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Other Means

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Everything posted by Other Means

  1. {slinks in, coughs into hand} campaign! {mumbles something while leaving} even more than graphically accurate squads, i'd love to know who i'm fighting with.
  2. a response in < 30 mins & the Tac AI surpassing expectations. got to love this game.
  3. if you've got a AFV area firing & a squad goes over the line of fire, is the AFV bright enough to not hit the squad? i'm sending this turn out soon, so i need to know. cheers.
  4. this has probably been debated to death but i'd like to be able to fire a mortar into areas without LOS, as i think this is primarily what they were used for. even to be able to hit the reverse slope of a hill or further into a treeline would be good. there would be a decrease in accuracy but i could live with that, and if we could do the same with PIAT's, shreks even HMG's that too would seem more true to life. maybe if there was a greater delay involved for this, i.e. the mortar could be set up to fire within LOS in a certain amount of time, but there is a further calibration time to allow the gunner to judge his angles & distances.
  5. note to self: gun hit does NOT mean gun destroyed.
  6. General Snuffy Smith, the english term "brewing up" as used by the british is actually what you do to make tea (stereotypical as it sounds). you build a fire, & put a metal container on it to hold water. i would surmise that the whole metal container/fire similarity is what made them use it for a burning tank. i would further surmise that it was adopted by the US rather than invented.
  7. mainly quick fix FPS's. DoD retail right now (despite me far prefering the beta). Desert Combat for bf1942 was ok for a few weeks. BUT, i've recently started my first ever PBEM's. now all i do is leave the PC on & watch telly waiting for my inbox to beep. i am absolutely hooked. i think, in a strange S&M way because it's so stretched out. i've got time to wonder what will happen in the movie while i'm waiting. genius, pure genius. i play some other games with Mrs Means but they have no bearing here. <strike>except that i've stopped them by waiting for mail.</strike>
  8. hallelujah. i've not been playing CM long. i've been playing the soviets & usually went for the straight T34 ticket. however a little bit of experimentation with the T70 & i'm sold. it's CHEAP, it's got enough armour to be useful, the gun does what you need it to, it's fast AND they've got a radio. last night as part of an experiment (against the AI) i rushed 8 of them over the map. it turned out there where several light tanks & 3 stugs there. the T70's took several hits (including a side turret hit from a Stug at 40m) & shrugged them off. they totalled the lights & where instumental in turning the Stugs for the following T34's. so, for now, they're my favorite tank.
  9. if you could toggle which labels where shown that would be good too. also, if labels showing different things were at different heights above the battle field. so there is basically a list or card above a unit with a translucent line (or whatever) to the unit it corresponds to. then as you rotated/panned the battlefield you would see which labels belong to which unit. right now there tends to be a lot of overlapping. also, i've had instances where unit A's label seemed to be over unit B because unit A was half off the screen & the label was fully on the screen. IOW the label would not allow some text to be truncated & in keeping itself fully on the screen it moved reletive to it's unit. it would be nice if this was addressed.
  10. "dam it!" ahh the Dutch anthem. [edited to add] "Dyke it" just sounds wrong. [ May 13, 2003, 11:09 AM: Message edited by: Other Means ]
  11. IFAIK "move" is to allow a tank to move at the same speed as covering infantry. i've read on this forum that "fast" actually covers more ground than "move" before bogging. give that what credance you will.
  12. i must admit it made me google. nice one. mind you after seeing a t35 i think i'd believe anything.
  13. hi dwas, this is the forum & you're welcome to it. my first post was the same question as yours & i got the same answer. what i still don't understand is, the game looks like it produces a file/could produce a file to run the movie from. therefore why can't we have a folder with the current files in? then the engine could just go through them all. hhhenyway, it's not going to be addressed soon but Battlefront (the developers) are re-writting the engine from the ground up & i think that this feature will be in it. search for CMX2 feature request threads to see everything else on the wish list.
  14. so. my guys are in a tree patch 1 side out of sight of the enemy. 60th second i see a spotter round land. so i get all the men to fast 20m away from the trees (away from the enemy) & hide. that works ok, but they're still getting hit by some rounds. so they start crawling into the trees. they are all reg or vet. would they do this? should i have got them to hide in the trees?
  15. sorry, never played CMBO but i imagine a real difference would be the variable game ending. i find if i'm the attacker the game always finishes too early & if i'm the defender it finishes too late. as flags are taken the game length increases. this stops the player having a concrete end point to aim for. it's a great innovation & helps prevent/reduce 1 aspect of "gameyness".
  16. w3rd. i a related matter, i'd like the ability to set volume of fire. i.e. if you have a mortar area firing/spread firing i'd like to set how many shells it fired (roughly) in a min. a RL command i imagine would be something like "They're in the woods over there. Keep their heads down."
  17. interesting i think how what we would consider one of the strengths of the allied doctrine, i.e. a retreat upon counter attack & the application of firepower, is here seen as a weakness. it seems that the German doctrine at the time saw attack/defeat as ground gained/lost, rather than the Allied one of an assisted opportunity for a multiplication of attrition.
  18. expand the OOB window idea so you can see the status of the units. moving, pinned, firing etc.
  19. how about having a topo map plus being able to increase the Y axis of the map, much like the shift C for unit size? shift Y perhaps. toggle it up to see the undulations, then to normal to see the movie.
  20. i think this is a vote for a campain system in CMX2. if you can play a friend from 41 - 45 then the less than optimal armour will have to be used by each side at some time.
  21. sorry but, are you sure you're not shift F'd & can't see the flags?
  22. i was thinking of starting a post like this myself. i've only recently started playing CM and i jumped straight in with the biggest battles i could find. yeah, they're fun but the don't half take up your time. and i always misplaced a unit. & i tried to do too much at one. and my biggest fault is: not having a good understanding of where will have LOS to my position/axis of advance. i've got the gridded terrain but i've been playing the Soviets so not realising that the tiger on yon hill will be able to see my T34's flanks is a sure way to several smoking wreaks. so i've been trying to train myself on 800pt QB's. then i found out just how exciting small maps can be. every unit counts. you know their ammo status, you know what can see/shoot them. dammit you feel like you know their names. i think come the rapture (CMX2) if we get massive multiplayer, we could combine these smaller battles with a larger overview. it'd be great to appoint someone overall leader & have them give you some units to command & an overall directive. to quote the bard "that would be sweet. forsooth. and by sweet i mean totally cool".
  23. as well as all the main ones mentioned: 1) rate of area fire to able to be set. rather than blowing all a mortars ammo, you just say "drop 3 shells into the woods" or even something as variable as "keep their heads down". that way a MG/mortar would target the most active enemy unit in it vision. 2) enforceable rule sets such as Franco's rules. if you both agree to play by them, the game enforces this. you could possibly control this with a reality setting in the QB params.
  24. i'm amazed i missed this for so long, however i've a bit of webspace that i'm not using. it's on blueyonder UK so it'll be very fast for anyone close. i'd be happy to mirror for you. email me & i'll send you my postal address. caveat: i'm in deadlinesville at work & ~3 weeks of full time decorating from moving into my new house, stress? hahahahahahhahahaha. yes a little bit. so there may be a few days before i can upload it.
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