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Buy yourself a clue here B00M$LANG, what do you expect when you waltze in here all high and mighty spouting crap about your own personal and national military prowess.

Did you not think you might get your chain yanked a little?

And when you did get yanked did you cop it gracefully on the chin and join the fun or did you spit your pacifier out and try to fight the world?

Go away and come back when you can play nicely.

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Originally posted by B00M$LANG:

You know, I really must apologize to everyone in this thread. It was downright silly of me to expect that there would be even remotely serious discussion in a strategy and tactics forum. I really should have realized that no one could seriously post something like sergei did, because the possibility that someone could be so galactically stupid is ludicrous!

I should have realized that many of you are a bunch of ignorant tossers virtually twiddling each others wedding tackle and giggling like giddy schoolgirls when someone with a clue stumbles into what should be at least a semi-serious discussion about how a modern wargame should be played and finds a gaggle of fag hags pissed-off because the latest pair of pumps you bought are killing your feet.

My bad.

Er, point of order.

I believe fag hags congregate in flocking herds.

But otherwise, yeah, these pumps are killing me.

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*seriously* Have you tried posting in the time immorial Peng thread for a serious discussion on strategy & tactics?

Originally posted by B00M$LANG:

You know, I really must apologize to everyone in this thread. It was downright silly of me to expect that there would be even remotely serious discussion in a strategy and tactics forum. I really should have realized that no one could seriously post something like sergei did, because the possibility that someone could be so galactically stupid is ludicrous!

I should have realized that many of you are a bunch of ignorant tossers virtually twiddling each others wedding tackle and giggling like giddy schoolgirls when someone with a clue stumbles into what should be at least a semi-serious discussion about how a modern wargame should be played and finds a gaggle of fag hags pissed-off because the latest pair of pumps you bought are killing your feet.

My bad.

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Originally posted by B00M$LANG:

My bad.

Well, here's a quiz. People tend to react unfavourably to those who come across as:

a) Condescending

B) Arrogant

c) Mentally Challenged

d) A Total Dick

e) All of the above

As it is, I'm sure any hope of partaking in an intelligent discussion of tactics with any of the regulars of this board has evaporated quicker than your credibility.



jruddy, one of the "fanboiz" with "zero true military experience", and "a sucky personal life", who doesn't live in Umericah and wonders why "the US is the greatest country on earth..."

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Oh god... Stop... the laughter is making me insides bleed ...

A serious discussion about tactics died when opened your proverbial mouth. Assuming you're not just another ComputerStradledSoldierWannabe, your RL military experience is more like a spice to this dish of entertainment. It flavors the discussion, but it doesn't get any more weight than that. I'd love to talk real world tactics with you but alas it seems your mind is made up that the USA's the best, the French suck, and every country but your's and mine are surrender monkeys. Now is that how you think a conversation gets elevated. Lighten up, we're just having fun at your expense, by all means keep coming back and giving us ammo.


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Originally posted by Behemoth:


A serious discussion about tactics died when opened your proverbial mouth.

Even though yours is basically another condescending post designed solely to ridicule, I'm going to take this opportunity to clear the air to the best of my ability.

Assuming you're not just another ComputerStradledSoldierWannabe, your RL military experience is more like a spice to this dish of entertainment. It flavors the discussion, but it doesn't get any more weight than that.
I responded to, what I saw on its face, an exceedingly bad tactical comment, joking or not, and I get swarmed by a bunch of giggling hyenas...yeah, that REALLY lends itself to a good discussion about tactics. It takes two to tango, yes?

My qualifications are irrelevant, however I know there are a few people on this sight who know me in RL or from other forums, and they are quite familiar with my experience. Whether or not it is greater than anyone else's, I truly have no idea...however, from the tone of the posts in this thread, and an abject failure to understand how on earth I could have made such a mistake, does, in fact, lead me to believe that practical military experience is somewhat lacking among SOME of the posters here. That's just how I look at it.

I'd love to talk real world tactics with you...
Okay...so, where do you suggest we do this without some assmonkey deciding we're getting too serious,?

...but alas it seems your mind is made up that the USA's the best, the French suck, and every country but your's and mine are surrender monkeys.
Wait, what? You mean you didn't get my humor? Come on, ANYONE could have guessed I was kidding W00T! :rolleyes:

Now you see what I was dealing with...a post a person later claims to have been a joke, but didn't seem like one at all on first read,...or even the second or third. Because I don't KNOW the poster intimately, I'm the jerk? Whatever.

Now is that how you think a conversation gets elevated. Lighten up, we're just having fun at your expense, by all means keep coming back and giving us ammo.


I wasn't trying to elevate anything. I saw something that struck me as quite bad from a tactical point of view and responded. The joke is on me though, because it seems the only people allowed to opine are those that have hung around here for 8000 posts without really saying anything at all. Sorry, I don't fit the bill. I try to say words of some kind of substance, but that doesn't always work, now, does it?

As for jokes at my expense, I have no problems with people joking with me at all, and I love a good laugh as much as the next guy, but don't you think it is a tad bit juvenile to think that people should know what someone is thinking or feeling or intending from a post beyond what is written? Ever heard of unintended consequences?

Look, I didn't come here to fight with anyone. I genuinely thought that Sergei was confused and tried to help, albeit it seems that most of you misinterpreted MY intentions much the way I misinterpreted Sergei's intentions. The problem really came in with the co-signers who had nothing constructive to say, but felt they had to somehow make their "mark" with me. I understand the internal need for some people to **** on others at times, but I've looked back through the last 50 or so posts by some of the people who felt it was their duty to come here and act like a jerk without even bothering to read the entire thread or just because I was foolish enough to expect anything serious in this part of the forum, and it just baffles me to no end, because that's ALL they do, without adding one iota to the discussion. You may enjoy people like that, but I don't.

Even Sergei wasn't as condescending as some of the people in this thread, so thanks, Sergei, for your patience with me, and I apologize if YOU took my post the wrong way and I misinterpreted your humor. Everyone else, well, John Lennon said it best..."Whatever gets you through the night...".

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As you probably should know mate, on here the humour does tend towards the dry side. So unfortunately you apparently spitting the dummy is like a red-rag to bull. :-D

Anyway, thanks for some chuckles. I think none the worse of you, but I do suggest laying off the "fag hags" and "assmonkey" comments. Anyway, it's "arsemonkey"...


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Originally posted by Fetchez la Vache:

As you probably should know mate, on here the humour does tend towards the dry side. So unfortunately you apparently spitting the dummy is like a red-rag to bull. :-D

Anyway, thanks for some chuckles. I think none the worse of you, but I do suggest laying off the "fag hags" and "assmonkey" comments. Anyway, it's "arsemonkey"...


From the Urban Dictionary:


A close relative of an asshat, an assmonkey is best defined as 'any disagreeable idiot who has successfully combined being an asshole with the brainpower of a monkey fed LSD'.

Eytemology is unknown, but there are perhaps links to Wayne's World, and the line "Pshyeah, and monkeys might fly out my butt."

"God, could Nicholas be any more of an assmonkey? RTFM, n00b."

My definition:

"ASSMONKEY" (ASS-MUN-KEE), noun, an internet forum poster who believes they are divinely appointed to act like a jerk and is a legend in his or her own mind, AKA "troll", AKA "attention whore".

Hope that clears things up for you! :D

[ August 01, 2007, 08:54 AM: Message edited by: B00M$LANG ]

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Originally posted by Melnibone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by B00M$LANG:

but I've looked back through the last 50 or so posts by some of the people who felt it was their duty to come here and act like a jerk

Hey BOOM$STALKER I'm convinced I said something useful 48 posts ago. I try to keep up that 1 in 50 ratio. </font>
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Originally posted by B00M$LANG:

Insert text from last two Boom$lang posts here. (excluding the assmonkey etymology post)

I like the way you operate. First, you call the people that posted in the thread "assmonkeys" and say in no uncertain terms that we're all flaming homosexuals. Then you proceed to the next page and make a lengthy post, that while being trite and arrogant, is slightly apologetic and makes more sense than anything else you have posted to date. If you were really interested in tactics, you could have turned your back on the assmonkeys and posted something so tactically brilliant that the rest of us would be awed at the sight of your handle until kingdom come. I, for one, know you are this brilliant, because after all, you have experience. However, you could not do this. You descended into the muck with best of them, while making sure to let everyone know that you were in fact taking the moral high ground.

This merely illustrates the point that you are now, and more than likely will always be, a complete asshole.

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Originally posted by stoat:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by B00M$LANG:

Insert text from last two Boom$lang posts here. (excluding the assmonkey etymology post)

I like the way you operate. First, you call the people that posted in the thread "assmonkeys" and say in no uncertain terms that we're all flaming homosexuals. Then you proceed to the next page and make a lengthy post, that while being trite and arrogant, is slightly apologetic and makes more sense than anything else you have posted to date. If you were really interested in tactics, you could have turned your back on the assmonkeys and posted something so tactically brilliant that the rest of us would be awed at the sight of your handle until kingdom come. I, for one, know you are this brilliant, because after all, you have experience. However, you could not do this. You descended into the muck with best of them, while making sure to let everyone know that you were in fact taking the moral high ground.

This merely illustrates the point that you are now, and more than likely will always be, a complete asshole. </font>

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Originally posted by Thumbs:

Boom, you do realize that Sergei has over 10000 posts on these forums here? I think it would be logical to assume that he might know a thing or two about Wargames.

This is the funniest thread I've read all day. smile.gif

Sorry, but I'm a vet of many forums, and it's obvious the number of posts a person has made have little to do with their level of experience OR intelligence. This isn't meant to demean Sergei or his experience, just something I've noticed.

As for Sergei, I apologized to him for not "getting" his humor, but some people insisted on being retarded assmonkeys about the subject (not you or Sergei), and want to flex their puny little muscles.

Glad you're enjoying the thread, though! :D

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