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Other Means

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Everything posted by Other Means

  1. just started reading "Achtung Panzer!" which says that the major enemy method of stopping armour in WWI was indirect HE fire. what is unrealistic in CMBB is the *lack* of indirect arty fire. IRL you would have possibly 10 times more. you would expend this & call for more if you saw a concentration of Axis armour. then the IL2's, then more of everything. the last thing you would do would be to press the attack.
  2. make sure they've got charges left, it's in the info screen as brown packages. & area fire. when you do make sure it asks whether to throw demo charges. if it doesn't, you're out of them.
  3. SPAM is the missing 80% of Universal mass. dark SPAM if you will. we would see this except the telescopes have the first effective junk filters.
  4. i noticed in the British OOB "joke equipped infantry". they are certainly effective, causing trenches & bunkers to be abandoned within minutes. glad i don't speak German actually.
  5. think of a slack lipped fish faced conservative (socially) blue rinsed old woman.
  6. i find them extremely useful. MTC 100m in front your main advance with a 150m 180o covered arc allows you to resolve sound contacts a lot quicker. in any kind of cover they are very hard to spot. the trick is to avoid cover where you expect resistance. they can also supress ATG's, which i've seen done. i generally advance 3 - 5 of them evenly spaced. that way when (ok if (ok ok big if)) my shwerpunkt gets through the MLR & i attempt to roll the line up, i can observe the re-positioning of re-enforcements & possibly interdict them. especially crew weapons.
  7. if you can get them moving on 1 minute & give them an order, if the delay is (say) 10 secs but their next waypoint is 11 secs away, they will continue & not wait once they hit it. IOW, the delay is from when you give the order, not when they pass the waypoint. also, rather than giving a wait order which is a full 10 secs, including an extra waypoint will give enough delay to space the convoy out. another trick in your initial setup is to start with them slightly rotated. the turn will space them for you. don't forget higher experiance = faster turning. at leasy for AFV's.
  8. i've checked on CM Mods but can't find any. can i use some from BO or AK. or does anyone know the .bmp's & i'll do some myself? thanks.
  9. i only noticed the dirt being kicked up recently, after > 1 year of playing. is it possible to mod this? if so does anyone know of one? it would be great if the sounds were contextual for the cover you're in. ricochets off rocks, thuds from trees etc. come on CMX!
  10. also download the low res mods from CM Mods that should speed things up a bit.
  11. yes, it just sounded like static to me. could you mail it me? i think you've still got my email. cheers.
  12. hey cheers Axe. that'll go lovely with the mod.
  13. "Charlie Monkey Monkey Nuts.". that's got to be the coolest forum name. to change...hmmm.
  14. i've never had the opportunity to actually *say* it. that would imply talking to real people about it, rather than you figments of my solipsistic meanderings. whenever i've tried to talk to people about it i've got to start waaaay back. 'you know that game i play? the one that's really a simulator of WWII tactics. oh come i'm always...yes that one, well there's a new version out. it's set in North Africa. what? no there's no Zulu's in it...' etc. but in my head it's See Mack.
  15. have anybody ever tried using transparent gridded terrain? i'm not talking about actually in the match, obviously. but when you're initially going over the map to find where has LOS to where it might help if the terrain was made of transparent bitmaps. gridded, maybe double gridded so that it has a line through the centre as well as along the edge of the tile. i think it would help you get an initial grasp of where things are. anyone agree? has anyone tried it? if it was CM Mod Manager you could swap the terain for transparent to get a grasp, then for the normal when you come to setup.
  16. with vehicles going down a road, start with vets then move to conscript at the back. give the ones to the rear extra waypoints to increase their delay incrementally plus pauses for blocks of time. i've got 20 AC's followed by 9 tanks following each other merrily. and it only took about 40 mins to set it up. so yes, a 'follow vehicle' command would be very welcome.
  17. april 24th. i hope it's a 20 year old Golf II. coz i've got one of them. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: (for forms sake) .
  18. give your ATG a rotate & a target order. you have to time the gun rotating away, then to your target. it's a work around but BTC don't want you micromanaging to this extent. i'm not sure if the gun becomes more visable when rotating. if the target is moving, set a covered arc where it's going to be instead.
  19. i generally have a sniper ahead of the main body. MTC with a 260m 180o covered arc. have him move *around* bits of dense cover. in dense cover he will not see enemy until < 50m, at which point they can see him. if you skirt the cover you can penertrate deeply to resolve MG sound contacts etc. then suppress these to help advance the infantry. the covered arc means that he won't stop if anything is outside it. i.e. a far, resloved MG will not make him duck. have him go to large open areas like wheat fields etc.
  20. actually, do you have a server i could FTP it too? if not, i'll break it down to 7 packets so you get < a meg each time. also, i notice you're on Hotmail. will i break it?
  21. yep. i have it. it's 6.7 meg though. suuure you want a mail?
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