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Other Means

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Everything posted by Other Means

  1. i call caption competition! caption competition! caption competition! caption competition! woo hoo! little guy at the top: "OY! do you mind! i'm doing tinkle!" (sorry, i'm not usually afflicted with punctuation.)
  2. tangentially, the only account i've seen of a molotov at work was in a fictional book about the Hungarian uprising Under the Frog. this states that a molotov could easily take out a tank if there were no infantry nearby. i am aware that this removes me from any chance of ever becoming a grog.
  3. Impudent Warwick, i suspect replacing the bitmap with a transparent one will not help. the PC would still have to render the image, it just wouldn't be seen. i suspect they give such a performance hit because they are dynamic and they have to be done in another pass over the map, which assignes their cover value etc. therefore they would still be there as cover.
  4. slightly OT. would there be any change in the behaviour of a plate after it has been penetrated once? would that not create an area of edge effect around the penetration? and if so, can these tests be taken to be 100% reliable? or would these tests be conducted on all the captured tigers therefore when the plate got penetrated they would use a different tank for the next test.
  5. from what i've heard that scenario is the worst one to play WRT cycles used. try removing the trees (shift T until it says 'no trees') i find this gives the biggest performance improvement. use low res mods for grass etc if you really want just for this op. and you know you want to treat yourself to that big graphics card don't you. i can't remember who but this is someones sig: HAL9000: do you want to play a game Dave? Dave: OK Hal. how about 'To the Volga' HAL9000: you win Dave. just switch me off.
  6. not wishing to be sizeist but that drivers got the fatest neck ever. he probably needs it to help counteract all those guns going off.
  7. try The Proving Grounds. i've found it excellent.
  8. come on Pud. some HOT WET CMBO action & it would have all been over.
  9. you know, i was going to get CMAK after Crimbo, to do my bit to smooth out BFC's cash flow. and you people are making it *really hard*.
  10. that's what i did on my last defense. actually, i rushed SMG squads & Guards infantry into forest in front of my start line. this allowed me to deny him the forest with the SMG's & get him from defilade as he went past with the infantry. ambushing & falling back under an arty barrage, then reocupying. this also gave me good vision for my HMG's at the back of the map. after stripping the infantry off he was forced to rush his Panthers & PzIV's forward. i had a KV1 keyholed able to take care of the PzIV's one at a time and the Panthers were flank exposed to 45mm ATG's. they took down a couple and then the Pioneers & TH teams got enough to give me the victory. i also had 12,7mm HMG's to take care of his light armour but they had limited success. i think maybe light flak guns would do a better job. i'm getting the hang of defending but my attacking is still woefull. but tips like these against the big cats are very welcome.
  11. thanks Marlow, but i was really talking about frontally. if i can lure them in i know how to handle them, which is why my friend generally stands off with them. is the detection signature of the 57mm as big as the 76? or could i have them unhidden at long range hoping for a kill which could only be resolved by the enemy into a sound contact? or is there no chance of the long range kill & i still need to wait & un-hide everything at once? detailed question i know. if no one has the info i'll do a test myself & post the results here.
  12. thanks again. on the defense, i've recently had success with using Pioneers as my last line. however to have any hope of them surviving you can't show them until the armour is within satchel range. by that point it's generally been stripped of infantry. SMG squads and arty in the trees & HMG's at the back of the map do the job readily. therefore the firepower in the Pioneer squad has been wasted. so would it not make more sense to use TH teams? they are cheap, fast & can give a good account of themselves if ambushed by infantry. the Pioneers have multiple charges yes but compared to the price of them, they rarely get to use the 2nd charge. is there anything about their use that i've missed that gives them the advantage WRT to THs? [added] BTW, i assume this advice goes for Panthers as well, if not i will start a new thread. cheers. [ December 21, 2003, 09:28 PM: Message edited by: Other Means ]
  13. thanks for the reply. in that case i may be in for a bad time. it's feb 45 & i've taken an SU-122 platoon specifically to frontally kill Tigers. i think they will do the job but they may not be cost effective. do you have any kind of look up table of the properties of the AFV's? i know a lot is experiance, which i'm painfully getting, but anything to help would be very appreciated. [edit] ahh just checked. ISU-122. phew. [ December 21, 2003, 05:43 PM: Message edited by: Other Means ]
  14. Jason, you recommend using the SU-152. i've recently started a Tiger hunt & opted for the SU-122. thinking that it has all the penetration needed but also has the higher ROF & ammo load out to give it an advantage. in fact with crack crews you can get 2 shots off in the same time as a Tiger can. by the 2nd shot you usually have a hit and a hit is a kill. would you not say this is better? especially if you can arrange odds as you must with the SU-152.
  15. it's a wheelbarrow! oo oo it's a chair! make me a sandwich, i'm here for the night.
  16. if the next iteration of the game has built in PBEM helper, it should mail the final score to the BFC website where it's attached to your sig. get into the 21st century! automatic humiliation is where it's at.
  17. i think the code would have to do a backwards LOS lookup. so if a unit A is in LOS of n units that can harm it, those n units then get a moral bonus proportional to n to counter cower, while A recieves a morale drop in proportion to the threat. that would work (...i think) for many on many situations. and there is ---><--- this much chance of it happening in CMAK.
  18. i agree with all the (sane) posts above. and of course a thanks to JasonC for suggesting another approach than my usual "IN THE TREES AAARGH ARTY! OUT OF THE TREES QUICK OH GOD EVERYONES DEAD WHY WHY GOD WHY." tactics. the Germans in the east turned a population that initially supported them into deadly enemies almost straight away. when these territories were re-conquered by the Russians these people were only too eager to join the Red Army. these "bonus soldiers" formed up to 50% of the Red Army i believe (from the CMBB forum). and by the end of the war the Soviets were running low on man power. the myth of everlasting reserves of fresh soldiers is just incorrect. possibly fostered by Soviet operational art concentrating vast amounts of men an materiel at the schwerpunkt. so these soldiers definately made a differance. if they had just used the velvet glove until they had the victory things may have been different. but of course as someone posted earlier, to be able to do that they would not have been nazis. and if they were not nazis they would not have started the war anyway. still. the underlying reason the Germans lost is that they wanted a short war. and did not contemplate that the other people involved may not. by the time this sank in and they started putting their industry on a war footing, everyone else had been doing it for years. the eastern front was a bigger version of The Rumble in the Jungle. with the Germans playing Foreman.
  19. woah woah woah. the 57mm is better? i've been going for the 76.2. am i making a mistake? any help would be appreciated. on topic: the T34's best asset is its speed. the Axis armour has superb front armour but it's side is definately penertrable. use the speed of the T34 to make any ME into an attack defense. the Tiger needs to sit on a hill at the back of the map. let it, find a position in front of the flags where you can defend them & not be seen from it's vantage point. if they try to bring them close to get LOS predict where they need to be & ambush them. also, using a small Flak gun to get constant hits on the Tiger usually un-nerves the opponent so they move out of LOS. they are too expensive to risk a gun hit on.
  20. does anyone have it? and do you know if he'll take a new disciple? do i have to sit outside his inbox for 3 days? IOW, i would like a few CMBB games against him if he still plays. nothing like learning from the best. cheers. [edited spellunk] [ December 18, 2003, 09:41 PM: Message edited by: Other Means ]
  21. i used to do that, when i was first learning the units etc. if you're just trying out idea's then it's fine. but i was trying to get to where i could compete with people so it's not the best training for that.
  22. 14104 answered by 14105? both first posts? small world init? you've got a Tiger on a hill. can't be beaten. can't be hurt by allied armour. so go past the next hill. that's the short version. the long version is a LOT longer.
  23. would you die for Il Duce? them either.
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