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Nemesis Lead:

Nope, I never have man, so that's not a problem for me. But I DO understand that there is a whole communiy out there that want to so I do feel for you.

That's one of the problems you get when you lump all these issues into one thread. We all have our own priorities about what should be fixed first. I read these forums regularly and I know that most of these issues have already been brought to Battlefront's attention and had replies from Steve. I'm sure that you would agree that most of that list is just trivia too. You just have different issues with the game than me.

Anyway, my point is, let's get 1.06 out asap and fix that horrible low walls bug without worrying about some of the genuine trivia that's up on that list. Steve's already said that there'll be a 1.07 so it's not like they're giving up on it. Frankly, I doubt they ever will.

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Nemesis Lead:

I may be missing something, but how do you propose that graphical artists, researchers, sound engineers and marketers can help troubleshoot computer programs? I'm all for speeding the release of 1.06, but I don't see that the guys other than Charles can contribute that much. I would suspect that they would be far better employed getting the preliminaries for the next module/game ready.

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TBH, most of these bugs being reported I've never seen, so rather than a big list of things that would have to be reproduced to be fixed, if a save game showing each (before the bug happens - after is no good) or a list of steps to always reproduce them was given it would be a great help to BFC, I'm sure.

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Originally posted by flamingknives:

Perhaps you could start a new thread? 300 posts doesn't mean that the subject is finished, just that the forum software may go a bit wobbly.

That was a bug in the 1999 version of UBB. I see no other forum out there, using UBB or other software, that magically turns to goo after 300 posts. By now it is the socially accepted limit to start a new thread.
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Originally posted by Nemesis Lead:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by flamingknives:

The mind boggles.

AFAICT, BFC have one bloke working on fixes for CMSF. But then they only have one programmer, so what do you expect?

Probably Steve, Dan, Martin, Matt and Fernando are working on the next module, and possibly the WW2 game as well. I don't quite see how having them as beta testers helps, as they don't really do any programming.

They ought to just stop working on any modules or new games until the get this one right. I would not, in 1 million years, buy another CMX2 game until this one was right.

Right now, it ain't even close. </font>

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Here's something that maybe hasn't been mentioned yet. I saw it when playing a turn based game against the AI. I had saved the game situation and then later continued from this saved file. When planning next turn's moves I noticed that several dead infantry units were now in their normal positions. See the screen shot:


But when I started watching the resulting movie, they immediately, literally dropped dead. It looks like it's just some weird animation bug, but I'll have to watch whether there are some other problems are also. I've seen this twice already after continuing the saved game.

EDIT: wasn't just animation. After checking this some more I noticed that right after loading the game from file, these dead units spot as if they were alive. When they become dead again, enemies they spotted disappear (are not seen anymore). This lasts until you start viewing the movie again. Then these "spotted by dead units" enemies stay visible all the time.

[ January 01, 2008, 12:01 PM: Message edited by: SlowMotion ]

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Vehicles behave as troops under fire

Vehicles when fired upon heavily behave as infantry. I understand that if infantry is receives heavy fire the will crowl to safety (i.e. slow) but when a hammer for example receives fires the normal thing to to is step on it and run away - not "slow" movment.

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There are all kinds of issues with WEGO from AI to PBEM to resetting unit status at the beginning of replay. Most of the issues have been talked about already, but right now, I struggle with WEGO. The only way I find 1.05 playable is in RT.

I think the whole WEGO thing needs a good going over to make it playable.

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Can I add that we really need to make the time limit adjustable for quick battles, trying to take an urban area in 25 minutes does not suit the CM style of game.

I know we hope to be able to have more control over force composition in the future but for now being able to change the time would be helpful.

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I have only just upgraded my computer and so the full version is only now getting serious play on 1.05.

Here are some of the things that jumped out at me while playing.

* Syrian enemy infantry running on air at first floor level. On guy was prone outside a building in midair at level 5 and when killed fell to the ground. Happened in "Ambush Tutorial", and I think it has something to do with a LOD rendering of balconies on my specific setup.

* The low wall bug seems to add a couple of feet to the height of high walls too.

* Use of the AT 4 is instantaneous. ie my guy spotted a BMP, thought about equipping the rocket, equipped the rocket, aimed, fired, hit, put away the rocket in under one second. The Javelin man did not seek to move to a position where he could fire.

* Squads reacted to the same exploding BMP by abandoning their safe position on one side of a concrete wall and running around it to seek shelter in a building on the enemy side.

* Strykers occupying the same space ie clipping.

* LOS calculations do not seem to stick to an action spot until the squad has arrived and regrouped. The squad cannot spot a vehicle right in front of it until the whole squad has settled and the game has "clicked" that they are now on that spot.

* The action spot pathing produces strange results where you can't put a squad exactly where you want, they regroup on their action spot, often moving several metres. Vehicles are much better at this, although the action spot pathing still sees them turning their flanks and using non-direct paths.

* Syrian recoilless gun crew constanly sought to recrew their weapon despite heavy small arms incoming. This resulted in their being killed one by one despite being in good cover behind a crest.

* Last waypoint does not stay selected to give a face command as mentioned in 1.05 release notes.

* The LOS line floats at an imprecise point above the cursor. It should track it like a laser.

* Enemy Syrians of all varieties seem reluctant to fire their weapons despite my poor tactics giving them all the time in the world to do so.

* Units do not recognise that they are under fire unless they are hit.

[edited to change AT3 to handheld US AT4]

[ January 02, 2008, 05:44 PM: Message edited by: Hoolaman ]

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I finally captured the "infantry squad splitting-by-itself bug". Basically when I unloaded the infantry squad from the Stryker after getting Javelins, I ordered them Quick, and also gave them Fire Arc. Then, for some reason, they split into, while the center of the squad was attached to some invisible person. Then they proceeded on both sides of the trench, completely ignoring the cover, and got killed.


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For me this would be the best war game ever made if only

the troops could pop up and down to shoot and then take

cover behind low walls,deploy weapons on top of low walls,pop out

and shoot around corners of walls and buildings,and

if Blue force had the ability to hit any place on the map(without LOS)

with air and artillery support.And where is the Carl Gustav 84 mm

recoilless rifle? smile.gif

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Just to confirm that we (meaning myself and the testers) have been keeping up on this thread. It's best for me to not comment on much of it as it goes along since it tends to derail the thread's "train of consciousness" flow.

What I can say is that quite a few of the things mentioned here are already fixed in the current v1.06 beta. What we're intent on doing is NOT letting v1.06 spiral out into another Mother of All Patches like v1.05 did. Meaning, we are going to get a few things fixed as quickly as possible, then release it without further delaying it for yet another fix.


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BTW, there is no interruption of fixes/tweaks due to work on the Marines Module. The two are, at least 95% of the time, on different parallel tracks that don't interfere with each other. And in fact can't because the skill sets are different (i.e. KwazyDog makes the models, he doesn't code. Charles codes, he doesn't make the models). Testers are focused on bugs/tweaks, not Marines data or scenario building (yet).


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May I add (again... :rolleyes: )

-Self reversing to out of LOS position for vehicles when facing a threat (not really a bug ;) but a crucial feature for realistic vehicle combat IMHO[at least as realistic as in CMX1])

-Pause 15 sec. duration too long (especially for modern warfare. I don't understand why it has become longer)

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