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Could this be the first pic of CMx2 WWII ? [Edit] Yes!

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We've had long discussions about "teasing" before with other titles. It definitely is a tough thing to balance. You guys want to see stuff, but the game isn't finished so we must be selective. But whatever we show makes people want more, which simply isn't possible (early on for development reasons) or desirable (later on for marketing reasons). No matter what we show, or don't show, it's going to be a tease if someone views it that way. Kinda like seeing an attractive person in "too much" clothing :D

As for the reaction, yup... we're pleased. As with other early screenshots, the majority of people are pleased to see something and that makes us happy. The minority that isn't happy wasn't happy before, so it's routine stuff.


It might be too early for this game, but the Hearts of Iron 3's (Paradox Interactive: check here) weekly developers diary is very popular, 1 screenshot a week, endless discussion and drooling by the hardcore fans, and just a weekly update for the average gamers on great things to come. Advantage is that everybody knows the pace at which information is released, so everyone seems more content. Again it might be too early, but it's greatly appreciated by the community. They even do a twitter thing I believe with short updates like '40 provinces between Leningrad and Stalingrad' (trust me, it matters to people apparently ;-)).

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FWIW, I took that picture for what I presume is exactly what it was: A teaser/screenshot from the next game. It confirms that there will be fields of wild flowers, trees and late production Tigers in the next game. Which isn't exactly shocking news.

I do have a question thoug: Not having kept current on CMx2 developments, will it be possible for modders to do "real" reskins this time, i.e. real turret numbers et. al.?

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I've never been a fan of structured developers journals. However, as we get further into development I'll probably make better use of the Blog tools we now have. They weren't available in the past.


Looks a lot like the flowers in ToW. Are they copy-pasted from ToW?

Nope :D It's just one of those things where it kinda looks the same because, well, both games are trying for the same look based on a real world example. But in any case, the terrain in that screenshot is just redone CM:SF terrain *not* the overhauled temperate terrain. That's probably a few weeks away from getting started.


FWIW, I took that picture for what I presume is exactly what it was: A teaser/screenshot from the next game. It confirms that there will be fields of wild flowers, trees and late production Tigers in the next game. Which isn't exactly shocking news.

Nope, it isn't :)

I do have a question thoug: Not having kept current on CMx2 developments, will it be possible for modders to do "real" reskins this time, i.e. real turret numbers et. al.?

It's on the list... but that list is very, very long. Currently it is below the cutoff for the initial release.


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What I am most upset about, and no one seems to have mentioned, is that BFC is going to have their web address splashed across the game's screen. I think it totally ruins the immersion factor and is an obvious ploy by BFC to simply try to shovel more of their superior crap down our throats.

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What I am most upset about, and no one seems to have mentioned, is that BFC is going to have their web address splashed across the game's screen. I think it totally ruins the immersion factor and is an obvious ploy by BFC to simply try to shovel more of their superior crap down our throats.

What,you couldn't wipe it off your screen with a cloth? Dis is da 21st sentry u know...

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Does that mean we'll get stuff like turret rings being hit and the turret jamming on T34s, or mantlets being weaker than turrets... stuff like that? If so that would be pretty cool. Maybe "Elite" crews can try to aim at stuff like that.

Right now how many armor spots are on the front of a Stryker or Bradley and how many could possibly go on the front of a tiger?


If the question is addressed at me: Sorry, but I do not know the answers!

Best regards,


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I haven't done a side by side count, but I suspect you are correct if you insert the word "unique" in front of "vehicles". CM:SF has a lot of variants of vehicles, some of which are pretty huge in terms of what capabilities they bring to the table. For example, an early T-72 compared to a TURMS-T. But within the Normandy timeframe the variety has more to do with the plethora of entirely different models of vehicles designed to do the same thing. Armored warfare was still new and therefore it isn't surprising that standardization isn't in the same ballpark as it is today.

BTW, I think it's funny to see some people argue that CM: Normandy will just be a tank fest at the expense of infantry, then complain like crazy that we don't have 300 vehicles in the game. I don't know about any of you, but I find much humor in such opinions ;)


Just for Kicks I pulled up a speadsheet I had that listed all CMAK vehicles.

In the Summer of '44 we have for the U.S. :

M5 Stuart

M5A1 Stuart

M4 Sherman (early)

M4 Sherman

M4(105) Sherman

M4A1 Sherman (early)

M4A1 Sherman

M4A1(76)W Sherman

M4A3 Sherman

M4A3(75)W Sherman

M4A3(76)W Sherman

M4A3(105) Sherman

M7 Priest

M7B1 Priest



And that's not counting halftracks, armored cars, trucks or jeeps.

For the Germans:

(and this is for Italy so no King Tigers on the list)

Lynx (Pz II L)


Marder II

Marder III ®

Marder III H

Marder III M

Grille (sIG 33 auf Pz38t)

Grille (sIG 33/1 auf Pz38t)

Hetzer (JgPz 38t)

Panzer III M (late)

Panzer III N

Panzer III N (late)

Sturmgeschütz III F

Sturmgeschütz III F (late)

Sturmgeschütz III F/8

Sturmgeschütz III G (early)

Sturmgeschütz III G (early mid)

Sturmgeschütz III G (mid)

Sturmgeschütz III G (late mid)

Sturmgeschütz III G (late)

Sturmgeschütz IV

Sturmgeschütz IV (late)

Sturmhaubitze StuH 42 (early)

Sturmhaubitze StuH 42 (mid)

Sturmhaubitze StuH 42 (late)

Panzer IV F2

Panzer IV G (early)

Panzer IV G

Panzer IV G (late)

Panzer IV H

Panzer IV J

Jagdpanzer IV (early)

Jagdpanzer IV

Brummbär (Sturmpanzer IV, early)

Brummbär (Sturmpanzer IV, mid)

Brummbär (Sturmpanzer IV, late)




Panther (Pz V D)

Panther (Pz V D late)

Panther (Pz V A early)

Panther (Pz V A)

Panther (Pz V G)

Jagdpanther (JPz V , early)

Tiger (Pz VI E early)

Tiger (Pz VI E)

Tiger (Pz VI E late)

Elefant (PzJg Tiger)

again this doesn't count halftracks ,armored cars, trucks or light vehicles.

I really expect some of the German vehicles to wait until at least the Commenwealth module .(but there was some talk of a Porsch turrent King Tiger to battle with the Brits right?)

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Maybe with bigger maps they'll be more useful.

I don't think that will help. Remember the scenario that was on the disc of CMBB with the four or five Nashorns defending against a horde of T-34s? The Nashorns were hardly able to hit anything until the T-34s were close enough to return effective fire, and since there were so many of them...



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Right. Now that I think of it, CMX1 had a lot of things that werent' simulated realsiticaly and the CMx2 engine with its finer calcualtions can do better. In CMSF you cant really tell becuase even the T-55 hits with the first shot :) but hopefully in Normandy we will see the difference between an all around tank like the sherman and a dedicated Tank Hunter with long range optics. Also, I hope the PzIV will appear more in QBs. In CMx1 its rather small turret front wasnt taken into account iirc and hull down it was easy pray for even a Stuart.

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I don't think that will help. Remember the scenario that was on the disc of CMBB with the four or five Nashorns defending against a horde of T-34s? The Nashorns were hardly able to hit anything until the T-34s were close enough to return effective fire, and since there were so many of them...



No I never played that scenario, do you remember the name? I want to give it a try.

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