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Other Means

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Everything posted by Other Means

  1. you know, you're exactly right. there's many times (...well) i've turned to my girlfriend & said "look! i got him. i've {blown up tank, killed infantry, tempted into kill sack etc}". do i get the aclaim due? no. & i can't say to my opponent "look! aren't i brilliant!" because the next move shows how wrong i was, or i'm shown up to be some kind of 1337 triumphant fool. or it gives something away. or lets face it it's just really bad manners. so what can you do? all the guys i play with read this board & they all know me as "Other Means" and they are all nice guys. and too bloody sharp to be giving clues to. no AAR's are the only way. i'll continue to boor my girlfriend or my mate in work and the guys i'm playing against will not get the pleasure of boasting how wrong i was when i've said i was going to win.
  2. i'd like BTS to amalgamate the operational level "Airborne Assault: Red Devils Over Arnhem" with CMBB. have AA be the whole easter front. it might take years to play. don't know if that's good or bad really.
  3. Snarker! kiss me you mad fool. finally, finally. i can drift into the sweet arms of Morpheus. not from the matrix obviously (not that there's anthing wrong with that).
  4. sorry, i know this is the wrong place but i think there's some people looking at this thread right now: how do i place a flag in the scenario editor?
  5. coz i can't find how to put a flag down. :mad: :mad: :mad: <hr> got it in another thread. finally i can go to bed. cheers Snarker. [ September 03, 2003, 09:13 PM: Message edited by: Other Means ]
  6. excellent tests gentlemen. did anyone notice an effect on spotting effect though? i think lines of troops at different ranges fast-ing across the map with the wind one way, being spotted by a HQ. then reverse the wind direction & see if the spotting range varies. i'd do it myself but i'm at work. .
  7. i was watching the Sherman vs Tiger debate on UK TV (the Sherman won because of Detroit - like that's the real question). and there was footage of a tank being hit with an 88. there was a shockwave of dust raised around the tank when the round hit. that would be a great effect to see. also camo nets, dust being raised by the firing of the gun etc. all of which would draw us into the game. i'd hate to have to code for affected LOS though.
  8. although i take the general point, i think in this particular instance ME was probably irked because using the CM forums to advertise other peoples games is frowned upon. however Madmatt has allowed as Battlefield Command thread to exist in the GF as he has respect for the developers & realises that more wargaming is good for everyone. now thats funny.
  9. flu. blech. so was that 4 or 5 Stugs on fire in the last turn?
  10. yeah, that was a joke. you know, all the guns pointing everywhere, the chaos of the upper deck...no? suit yourself. no no. i'm fine. fiiiine.
  11. thanks a lot Mr_Gonzo_The_Rooster. i'll have a look, then we can review it if you think it will be helpfull. cheers.
  12. to prevent the ISP being "helpfull" ISTM that it would make sense to rename a file to a .zip extension without actually zipping it. therefore the ASCII conversion won't take place & there will be no tampering with the file.
  13. a friend and i are conducting a re-inforced Soviet infantry breakthrough attack, 02/45. however the map we chose although good in it's own right, didn't really support the kind of tactics we were looking for. to quote from my mates email: it can be Axis or Allied attack & we could choose our own forces. it should support defense in depth and have various tactical challenges to keep it interesting. does anyone have any ideas of a scenario we could use? or would anyone like to design one for us? in any other forum, i would be confident of being laughed out. here, i'm sure there will be some kind person who'll help.
  14. surely it's just time to do the other foot?
  15. welcome. check the FAQ at the top of the forum. that's got a list of useful tactical posts. can i recommend the onion wars. it's a grand non historical campaign. we're currently on turn 2/3 but i think there's plenty of slots coming available. it's good fun & they is a great deal of work in there. good luck. if you need to PBEM or something, drop me a line. i usually play Soviets.
  16. this is just the first one that comes to mind, it's only small scale but it's so damn stupid i've got to tell it. i had a platoon of T70's facing, at 50m, a single StuG. i knew he'd seen one of the T70's so i came up with a great idea. i had the T70 go forward into the small depression in front of him, then turn 90o & race off. thinking the Stug would see him come out of the depression and start to swivel to face him. then, 4 T70's would dash past him, 2 to a side & get rear & flank shots. yeah, yeah, no. the first T70 went forward started to turn & it must have been damp ground. the 2 T70's going one way hit it, then it started to move & got hit by the other 2. what this carefully thought out manouver became was a snarl of traffic in a place where there was absolutely no need for there to be one. there was nothing around to hit except each other. which they did. it was like the 5 stooges. the funny part was, when the StuG came over the ridge to see what all the noise was every single T70 had it's rear to it. it really couldn't have been any worse. they didn't last the round.
  17. oh come on. i'd never get to play. besides, i'm sure it's Soviet doctrine.
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