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It's human anatomy alright but the only posters saying ****** are usually spam bots so it's disabled. If it was up to me I'd disable a whole lot more because swearwords got our forum blacklisted in several places before, but overall the bad words filter is pretty liberal as it is.

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These three pictures were taken with quite early builds and so are old now. But I have some new ones that I'm preparing for later today...


I have to confess that this next one is one of my favourites even though it's the oldest of the three.


And another, this one of Scimitars from the same action as the first screenshot.


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One question....based on how long this module has taken....could we expect "more" from this module compared to the marine module?

Did this take longer than the Marine module? I've lost all track of time. It seemed like about the same amount of work - except poor Steve suffered horrors assembling an accurate British TO&E, which then cascaded down through the schedule. All praise to Steve for survivng the ordeal.

A VERY rough estimate. Including both campaign and standalone scenarios, Brits might have an additional fifteen scenarios maybe. Its awfully hard to tell, I can't recall which USMC scenario in my folder was module and which was 3rd party.

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There were sixteen scenarios shipped with the Marines module. The Brit module will ship with around 30.

By the way, I feel it would be remiss of me to omit to post a piccy of these weird looking vehicles.


And since there's no just new Brit stuff in this module, here are a couple of IBCT shots. The first one is a bit arty... from inside a Humvee just behind the driver, presumably taken on his buddy's cellphone.


And of course, the new truck... with some wall jumping soldiers


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Can you tell yet that the Beta guys are as excited about the coming release as everyone else? :D

And Paper Tiger's line:

from inside a Humvee just behind the driver

You can tell we've worked a bit too hard on the Brit module if we're imagining our Humvees have right-hand steering ;)

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John Johnston asks:

I got's to know - AT-14 vs CR2 front armour, who won?

The funny thing about that pict. That AT-14 literally (or should I say 'virtually') crossed paths with a big 120 HESH round going in the opposite direction! Unfortunately for the tank, HESH is a low-velocity shell so it dismantled the building the AT-14 launcher was perched on a half-second after the Kornet hit. Bow shot - three men managed to get out of the tank. If it had been an enhanced Challenger with the uparmored bow nose, who knows?

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About the Beta guy NDA agreement. I believe at this point Charles might prefer the outer world to be jumping-up-and-down excited to get the game, and after 8+ months slaving we're only too willing to help in that regard. Now that I've got my own urge to blab out of my system, I'm returning to a discrete silence on the topic. Give the other over-excited Beta guys a chance to get themselves into trouble. ;)

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Oops :) See my 'off the cuff' comment might have been misconstrued...

That word I used has a multitude of meanings, al of em depending on context and tone in which it is used. So yes it does describe 'wimmins bits' but in the context I used it means more why you being daft. So see, not as offensive as it might first have sounded :) For those who collect such phrases I've another, which for you guys 'over the water' will not sound all that bad but has those of us on the other side of the pond sniggering - "Don't be a fanny"... ;)

Think I better post some screenies latter today before I get banned...

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If it had been an enhanced Challenger with the uparmored bow nose, who knows?

Probably no.

CR2's Lower Front Hull is a simple RHA plate (thick but only RHA) or two RHA plates with air gap in beetwen or simple ceramic matrix, nothing more. So with ERA ROMOR-A there are no chances that it protect even against PG-7VR or PG-29 or other big RPG or ATGM with tandem warhead, the AT-14 can do much damage even with bolt on addon Dorchester armor module, but maybe it will protect, who know's! But don't expect to much, module isn't thick and base armor also don't look like more than 200-250mm LOS, and Dorchester cavieties are only in glacis plate in both sides of center were driver seats, center part of glacis is thick (100-150mm LOS) RHA plate. I think so.

Even M1's Lower Front Hull that have multilayer laminate armor with DU inserts, if been hit in the center where driver seat can be perforated or AT-14 achieve deep penetration.

But in both tanks if AT-14 hit in the right or left side of front hull there will be no big damage i suppose, in the other hand CR2 got there battery's and some HESH rounds or propelant charges so...

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And of course, the new truck... with some wall jumping soldiers


I'm guessing from this photo that the M1114 isn't getting a proper turret. Is this correct? I find it odd that the LMTV has a fully enclosed turret that was designed for the M1114/M1151 series. In fact, I have yet to see an 1114 with out an enclosed turret IRL. Can some one confirm or deny this, please?

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I'm guessing from this photo that the M1114 isn't getting a proper turret. Is this correct? I find it odd that the LMTV has a fully enclosed turret that was designed for the M1114/M1151 series. In fact, I have yet to see an 1114 with out an enclosed turret IRL. Can some one confirm or deny this, please?

Pretty sure no M1114 with enclosed turret.

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