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RAMADI (Iraq): Mother of All MOUT Maps

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LLF, this is HUGELY impressive! A genuine labour of love and looks to be an absolute must to play when you finally get it finished.

I suspect the urban density and size of the map will break my poor current pc's back, but whaddyaknow - I'm planning on upgrading to a new rig later this year! OUt of interest, what are the specs you're playing on?

This is a perfect example of what can be done with an exceptional wargame engine, which CMx2 is, (and which is still being developed and enhanced) when it's placed in the hands of creative, devoted, even obsessive, players and designers.

I'm at a loss to find enough superlatives to heap upon this magnificent effort. It is simply fantastic! :) :) :)

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LongLeftFlank (and whoever else also mentioned it),

Got a couple of gift cards to Half Price Books for Christmas, and one of the books I grabbed was JOKER ONE. What an amazing, deeply human and caring piece of writing, never mind combat account! My brother, then an SFC, now safely retired after nearly being vaporized by a VBIED, mortared and rocketed, was in the first SBCT to see combat and was in Anbar Province himself, at LSA Anaconda, but I don't know whether he was ever actually in Ramadi. Will ask him when I talk to him and also see whether he's read JOKER ONE. Sent him and his son the link with the CMSF Demo download after earlier sending him your simply astounding Ramadi map.

Keep up the phenomenal work!


John Kettler

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It would definitely make the environment look less sterile. And no other in game effect is needed. You could give the framerate-challenged a third Alt-K option: Ambient Smoke/Mist OFF.

On my last playthrough, a Marine platoon systematically cleared 8 houses in the space of 2 blocks while also being counterattacked at point blank from multiple directions, killing about 40 insurgents at the cost of 1 KIA, 2 WIA. I sound like Gunny Huntarr here, but damn! I'm proud of these PixelMarines!

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Historical Background

RAMADI, Iraq. April 6, 2004. In March 2004, the First Marine Expeditionary Force assumed tactical control of Sunni-dominated Anbar Province. Their orders were to "stabilize" the restive province in time for the restoration of Iraqi government in June. Where their Army predecessors had kept a low profile, General Conway boldly deployed his troops throughout the province. Using a mixture of community policing and public outreach, US forces sought to confront insurgents and reassure the populace; they also redoubled efforts to train and motivate the Iraqi national guard.

However well intended, these "velvet glove" tactics won few hearts or minds in Anbar, which had prospered under Saddam and whose ancient tribes had no interest in being ruled by either Baghdad or Washington. Insurgent attacks escalated through March. On the 31st, open rebellion erupted in Fallujah, drawing world attention. As US forces closed the ring around that city, 60 miles further west just two US battalions, 2/4 Marines ("Magnificent Bastards") and 1/16 Infantry ("Iron Rangers"), were charged with propping up an increasingly tenuous government presence in the seething provincial capital of Ramadi. The Americans felt looming all around them the sullen hostility of 350,000 impoverished citizens.

Intelligence reported that Ramadi's Baathist insurgents intended to seize the Government Center and open a second front for Fallujah in the much larger capital.

At 0800 on April 6, 2004, Third Platoon, 2/4 Golf (call sign JOKER THREE) departed Combat Outpost on foot, moving west. Their mission was to patrol the residential area east of the Government Center. In keeping with Marine patrol doctrine, the three squads maintained wide separation to give them flexibility in trapping snipers or IED triggerman, the primary hazards until now.

At 1048, the lead squad (JOKER 3-2) took fire from a platoon-sized body of insurgents massing near the Government Center. Retreating into the city cemetery, 2LT Hesener called for reinforcements. As JOKER 3-3 rushed west to link up, it too came under heavy attack from RPGs and small arms. With every mosque loudspeaker in the city now bellowing "JIHAD-JIHAD-JIHAD!" JOKER 3-1 in turn was ambushed, taking multiple casualties. Both squads were forced to take refuge in walled housing compounds in the back streets of the Mulaab district and fight for their lives.

Two QRFs, from Outpost and the battalion HQ at Hurricane Point, quickly rolled out in Humvees to relieve JOKER THREE, but poor radio atmospherics and the maze of look-alike streets created serious delays.

By noon, a dozen firefights were underway throughout Ramadi and both US battalions were fully committed, leaving only a few cooks and medics to guard the bases. But the fiercest fight of all swirled around the trapped JOKER THREE Marines, caught in the most lethal trap Americans had faced since Mogadishu.

Historical sources: "No True Glory" by Bing West, "Joker One" memoir by Donovan Campbell (2009); "Shootout: Ramadi" (History Channel reenactment); medal citations (CPT Bronzi, SSGT Conde, Army CSM Riling); numerous other media and veteran accounts.

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If you simply release the scenario you will receive comments just as fast as if you test it. So, you can always adjust. (You have tested it yourself, so the question will be if there is a "trick" to accomplish the mission with appropriate casualties that only you know or have assumed.)

Hopefully there will be many ways to accomplish the goals and hopefully we may find a way to best your result. That's the fun of it.

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View facing West.

As you can see, btw, I have decided to depart from historical purity (where the 2/4 battalion QRF, Mobile Assault Platoon 3, came round the long way (south of this map) and northwest up "Easy Street" (the divided highway in the immediate foreground) to link up with JOKER ONE prior to plunging west into the lethal backstreets. MAP-3 is instead entering, in stages at the far end of the map, on Route Michigan, the main city boulevard that runs along the north end of this map. This is entirely plausible, just not the route they chose in the real deal (both relief forces originally thought JOKER 3 was nearly a klick further south than it actually was, and moved that way).

So there are your key command choices, right there. Push MAP-3 along (exposed) Michigan and link up with / resupply JOKER ONE somewhere before punching into the hornet's nest together? Or save valuable time and push right in with divided forces? And does MAP-3 cross the cemetery or the warehouse complex just south of the big mosque? Note that a lot of MAP-3's firepower is in the (vulnerable) Humvees. There is no "right answer". The trapped squads will be in a world of hurt in just over an hour, and you need to get to them without losing a lot more Marines and soldiers.

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So, what do people think? Should I solicit some playtesters or just release this damn thing at long last?

Play is nonlinear enough that knowing exactly where the lost squads are isn't necessarily going to help much. I hope replay value will be strong.

As a player I'd love to get my hands on this thing ASAP, but I'm sure having playtesters will only improve the game. After all, I wouldn't want to spend all that time creating such an excellent map just to have the mission be bugged. Maybe you could just release the map and wait for the mission to be released after some playtesting. This is just my opinion anyway.

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No, there is no "trick" that I've consciously built in. Every approach I've tried has its advantages and weaknesses. However, I've upped the US casualty threshold for Victory to 8% (of about 150 guys), since 5% was just too damned hard.

Ammo conservation, especially squad 5.56mm, is absolutely critical; it was running short toward the end of the historical April 6 rescue action too. 10 humvees x 500 rounds of 5.56 is all you get for resupply.

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LLF: The most important thing is to make sure that the game works regardless of what the blue player does. The red AI can't assume that all players will use your plan.

I have virtually no idea what happened historically, so I will create my own plan and the red AI needs to be able to cope with whatever crazy dumbass plan I implement.

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LLF: The most important thing is to make sure that the game works regardless of what the blue player does. The red AI can't assume that all players will use your plan.

I have virtually no idea what happened historically, so I will create my own plan and the red AI needs to be able to cope with whatever crazy dumbass plan I implement.

Gotcha. But keep in mind this is an infantry-centered game and most of the RED forces are in (well chosen) static positions. There will indeed be weak spots in the defensive crust(s) -- and good on you for finding them! but as far as I know there is no "magic bullet" to ensure a rout at no cost -- and BLUE casualties are the sole VC determinant.

There are some mobile RED forces as well, and their AI movement programming is such that you're unlikely to avoid them altogether no matter what you do. But here too -- we're talking insurgents and their degree of tactical control while not zero is certainly primitive.

In short -- the map is going to be at least as much of a challenge to overcome as the RED forces.

I'm just thinking that if I sit on this too much longer, CMBN will be out and very few will play it. That isn't everything to me, but I'm wondering whether the playtest phase is required -- I'm pretty busy with other things and I've never run such an exercise either.

Also, I'm not exactly seeing anyone rushing in here volunteering to playtest.

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Thanks very much for the offers, gents! You do me honour!

1. Send me a PM with your email address and I'll shoot you a zip file.

2. I'm also going to send along a clean bitmap panorama map. If you can possibly manage to do so, please mark this up with approximate time marks and arrows like the below (use the free Windows Paint like I did here or if you prefer, mark up a printout by hand and low-res PDF it), so I can get a broad idea of which way your main forces moved and the timetable. Kindly email it back to me together with your comments and feedback. Also, please let me know if you played RT or WEGO (watch out though, the minutes really fly by if you always wait to the end of each turn to move).


3. I am also curious how your machines cope with this monster map, especially when a lot of units are in action at once. I have 6 year old PCs and have never once crashed, although there are definitely some lags in intense firefights. YMMV. I reduced my graphics settings somewhat, turned off SHADOWS and SMOKE, etc.

4. I recommend using my Improved Mideast Shopfront mod and my Islamic Cemetery mod. These are NOT available at the Repository. To get them, you need to go to (and sign up at) GreenAsJade's site If these mods are not installed, the map will still look OK, I think.

5. Finally, as a courtesy to me and my work, I ask that you do NOT use the map or any part thereof for your own published scenarios until JOKER THREE has been generally released (which will definitely be SOON). After that, please have at it!


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Started the playtest and all I can say is 'WOW!!!' The word 'Intense' doesn't do this justice. Just to give everyone a feel for the first few minutes, I am going to do some 'radio traffic' between the two 'at start' Humvees. Imagine you are listening in ....

SM Booker "Sh*t, Michigan and Easy Street has no traffic. No pedestrians. Something is up."

LTC Kennedy: "Heads on a swivel. Driver, kick it up."

Booker: 'SH*T!!. Taking small arms fire!

Kennedy: "Anyone see the shooters! Driver, floor it! Get us the f*ck out of here!

Booker: 'RPG!! RPG!!'

Kennedy: 'Push on! Push on! Sh*t! <sound of small arms hitting Humvee are heard>'

Booker: 'Second RPG at that intersection!! <sound of M2 hammering away>'

Another voice: 'RPG 3oclock!!!! <sound of loud explosion>'

Unidentified voice from Kennedy's radio: "We have shooters on the rooftop of the shop at two oclock!!"

Booker: 'I'm hit!!! I'm hit!!'

Kennedy: "Driver, floor it!!! Go! Go! Go! <sound of small arms hitting vehicle> Booker, report!!"


Kennedy: 'Push on, push on!!' If we stop here we are dead!!'

Unindentified voice: 'RPG!!!! < sound of explosion>'

Booker: 'DRIVER, WHERE THE F*CK ARE YOU GOING!! STRAIGHT!! STRAIGHT!! < in background, another voices screams "I'm HIT!!'>

Kennedy: 'SNIPER!! Third floor balcony, at your close 11 oclock!'

Booker: 'I got your doe-eyed virgins right here, bitch!! <sound of Booker's M2 hammering away'

Kennedy: 'Take the next right!!'

Booker: 'RPG rooftop. SHHH**TT!!! <sound of loud explosion and ringing noise> F*CKING EAT THIS!! <sound of M2 hammering away>

Unidentified voice: 'We got shooters right and left!!! They are everywhere!!'

Kennedy: 'PUSH ON!! PUSH ON!!'

Another unidentified voice: 'CHRIST!! I can read the f*cking serial number on that hadji's AK from here!! <sound of multiple rounds hitting humvee>

Booker: 'I think I can see Joker One ahead!'

That gives you an idea of the intensity of the Humvee linkup with Joker One, the other QRF. Elapsed time: 2 minutes from game start. Casualties in the Humvees - No dead or incapacitated but 2 light wounded in Booker's Humvee and 1 in Kennedy's. 4 RPGs were fired at the Humvees but all missed. Big time pucker factor. No idea of insurgent casualties during the Humvees' 'Thunder Run'.

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LOL!!!! Well, that's certainly very much in the Marine spirit.

Also very much in SGTMAJ Booker's, it appears. Both Booker and Kennedy are very real Marines (Kennedy now commands the storied 4th Regiment) and earned Silver Stars in Ramadi leading from the front.

As recounted in NO TRUE GLORY, two nights before this action took place, Booker and Kennedy's Humvee took a narrow miss from a RPG. They promptly leaped out and Booker took down the shooter with two well-aimed shots to the chest. There's a reason they're represented as CRACK units (all the rest of the Marines are VETERAN).

Thanks again for the laugh, and good luck!

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