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Other Means

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Everything posted by Other Means

  1. all the ones i've been able to find are German captured ones. seems odd considering the ubiquity of them early war.
  2. i agree with Other Means. {ok it was a double post. GAAAAH.} [ June 27, 2003, 06:48 AM: Message edited by: Other Means ]
  3. i imagine a couple of guys standing on the tow bars would slow it down if it needed it. what gets me is the infantry turn rate. i can kind of understand the platoon moving to different cover to meet a different thread but i can't see that taking nearly as long as it does in the game.
  4. i just took out a Stug (june 41 don't know the model yet) with a side hit by a 76.2mm at ~400m. now if only he didn't have 4 more...
  5. has anyone ever swapped sides half way through a PBEM? my opponent seems to have decided he won't win and we're only on turn 10. i was thinking of swapping with him & seeing if i could salvage anything. OTOH, maybe i would just rather CRUUUUSSSSH HIM.
  6. GreenAsJade i think i love you. this confirms what i've observed but never actually tested. thanks. [edited to add] not my love, for that needs no test and is plain to see. [ June 26, 2003, 12:39 PM: Message edited by: Other Means ]
  7. you place an infantry unit in front of an enemy MG, in the background the pin level is being calculated. you then direct a HE chucker onto the MG. the MG is now being pinned so the initial calculations are wasted. given that there are so many factors that change and interrelate over the course of a minute it would be imposible to do them in the background. i imagine now it does something like. tick - what's shooting at what, what are the pin values, how much will the unit shoot next turn. tick - NOW what is shooting at what blah blah. impossible to do as seperate processes because anything may have an effect on anything else.
  8. good god, there's an image that will stay with me. i prefer to play the Soviets. i find attacking difficult as the Axis. you dare not risk an uber tank & everything else sucks. Kitties are superb in overwatch but they're not so good when they need to expose their flanks. also, Russian infantry is great at short range & the LMG is very portable & good enough for close support. and at 9 points you can buy enough to give you an advantage. also also, the 76.2mm AT gun makes the early war very dangerous for Axis tanks. 3rd also, you get ~60 rounds of 51mm mortar ammo. TBH though, i've not played the Axis much. i'm a new player & was just drawn to the Soviets. don't know why. but they've served me well so far.
  9. hi CHillDice, welcome to the board. i think the genius of the game is that it's easy to pick up but extremely hard to master. i started playing a few months ago and got to the point of beating the AI (pretty quickly) but there were guys on this board talking about tactics that just didn't 'catch' with me. it's only after playing a human that what they're saying is starting, very slowly, to come into focus. there is a much in this game as you are willing to look for but the basics are easy to understand. it is that good.
  10. and what did this sacrifice bring you? NOTHING! you lost the men and you lost the tank. it's the mission that's important, if you lose sight of that there's no place for you in this mans army. those men were dead already, you knew that. we'll need that tank next week. you'd better pray we cut of their salient to the south and can recover it. there's not many left. place yourself under house arrest. you'll be dealt with at the Generals pleasure.
  11. hi theike. my friend & i like playing armoured attack/infantry defense rather than ME's as they're a bit more realistic (ISTM). so i'd like a few lightly wooded rural maps with one side an area that you would choose to defend. i.e. if you had a gun line you wouldn't choose to put them in the field, you'd try to put them in a natural tree line. we do ~1250pt battles, so if you fancy doing some around that size that would be appreciated.
  12. i set up a turn a while ago, just to see what it looked like. 5000 points Soviet Assault on a large town. comes to about 10,000pts. i spent every point i could on Arty. thats a lot of points. i had them all hit the town or the patches of wood. clicked go. went and made a drink. came back. took the dog for a walk. watched a film. Titanic. it's crap. watched the movie. there was nothing left but dust. those Russian rockets make the spookiest noise. fun though.
  13. it is 00000170.WAV. delete that, create a text file and call 00000170.WAV. it works. it doesn't break anything.
  14. and it must be the last turn of my PBEM. so i'm waiting by the PC to see if my gamey tank rush worked. and thinking about needing to get up for work tomorrow. really busy, going gold on fri. i should be in bed. also, i'm thinking about my opponent. he lives an hour ahead of me. that's dedication.
  15. cheers lads. i'm basically trying to use OT-134's as dedicated infantry killers. sending SMG squads intro the trees to flush out the support squads & using the FTT's as a mobile reserve. unfortunately my opponent knows what he's doing & they've mostly found infantry. and God, i'd imagine. i've not fought a battle at night yet. i'll have to have a go & see what they look like. thanks.
  16. one little trick with mortars is to give them a "rotate away from the target order" & give them the target order. they will rotate away, then rotate to the target & fire. this gives a delay before they fire. i've not tried it with FT's though, so you may need to experiment.
  17. i see Peng kind of like the Amish communities. or maybe a wildlife park. somewhere i don't want to go but i'm glad it's there. somewhere they do things oddly. maybe it's a bit archaic and maybe a bit obsolete but it's always good to have a plan B in case this whole civilization thing falls over.
  18. if i set a portion of trees on fire: 1) will my men not enter them? 2) will my tanks not go near them? 3) will it flush out infantry from close. 4) any other effects i need to know i.e. affected cover values etc.
  19. i've got a smaller screen but i sit realllly close.
  20. Moon, i've got a save game which demonstrates a AFV being hit by areas fire from an AFV in overwatch. do you want me to email it? also, the AFV getting hit retreats from it's movement order as the overwatch AFV fires HE close to it.
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