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Ya but PBEM sucks... playing games over months isn't exactly... fun.


If this is happening to you and you don't like it you are playing the wrong person not the wrong mode. I used to have several pbem games going on at once and frequently spent the entire eveing sending and receiving turns (usually because one of my opponents was free and wanted to play that evening) and all of those games resolved themselves pretty quickly. My current "main" opponent is usually good for a few turns a day. If you want to play with someone who will commit to 3 or 4 turns a day (for the time being) send me a pm.

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BFC is used to the nay-sayers, the malcontents, the doom sayers, and the opposite alike. You are all welcome to your opinions as un-informed as some of them tend to be or as prophetic as you think you are, right or wrong. BFC has never hit a release-date on schedule and maybe never will as well intentioned a company as it is. You guys dont believe them when they say stuff like, "Well we would like to make a game everyone enjoys but we arent stupid enough to drink that Kool-Aid!"

And just so you know the Beta team is allowed to be protective of the products we work on considering some people spend more time working on it for free or nearly free than they do on their real J.O.B.S. So get real, we play these games too. We dont all agree with every single thing this game does or will do and we dont expect you to either. So relax, its coming, w/o all features and bells and whistles BFC and you want in but QB's are all I need right now. Now back to it....

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CMBB was the last I played pbem.

But thoroughly enjoyed it, and most days over 5 turns would be played.

An aspect that I enjoyed with it was the banter with the enemy within the emails.

You see I like bantering my opponents live... the instant that limited tungsten round from my T34/85 hits his panther and turns it into a burning hulk and he's like :confused: :P

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But in the same thread ....?

2. You have a choice of:

a. Using traditional PBEM (with mail messages) - which you say sucks (great your choice don’t use it).

b. Using the PBEM format (but no email messages) with file sharing to achieve effectively EXACTLY (except you need to open a file from the share point) the same thing as TCP/IP WEGO.

So how would 2b work? Where would the file be stored? Can you give an example of how this would work?


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So how would 2b work? Where would the file be stored? Can you give an example of how this would work?



Sorry spent sometime trying to find the earlier posts but happy to post again.

Two machines on a LAN (LAN is defined as machines in same room or if using something like Hamachi - different countries).

You need to share a folder on one machine (doesn’t matter at which “end” and the exact procedures vary with the machine’s operating system).

Make sure the machine connecting to the shared folder has it connected (to say E:\ to pick a Windows example).

This one folder is where the turns are stored to the two players can access them.

Player One does Turn 1 and its saved to their “Outgoing Email” folder. Now instead of creating an email and adding an attachment, etc. , Player One copies Turn 1 to the shared folder.

Player Two copies that file to their “Incoming Email” folder just like they would after receiving the email and then loads it.

The cycle continues.

Yes - its not as good as TCP/IP WEGO with replay but it does work and it allows people to play on their “own” machine in say a house without resorting to Hotseat, etc.

Yes - you have to wait for the other player to complete their turn (its not simultaneous like TCP/IP WEGO). But then in TCP/IP WEGO you often have to wait anyway. However you don’t have to wait what to some people are “extended” periods for an email response.

No - you don’t have access to the chat facility in the game but if you are in the same location you can go back to first principles and actually talk to someone and if its via Hamachi it has a chat facility.

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let me get this straight, if i had 2 machines (which i do) for LAN...in regards to playing CM:SF and later titles, and i wanted to do a LAN match (TCP/IP) Its NOT in WEGO turned base with the realy cool minuite replay? or is it WEGO but without the replay minuite??

if i understand it right, its only in real time..

as you may notice ive been confused by what ive read here as some of us are stating one thing and some the other, lol....

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Well that’s because you maybe confusing what is possible now with what maybe possible in the not too distant future and what is unlikely to be possible. :)


TCP/IP is RT only and can’t be paused.

No WEGO at all (apart from the PBEM style “work around” [which I believe is what I’ve called it from the start]).

Possibly in the future:

TCP/IP RT with possible pause option.

TCP/IP WEGO with no replay option.

Unlikely at present (but door not totally closed):

TCP/IP RT with possible pause option.

TCP/IP WEGO with replay (i.e. what you had in CMx1).

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How is that a contradiction? You have two basic modes of play - We Go and Real Time. If you have Real Time with Pause then that is different from We Go either with or without replay.

Possibly in the future:

TCP/IP RT with possible pause option.

TCP/IP WEGO with no replay option.

Unlikely at present (but door not totally closed):

TCP/IP RT with possible pause option.

TCP/IP WEGO with replay (i.e. what you had in CMx1).



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Maybe this will help?

Well that’s because you maybe confusing what is possible now with what maybe possible in the not too distant future and what is unlikely to be possible. :)

1. Currently (NOW):

TCP/IP is RT only and can’t be paused.


No WEGO at all (apart from the PBEM style “work around” [which I believe is what I’ve called it from the start]).

2. Possibly in the future (FURTHER DOWN THE TRACK):

TCP/IP RT with possible pause option.


TCP/IP WEGO with no replay option.

3. Unlikely at present (but door not totally closed) (A LOT FURTHER DOWN THE TRACK):

TCP/IP RT with possible pause option.


TCP/IP WEGO with replay added back in (i.e. what you had in CMx1).

Let me guess now not only don’t I comply with your personal (and unique) job description for a Beta Tester but now you want to edit my work too?

Oh and of course you are being picked on no doubt?

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I think what nox is getting at is that you have "TCP/IP RT with possible pause option" in two different categories of 2 and 3. Which doesn't make sense since number 2 is essentially "planned features" and number 3 is "currently not planned features".

Other than that you got it laid out very clear.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Maybe there should be a poll or something to estabilish how much people really want TCP/IP WEGO, because I've always asked myself if it's only a few people wanting it, or many people do but there's only a vocal minority asking for it.

But people shouldn't aggravate Steve! :D

Who knows what the guy thought when he saw a thread with "disturbing" in its title?

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Our sense is that TCP/IP WeGo is wanted by a fairly small, but vocal, minority of the total customer base. This is based on two primary pieces of "evidence":

1. Multiplayer itself is a minority option. Which means even if 100% of all multiplayer customers wanted this, it would still be a minority (though a sizable one).

2. In any discussion of TCP/IP WeGo inevitably we see a lot of multiplayer customers saying they only play PBEM or would rather RT play with a pause mechanism.

That being said, we do want to offer what we call the "compromise" TCP/IP WeGo solution sooner rather than later. This would allow WeGo play over the Internet but without Playback. That's fairly straight forward to add. Having Replay is not. And when we do get to that the primary reason will be to give RealTime play a playback capability (which can then be moved to TCP/IP WeGo probably with little effort).


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That being said, we do want to offer what we call the "compromise" TCP/IP WeGo solution sooner rather than later. This would allow WeGo play over the Internet but without Playback.



I hope in a flexible system of pause, no pause at predetermined intervals (like every minute).

I think it's more interesting a "call system" between players to pause, with a limit of breaks set at the beginning.

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Thanks for the information update Steve!

I'm curious though, when does RT quit being Real Time? Pauses and playbacks? Not that I don't see and understand the utility of those features, but at some point doesn't it quit being a RT experience?

I do appreciate the direction you're heading with the game and hope for your continued success!

(I'm also really curious to know how you know that most of your customers don't play multiplayer... but my guess is you're going to keep those cards close to your vest)

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