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Could this be the first pic of the Peng Challenge Thread? Nah.

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and a honking great 88 poking out of your front door?

and maybe your new girlfriend in SS Panzer uniform strutting about??

I could go on and on......

And usually you do.

Oh, not like a Joe Shaw or an Emrys, but it's close to the same monotonous low pitched drone that frays the nerves and wears away the soul.

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Thats great coming from someone who sends a setup on a map the size of Greenland at a 1:1 ratio and a force of 1500 points, and only 50 turns to do it all in.

If they modelled trains in CM perhaps my guys could get to the flags in time to contest them.

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HA! Still no Rules? What comes next, some ponce challenging a pooler to a quick match?

Fine then lets say medium, mechanized, and whatever? Email me if you have a pair, not about your pair.


Ok, judging by your lack of intellect in issuing a challenge to the whole Pool instead of an individual, the fact that your chosen image suggests you have a rather childlike mind, and with the anarchist motto suggesting the sort of scenario you prefer…

I choose Flaming Dynamite Pooh Sticks.

Ice won't melt off here for a couple of months, so my bridge will be rather safe. E-mail back and let me know how it goes for you.

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I believe this is your finest post.


Well, not really, he made a double post once (actually he's done it several times but you know what I mean) and his post was simply "double post" ... that was better.

Actually the posts he never makes are better.


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In news relating to the actual playing of Combat Mission Games.

Shaw Has not only abrogated his responsibilities to this thread, but has also abandoned several companies of fine USMC infantry to be picked apart and generally vaporized by well hidden and well positioned Syrian infantry. As we speak his aircraft are attacking what he thinks are concentrations of my troops, but are in reality a hapless flock of goats who wandered too close to the battle zone.

Boo has uncovered a scenario where my troops are confined to a single road with a bridge that is under fire from 88s well hiden on a mountain overlooking said bridge. It is so sad that he has to resort to this in order to feel good about himself.

stikkypixie and I are locked in mortal combat in both AK and SF, as the USMC he confidently advances into a well laid trap, as the Germans he confidently advances into a well laid trap. It is going to suck to be him.

Wolfp MKII Has thrown dozens of T-90s against my herioc Marines, only to see them

explode one after the other. Its quite a show, but all the wrecks are blocking the streets.

Stuka He sufferes from false pride, and his American units will soon feel the wrath of a German counter attack.

Leeo is just learning what an RPG in the hands of a dedicated believer is capable of achieving.

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I thought we had finally gotten rid of you and you weren't going to post in this thread any more? You are disappointing in so many ways ...


Michael, you need to pay attention ... I know it'll be a stretch for you, engrossed as you are with the contents of one or both of your nostrils, but do make the attempt. Here's what I said ...

I wash my hands of this thread lads, if no one is going to step to the plate and create a PROPER and VALID Peng Challenge Thread then I'll do nothing to sustain the traditions of the MBT as long as this travesty continues.

Nowhere did I say I wouldn't POST here, merely that I wasn't about to beat my head against the wall and insist upon the creation of a new thread.

Don't get me wrong Michael, I like you about as well as I like anyone else here ... a low bar granted ... but Rules are Rules and nothing less than that and the RULE in this case specifies that only full Knights of the CessPool may start an incarnation of the M.B.T.

It's not as if I made the rule up ... although I may have ... but it is the rule. As a mere Other Recognized you simply don't qualify ... words I'm sure you've heard time and again in your everyday life. I've offered, on many an occasion, to take you under my personal wing and provide the instruction needed to advance you beyond Other Recognized to a full fledged Knight of the CessPool. I'd even be willing to waive the Serf stage and start you as a Squire ... AND a Squire in the Shavian House no less.

What say you Michael, isn't it time to take the step, to be one of the few, the proud, the Shavian Knights of the CessPool?

{cue music ... Just As I Am!}


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Boo has uncovered a scenario where my troops are confined to a single road with a bridge that is under fire from 88s well hidden on a mountain overlooking said bridge.

Just to show how really, really poorly you play this game, they are weakened, Green 75s.

I hope this makes you feel even worse.

It is so sad that he has to resort to this in order to feel good about himself.

Not really resorting per se. I'm just indulging myself a bit because I derserve it. Like women and chocolate.

If beating you like a brass gong had the same caloric value as fine chocolate, I would make Michael Moore look like Twiggy.

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