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Everything posted by MarkEzra

  1. Scen designers can exercise a great deal of control so maybe just a design decision. QB Maps always have preplanned arty (suppression) that triggers 1st turn if the AI has Arty. That allows for further use as I detailed in the last post.
  2. Yes and Yes. also once the game is underway AI FO or other arty calling units can and will call down arty on observed targets.
  3. Now here's the really Cool Thing: I setup another PBEM Game Just As Betram describes The default US Attacker Vs Axis Defender QB Map "Attk Med Hills QB-055" and I chose Defender (I Think That was Bertrams side) and guess what I got... Yep I'm the German and I'm Defending.... now tell me...isn't bug chasing just the funnist thing ever!!
  4. Thanks for the help. BFC is aware and I'll continue to follow up. Here's My Comment: The PBEM sets up as US Defender and Axis Attacker. Bertram says He setup up as German Defender and US Attacker I have attached the Briefing which clearly shows the US is supposed to be the Attacker...So it's a Bug
  5. You do not need to edit any QB Map in order to get the setup you want. Bertram: When you had this problem previously I asked for a PBEM save file for the meeting Engagement (with passwords). And do so for the attack scen. If there is a Bug then those save files will be important. I posted a Bug report anyway, ran PBEM test switching the Allied and Axis sides as I think you guys are doing. I couldn't duplicate the problem you and your partner are having. I have carefully checked both QB Maps Attk Maps for errors that would affect setup. There are none. So is it user error? I don't know and I can't know until you send BFC a save file. There could be a problem with the QB PBEM game setup Engine that makes this happen but I haven't been able to duplicate it on my own. So your help would be appreciated. Please provide the following: The save File that demonstrates The reversed setup along with as much detail on how you chose your side and units (auto-Human?) Send it to me or any Beta Tester. Mark.Ezra3591 AT Gmail dot Com.
  6. BFC is aware and the QB Map in question has been fixed for the next patch. Thanks!
  7. If the designer names them as "H2H Only" then there should be no problem putting them in the QB folder. If it were me I do it like this: H2H Only Meet Hills Med-by LazyMark
  8. No scoring Points difference. Just a numeric name to avoid language/translation confusion. If an a single Objective you will see three asterisk. If there is more than one objective then each objective has an asterisk amount that corresponds to the number slot the objective falls into at the end of the game (1, 2,3, ect.)
  9. I will not review user made maps. They are the intellectual property of the designer and are not Official BFC. But I will be interested in DLing them for my personal use! I thought it was pretty cool to have my QB Maps make into CMSF and CMBN, I think maybe other designers might feel that way too. So don't be surprised if I send you a private email around the time of the first module
  10. That's true. While I did not create each QB map I am responsible for EVERY QB Map in the game. Not all maps will be to a given players taste. Perfectly normal. I feel the same myself. QB Players should keep in mind that each Map has multiple plans and orders. So how the AI comes at you will not always be the same. The player should also remember that the maps and the units selected are very much separate issues. So saying I got X and Y and had a terrible game on QB Map Z is not grounds for deleting or repairing the map. Here's what are good grounds: QB Map Z sucks because the Attacker setup is in LOS of the Defender, and the only bridge I'm supposed to cross my armor is a foot bridge (yep I'll fix that!) and there are no fords. When it comes to QB Maps General Generality is the CinC. Making sure that QB maps can handle all the combinations of units/time/weather is my goal. I never care who's right about a map. I do care what's right in making them. If you see something that is just dumb or worse, you think you've found a defective map, please let me know.
  11. Interesting... And it's a PBEM? First. I checked the map for any setup/data errors. There are none. So Force selection for the attacker (no matter German or US should default to the correct side and color. I suspect a possible Bug involving the PBEM/QB selection. If you guys could send me both your setup turns (and passwords) I'll check it out. send to Mark.Ezra3591 At Gmail Dot Com. With the correct no spaces, @, .
  12. RE: QB Map. If your are saying "grab a QB Map, add Exit zones, move the finished Altered Map to the Battle Scen File and play H2H. Absolutely. But keeping the QB Map in the QB Map File and playing it from there will ONLY result in the exit zone being recognized as an "Objective".... the only kind of victory point the QB engine recognizes
  13. I Drink Lots and Lots of Coffee. I got strung out on it when I started attending a 12 step program. Does that count?
  14. No it's Not Impossible... it does take (opinion follows) a very good knowledge of scen design to begin with and then the willingness to forget much of it. QB Maps AI orders must always be designed to deal with every type of unit all the time. So a good designer will make certain that setup use dismount/mount to reflect the actual map, allow good spacing with flexible timed pauses, with no extreme pathing types. CMBN QB Maps represent the current state of knowledge and have been created with a view that more change will come through the module process. I would strongly urge a QB Map designer to become familiar with the current AI Orders/Pathing setups before embarking into the map process. Every QB Map has at least 2 Plans and ALWAYS uses 2 Order groups. Testing indicates splitting them much further diminishes the power of AI in attack/Meet, while offering little in the way of help in Defense.
  15. Medium Map with Tiny/Small unit selection. So nothing broken from a map design view. So the question is about unit/ map size selection which is out of my province. The player has control of that.
  16. LOL...One way or another that had to be a very long night.
  17. Hi Jason First a small note, not so much for you those who have a more "QB map" related question: Without the specific map name I cannot even begin to start to look into a problem. All QB games, Human or Random not withstanding, provide the maps name in the briefing section. QB Maps are by nature and necessity generalized. They are designed to hold small or larger units numbers as the size of the map might reasonably handle. The AI picks the placement from any number of possible I have created. And it does that for each different multiple setup plan. So I suggest when using "tiny" unit selections you pay close attention to the size of the map. Small maps can be very small or border on Medium. Re: the AI Defender arty fires. All AI fires are set to suppress (AI will save arty and use it on observable targets later) and are purposely set near (not on) the Human attacker setup area. After a lot of testing and feed back I decided to use this method. At it's best the advance route the player has decided on will be covered. At it's worst the human will send me a post and a bug report about the stupid AI's waste of arty.
  18. I am also the only guy responsible for any Map glitch/AI setup/pathing mistakes. So when (not if) players find something wrong (Not having to do with unit selection/QB UI or whatever) I want to track it down. I will do my best to fix what needs to be fixed or explain why it is what it is.
  19. More like "Truckin" "What a long, strange trip it's been"
  20. I love the music, too. BFC was thoughtful in it's approach to CMBN musical theme and Mr. Sadowsky deserves full marks for creating an elegant tempo flowing with a deeply emotive, soul stirring orchestral sound
  21. Nicely done... you are a born pixeltruppen killer!
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