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Originally posted by sgtgoody (esq):

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by NG cavscout:

USAR 88-90 4/9 Cav

Active Army 90-92 Ft. Lewis 9th ID(1/9 Cav on HMMWV's), 199th Motorized Infantry Regiment

Active Army 92-94 Ft. Carson 4th ID (2/7 and 1/10 Cav on Bradleys)

National Guard 94-present Texas in 49th Armor, Wisconsin in 32nd Infantry Brigade, (E Trp 105th Cav then scout platoon of 1/128 Infantry, back to E Trp, then attached to 2/127 Infantry for OIF 05-06)

My unit just went through a transformation, so I am forced to take an Interrogator slot in an MI unit in Madison, just marking time till...

Retire in May 08

Who were you with in 199th? I was in B Co 2/1 INF. Mar 91 to Sep 92. </font>
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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

I was with the Cav troop, I think it was just called A Trp 9th Cav. I was a .50 cal gunner. I miss wearing a wet weather top every day. I remember they had soldier interviews in the post newspaper, and 90% of the pics of the soldiers had wet weather tops on. Man it rained alot there. I remember trying to sleep in the drivers seat of a leaky HMMWV my first field problem, fun, fun, fun. Did you ever see the Rangers running around the airfield over and over?

I remember. Then I had to do it myself when I came back as light.

When they first put GPS in our trucks they didn't seal the mount very well and water came in through the roof. The padding on the roof just happened to funnel all the water right into the TC seat. I was driving for the PSG at the time and couldn't stop laughing at him sitting there getting rained on.

Another time we were comming back from Yak and I was driving for my LT. We were about 30 minutes from post when the batteries started to cook. I looked over and he was engulfed in white smoke. I started to pull over but he didn't want to so we drove on with smoke pouring from the truck and him sitting in the middle of it smoking.

Good times.

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U.S. Army active 1983-1987, reserves 87-93

Intel officer; airborne, ranger and sniper (Ft. Benning) prior to commision

Assigned 7th ID (L), Ft. ord and detached to SOUTHCOM for multiple TDY trips down south

US aid mission to El Salvador

CONTRA training and unit evaluator (yes, read into that what you will)

Commanded reserve intel company (linguists, document exploitation and interogators) in 1st Gulf War.



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2005-2009 (?)

14J Air Defense Command, Control, Computers, Communications & Intelligence Tactical Operations Center Enhanced Operator/Maintainer.

Work in Bn TOC in a patriot missile defense unit. Original contract was 2 1/2 years otherwise i'd have never picked the job.

Reclassing to 13R in the next couple months, firefinder radar operator for an additional 1 1/2 years commitment.

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US Air Force March 2001 - current

2001 - 2002: 56 Comm Sq, Luke AFB

2002 - 2006: 786 then 735 then 435 Comm Sq, Ramstein AB

2006 - Present: 53 Combat Comm Sq, Robins AFB

I did 4 months at Al Udeid AB Qatar from Oct 2005 - Jan 2006 and I'm going to Iraq this upcoming January.

Also, I re-enlist 2 weeks from today!

[ August 08, 2007, 01:43 AM: Message edited by: BigDork ]

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1980-82 3/68 ADA 82nd Airborne Div 16E Hawk Missle Fire Control Operator.

1982-84 2/2 ADA same job Giessen FRG

1986-88 A CO 2/7 INF 24th ID Ft Stewart GA 11B/M Bradley Infantryman

1988-1992 A CO 4/7 INF 3rd ID Aschaffenburg FRG 11M (to include Desert Storm Deployment)

1996-2006 ACO 156 SIG Mobile Subscriber Equipment Operater/Maintainer Mich Army National Guard (to include OIF I/II 03-04)

2006-present 31B Military Policeman 46 MP CO currently at FOB Rustamiyah Baghdad.

[ August 08, 2007, 05:17 AM: Message edited by: Splinty ]

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Could not avoid the mandatory draft here in Austria but was lucky to get a not fit for combat duty rating. smile.gif Which is good However was unlucky enough to get a fit for admin duty rating. Which is bad. :mad:

So as a good soldier I cut my losses and looked for another strategy :D

Let some time pass and then before I had to report for service I told them that my eyesight deteriorated even more since the draft. So I got an appointment for a redraft and had to spend another 2 days in the barracks which was bad :mad:

However, a eye specialist who is a friend briefed me well enough to get my eyesight result to a not fit for military service level which is good :D

So mission accomplished :D

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Originally posted by sgtgoody (esq):


Do they tell you guys in basic that you are the backup M60 gunner? Every medic that was ever attached to one of my platoons used to beg me for time on the pig. Got lots of driveon rags out of the deal though.

When I was with the infantry at Stewart, we used to do 25-milers every payday. Yeah, I've done my time with the monster, and my aidbag, and all the other gear everyone else carried.

I didn't mind, really, even though I've got deteriorating ankles and a hip for it all. I made sure that I was trained on every piece of warfighting equipment in every type of unit I was assigned, how to drive everything, and how to do the things that could keep me and my patients alive in combat (call for fire and such). When I made Corporal and had soldiers under my charge, and continuing throughout my career, I made sure my platoon was just as trained as I was.

My guys normally had the highest success rate in the EFMB of any unit attending, and, in many cases, went on to do the same for THEIR medics down the road.

Although I often refer to myself as a Cavalryman in a Medic's clothing, I would never have traded the varied experiences I got as a medic for anything.

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Originally posted by Splinty:

1980-82 3/68 ADA 82nd Airborne Div 16E Hawk Missle Fire Control Operator.

1982-84 2/2 ADA same job Giessen FRG

1986-88 A CO 2/7 INF 24th ID Ft Stewart GA 11B/M Bradley Infantryman

1988-1992 A CO 4/7 INF 3rd ID Aschaffenburg FRG 11M (to include Desert Storm Deployment)

1996-2006 ACO 156 SIG Mobile Subscriber Equipment Operater/Maintainer Mich Army National Guard (to include OIF I/II 03-04)

2006-present 31B Military Policeman 46 MP CO currently at FOB Rustamiyah Baghdad.

SPLINTY! I was the Dco Senior Medic from 86-88!

[ August 08, 2007, 05:58 AM: Message edited by: B00M$LANG ]

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Finnish Army, 12 months of basic training at Pori Brigade, Säkylä in the 1st Jääkäri Company, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finnish_Rapid_Deployment_Force)

Designated wartime position either as a squad leader or as a commander of Sisu XA-185 APC. In the following spring our unit marched through Sweden and continued to northern Norway alongside with a Swedish mechanized company. There this two-company strong detachment participated to Battle Griffin 2005 as the largest non-Nato force precent.

During the same year I enlisted to peacekeeping duties in Kosovo, and spent the following year at Suvi Do near Lipljan as regular guardjaeger of the 3rd squad of the 1st Platoon, Alfa-Coy, MNBC, KFOR.

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I was getting a headache trying to recall every unit I was assigned too. So I will make it short and sweet. I served from 1972 to 1992 after twenty years in the US Marine Corps and the US Army, first four years of course was with the Marines. Both services was an Infantryman,or as the Marines say, grunt, both Light, Mech, and Air Assault in the Army.


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Originally posted by tc237:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Splinty:

2006-present 31B Military Policeman 46 MP CO currently at FOB Rustamiyah Baghdad.

Is that the FOB on the South East side, near the canal and the Diyala river? </font>
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