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Detailed armor penetration modelling?

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In CMx1 we had advanced armor penetration modelling: partial penetration, armor flaking, immobilization. And all this info was displayed when vehicles were hit. I miss that info!

As a side note I noticed that regular various RPG's pretty much always knock out Strykers when hit. Shouldn't those "grates" mess up RPG rounds sometimes?

Also when Stryker is hit almost always all occupants die. This wasn't the case in CMx1 games.

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I've had the slat armor stop some RPG-7s. They seem a lot less effective than i was lead to believe, though.

I've noticed several components damaged. Tanks immobilized by tread hits and gun damage. Also, I've had smoke launchers and gun optics shot off by MG fire. Also, I've had APCs immobilized by having the driver killed by rocket fire and disarmed by having the gunner killed. I don't know about spalling, but i'd say that armor penetration is at least as detailed, if not more so

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Kip is right on the money about the reduced effectiveness of the slat armor. The big reason for its success in Iraq is the insurgents are using (for the most part) old stocks of RPG grenades that were likely partially, or completely, defective from the day they rolled out of the factory. The Syrians have quite a lot of this same questionable quality stuff, but as you go up the food chain to the better units you'll see less and less of the poor quality stuff. Fighters, as opposed to Combatants, tend to have decent stuff too.

You guys are talking about "hit text", and yeah... it's on the short list of feedback improvements. We all miss it :(


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"As a side note I noticed that regular various RPG's pretty much always knock out Strykers when hit."

I did some intense Red gameplay a couple days ago. I got to sneak several RPG teams within range of Strykers and MGS. After watching from the Red side I suspect the penetration modeling is alot more complex than we realise. A some angles I got no kills, occassionally i fired duds, sometimes a round would scate over the edge of the forward cage and BOOM! You'll notice in the menu there's more than one type of RPG HEAT round. When I saw the 'standard' round fired it looked like my kill chances were 40% or less against the cage. Its when you see that fat round with the dual warhead get loaded that you really start sweating for the Stryker crew. And RPG-29 'bazooka'? For me its working out to be the second scariest weapon on the battlefield! :eek:

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Originally posted by MikeyD:

And RPG-29 'bazooka'? For me its working out to be the second scariest weapon on the battlefield! :eek:

This is a really good weapon. I think the game uses it unrealistically though, weapon teams are firing it while inside buildings. I believe the backblast overpressure would kill everyone in the room.

Then again, they're an a PITA so maybe I just want them to come out into the open where I have a chance to kill them before they kill me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I dont see ricochets on tanks or broken shells. No matter what the round is, shells always seem to explode even the non damaging hits. I havent seen a penetrating round that doesnt cause explosion either. With the right angle even a HEAT round can bounch of a sloped armor, right? What about sabot, and ap? I miss that daaaang CMx1 sound too smile.gif

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Just to add… the RPG29 and the late ‘90s RPG7 rounds use the same 105mm tandem warhead. The are extremely powerful.

The same technology is used in the ‘90s rounds for the AT systems such the AT4. Hence if the scenario designer has Syrian equipment set to Good or Excellent more often than not anything and everything can penetrate all but the front of an M1.

The front of a late model M1 can normally only be penetrated by the AT14…maybe AT13.

All the best,


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The RPG29 is a mid ‘90s weapon and it is therefore likely to have “soft launch”… or something approaching that. i.e. be able to launch from a more enclosed space than earlier weapons.

This is normally done by having a very low initial launch speed, just to get it out the tube, then it quickly accelerates off.

My books are currently in storage as I have just moved house so I cannot confirm… but it is fairly likely.

All good fun,

All the best,


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The RPG29 is unguided and is therefore fairly difficult to make soft-launch. In any case, most reports indicate that the rocket motor burns completely before leaving the barrel.

While this could be mitigated by various countermass systems, a 6kg projectile with a 500m range would need significant amounts of propellant, thrust and hence back-blast. An analagous weapon would be the British LAW80 - not a system one would want to use in a confined space.

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