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AVATAR the movie


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I was wondering if the 3D effects were there to sell the story, or was the story crafted to showcase the effects? Which ever way I looked at it, I enjoyed it. I thought the story was not too heavy handed, I felt it flowed well. There were points in the story where the opportunity to throw in tension building "Will they fall ?" type histrionics could have been played to death, along with the obligatory rising crescendo of music. Instead the moments were presented, but never held for too long.

I really tried not to think about the hardware the story offered, after all it had to be something the Natives could overcome so the tech level suited that aspect of the film. To me the highlight was the depiction of the forest along with it's interaction with both sides, almost full freedom on one side and restricted for the other. The computer generated imagery was very impressive. The movements of the natives - and even the human machinery - was quite seamless to my eyes.

As an aside.... the short advert for Alice In Wonderland was impressive. That Cheshire Cat was almost at the end of my nose by the time it finished filling the screen.


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Saw it in 3D. One of the most visually impressive movies ever.

The only problem with the film is that we've seen it before, just with less special effects. If you've seen Dances With Wolves or FernGully you already know the story. The less you think about it and just enjoy the visuals the more you'll like it.

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I had to misfortune of learning that the iMax theater near me in Toronto was booked solid until the end of January so I viewed the film using Dolby Digital 3D.

Let me tell you, if you have the option of choosing, do NOT see this in Dolby Digital 3D. The images are considerably darker and the 3D very blurry. Opt to see this in Real3D or preferably, in iMax if you can.

As for the film itself, the storyline has been recycled from many films that have come before it so do not expect any considerable depth plot wise. However, few went into the cinema expecting this to be a smart film so that is really inconsequential - apart from the fact that some denounce it as anti-American propaganda as the human antagonists are quite one-dimensional.

The 3D effects are nothing short of amazing, despite the fact that I saw it in the worst possible format and sat in the front row. One could almost say that the film was created to showcase the potential of 3D if not set a precedent for future films to follow. The 3D glasses can be worn over prescription glasses. If you want the best viewing experience, come an hour early and pick a seat dead center in the room.

It's been said that the Hallmark of good CGI is when you don't notice it at all. This is where Avatar totally hits the mark as even veteran effects artists have trouble distinguishing it from live action. Everything from the Scorpion hovercraft to the bi-pedal mechs blended inconspicuously with other non-CGI elements.

If there was anything for me to complain about, it's the fact that there are no periods of intermission. So word of advice, make sure you eat and do your business before arriving - you'll get ripped off at the concession stand anyway since that's how theater companies make their money.

Above all, do NOT wait for the release of the Blu-ray/DVD; you must see it in 3D.

P.S. Rumour has it that Avatar 2/3 are already being scripted.

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Just read on the web that it passed $1B gross, so they must have done something right. I'm looking forward to seeing it. Because of my particular eye defects, I have never been able to watch 3D films using the polarized glasses, without getting severe headaches. I hope that this time they have gotten the technology right for once. That would be great.

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If you want to get a headache (particularly over wasting your money), watch "My Bloody Valentine 3D"! It demonstrates clearly, that the current technology fails horribly when dark scenes are displayed. Too bad, that a horror movie happens to be dark most of the time!

Best regards,


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I'll echo Boeman's comment that it does look noticeably darker and a little blurry around the edges in Dolby 3D. This bothered me some, but I think it still looked better than 2D.

To gunnergoz: from what little I know about 3D it still works basically the same on the viewer's end as it always has. The innovations are mainly on the production side, so if you got a headache before you probably will again. I have the same issue to some degree because of astigmatism in one eye, but it's nothing Excedrine won't cure.

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P.S. Rumour has it that Avatar 2/3 are already being scripted.

Yeah, but I would rather see him do Battle Angel. No matter how pretty it looks Avatar is still just 2.5 hours of anti-imperialism cliches. I don't know if I can stomach that much more self-hatred.

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Why? Are you an imperialist? :)

I think its a painstakingly crafted movie with superb attention to details. The story is not that original but it has good intentions and direct criticism on the corporate wars of US. Haven't seen any other hollywood movie that clear on the political message part. A good step from those silly blockbusters of the past like Independece day etc.

Self-hatred hmm. It is still a Marine that is the hero of the movie, why should americans side with the subhuman personnel of that greedy multinational?

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Ahh, but the message is that the only good soldier is a traitor....

For me the highlight was that smoking hot chopper pilot.

And why was she still flying after disregarding an order to fire?

Also why did the smurf use her bow like a quarterstaff?That a pet hate of mine in most new films and TV shows.Its a bloody bow made to fire arrows not twat people with.If you twatted someone with it it would snap.:mad:

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Why? Are you an imperialist? :)

I think its a painstakingly crafted movie with superb attention to details. The story is not that original but it has good intentions and direct criticism on the corporate wars of US. Haven't seen any other hollywood movie that clear on the political message part. A good step from those silly blockbusters of the past like Independece day etc.

Self-hatred hmm. It is still a Marine that is the hero of the movie, why should americans side with the subhuman personnel of that greedy multinational?

I'm not an imperialist per se, but I don't think we need to be constantly beating ourselves up over what our forebearers did. Right or wrong, the fact is without imperialism the United States and Canada, along with a lot of other countries, would not even exist.

If Avatar were just a commentary on the banana wars of the early 20th century it wouldn't be so bad. But Cameron mixes in other themes recklessly. There are many clear references to the War on Terror and the war in Iraq in particular. This is rather noxious since it buys into the far-left screed that the war is for oil (patently ridiculous as evidenced by the fact that we have been there seven years but we don't have the oil).

Speaking of "greedy multinationals", I find it ironic that Avatar is making a fortune for 20th Century Fox, which is a subsidiary of News Corp, which is owned by media mogul Rupert Murdock, who's newspapers all editorialized in favor of the invasion of Iraq.

Getting back to Avatar's plot, it is mentioned several times in the movie that Earth is "dying" and the resource they are after on Pandora is critical for its future. This looks like a plot hole to me since if it was really that important you would think we would send more than a few hundred Marines to secure it. And if there is more to the humans' motivation for doing what they are doing than just making a pretty penny that makes them maybe not so completely evil and Jake's betrayal perhaps not so admirable. It's too bad Cameron didn't have the guts to explore these shades of gray. But the real stars of the show are the action and special effects, so maybe I'm expecting too much.

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Saw Avatar finally yesterday (IMAX 3D).

To me, it is already a classic ranking up with Star Wars (the original) or Terminator (the original).

The first 3D (action) scenes did little for me, as it was very obvious that the framerate could not keep up with the action; it looked too much like a video-game on a low-end computer. Also, the brightness of the screen was just not high enough.

Somehow, it all got better during the movie, and the enjoyment just grew. The final attack was really just delightful to watch.

Of course, female aliens with small, firm ... OK, change of topic.

All in all, I felt very well entertained throughout the whole film! Highly recommendable.

Best regards,


PS: I am sure it would be just as good in 2D, btw.

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well there is some horror movie playing in the desert. US troops shoot up some odd stone statue in A-Stan becouse of boredom and are hunted by a djin or sand spirit afterwards. but much of it, how else should it be, plays at night and in their lone house in the middle of nowhere that they have occupied as shelter.

i forgot the name, was no high budged production but was worth to see in my eyes.

bout AVATAR;

well i was quiet suprised, there wasnt all to much in the movie i did not like. sure the plot is not really deep and straight forward but the visuals are, well, verry good. i give em that.

and i dont think AVATAR got a too strong political message. i mean you can see it as a political message but only if "you" think yourself thats what the US is really doing.

if you dont think that, its just a plot evolving around total exploitation of nature, not more not less. if you want to see something you will find it, sometimes more easy as in avatar or not so easy, but if you look hard enough you will find.

anyways i think the local military commander was a little overdone. the acting was fine and all that, sure he was told to "overact" it that way and it was deliberate, but well that was the most annoying thing for me in avatar. this character could have been so much better if he didnt acted like in a comic book film remake, and actually noone else did, only the marines commander was like this.

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I haven't seen it yet but I will, and hopefully in 3D. However, this plot comparison to Disney's Pocahontas is hilarious and borders on outright plagiarism. For those of you that have seen the movie, is it pretty accurate?


yes and no.

I haven't sene Pocahontas, but Avatar has a couple of other layers as well, involving Sigourney Weaver et al acting as scientists / conservators and ultimately traitors.

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For those of you that have seen the movie, is it pretty accurate?

Basically, yes.

Honestly, how many different interesting storylines are possible within the given setting?

I am sure that you will find out that it will not distract you from your enjoyment of the movie!

And I am convinced that Neytiri is hotter than Pocahontas!

Best regards,


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It is still a Marine that is the hero of the movie...?

Whenever there are 'elite' (using the word in the broad layman's sense) Caucasian-looking soldiers on the good-guy side in a sci-fi context, they're always called marines, whether the army they're part of is a more-or-less direct descendant of the US military (United Nations Space Command Marines in Halo, United States Colonial Marines in Aliens; the Mobile Infantry in Starship Troopers, while not called marines, are quite marine-like in their ethos, espirit de corps, and tactical capabilities) or is so far in the future as to be only the vaguest vestige of any 20th-century 'Terran' military (Space Marines in Warhammer 40,000). It's almost a sci-fi convention (albeit a second-tier one). It dates at least as far back as 1937 with the "Galactic Marines" in E.E. Smith's Lensman series.

Besides, nations other than the US call their 'elite' ship-borne infantry "marines" too, right?

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