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Warning !!! Smoke rounds

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In a game im playing at the moment i ran a platoon across some open ground and when they got within 25 meters of the smoke rounds i was putting down from some Shermans they took casualties as though it was HE that was being fired, i lost two men from each squad and numerous wounded :(

Did this happen in reality or is it a bug ?

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Yup smoke comes from WP - burny. Also the round the WP is in would hurt if it hits.

If I recall there has been some discussion about smoke rounds and their effect on dismounts. Could have been it was over in CMSF where popping and firing smoke is de-rigour to avoid being totalled!

Oh I'm devastated for your guys loss ;) A few less Amis to mow down as you human wave my positions :)

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In a game im playing at the moment i ran a platoon across some open ground and when they got within 25 meters of the smoke rounds i was putting down from some Shermans they took casualties as though it was HE that was being fired, i lost two men from each squad and numerous wounded :(

Did this happen in reality or is it a bug ?

The smoke rounds from the Sherman were White Phosphorus which is a bursting round that will cause serious burns to anyone caught in its spray. This is modelled in BN, even though the smoke generation is modelled as though it's a base-ejection type. So yes, this is what would happen in reality.

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Yup smoke comes from WP - burny. Also the round the WP is in would hurt if it hits.

If I recall there has been some discussion about smoke rounds and their effect on dismounts. Could have been it was over in CMSF where popping and firing smoke is de-rigour to avoid being totalled!

Oh I'm devastated for your guys loss ;) A few less Amis to mow down as you human wave my positions :)

Well someones got to inflict casualties on my men, and as you aren't i might as well :P

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I have it on excellent authority - from my father who lead an 81-mm mortar platoon in Normandy - that WP was a favored means of clearing Germans out of their defense positions, particularly in tree lines where tree bursts could occur.

too bad we have little of it :)

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But not all smoke rounds are WP - only the M4A3 wet storage ones carry them as far as Shermans go. And WP is pretty nasty, but I keep taking casualties from non-WP smoke rounds. I have no idea, did non-WP have an explosive charge in them to spread the smoke?

They are not bursting shells, but still dangerous:

Zinc chloride smoke is grey-white and consists of tiny particles of zinc chloride. The most common mixture for generating these is the zinc chloride smoke mixture (HC), consisting of hexachloroethane, grained aluminium and zinc oxide. The smoke consists of zinc chloride, zinc oxychlorides, and hydrochloric acid, which absorb the moisture in the air. The smoke also contains traces of organic chlorinated compounds, phosgene, carbon monoxide, and chlorine.

Its toxicity is caused mainly by the content of strongly acidic hydrochloric acid, but also due to thermal effects of reaction of zinc chloride with water. These effects cause lesions of the mucous membranes of the upper airways. Damage of the lower airways can manifest itself later as well, due to fine particles of zinc chloride and traces of phosgene. In high concentrations the smoke can be very dangerous when inhaled. Symptoms include dyspnea, retrosternal pain, hoarseness, stridor, lachrymation, cough, expectoration, and in some cases haemoptysis. Delayed pulmonary edema, cyanosis or bronchopneumonia may develop. The smoke and the spent canisters contain suspected carcinogens.

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I'd say, while the barrage is in progress you run the risk of being KO'd by the falling rounds (anything falling from height will hurt you).

It would be safe to run through a "normal" smoke screen but perhaps not a WP one, unless it was drifting.

HC or normal smoke will only choke you and give you cancer in 30 years time. WP will burn the flesh from your bones.

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did non-WP have an explosive charge in them to spread the smoke?

HC smoke (non-WP) used a base ejection system rather like tear gas. But I'm not entirely sure what in the game might be firing HC smoke. 75mm Shermans are exclusively firing the 75mm WP 'artillery' round. From all I can locate 76mm/3inch shells didn't field a WP smoke round. I understand one M10 unit in Normandy did someting very 'creative'. They 'borrowed' a batch of bootleg Navy 3 inch star shells, mated them to the correct shell casing then used them to good effect as direct fire incendiary rounds. :eek:

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Okay, had a chance to run a few quick tests.

Heres the skinny on SMOKE rounds in CMBN:

1. There appears to be two types of SMOKE rounds in CMBN: a general SMOKE round and the WP rounds. As it should, the WP seems to generate smoke much quicker, which also lasts longer.

2. Do not assume that all Shermans have WP - in reality only the M4A3(75)W Early and Mid have them, all other Shermans (including 105's and 76's) have normal smoke rounds. The M8 HMC also has WP, as does the US 81mm (on-map or off) and offmap 4.2in mortars. Everything else, including all German rounds, are normal SMOKE rounds.

3. In CMBN, WP is definately deadly, as it should be. Dont overlook those shells in your Shermans. In my quick tests, I was seeing casualties against prone, hiding troops in the open up to 125m away.

4. In CMBN, normal SMOKE is also deadly - at times it appears more deadly than WP. Even against prone, hiding troops in the open, normal SMOKE rounds were also causing casualties up to 100m away. And these are instant casualties - not from moving from the smoke or prolonged exposure to the smoke.

After this quick test, I wonder if there is a bug with how normal SMOKE is working. For instance, make a quick test and drop a single 105mm artillery normal SMOKE round in the middle of about 100 dispersed men moving in the open - so this isnt some extreme test where you have 100 guys stuffed into two action spots. A realistic, dispersed skirmish line of squads and support troops. A single 105mm normal SMOKE artillery shell lands somewhat in the middle of these moving troops with the following results:

1 KIA (brown base), 6 WIA (red base) and 4 light wounds

And that was not one squad that it landed on top of. One of the light wounds was 130m away. I can imagine that a 105mm artillery shell of *any* type would cause all sorts of rocks and debris to go flying in every which direction, and any of these could be lethal to exposed troops. So I do agree that some casualties could be possible from normal SMOKE rounds. But up to 130m away? Didnt troops follow 100m behind a rolling HE artrillery barrage?

Anyways, as it stands right now, keep the following in mind:

1. Not all smoke rounds are WP.

2. Both normal SMOKE rounds and WP rounds cause casualties - lots of wounds of all types, not just one guy dropping. Up to over 100m away. Dont fire anywhere close to your own troops, especially large artillery smoke.

3. Smoke grenades do not cause casualties or suppression as far as I can tell.

Hope this all helps.


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I tried to find in the manual different commands for poppning smoke or WP (if available), but found none. Is it basically situational and decided by the TacAi which to use?

No vehicle or artillery asset has both normal SMOKE and WP - they have one or the other. So if you use the TARGET SMOKE command, they will fire whichever one they have - SMOKE or WP. If you use the POP SMOKE command, that is the various smoke mortars, smoke pots, or smoke handgrenades that units have - there is no danger to anyone from the POP SMOKE command.

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