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Other Means

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Everything posted by Other Means

  1. the SU-100 was 3 streets away behind a building. it was unbuttoned but there were no casualty stats on it. i think i'll send the game to BFC.
  2. she go bump diddy-bump diddy-bump diddy-bump diddy-bump.
  3. i've just completed a PBEM game with a friend which had 3 peculiarities in. saved games available. 1) i've got a screen shot which has one of his PzIV's targetting an SMG squad through > 4 buildings. i know this isn't a new bug as it's been discussed before but it is the worst case of it i've seen. 2) at the end i have 1 12.7mm VHMG credited with (HT's plus) 2 PzIV's, while a 45mm ATG which achieved multiple peretrations is not credited with any. is this because it was the last thing to hit the tanks before the crew bailed? or is it possible that they made the crew bail? 3) i had an SU-152 waiting in ambush. not visable to the enemy. it was fine in the last movement phase but looking at the end screen he is "shocked". there is also a HT (da big gunned one) credited with a SU-152. i only had the one. do you think the HT driver shouted naughty words in the general direction of him? was he scared? would this have affected the final score? again. saves available.
  4. my girlfriend just asked if it was a haunted house. so i guess they look real. love the flowers on the windowledge, the rain stains, the grass, the kicked in doors. everything. outstanding work.
  5. welcome. check out the FAQ if you need hints. there's examples of how to attack/defend etc. real world tactics get you a long way.
  6. what would the Axis access* to oil situation have been after a British withdrawl from the war? i think that was a major contribution to the German defeat. *say that 3 times fast.
  7. i've just started using this on a new dawn match. it's absolutely beautiful. it gives me the feeling of men creeping round, before the action starts. tired from too little sleep but warmed by the sun on their skin & the knowledge of hard action to come. stunning.
  8. ok, can i narrow the focus for a minute. let's think about the fantastic one step at a time. would Barbarossa have succeeded if Germany had not been fighting the commonwealth?
  9. i think there's a difference between knocking the commonwealth out of the war & invading. i think the former was possible while the latter very improbable. and if the British Isles aren't invaded they, and the RN, act as a barrier to the USA. it's possible that the commonwealth would have sued for peace if the USA hadn't come into the war (another topic maybe) or the Battle of the Atlantic had been lost. but i think they wouldn't have stayed out once the USA had given their backing. so no Z fleet. and if it had come to it, i think the RN would have relocated to the US. i think Barbarossa would have gone forward & it think it would have succeeded. at least to the point where they control eastern Europe. if they are given a couple of years there to entrench, i don't think any Soviet counter would have worked. especially as the Soviets used so many "bonus troops" from their liberated ("liberated") areas to fuel their next advance. a better German response to the first Soviet counters means that they don't capture as much ground, cannot get more troops and cannot develop their operational art as well.
  10. yeah the interweb is good for that . welcome to the forum.
  11. although i'm no expert, i do think cover arcs are used slightly wrong. give the overwatch squads highest range 180o cover arcs facing the enemy. this means they will be encoraged to fire at anything they see. this will hopefully avoid the situation where the ambushers are *just* outside the cover arc. the 1/2 squad scouting is good, also recce by fire. hope this helps.
  12. that's the best thing i've seen on the net for ages. and yet, i know when i try to regale my non-text mates with it, it won't have the same impact.
  13. which wouldn't have been that remarkable except EXACTLY the same thing happened to me yesterday.
  14. i can imagine him teetering on the brink, feeling put upon by all sides. hiding his secret pain with wild accusations but, you know, keeping it all in one bag. and then the horrible thought wispers in the darkest chamber of his mind "You know, he's actually ok this Seana....AAAAARRRGGGGH." can you imagine the self lothing? he really is more to be pitied than hated.
  15. i'm sorry, is this theory on Borg spotting accurate? ISTM that it's always active. but obviously i've not been playing the game as long. could we have a definative answer?
  16. as usual JasonC sums it all up. this is IMHO exactly what rarity *should* do. it should give you a force mix representative of the average unit on the ostfront. yes, it should be possible to get all the top of the range equipment in scenarios etc but you should get what they had for QB's. also, if the AI made sensible force choices i think a lot more people would leave it to choose them. maybe a bugger to impliment but i think if you've set up a QB of, say, area south, 02/03, it should give a force mix representative of what would be there. i know it's a hellish amount of data to collect but it would be fun.
  17. i think it's the infestation of grogs. nasty bloody things. they're all "what's your source" this. and "Glantz says" that. it's hard to accuse people of bias when they've got facts they can quote. also, the game is a long drawn out thing. you play over days to months by email. you make friends this way. i think the general forum tends to lack this social glue and is the poorer for it. {edit for apostrophe } [ October 20, 2003, 06:24 PM: Message edited by: Other Means ]
  18. ? i think a message saying "man lost" or "man wounded" would be good.
  19. i completely agree with Toniet! (see, it's not too bad to post. welcome to the forum) what i would really like is the grid overlay but also in the order phase a tool to multiply the Y axis by 2 (4 etc...). this would enable small depressions to be seen better. maybe shift Y would do.
  20. sorry sorry. i know i've been away but LOOK at this prototype of "The Hat". damn a wing's fell off. hang on it's sprung a leek. oohh.. fu
  21. it's nice to see on the AAR Developer: Battlefront.com Publisher: Battlefront.com kudos.
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