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Other Means

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Everything posted by Other Means

  1. lets make the show right here! seriously i'd love to see a well made documentary that focuses on the changing tactical problems posed and solved by each side, with an overview of the evolution of Blitzkreig and Soviet breakthrough doctrine.
  2. i downloaded the "limestone" rocks last week. just in time i think, i'm playing on a map thats a combo of heavy woods & what i can now see is big patches of rocks. gahh.
  3. i think the top one will go with my grass. i mainly fight early war, how are the M3's coming? drool drool BTW. [typo] [ July 18, 2003, 05:47 AM: Message edited by: Other Means ]
  4. isthemodfinishedyet isthemodfinishedyet isthemodfinishedyet isthemodfinishedyet isthemodfinishedyet isthemodfinishedyet isthemodfinishedyet isthemodfinishedyet isthemodfinishedyet isthemodfinishedyet isthemodfinishedyet?
  5. in a related issue, i'd like to be able to tell scattered tree with trees turned off. maybe dark green dots on the normal background.
  6. can they be destroyed? i'm fighting a river crossing, Demjansk. a map my opponent chose. it has 3 river crossings in heavy woods. my opponent has blocked all 3 crossings with roadblocks. this seems unsporting to me. am i being a crybaby? we didn't establish that he couldn't in the rules so should i just suck it up? i'm close to walking from this, but he seems a nice guy overall. what to do?
  7. cheers Michael. someone else must know what i mean? anyone?
  8. this is about to slip off the front page. anyone read it? no one agree? any admins around?
  9. check out the big brain on Fuerte. thanks for this, it looks amazing. is there any chance of supporting IMAP? we use exchange server in work & i use my work mail at home, so if IMAP was supported it would be seamless for me.
  10. obviously i don't know the code so i can't say how long it would take, but it seems to me a small change for a huge difference in how the game is played. i would like to be able to Ctrl Click around the map with a unit selected. IOW, do not drop a waypoint if the Ctrl Key is pressed but still trigger a map pan. unless i'm doing something wrong (in which case i'll be so happy i'll get over my embarrassment at posting) the game consists of selecting a unit & telling it where to move. to do that you've got to pan the map. this happens at a certain speed. what i would like is to select a unit, ^Click a place that might be suitable, drop down to 1 to check LOS, then drop the waypoint. the time taken to do this is reduced to negligible. what you more normally end up doing is ^Clicking to likely spots then going back for the unit, dropping the waypoint then going to 1 & adjusting it. does anybody else have any hints that i'm doing it wrong? have i missed something obvious? if not, can it be included for CMAK? phuleeeze?
  11. hey! all MY T34's look the same! i did wonder why.
  12. is it part of the "mg 1 sec to setup can move & still be 1 sec from setup" bug? (what? bump? me?)
  13. i've been getting my arse toasted in an ME vs Aquilifer. i set waypoints for an out of command T34 in one turn. in the next i was able to move these where i wanted as they were still white. save games available if it's a bug.
  14. yep. just clicking round the map & not losing my unit. that's allllll i want. not having to scroll a 5mph/^click then go back for the unit would be lovely. cheers.
  15. here's one teeny tiny request. allow Ctrl Click with a unit selected. only drop the waypoint if there's no modifier key depressed.
  16. Flesh, these mods are getting better & better. thanks. i hope you're doing the early war ones too? you know, when i started playing CM (5 months?) i never thought i'd get into mods. the way things looked seemed immaterial to me. but then i had to get the gridded terrain...oh & my T70's look a bit boring...and...and so it begins.
  17. you're in a giant pressure cooker surrounded by loose clothes, oil, grease, cordite, fuel & high explosive shells. if the whole lot starts to go on fire the chances are you're not going to stop it. getting out might be a smart move. especially if the igniter is some kind of burning material that is designed to carry on burning & be difficult to put out. thinking about it molotovs may be under modelled in the game. does anybody have any proof one way or another? cheers.
  18. Flesh, these mods are making me groggy. i'm going to download them so fast there'll be camo splashed on the back of my PC.
  19. rarity is definately on. thanks for the replies. a Valentine? i've never used one. can it duke it out/stand a chance vs Stug's at distance or should i do the usual Soviet close the distance dash?
  20. what would you use, Stuarts, KV's or T34's? are the Stuart's ROF & optics worth investing in? are the optics better for long range? will it fontally penetrate a Stug at 500m? just agreeing some params with a mate for a QB so i need to know. cheers.
  21. don't get me wrong, i use Mr Noobie's T34 but it doesn't match my grass .
  22. i've checked CMMODS & can't find T34 M43's. i got the one from military gamer which is Mr Noobie's but i'm not too keen on it. if you've got links to others i would appreciate it. [ July 01, 2003, 03:23 PM: Message edited by: Other Means ]
  23. and could someone pleeeeeeze do a mod for T34's NOT captured by the Germans. go on. please. i'll be your best mate. there's a million Tigers out there but ONE (i've found) T34.
  24. does anyone know of any more? no offence but i'm not too keen on these.
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