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How many have scenarios in the works?


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Was interested to know how many CMBN players are currently developing scenarios. If you are like me, you probably don't like to spill the beans about a project until you are almost done, so you don't have to go into detail...just wanna know how many are taking the plunge and are working on new battles for the community.


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Ahhh...you know I've seen that thread a 100 times but for some reason I thought you were in the middle of giving an AAR. LOL...man, I am dense sometimes.

SO brotha, how many years will you work on this one? LOL. I believe you hold the record for longest scenario ever developed.


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"No Exit" still in progress. Company w/support Meeting Engagement.


Summer of '45. The Soviets were stopped in Poland, leaving it up to the Western Allies to drive into Germany. The Autobahn becomes target, logistic route for both sides and main line of resistance all in one.

Scenario begins before dawn, with sunrise halfway through the battle. This provides constantly changing LOS values.

Still tuning multiple plans on my first attempt at design. It will be for H2H or either side vs AI. The learning curve is steep, but I believe I may be on the downslope.

Due to the underwhelming response to my Beer&Pretzels approach, I stripped and de-tuned the forces to more historical levels. :)

The process is fun though.

Idea becomes map. Map reveals mission. Mission generates force. Force adjusts map. Force needs plans. Plans adjust map. Test sober. Test drunk.

It would be done if the whole 'single working dad' thing didn't get in the way. ;)

It should be done soon™.

The QB map will be released when the scenario is.


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I am.

Working on a "capture the bridge"-type fictional scenario. I´m rather curious to see how this AI-plan thing is to work with (still working on the map). Thus, I´m not one hundred percent confident that the scenario will play out the way I intended.

But even so I´d at least have produced a hopefully interesting map that others could use for their own scenarios/QB´s. Love the new editor and the possibilities it provides. :)

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Working on a semi-historical (missing Fallschirmjäger and Jagdpanther - change this with the British module I hope) campaign on the period of Dec 2 to Dec 5 44 when the 104th Infantry Division took Luchberg in a series of night / dawn / dusk battles. testing 1st battle.

U.S. reinforced infantry battalion (5-6 inf coys in core. 1-4 in battle + 1 tank coy + 1 tank destroyer coy)

German reinforced fallschirmjäger or volks-grenadier battalions (3-4 inf coys + tiger + panther + stug)


Lucherberg held by II./Fj.Rgt. 8 left the cliff - right slag pile, coal pit and lake.


G/415 has taken Goldstein mine after 1 hour of fighting.


I/415 just crossed the Inde River at the papermill.


The map (still fighting with the out of memory issue ... so its a bit smaller than initially planned)

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I didn't purchase CMBN yet - hi BF, dont block IP's in Balkan and please allow poor people in Kosovo to buy your stuff on-line before I find copies in Chinese fake import store at 1 euro - but had in mind some scenarios about Col de Braus in Southern France ( 517th Para reg.) and the Lorraine tank-battles around Arracourt and the bridge head of Dieulouard.

Despite fact it should be set actually in an autumn vegetation environment,

maybe I will have also a go at Kall trail (Huertgenwald) already.

For the first one I want to try out what is the potential of the editor for a mountain area.

The second one should give you a break from the bocage country and the third one, I was inspired because it is just such an intense episode of the war and I like battles where the strategic aspect of terrain is key factor.

Hence, I was thinking also about Mortain, but I see that is already taken care of.

Expect me to go in overdrive when Bulge game comes out... provided Battlefront by that time tackles firing lines and follow the leader commands...Ooops, sorry, could not resist.

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Working on a semi-historical (missing Fallschirmjäger and Jagdpanther - change this with the British module I hope) campaign on the period of Dec 2 to Dec 5 44 when the 104th Infantry Division took Luchberg in a series of night / dawn / dusk battles. testing 1st battle.

U.S. reinforced infantry battalion (5-6 inf coys in core. 1-4 in battle + 1 tank coy + 1 tank destroyer coy)

German reinforced fallschirmjäger or volks-grenadier battalions (3-4 inf coys + tiger + panther + stug)


The map (still fighting with the out of memory issue ... so its a bit smaller than initially planned)

that's just...huge , is that just an impression? What's the size of the map?

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that's just...huge , is that just an impression? What's the size of the map?

Just the first battle (or if you get thrown out of Lucherberg by the Germans, you'll have to do it again :P) is on a 3200x2400m map built after maps and aerial photographs of the time (due to mining the environment is VERY different today)

All other maps play on a smaller map approx 1500x1400m - basically a cut-out of the large map.

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Still working on my "Saving Private Ryan - Ramelle" battlepack... map 90% done.

The project will include several US v AI /Germans v AI/H2H and Quickbattle scenarios. Actually I am "fighting" with the KI editor so don´t hold your breath...it´s done when it´s done.





Next projects:

"Valley Of Trouble" and "Chance Encounter" conversions from CMBO and two historical "Omaha Beach" scenarios:

1.) The attack on WN 60 (the first German strongpoint taken by the US)

2.) The Battle for The Fortified House (The 2nd Rangers advance at Omaha Beach).

I visited the original historical sites in 2006 and 2007 and took hundreds of photos....so expect at least some accurate maps.



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Working on a tiny one myself ... a small bridge capture scenario set south of St. Lo as the Yanks drive towards Vire, near the small village of Sainte-Marie-Laumont. But yard work and my kids sports schedules keep interfering with any major progress, not to mention full-time work.

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I'm almost finished with semi-historical "tiny" sized infantry scenario depicting the 82nd Airborne's 325th in fighting around the Vindefontaine area on June 14, 1944. I think the map is pretty accurate (based on satellite imaging plus a government topographical map of the area from 1954). Units on both sides are under strength companies.

I'm still tweaking the AI to make it playable from both sides, but hopefully I'll be able to upload it today or tomorrow. I just have to get over the "is it ready?" hump after play testing both sides about 10 times myself. (In a small scenario, goofs seem to really stand out.)

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Mord, I have a couple of ahistorical infantry/few tanks scenarios to go with acouple of maps I'm making (hopefully the maps will be finished and uploaded this weekend as QB maps). These are mostly "practice" scenarios for eventually doing a number of historical scenarios of the 82nd/505th actions around the Mederet River- Ste Mere Eglise June 6-11 or so, as soon as I finish those maps...quite a ways out yet.

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I am working on a hypothetical and fictional location paratrooper drop to secure bridges. I wanted to do it just for fun and in preparation for Market Garden but I'm not using a historical map I'm basing it on a map of a place I used to live but done in Normandy France style.

It will be a while before I get anything worth using because I'm having too much fun playing the game right now:)

PS while researching the order of battle for US paratroopers I was sure I came across mention of a canceled plan to use paratroopers during the breakout from Normandy. But I cannot find mention of it again (it was just a one paragraph mention saying that after the paratroopers returned to England they began training for a new drop to help with the break out but by the time they were close to being ready the ground forces had already passed the planned objectives). Was my mind playing tricks on me or do any of you know about it.

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