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RoW II: The Boots & Tracks Brawl (Part VI)

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Originally posted by Kanonier Reichmann:

Bleedin' Yanks. Next thing you know you'll be saying things like "we'll be rootin' for the New York Yankees" when we all know that the only time this sort of expression should be used is when the Dallas Cowboys and Debbie are in town.


Jim R.

Ah, so "bleedin' Yanks" is the Queen's English, whereas "rootin' for the New York Yankees" is not? :D

I for one will be rootin' for my Yankees even when the Dallas Cowboys aren't in town--and when they do come to town, it's not just to do Debbie, but to play the Giants--in football, American style! Last time I looked, the Yankees were a baseball team.

Ah, the intricacies of the American language.... As we Yanks count our "ill-gotten gains" (Shakespeare?), we'll continue to use it with pride. :D

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Originally posted by Spanish Bombs:

Further clarification, for those outlanders. I don't think I've ever heard anyone say just "New York Yankees". It is either "New York friggin' Yankees" or "friggin' New York Yankees", or less common, "New friggin' York Yankees" (Shakespeare?).

Another common expression is "those poor Cubbies" (if you're not a Cubs fan) or "those fricken Cubbies" (if you are a Cubs fan.) :D
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OK then, it's time to take an inventory of incomplete games. My goal here is to catch any finished, but unreported games. Below are the games I do NOT have scores for. If you see your name below, AND you lost the game, please send me the final score. If the game is in progress, then Fight On!!

Emilville Exit

Boris vs John Kettler

Tero vs Fate

Ted vs Cpt_T

White4 vs Sgt Gold

mPisi vs Tom Norton

JJelinek vs Hobo

Mike8g vs WadePM

Easy V vs Bertram

Lab Rats In Norway

Tero vs Boris

John Kettler vs Fate

Ted vs Mikeydz

mPisi vs White4

Sgt Gold vs Tom Norton

Hobo vs Saport

Mike8g vs Cuzn

North Of Epron

Boris vs Fate

John Kettler vs Tero

Mikeydz vs Cpt T

a1steaks vs Ted

White4 vs Tom Norton

Sgt Gold vs mPisi

JJelinek vs Saport

Cuzn vs WadePM

Easy V vs Jack Trap

Beretram vs Michael Reddy

I have 14 game results for "Emilville Exit", 15 results for "Lab Rats In Norway", and 12 results for "North Of Epron". These are enough to score the prize eligible sections, but it would be nice to get a few more, especially for "North Of Epron".

Having said that, the ROW II Finals will be scored on Sunday, December 15th, no matter what. Enjoy your games. There's no need to rush. Just make sure you have reported all your losses to date. Thanks!!

Treeburst155 out.

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Was on the hop all day yesterday and then had friends over until the truly wee hours. Was therefore surprised to find only one turn waiting for me this afternoon. It was from Boris, and I have sent off my reply. He and I are 2/3 done in our battle.

Whatever weirdness is affecting my outbound Netscape E-mail seems to have eased a bit, for instead of a near instant error, I am treated to a long delay followed eventually by a connection refused, try later message. Sadly, this isn't quite enough to let me revert to standard procedures.


John Kettler


John Kettler

[ December 07, 2002, 06:31 PM: Message edited by: John Kettler ]

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The cybernetic curse continues--on both ends! Earlier, AOL wouldn't connect and kept giving an error message that the port was already in use, when it emphatically wasn't. After opening and closing AOL several times, I gave up and restarted. That solved the problem. Tero has had Internet problems, but is now back in the game, and Fate apparently didn't get my second shot at my newest turn.

Boris and Tero both sent me turns, and I have replied. I also resent Fate the turn he didn't get. Let third time be the charm!

At the rate things aren't going, my game with Boris

will be complete by the deadline, with Fate a possibility, and with Tero rather unlikely, unless turn rate can be dramatically increased. We're only a third done, versus two thirds for Boris and halfway for Fate. And we haven't discussed AARs!


John Kettler

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I havent heard from Easy V for some time now (and that right when our game got tense, he finally got some inf among my guns). He stated that he was having some trouble (hard disk failure), and that he would contact me when he had solved that. Since then I have had a system crash myself, so I lost his adress.

Havent looked to hard though, been to busy with CMBB smile.gif .

North of Eprom was finished, thought the result was send in, but appearently not. I lost that file as well, so I'll ask my opponent to send in the result (if I can find HIS adress).

Dont you hate system crashes? :(


[ December 09, 2002, 02:08 AM: Message edited by: Bertram ]

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Originally posted by John Kettler:

Boris has survived again with his bulletproof @#$$%^^! Am starting to smell brimstone, but I shall continue to gnaw away at his force, with time on my side. My latest effort was just sent.


John Kettler

I can finally leave a message.

Its not my bulletproof trucks it is that the bullets just go straight through the canvas.


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Received a galling movie from Tero in which some of his men made a ballsy move under enfilade fire, lived to tell about it, then smote me a nasty blow. Didn't like it, so I sent it back. Am trying to keep Boris at bay (issued orders), but he seems to be all over the place and usually out of LOS.


I carefully rechecked your E-mail address. It was correct, so this time I'm forwarding the turn to you as attempt four. I get your incoming E-mail just fine, even though both Netscape and AOL have become hard to connect and fairly unstable.


John Kettler

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Oh hell. My bad. A long time ago I started getting spam from various aol.com addresses and put a filter on them. I got a couple aol from you because I was out of town and using my laptop with no filter on it. My apologies. Your aol should work fine now. Boy, do I feel stupid.

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Boris continues to confound both probability and reasonable expectation by surviving not only the usual lead sleet but some new additions. His units have appeared from cover and way too close for comfort. Sent orders for a nailbiter of a turn. Tero needs to be brought under some semblance of

control. Have issued orders accordingly. Fate,

did you get yourself unblocked in time to receive

my fourth try? Sorry about the AOL problem, but right now, it's the means by which I send all outbound E-mail.


John Kettler

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...and the battles rage on!!

I will be scoring these ROW II Finals in five days (Sunday, December 15th). At this time I have about half a dozen more game results to process. I even noticed at least one "North of Epron" result. smile.gif

Even if you don't finish by December 15th I would really appreciate your sending in the final results of your games. These results will help fill out the database of Nabla scored scenarios we are building; which will in turn help Nabla determine if further improvements/changes to the Scoring System are in order.

Fight On!!

Treeburst155 out.

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