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Some CMx1 things I miss

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However, some things will not go back in. No matter what. Mostly because they are no longer relevant or are actually technically impossible. Fast fowarding through a WeGo turn is not possible. That's like asking to fast foward through CMx1's turn compile, because that is what that first "play" is. That's where all the calculations are happening! Funny that you guys are quick to complain about the lack of fast forward, but aren't even noticing that you're not waiting up to 5 times as long to even get to that stage Play again and see what I'm talking about. So even though you can't fastfoward each turn is still taking a lot less time overall.

Ok then what about instead of the replay being automatic and we have to turn it off, what about it isn't automatic and we have to turn it on.

often I am involved in something click the OK then I want to give more commands but have to turn off the replay which I realise when I can't get a command box up.

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I'm a CMx1 player who is already beginning to love CMx2. However, a few features of the old system would do wonders for the new:

These two I endorse whole-heartedly:

--adjustable waypoints

--"See all targetting/movement lines" option

Here are my suggestions:

--Transparent roofs/walls for occupied buildings!

The difficulty in seeing at a glance where all my troops are located is a real SA killer. The floating icons just aren't close enough to the actual location for this purpose, and they're invisible in some view angles.

--A KIA/MIA counter on the unit info block.

Right now a soldier's weapon graphic just disappears from the list when he leaves the squad due to wounds. This disappearance leaves no trace, forcing the player to try to remember how many men the unit started with and compare it to the present moment.

In fact, since green already means OK and yellow means wounded, why not keep the graphic (but red) for KIAs rather than having it disappear?

--Unique hotkeys for every command.

This is a plain old interface issue. Having three or four pages of commands that use the same keys (U/I/O/J/K etc.) is confusing. Worse, it means that *sometimes* you have to hit two keys (go to the right page of commands, then select the command itself) to perform an action, while other times (when you happen to start on the right page) you only hit one key. This makes it harder for the interface to feel natural.

[ July 28, 2007, 06:50 AM: Message edited by: Martyr ]

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I am very disappointed. I don't mind change, but I feel like that whole GUI has changed to a point that I don't recognize it. Were is the LOS tool? An LOS tool is essential. Why can't I right-click on my unit and choose their action? I don't want to have to move my mouse all the way across the screen, click a button to choose a sub menu and then finally click yet another button to choose their action. Context menus exist for a reason. They are efficient. This multi-click on buttons somewhere else on the screen is ugly and requires extra work. Poor decision to change that. Not being able to alter your waypoints? Another step back worth three demerits. What happened to being able to hit / and turn 180 degrees? I can go on and on because more has changed than has stayed the same at first glance and a few hours of play. (And yes I did RTFM.)

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--Transparent roofs/walls for occupied buildings!
Yes. I find navigating the beautifully rendered city scapes very complicated--- especially in real-time, which is most certainly how I play now smile.gif

Detailed armour pen. would be nice to have back.

Also, one thing that confuses me- why don't the Stryker squads automatically carry their Javelins? I read in the manual that this is due to the Javelins being a part of the Styker as opposed to the squad in the Stryker-- and of course this gives lots flexibility since you can equip whatever unit you want with the Javelins, but its a pain to go through every unit at deployment and equip them. It's even worse when reserves arrive in real time, and you have to go through and add the missiles to every team (and since I play on elite, you can't do it while the game is paused... or can you? The manual said you can't issue orders on elite when paused...).

I would propose something like an "equip with javelins" button, or something, which in one click gives the unit under question the Javs and all the Jav missiles. This would be faster then the acquire/Jav, acquire/Jav missiles x3 system as it stands now.

My main qualm as it stands however remains not having any way to see all the movement/targeting lines. Modifiable way points is a part of that as well-- how many players went to move their waypoints and ended up ordering their guys to fast run into enemy machineguns? smile.gif

Matt and Steve-- great game for sure. I feel like I'm just scratching the surface and I know they're going to be some amazing stuff to come.

One last question though--- are they're reload sounds in the game? I couldn't hear them when I as hovering over the Abrams, but I read earlier that they were in.

They are efficient. This multi-click on buttons somewhere else on the screen is ugly and requires extra work. Poor decision to change that.
Learn the hotkeys! I agree, I miss the right click/menu, but the hotkeys are a good (and fast) alternative. Does make for a bit of a learning curve though.
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Originally posted by Mr Byte:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />However, some things will not go back in. No matter what. Mostly because they are no longer relevant or are actually technically impossible. Fast fowarding through a WeGo turn is not possible. That's like asking to fast foward through CMx1's turn compile, because that is what that first "play" is. That's where all the calculations are happening! Funny that you guys are quick to complain about the lack of fast forward, but aren't even noticing that you're not waiting up to 5 times as long to even get to that stage Play again and see what I'm talking about. So even though you can't fastfoward each turn is still taking a lot less time overall.

Ok then what about instead of the replay being automatic and we have to turn it off, what about it isn't automatic and we have to turn it on.

often I am involved in something click the OK then I want to give more commands but have to turn off the replay which I realise when I can't get a command box up. </font>

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I have to agree that I miss a lot of what was mentioned about and would like to see them brought into the game during a patch.

One thing I'm missing is that when you move your men during setup phase you have to switch to the targetting menu to have face them the way you want them pointing. I miss the old system where after you moved a unit you got to choose which way they were facing. A minor issue but something that will save a bit of time. Especially if you are moving a company or more at the beginning of the battle.

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Steve. one thing I miss from a pure design standpoint is the keyboard commands from CMx1. In particular, I think it was a very poor decision (from a design standpoint) to have the "target" and "fast movement" commands tied to the same key stroke (i.e., "u") on the default settings. I have played about ten hours now and still lose men because I thought I was targeting the enemy from teh safety of my building, only to see my men faithfully execute a suicide charge.

BFC Please fix or do somefink!


P.S. To Matt, Steve, Charles, rune, et al. -- I do think this is a good game, and believe it will get better with time. Please do not interpret my criticism as thinking this is a bad game; far from it, I think it is a good game, albeit not what I had expected. If I didn't trust and support BFC, I would never have paid over $60 for a new game, sight unseen. I recognize this is not CMx1; I just think that certain things that made CMx1 so popular should have been included in the game.

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More votes for the same:

I Have only played it a bit, but intitaly I am missing the line of sight tool. It helps so much in knowing for sure what the LOS sight for a unit is. It also is a big help in seeing the suttle elevations of the terrain as well as telling the type "woods, rough ect... It gives you immidiate info on distance.

Adjustable way points as well as most of the other comments previously mentioned.

Still putting it through it's paces. Graphics look great!

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Originally posted by Madmatt:

we are BATTLEFRONT and we invented this genre, so stick with us and you will be along for an awesome ride in computer gaming evolution.



Too bad it seems like an evolutionary step backwards at the moment.

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I miss....

Right click menus...

Graphics that were good from a high angle view...

Fast Forwarding through a turn where I know nothing is going to happen....

Keyboard commands that were clear, like "M" for move; now it's "O", what?....

The Mouse/screen rotation system from CMBB, now the top/middle ends move your screen left and right, instead of rotating around like on CMBB.

[ July 28, 2007, 07:11 PM: Message edited by: Ryan Crierie ]

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I played the demo and I really like playing real time. It's curious though that CMx1 offered a lot of functions suited for RT (though not needed) that have been left out in CMx2 where there are necessary to play time-efficiently in those "hectic" moments. Many of them have been mentioned before and are all present in cmx1.

User Interface:

- Lack of independent hotkeys e.g. M for move. Clicking through submenus is too slow for RT. A right click pop-up menu even with submenus would have been much more efficient.

- Keyboard scrolling doesn't work. I can use the mouse but than I can't give orders at the same time.

- No adjustable waypoints.

Quick accessible info:

- "ENTER" to get weapons and unit info

- No info while giving a move button where my inf is moving into (open terrain, crater, trees...). Even if they arrive no info about concealment, cover etc.

- No info while giving target commands. What am I targeting? (a tank crew or an inf squad), can I kill it?, is it located in a trench? Should I therefore use indirect fire?

- Target lines

- Movement lines

- If the TacAI chooses a target for a unit, there is no indication what the target is, not even a red line.

Analyzing/learning tools:

- No after battle kill info for units and arty. There is no way I can tell if my tactics where effective or who killed what. I could think that my arty usage was good but in reality it was totally useless and some other unit was responsible.

- It's especially sad that there is no pause-replay function in RT. It was such an important tool of learning in CM. Replaying one minute over and over again to see who did what, why and how, not to mention those "WOW" moments that made CM great (shooting with a 150 mm inf gun at the corner of a 2 story building to destroy an open topped TD out of LOS). It's important for bug hunting as well. In the demo I shot 5 javelins at a T72, no kill, bug or feature?

Graphic representation:

- Transparent buildings

To name just a few :D .

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My list of "please add these features in the patch" were mostly listed above and after the comments from Steve and Madmatt will probably show up. To emphasize:

Please allow a switch from "Real Time" to "We Go" and vice versa. (This would be very helpful in transitioning to "Real Time.")

What about an "order of battle" page? It doesn't need to be to detailed but when I want to quickly find a sniper or something it would be useful.

180 Degree view switch hot-key. (This would be a real time saver.)

Show ALL unit movement/target orders. (Very helpful for multi-unit coordination.)

Ambient Noise toggle in addition to sound on/off. (So I can listen to 'Ride of the Valkyries' when playing and still hear important sounds.)

View zoom from a static point.

After three hours of play (not including the time it took to read the first 94 pages of the manual) I think this is a good game and if Battlefront's history is any indication, it will be a great game after a few patches.

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Originally posted by Tinjaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Vinnart:

...I am missing the line of sight tool. It helps so much in knowing for sure what the LOS sight for a unit is. It also is a big help in seeing the suttle elevations of the terrain as well as telling the type "woods, rough ect... It gives you immidiate info on distance....

I made the same mistake. Use targeting instead.</font>
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