many times does one have to reject a map before he finds an acceptable map to play on? Simple? OK... but Good? Nope...not in my experience. Perhaps that's why so many fan-designed QB maps were made. 2. The 3D Map world of CMx2 bares NO relationship to any previous CM Game. Attempts to compare them is a futile exercise. I'd be Glad to see an auto generated map system for CMx2.... a design/implementation effort that will take lord knows how many coding hours to produce and double that to test. It's an old chestnut, but cruelly true: would you rather spend your time playing the Game now with it's "terrible" QB Map sys or spend the same time wishing for BFC to get it "right" for you personally?
  16. Headphones or I don't get to sleep in the "big bed"
  17. I'm playing a lot of PBEM. Even if I weren't grateful (I am) my PBEM partners are! Thanks for your continuing efforts to improve the game and our hobby
  18. It could be as simple as some folks like checkers, others like chess.
  19. Attack (Assault&Probe)Large Forest(water)QB-145 is the only known QB Map setup error to date. I have the only fixed copy at the moment and plan to include in the next patch. If you send me an email I will be happy to send a corrected copy Mark.Ezra3591ATgmailDOTcom If you are a MAC user the problem is most likely the particular download of V1.1 patch you have installed. Since I run a PC there is no way for me to test that problem. BUT: If you and any H2H partner are playing on a PC here's what I need to know... 1. The full name of the QB Map 2. Either you or your partner use the map preview screen during unit purchase 3. Was US or German picked as Attacker. BFC can't fix the problem until it's identified. Testing the QB game on my PC does not reveal the problem you guys are seeing. So I'll need your help.
  20. My Favorite Character!!!! Welcome....But shouldn't you being "Standfast"? Trade craft slipping, old boy?
  21. Actually you asked for a "tiny" battle, not a tiny map. Map sizes are Small-Medium-Large. A random choice map setting requires the QB AI to select a map that generally fits the battle size you requested. A smallish Medium map of say 825 X 800 is the same as a largish Small map size. The QB AI is just doing it's best to suit you needs. Come to think of it isn't that Kinda like picking out an anniversary present for another man's wife
  22. Assault, Attack, Probe maps are really just definitions for purchase points and NOT relevant (necessarily) to a basic QB Attack/Defend style map. But here's the thing. If you make a QB Map with settings Attack/size/terrain style, the only time you will see it is when you specifically request an "Attack" mission. It will NOT show up automatically for Assault or Probe Missions. All you need do is set the map style to assault and rename it accordingly. Do the same for Probe.
  23. The info I will need to better understand what you are experiencing is 1. what operating system is being used: PC-MAC 2. Any other player's Operating system 3. How you are playing: PBEM/Hotseat/Human vs AI 4. Did you review the map while in the unit purchase screen 5. The QB Map Name A reverse side bug was reported and fixed that occurred when players used the map review during unit purchase. Unfortunately the V1.1 patch Mac Installer version didn't fix this. The PC V1.1 patch should be fine. So if you are playing PC then please send a save file along with the answers to the 5 questions. Re: the Attk Large Forest (Water) QB-145. There WAS an Error in this map I have fixed it. The "data" had the Allied defender as East rather than West. (actually the first map error found...!) QB Map 125 and 127 are correctly made To put a cap on this: If you or your PBEM partner are playing MAC then help is on the way If you are a PC player or PC vs PC player please send a save file with info to Mark.Ezra3591ATgmailDOTcom
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