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CM:BN Beta AAR/DAR Bois de Baugin US side

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1440 hrs

The fighting in the woods on my left has been brutal. I can only hope that I dealt out as much as I took. 2nd platoon has taken about 60% casualties and 1st platoon has take 55%. That leaves enough men to fight but they are skittish right now I’m not sure how many have the will.


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On the right 2nd Platoon G Company continue to be pinned down by sniper fire from the hill and mortar fire that is probably being called in from the HQ unit I have spotted. I’ve brought a forward observer up and with any luck will be able to suppress them enough to move forward some. In this screen shot you can see the target area. I am calling in both off map 81mm mortars and on map 60 mm indirect fires. The green lines you see indicate which on map mortar is being used.


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Based on my condition on my left flank I need to reassess what I plan to do with the men up there. First I’ll need to regroup but after that I will need to handle these men with care. I can’t expect them to follow orders to the letter and I expect to use them for any type of aggressive action. I also have to decide what to do with all the clickity-clacks that I have trapped in the back corner with them. I also need to couple this with the rest of my forces. It is finally time I deal with the whole field of battle.

On hill 154 to my left I will move what is left of 1st and 2nd Platoons along the North side of the tree line. I want to spread them as much along that line as possible so that they might provide some security against and German units that may still be in the woods as I move my Sherman West with them hoping to still get that over watch position I have been working so had for. (green area)

In the center I want to probe, along the road leading to the Villa, with 3rd Platoon F Company. After reaching the intersection in front of them they should proceed toward the Villa using the trees lining the road as cover. (pink area)

To the West as the mortar fire begins to fall I will advance 3rd Platoon G Company and what is left of 2nd and 3rd Squad 2nd Platoon along the road to a position behind stone walls facing Hill 144 to my right. (blue area)

And finally, I’m going to test the cover made available by the high grass and flowers where 2nd Platoon HQ is set up. I will move a healthy 1st Squad 2nd Platoon and bring an M4 Sherman up the right side and secure a position at the bottom of Hill 144. (yellow area)

The other units you see on the map are mostly comprised of units I am holding in reserve. Once I finally punch a hole in his defenses I plan to move them in rapidly. Also in the reserve group are 6 Shermans and my mortar sections.


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Almost as soon as the advance begins I run into problems with my armored units. As 3rd Plt/G Co begins to move a Sherman held in reserve is hit by what appears to be a Panzerfaust. There is no sign of where the shot was fired other than I know it came from somewhere on my left. The round hits the vehicle tracks and I’m lucky because it does not immobilize the vehicle. However, it does cause some track damage so I will need to remember it won’t be a fast as the other Shermans.


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Near the intersection that 3rd Plt/F Co is advancing toward at almost the same time a Sherman M4A1 (late) is hit. This one is not as lucky as the other and the Sherman is done..at least for this battle.


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The backpacks were common in the Normandy timeframe because the Americans kept expecting to break through AND they had significant logistics issues. So soldiers appear to have kept their gear with them more frequently than they did later on. What would be nice is if the backpacks largely went away after the first couple of weeks of fighting, but the game engine isn't setup for that. Could be, but it would involve more coding than it's worth.


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Elvis, great AAR - keep it going! With as long as the battle is, seems like you have quite a bit of time to proble out his defenses and then commit the rest of your forces.

Some quick questions:

1. Seems like F and most of G Co. are committed. Is E Co. onmap yet?

2. You havnt mentioned it, but did you ORBAT include I Co. (Weapons)? If so, whats your plans for them? Or are those the 81's your calling from offmap?

3. Did your Co's start out at mostly full strength or were they depleted a little?

Thanks and keep up the good fight!


Edit: Sorry, you posted your request while I was posting my questions! Sorry :)

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The good times keep rolling as 3rd Plt/F Co get to the intersection near their starting position it begins to rain lead. Mortar fire stops all the units in their tracks. More bedlam. Mixed in with the mortar fire is direct fire from one of his JPz IVs that is in perfect position to oversee the area.


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Right behind them another Sherman finds itself in the wrong place at the wrong and in the deadly sights of a JPz IV. There is no doubt of the condition of this guy after the hit. Burn baby burn, disco inferno indeed.


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But it isn’t all doom and gloom. The mortars have begun firing and provided so needed relief from Hill 144.


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3rd Plt/G Co are able to advance to the stone wall along the road and find some new “friends”. They won’t be friends for long.


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1st Squad/2nd Plt is making its way quickly and safely through the field along with the M4. So far no resistance is seen. The mortars can be seen landing right where I needed them.




Back up on Hill 154 men are quickly getting into position. Through the smoke they find their places and spread out to protect the flanks of the Shermans from Panzerfaust attacks from the woods.


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The Shermans slowly advance to take a peek over the valley. They are quickly fired on by a JPz IV nestled in the woods across the valley.


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It looks like my biggest problems at the moment are the JPz IVs. Especially this guy.


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Oh yeah…and what happens at the other end of this……………


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What? No love for the last shot where you can see the schreck in midflight on the way to my Sherman?

Also, I know about the broken link. I posted the link anyway and hope to have it working right shortly.

They are all great screenshots really, I Find it hard to choose a favourite. Some things wory me though;

  • you are loosing armor fast, make the bloody german pay :P
    Tube Guy went missing :confused:
    That schreck team might be up to no good.... :D
    Where is tube Guy?

On the bright Side your pincers are moving up to the town and you were able to make some really Nice screenshots.....

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On the bright Side your pincers are moving up to the town and you were able to make some really Nice screenshots.....

Guess that means this is really more of a photo-op mission? ("Sorry you lost half your company guys. But on the bright side, mr. Capa got some really nice shots for Time") ;-)

And yes: These are great screen shots indeed, Elvis. This game is surely looking promising. Can´t wait to see how this battle ends. (not to speak of getting my hands on a certain game)

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They are all great screenshots really, I Find it hard to choose a favourite. Some things wory me though;

  • you are loosing armor fast, make the bloody german pay :P
    Tube Guy went missing :confused:
    That schreck team might be up to no good.... :D
    Where is tube Guy?

On the bright Side your pincers are moving up to the town and you were able to make some really Nice screenshots.....

You and Lanzfeld (and I) are concerned with my losses. I just got an email from Jon with a game file and one thing we have been talking about is what point of the game we have posted to. The thought is it isn't too much fun if on gets far ahead of the other. He told me he had posted up until about turn 20 so far and planned on posting up to turn 27 next. My posts, so far, are up to around turn 25 or 26. So, with that that in mind let me let you know what my feelings about my losses are up to this point and what my guess is regarding his losses. The funny thing is you guys know better than I. The best I have been able to determine about his forces on hill 154 is that he had a couple of MG units, the dead sniper and a platoon of infantry. I had 2 platoons of infantry. At this point I figure I have lost a total of about 60% of my 2 platoons. I saw a lot of German bodies laying around up there and would estimate he lost as much as 50% of his platoon. Quick math tells me that I lost twice as much as him but at that point I don't believe he has more up there than that depleted platoon so my losses give me a lot of concern (I said "a lot" not "any concern"). Now on hill 144 I haven't received any fire (at this point in the game) from there since the arty started dropping. I hope this means I have done more than just suppress the HQ and sniper up there. Which brings us to the platoon in the center and the Shermans. So far I have lost 3 out of 11. I'm not happy about it but it isn't devastating. The platoon in the center is also not critcal. I feel like I have enough infantry left that once I've created a break in the lines I will be able to exploit it.

I'll tell you what does concern me. 2 things. The first is my inability to get anyone into a position with good sight lines to where I want to bring in mortar fire. Which brings me to my second concern, Jon has done an awesome job of setting up defenses to give him maximum killing power on positions that are important to me while also being in positions that are difficult to get back at him. It is a nut I need to crack.

Ideas and plans on how I think I can crack it will be in the proper DAR updates but hopefully that gives an idea of where I feel I'm am at this point in the game.

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