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Other Means

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Everything posted by Other Means

  1. what?! you take the CD out of the drive? what on earth for man? as a workaround, why don't you disable autorun on your CD? assuming you're running win2k from: techgroup21 Click the Start button followed by selecting "Run". Type in "gpedit.msc" and click OK. Click and expand "Computer Configuration", followed by "Administrative Template", followed by "System". Double click "Disable Autoplay" and then select "Enable" followed by clicking "OK". now you get to run the cd by hand, which i find much better..
  2. there was a program on last night which i didn't get to watch fully. however i flicked to it as one old British tanker was telling that he'd had 4 shermans shot out from under him and how the sergeant had had 15. he also said the unlucky ones were the ones that were wounded & couldn't get out of the tank as these burned to death. this would seem to support the non catastrophic fire theory. they would burn, often, but not straight away.
  3. i don't know if this post has the right tone but: i used to work with my gf. she was the girl all the lads in the office lusted after, including me. well anyway, she left & the news that we had started seeing each other could be released, to universal cries of "you lucky, lucky barrrstard". so there are 4 of us in work who play computer games (yes GAMES HAHAHA) 1 guy, Dan, who's a proper mate & 2 others who are, you know, work mates. so i was going on again about CM:BB and one of the other guys said "i don't know how you find the time, i thought you said Sam came round last night?". i looked puzzled and Dan said "...Dude, she lets him play computer games while she watches TV.". there was a stunned, admiring silence. hehe.
  4. after my 133t 82 had TOTALLY oWnzj00...{ahem}. sorry. after my 82mm mortar had expended all it's HE + smoke, i decided to move it off the map. looking at the AAR i couldn't check it's stats as it disappeared. i guess this is well known but i was quite interested in seeing how it had performed, as it was dropping bling into trees. is there any way to do this?
  5. after my 133t 82 had TOTALLY oWnzj00...{ahem}. sorry. after my 82mm mortar had expended all it's HE + smoke, i decided to move it off the map. looking at the AAR i couldn't check it's stats as it disappeared. i guess this is well known but i was quite interested in seeing how it had performed, as it was dropping bling into trees. is there any way to do this?
  6. i was second hardest in the infants. AND i've got me 25 meter swimming.
  7. see if you can get the US version. it's got a printed manual & loads faster i believe. also it's not got any of the wimpy censorship we get (i.e. SS units are called WG in the EU version). also, does anybody know what the US front cover looks like? i got the impression it's a cool t34 silouette rather than the cak one we get.
  8. oh please oh please, does the armour only cower when the tiger turns it's turret? [edit for scan dahlink] [ March 25, 2003, 07:59 PM: Message edited by: Other Means ]
  9. if the game isn't winnable, why not stage a fighting withdrawal? seems more realistic to me, & you might get a few tasty rear shots (oo-er) as your opponent tries to capitalize on the retreat.
  10. find it via google, then click "translate this page" it's a bit "the pen of my aunt" but you can make it out.
  11. thats got to affect the cover value. reminds me of when they cut down 1 in 3 trees along the French roads. Nappy planted them at regular intervals to give the marching troops shade. so when cars where driving at the speed limit, the where going past at 10 a second. hypnotising the drivers & causing crashes. hey! hijacking threads if FUN.
  12. good pics. interesting to note that in the main it wasn't the Russians that did that terrible damage to Berlin, but the western allies. when i flew into Berlin & when i was walking round, somthing struck me as odd & out of place. it took me a while to realise it was because all the trees where the same height.
  13. well in the <strike>rapture</strike> re-write we may be getting a campaign (oh for the full Biltong...) so giving medals etc would make more sense then. actually, i may be labouring under a mis-apprehension here, is an infantry casualty a man or a squad?
  14. and for perhaps the first time, the losers wrote the history. the USSR became the new threat, therefore german history & views where what became the established view in the west. and even with that there was a catalogue of bad decisions and appalling behaviour. [ March 19, 2003, 10:40 AM: Message edited by: Other Means ]
  15. i'll get some up. & i might host the save game somewhere. i'm sure in the annals of CM it's nothing special, but it sure felt good at the time.
  16. 4/43, midday, fair weather, me defending the AI axis assault with its +1 experience. would the board think it "gamey" that i had trenches stretched across the width of the map? with my brave pioneers in the patches of trees between. ahhhh, the sweet noise of top penetrations as my stout boys took out 8 stugs. 6 crack, 1 veteran, 1 elite. they made me proud. special mention must go to Ser Iudichev regular pioneer squad: while defending a vital patch of woods to the right of the centre, Ser Iudichev stood fast against a hoard of nazi infantry. causing at least 10 casualties he stood his ground. keeping good dicipline within his squad even with 4 out of 9 men wounded he managed to also destroy a mortar. then, as the germans tried to assault with armour, the squad attacked out of the trees. Ser Iudichev personally placed the demo charge that destroyed a StuG IIIF/8. for this i recommend him for the order of lenin.
  17. slightly off topic but a good (apocryphal?) story. my mate told me the story of his friend, John Ridgeway Sutch (of ridgeway teas as it happens). John was the British Army liason to the gurkhas during WWII. they where doing a briefing about a jump into the jungle. "So, you'll be dropped about 5,000 foot above the jungle..." this caused some commotion amongst the gurkha command who asked, "can we be dropped, maybe at 500 feet?" "but your parachutes wouldn't have time to open." "...ahhhh. parachutes". as i say, maybe not true but the fact that the story gets told is a measure of the toughness of them.
  18. yeah, i've noticed that. i tend to pick my own forces but i've started making the AI pick armour, if left to itself it wouldn't even attempt to win the armour battle. it would end up with 1 med tank & 10 HT. so now of course it ends up armour heavy. at least that gives some sort of challenge but i'd rather be facing a good mix. your point about the map: this seems to tally with a few things i've seen in the forum over the past few weeks. when people were testing the unhittable AT gun they had large numbers of tanks firing at it, a lot of the tanks shells hit the same craters. some one was saying how a shrek went on a good run & killed 2 tanks, not missing with 5 shots. this is possible but not probable. your map ended up being regular in its hillyness. now, all these factors share a common thread. the random number generator. i was wondering if it's possible that the RNG is not quite as random as we'd like? this all kind of reminds me of a Dilbert cartoon where he went to heck (a toned down hell) & there was a demon there that acted as a RNG. it just kept saying "nine, nine, nine, nine..." and of course no one knew if it was random or not. in other words, all these things above are possible but if we plotted the RNG number produced against a graph, would the graph average out or would it have distribution peaks? so: a) AI's force mix not good. possible small glitch in RNG. <hr> thanks for the OPFOR info last week BTW. [ March 12, 2003, 05:01 AM: Message edited by: Other Means ]
  19. with the models, if it walks like a duck & quacks like a duck, then it is an IS3. or halftrack. or duck. or whatever.
  20. when i'm plotting a movement order, i like to get down to level 1 - 2 and plot from there. what i'd really like is to be able to keep, say shift or alt down & be able to click to a portion of the map & be taken there with the movement order unplaced but still active. that way i can jump around the map & put waypoints where i need them. i quite like having everything hotkey. it's got a nice unixy feel to it. the variable scroll/rotate speed is a big yes. also, i never use any of the buttons on the bottom bar. maybe have the bottom bar info in floating windows? if we get 1 for 1 soldier sprites then a lot of the info wouldn't be needed. or not needed as prominantly. also when i press for an elevation level i'd like it to zoom the way it does when you click the interface button. i think the tree on-off as well as density is good. i'd also like to be able to toggle different types of unit on-off, not just vehicles. i'm of the camp that doesn't want a LOS anywhere tool. i believe that it's more realistic to have to go to a place to be sure of LOS. not a very structured response but work beckons. screams, really.
  21. working on the superhighinterweb, a lot of my work is change requests like this. but i think everyone here knows the frustration Charles must be feeling having to go back & fix CM when the whole of the BTS team must be baying to do the re-write. so, cheers for fixing the showstopper. forget the new models. i've got hot cash here waiting for CM2 (3, 4 ...).
  22. sorry KV-2, that part of the post was actually (poor) humour. i was using intentionally not bad phrases to be ironic. sorry for the confusion.
  23. welcome the the forum. so, the phrases are like: "go away you naughty facist" or "i've been shot, how distressing". anyway, i am only just beginning to hear a more balanced view of the russian front, so you will be getting a lot of questions. cheers,
  24. ah yes. but i see you have accidentally used the russian early war stealth building. manufactured by "comrade billskis best bouncy castle inc" they where used extensively by the russians in the early parts of the war to convince the german high command that their maps where inaccurate. a falacy which lingers to this day. and before anyone accuses me of not adding to the discussion, i'm going to bed. goodnight.
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