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Other Means

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Everything posted by Other Means

  1. and while i'm waiting for Santa to drop CMAK into my stocking, does anyone have a pic of a Churchill AVRE blowing one into the stratosphere?
  2. that's the one. from the kursk scenario pack. i played as the Allies & squeaked a 55/45. most enjoyable game i've ever had.
  3. from what i've seen on these here forums it's not possible to have the MG do any damage, even morale damage, to crew behind suitable armour. a 50 cal against a HT - yes. an MG42 against a JS2 - nope. and i always thought the MG fire was to button the TC & give a slight spotting advantage. you live and learn i suppose.
  4. the best (PBEM) scenario i've played is "Ghost column at Ravenetz". not sure about the Ravenetz bit. i was playing against a mate in the US, i'm in the UK and it made me wait up till 2am every night to see the movie.
  5. OT, are you named for HMS Warspite ? ahhh got to be my favorite ship. hard to think of a 36k ton dreadnought as having personality but that one certainly did. fought in Jutland, where a British Cruiser was damaged & being set upon by the German High Seas fleet. Warspites steering jammed, she circled around the cruiser drawing fire while it escaped. then the the steering magically un-jammed allowing it to escape. then fought in WWII before being sold for scrap. she wouldn't go and parted her tow lines to beach herself. personality i tell you.
  6. tell ze factory the ejection seats were NOT a complete success. {typo} [ November 22, 2003, 07:54 PM: Message edited by: Other Means ]
  7. this may be related to the way my registry just #@^^ked up, i had to go back to a restore point. it ignored all my modifier keys, and anything i clicked didn't submit an onClick but highlighted everything( kind of thing). sorry, i've translated what happened into the internet equivalent but i'm talking about the OS. i couldn't left click a button, but i could right click. i'm using XP pro V2002 (vanilla), GeForce 4600 Ti [ November 21, 2003, 07:51 PM: Message edited by: Other Means ]
  8. i noticed when i switched between show all cover arcs then back to show selected unit (with some others commands in between) if i then set a cover armour arc, the cover armour arc wasn't displayed. save available. unfortunately i was too involved in the demo to save before i'd solved it. sorry. [ November 21, 2003, 07:48 PM: Message edited by: Other Means ]
  9. the guys going into buildings routing your guys inside depends upon the firepower of the troops. if they are assaulting with a SMG squad while you're defending with a rifle squad, their firepower in the 400's while yours is 100-200. therefore they will be able to lay down "the smack" at shorted ranges.
  10. ok, if you back away very slowly the two of you *may* get away with it. remember - this is how PENG started.
  11. i think Bradley was probably the most brilliant military commander of all time. after all, i always come out as him when i do those "which general are you" tests.
  12. i don't think it would be collusion as much as them all sharing the same paradigm. they were all in similar military positions. such positions get much the same information, most of it passed laterally. therefore they would all come to the same conclusions. the veracity of that conclusion is to be questioned. even ascribing the German Officers the highest of motives, they may have explained their own failures the same way. this is just how people & organisations work.
  13. well, if you play by Franko's ironman rules you probably shouldn't have the grids. but i think it's a reasonable compromise. i also think it'd be great to be able to enforce Franko's rules or whatever.
  14. thanks for all the responses. i'll probably pick up the Glantz first, although i do find his books a chore. Andreas. thanks for the site. the posts in this forum & that site are what sparked my interest in the first place. however i don't really have the time to go through all the journals etc, so i need a condensed version. cheers all.
  15. what it does is put a thin grid over the terrain so you can see the rises & falls better. not as good as contours to join areas of equal height but useful nontheless. contour lines would be cool. also, being able to press "alt Y" or something & multiplying the Y axis by 1.5/3 etc in the orders, or even in the preliminary planning stage, would be useful.
  16. is there a bitmap for this? i downloaded the Red Victory (i think) interface mod. it has the picture of the Reichstag with the Soviet banner over it. brilliant. but the splash screen is still the cartoonish StuG in the snow. is that changable too? if you haven't guessed by now number 5, most of the way the game looks can be changed. there are some people here who do amazing work. go to CM Mods to download them. the first thing you need is the gridded terrain to help you see the lay of the land better. if you're looking for opponents i quite like The Proving Grounds. welcome to the forum 5TH_HORSEMAN.
  17. can anyone tell me a good book about the theory & practice of Soviet deep operations? if it compares and contrasts against Blitzkreig that would be ideal. also, something anecdotal from the Soviet side would be good, if there is such a thing. thanks.
  18. good guess in that case ladoga. literally "it is sweet and proper to die for ones country". originally said by Horace (Odes, iii ii 13), it had been used for thousands of years as a response to people who asked why they had to die in war.
  19. no. but i reckon it's within 3 days. i.e. <= 12/11. all the admins are back on the site. dispensing shiny padlock justice. so they've obviously got time to. therefore they're ticking the last bugs of testtrack. god bless them.
  20. have you tried giving them 180o maximum range covered arcs to encorage them to fire? not saying it'd work but it may.
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