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1) Is there no random map generator in this game like CMBO had?

2) Can I create my own map in the scenario editor, save it to the maps directory and then use is as a QB map? That allows each player to purchase the troops they want and then place them where they want?

3) What is the "XO" squad? What are their duties?

Thank you,


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1) No, unfortunately not. BFC states that the complexity and fidelity of the CMx2 terrain system makes it unfeasible to implement a random map generator.

2) Yes you can. For single player, you also have to create AI plans.

3) They do not serve any special purpose in the game, as far as I recall.

Best regards,


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1) You are correct, there is no random map generator. With the increased complexity and fidelity of the terrain in the CMx2 engine, random maps would turn out really weird.

2) Yes, you can. I've never done it though. Perhaps someone more knowledgeable can chime in here? :)

3) They're there because XOs were there on the field, and because if the CO team bites it, the XO team will take over. How you use them up until the CO bites it is up for debate. :D

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expanding on #1 from your first set of questions: Once you learn about the AI Plans in the editor then you will see why random generated maps are unfeasible. Basically a map designer has to make AI plans for each map, otherwise the computer controlled units just sit there and do nothing. Having randomly generated maps with randomly generated AI Plans would end up in disaster.

Your second set of questions:

1. No set number yet - All we know is that the next one should be Brit/Canadian in Normandy. They're are rumors of a Market Garden after that.

2. None announced yet and it's doubtful that they will until a month or so before it's release.

3. See #1 - Hopefully will have brit airborne and should also have more German units including King Tigers, SS, paratroops..

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1) Is there no random map generator in this game like CMBO had?

No, and it's a shame and a missed opportunity. We were promised one with modular terrain blocks and all. :( I'll take randomly-generated-but-a-bit-odd-looking maps over oh-look-it's-this-one-again any day. Sometimes when map generators turn up strange things it's really cool - ask anyone who's played Dwarf Fortress.

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I'll take randomly-generated-but-a-bit-odd-looking maps...

BFC's argument is that the complexity of the terrain models means that any random method wouldn't produce "funny lookin' kids" but full-blown zero-survival mutants. Given that, AIUI, one side has to pick their troops before the other even gets to preview the map, it'd be a colossal waste of time doing the random walk to even a 'barely acceptable' map generated at random. Which is a crying shame, to be sure.

The "modular blocks" idea was a good one, but I don't think it was a promise, just a promise to look into whether that was a satisfactory and practicable compromise, and I believe it turned out to be neither. I'd like it to be possible to import/copy-paste maps and sections/layers of maps into the map editor. Mish-mashing together bits from existing maps would make generating your own maps (and contributing to the general pool of map bits that would then be practicable) significantly less daunting.

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There are two issues that need to be resolved for auto maps to work. These have only been touched on so far. How the map looks and works is important. Who wants a village on a cliff or train tracks under water? This is far beyond whether or not the correct deciduous trees are correctly spaced on an orchard area. The second issue is more intractable; AI planning. Each QB map released by BF.C has AI plans for each of the battle types; probes, meeting engagement, attack, assault - for EACH side. These plans are needed for your computer opponent to have any play value. Therefore, in order to make random (or modular built) QB maps, BF.C needs to have the programming in place to create AI plans on the fly after your map is created.

A compromise solution would be the modular map making ability (randomly or semi-randomly selected pre-made blocks put together for a map), and have that only work for human vs. human play. That would enable random-ish maps and skirt the AI issue.

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Hi, some more questions:

1) How do I know the HQ or Company leaders are close enough to their men to give them the support points? In CMBO there was a black or red line, I don't see any indicators.

2) I am noticing a significant advantage for Axis armour over Allied armour making the game to imbalanced to play. Am I the only one noticing that?

Thank you,


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1) How do I know the HQ or Company leaders are close enough to their men to give them the support points? In CMBO there was a black or red line, I don't see any indicators.

Check the bottom-left corner of the screen. You will see a list of each unit's parent formations, and there will be a colored circle next to each one. If the circle is green, they have contact, if red, they have no contact. I'd refer you to the manual here for specifics; there are also a number of indicators that show how each unit is staying in contact.

2) I am noticing a significant advantage for Axis armour over Allied armour making the game to imbalanced to play. Am I the only one noticing that?

Depends. You'd have to be more specific. Are you charging Panthers and Tigers frontally with Shermans? Historically, that did not work out very well for the Allies either. ;) I think we've almost heard more complaints that the Germans are underpowered compared to how people expect them to behave historically, particularly the Panzer IV. EDIT: I see sburke has also noticed these debates! :D

It's important to recognize that historically, Panthers and Tigers were just plain better tanks than Shermans in 1-on-1 situations (better armor, especially in the front, bigger gun, arguably better optics, etc.). Now, the big cats had plenty of disadvantages that outweighed these advantages at times, especially in the strategic picture, but on a CM level, if you encounter these bad boys you need to treat them with respect. ;)

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Hi, some more questions:

1) How do I know the HQ or Company leaders are close enough to their men to give them the support points? In CMBO there was a black or red line, I don't see any indicators.

There are indicators above the suppression meter for a unit for voice and sight command. After a couple of games you'll get a feel for how far away teams can get and still have some sort of C2. Clicking on a platoon element will show you the units that are in its command 'bucket' by highlighting the icons. If they're near one another, they'll be in command.

There are half a dozen reasons why the old command lines were not put in to the x2 engine when they were writing it. Search should dig you the discussions up without us having to rehearse them.

2) I am noticing a significant advantage for Axis armour over Allied armour making the game to imbalanced to play. Am I the only one noticing that?

Yes, some German tanks are hard for a Sherman to kill from the front. It's not imbalanced though because there are many ways of dealing with Panthers and StuGs which don't involve tank duels.

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2) I am noticing a significant advantage for Axis armour over Allied armour making the game to imbalanced to play.

It's largely situational. On a big, open map Allied armor can be in big, big trouble. It's pretty easy to come up with an "imbalanced" QB or scenario.

But, historically, the Allies did a pretty good job of avoiding that situation in Normandy. It's not really that difficult to avoid imbalanced QBs and scenarios.

So I'd say it's incorrect to claim the "game" is imbalanced. Any number of battles, OTOH, could be.

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