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Other Means

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Everything posted by Other Means

  1. or something? because DAMN that was fast. yesterday - no forum. today > 500 posts. how do you do it?
  2. He shall be back. i) Thus it is spake. ii) Thus it is written. iii) For on the 4th day He did return(eth). iv) Into the Wilds he went v) to convert the burds that hail from Italy vi) and Ye, throughout the land there was a great rubbing of parts
  3. i already feel filled with the spirit. hallelujah. speaking in tongues & wild gesticulation sure to follow. i must admit though, Boo's got a point about the hat (under?). if you're a prophet you've got to have a hat. and do i have to actually prophisise? works a bit tight & i've got turns to send. could i just live a life in the style of Andreas? i'm not exactly sure what that would be mind.
  4. Billy-basher-of-the-unbelievers hand puppets. i love it. also, it's a draw for the kids isn't it? get them away from their "playstations" and up to their elbows in gore. thats what's wrong with this (or any) country today. we need a back to basics, kill your own breakfast, smite the unbeliever, convert people with a pointed stick policy.
  5. ...yeah that sounds ok. but i was really looking for something more in the animal mutilation line.
  6. this was a rural QB map. half way through, some small tiles of road appeared. therefore i'm thinking the file got corrupted. but as it's encryped i think it would be very difficult for it to do that without wreaking the whole file. anyone reckon i should send the saves to BFC?
  7. anyone else had this? just sections unconnected to anything appearing half way through a QB? i've got the save games if anyone wants them. it hasn't made any difference to me but it might to some.
  8. if i may venture a toe into these deep waters...i think it possible that if the Germans had treated the areas captured during the offensive better, Stalin would have been a lot more wary of taking "Bonus soliders" from these areas.
  9. don't forget to include the ciggie. looks standard issue.
  10. with arty being such a big part of British plans (see Monty's comments at the end of the war) i expect this theatre will be much better in CMx2. but then again what won't. my uncle Bill passed away last year. my uncle Tommy 8 years ago. both were in the LRDG. Tommy Hind (5"5' ? ) carried Willaim Kulk (mums bro - 6" 2') 8 miles overnight when he was wounded. Tommy became my uncle when Bill took him home & impressed his sister Mona with "the Tommy who carried me through hell". so: i'd love to see the LRDG.
  11. another shout for "Ghost Column at Rzhavets". i've just finished a game with Wunche (sp? sorry mate.) & it's about the most exiting PBEM i've ever had. in fact i'm thinking of doing a full blown AAR. wiv graphics n everything.
  12. read football365 GRUMLIN? & i've had great success killing damned greenies with them.
  13. yeah but my mate down the pub said... obviously i bow to your knowledge & acknowledge you grog.
  14. i thought that was as a result of mis-reading the AAR's from france, where the long & short gun were both carried? initially it appeared that the short 5cm had a better kill ratio. however later this was found to be an error in reading the battlefield reports & was rectified to the longer gun?
  15. these people are being friendly Cabron66. try it.
  16. in case you never guessed, i was playing THE CROW. but actually if i'd been playing empty trenches apart from 4 or 5 HMG's i'd have still lost. THAT'S annoying.
  17. GODDAMN IT. it's me. me. no debate. i just suffered a minor defeat because a 40+ turn battle ended on 42 turns. i was rolling up the flags from one end, infantry clearing the trees. 4 SU-100, 5 T34-85's. no tank losses. no AT shells fired by ATG's at me. everything suppressed with OBA and HMG's and i STILL lose. how the hell do i do it? how do i snatch defeat from the jaws of victory? it's not the first time this has happened against the same OpFor either. how can you judge how much capturing a flag will add? i know it's there to stop tank rushes but it wasn't what i was doing. gaaah.
  18. what is the thinking of having a green FO call in arty which has longer times between salvos? surely his rating doesn't affect the gunners several miles away?
  19. the thought process: have the T70 that discovered the StuG extend past it while the rest of the platoon go round the other way to get it as it turns. keep them close. lots of guns on target. the actual result: the first T70 taken with one shot. the StuG not turned. the next T70 sees it & reverses. hitting the rest of the platoon. they scatter round him/hit him. the StuG comes over the rise. every single tank is facing the wrong way. no survivors.
  20. do any of you red headed step sons have the URL to the famous MGA -v- (can't remember sorry) AAR that's really well done? i'm trying to convince a friend to buy CMBB. or at least that i'm not stoopid for loving it. .... i was going to end there but i feel...strangely.... :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: HOOOAAAARRRGHHH GAAAAAAHH GAAAAHH GAH. jeez does that happen every time you post here? you poor things.
  21. it'd be nice if the labels where at different heights & different colors, with a line pointing from the label to the unit. all togglable. if 2 units are close it would help to see which one it actually applies to.
  22. to delay a mortar firing, give it a rotate order with the area fire order. it will rotate, then rotate back & start firing. if you want to fire some shells then stop, give it a tiny movment order. maybe with a delay. i agree there should be settings for volume of fire. i.e. fire n rounds, harassing fire into an area, fire n rounds/min, etc. but while we're waiting this finagles it.
  23. just to eliminate it being a bug or configuration issue, can you send the turn where you discovered the mines to your friend who never discovers them and have him run it with your password? i am almost sure this will not change anything but it will level the playing field for further discussion.
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