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The moment I realized...

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...that I will spend hours and hours with this game. Please post your "it"-moment.

For me: Reaching the top of the cliffs of Pointe du Hoc, soldiers scurrying back and forth for cover, bullits flying everwhere - all hell breaking loose. One of my all time gaming moments.

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...that I will spend hours and hours with this game. Please post your "it"-moment.

For me: Reaching the top of the cliffs of Pointe du Hoc, soldiers scurrying back and forth for cover, bullits flying everwhere - all hell breaking loose. One of my all time gaming moments.

I liked CMSF and cmBB and cmAK, so my it-moment was as soon as I learned CMBN was being worked on.

But still CMBN was surprisingly good in a visceral way as I first noted when in the Vierville scenario, I had about 100 paratroopers storm the town with the German mortar fire landing behind them. All those little guys seemed to know where they were going. There was a very different feel to it even in comparision with say the Total War battles.

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During Barkmann's corner a Sherman moving by a German infantry ambush position is showered with grenandes and small arms fire resulting in the crew abandoning their tank.

I watched this a few times at zoom 1 and close in. Amazing action.

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...that I will spend hours and hours with this game. Please post your "it"-moment.

The minute I fired up CMBB. It played like I wanted my miniature model war games to play back when I was a teanagger. I alway had trouble with the micro managing of all the soldiers and vehicles or the compromise of having a single tank represent a platoon of tanks. The issue of surprise and LOS when you tried to game. It just never seemed to work.

When two friends of mine were talking about the new CM title Battle for Normandy I asked them "what's kind of game is that?" I bought CMBB and AK that night and we played those two games while we waited for CMBN to come out. It sure made the wait more bearable:) In fact even though I have multi CMBN games on the go right now I still have two CMBB games going too.

What a brilliant idea CM was and still is. A perfect use of a computer:)

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the moment i played the demo scenario "chance ecounter" with my buddy on CMBO, sadly he claims he no longer remembers those scenarios (although, he is a controlfreak so the fact that im mentioning them to him usually triggers the "i dont remember that at all" kind of response... hes a bit of a dick)

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"What a brilliant idea CM was and still is. A perfect use of a computer"

A perfect use of a computer. Yup, that sums it up for me. When I first found the demo of CMBO, it was many years after I had started gaming on computers (Commodaore, BBC, Atari(s), IBM PCs etc.). I downloaded the demo and thought, "Yes! Someone has finally worked out what a personal computer is for".

Years roll by, technology and personal circumstances change, and now, when I think about it, I could cheerfully dump my PC - except for CMX2. Combat Mission, it is what personal computers were made for.

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Several 'it' moments...

#1: Finding the initial CMBO Alpha AAR online, and watching that battle unfold, cursing Fionn and Moon for not posting turn updates as fast as I wanted them.

#2: CMBO: Going down to view level 1 right behind my Tiger commander, and riding along as my pixeltruppen, Tiger and Stugs assaulted the town.

#3: CMBO (several minutes later): Going up in flames right behind my Tiger commander when 3 Hellcats appeared on the ridge above, and blasted the Tiger.

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Prepare to be mightily impressed with the realism of this game (which can be rather unforgiving at times...).

Oh, I have been. I played so many games of CMx1 I was just sick of the sight of the cartoony little men. Still loved the game in principal. I was bitterly disappointed that the first CMx2 was modern. Sorry, that's just the way it is. My primary thing is historical interest. But now I'm back and gloriously wasting my time playing a computer game again. It even looks nicer. And that's important as it makes it more immersive.

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Playing busting the bocage as the German side in the demo and watching this German leader singlehandedly bolstering the defense in the sunken road. First leading an ambush of the advancing GIs, then scrounging a PzShk to kill a Sherman then finally being gunned down as he was trying to scrounge more ammo for the PzShk. His loss was gut wrenching.

Then on the other side of the map watching as my PzShk executed a perfect kill on a Sherman and supporting engineers when the support guy opened up on the tank with his MP, causing the TC to button up and nailing some of the engineers. The gunner then nails the Sherman and the two of them finished off the crew as they exited with their MPs. I just sat back and watched it over and over again in awe.

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But to answer the original question: There was a demo that wasn't Chance Encounter and had a couple of Pz. IVs and some infantry on the German side. The Americans has some infantry and some Shermans. I remember sending one Sherman straight ahead to distract the Pzs. while another one hustled around the back of a woods so as to take the Panzers from the rear. I think the first Sherman had taken out one of the Krauts but had been nailed by his buddy, so the whole game hinged on the second Sherman. He got into position and fired a shot. It missed. Damn! Okay, the German now knows someone is gunning for him and the turret starts to come around. I'm going, "Shoot! Shoot" as the Sherman slowly reloads. And just before the Pz. can get a bead on him, he finally does and it's a kill! Yay!



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Well, having been a CMx1 fanatic, I was pretty sure unless it was !@#$, I'd be spending many, many hours with it, but this was confirmed when I downloaded CMSF in order to familiarize myself with the UI. When CMSF original demo came out, it was pretty rough, and I never gave it further consideration. Fast forward to a couple weeks before the CMBN demo was released, and I found CMSF v1.31 was a very, very polished engine. I knew then that CMBN was going to be up to the standards I've come to expect from CM.

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I remember playing the original "Chance Encounter" demo over and over in the Labor/Delivery callroom during my 2nd year as a med student.

I agree with the other guy who said it was like the perfect embodiment of all those miniatures games I never had the time or money to play as a teenager.

To this day, the entire series (even that original demo) stands head and shoulders above every other wargame I have. Nothing else ever really nailed it.

My latest obsession is CM: Afghanistan. If any of you passed it up - don't. It totally rocks. Plus, I happen to be married to a Russian girl and she likes to watch me blow up Mujaheddin ;). Sorry - her dad was in a Brigada morskoi strelkovy (Navy Rifle Brigade). That stuff runs deep with these people. Unlike most Americans, they *remember*...

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For CMBO, one of my first "Chance Encounter" games. I barely knew what I was doing and ended up getting an American squad isolated in the church. They bravely fended off multiple assaults before eventually running low on ammo and succumbing to one more German push. I think they ended up with around 30 kills.

For CMBN, played "Last Defense" as Americans and managed to pretty much mangle things up from the get go. After mauling my troops outside the village, the Germans were advancing a Tiger and a StuG right up the main road into the village. I had one bazooka team left but they had already panicked once. I was stalking the German armor with that brittle team when, unexpectedly, both German AFV's turned down two parallel side streets surrounding the building that my AT team was standing behind. I went down to view level 1 and watched as they rumbled right past my team, without either AFV spotting my team. My guys pumped one rocket round into the StuG and then turned their attention to the Tiger. They hit the Tiger from the rear, but to my horror it rumbled on. Still, the turret kept pointing forward, so my team had remained unnoticed. I waited on pins and needles for my team to load and fire another round. Just when the gunner was ready to fire again, he took a hit and fell backwards and his assistant threw up his hands?!? I rotated my view to see what could possibly have happened and there stood the StuG crew, taking revenge for the loss of their machine. It was like the best 30 seconds from a great action movie!

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For me, there were two moments.

1) 2001 or 2002 I googled "Tactical wargame" and discovered the CMBO demo. It actually worked on my work computer. I played the crap out of that demo. It wasn't exactly what I dreamed of, but it was the closest thing I could find. I eventually found all three CMx1 games in the same package and bought that. Many hours were spent playing that.

2) My first mission in CMSF. I knew I wanted it since seeing an early shot of it in PCGamer magazine, but years went by and I forgot about it. Then, in July 2007, I noticed it finally came out and bought it right away. Now THIS was a lot closer to what I was looking for! It has only snowballed from there. :)

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Did you nag tea often? Like daily? Or more than once a day? Or just when you were in a bad mood?



This made me LOL.I had a bad day today.Fricken Chicago drivers,How they don't see a 70 foot long 80'000 pound 18 wheeler is beyond me.I needed a good LOL.Thanks.:D

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Had to be with that original CMBO demo.

It was like someone had read my mind.

Computer upgrades are now totally entwined with Combat mission releases.There are other reasons of course,it's just I can never remember what they are.

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My intention with this thread was CMBN "it" moments, but old moments are also welcome, so I might as well share my first "it" moment. It was with CMBB. I had tested the demo on a mac but to my chagrin it didn't work. A couple of years later I got a PC and remembered CMBB and bought it. I never really got into it at first, probably because I started with too big scenarios. Then, what could have amounted to my last try with the game, I played a scenario with fog. Then all of a sudden, out of nowhere, I saw this huge flame scorching my unsuspecting troops. It was a flamethrower. Didn't even know they were in the game! From that moment on I was hooked by CMBB and just a few months later CMAK. I've played them (SF era of no interest) since then, but somehow CMBN flew under the radar, so it came as a surprise to me - a VERY welcome one as I was reading Anthony Beevors D-Day book at the time.

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