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...lets dance!!

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Do I wanna dance?? Mmm...very strange. Sorry but when I'm given ultimatums I DONT back down -never have and I never will so... do your worst.

Actually didnt think my recent posts were pointless OR stilted but however.

Now lets see...the latest Collins Cobuild dictionary defines 'pointless' as being senseless, absurd, aimless, fruitless or futile. Now as both my posts were specifically refering to the new Combat Mission/ Strike Force game they can hardly be accused of not being to the point.

The same dictionary defines 'stilted' as being stiff, constrained, forced, unnatural and wooden. Now you can brand my recent postings as a lot of things but 'stilted' would not be one of them.

Anyway I'll say my piece now. This whole new CM/Strike Force thing will be a disaster. Battle'front' (yes, I got it right this time) are obviously going after the FPS teenage crowd who buy MOH & Call of Duty, either that or they ARE going after the US defence contracts. Either way they're ignoring their natural fan base and the result is going to be as predictable as it is sad. Like many other software developers in the past have done, they have come up with a first class product, in this case CMBO/BB/AK and then promptly forgotten what it is that made these games unique in the first place. Guys, wake up!...maybe you should consider why people like myself write (sometimes) passionate messages on this forum -- we LOVE these games dammit!! I can only go by what developers have done in the past but when they say something 'may be' included in the new game (ie. PBEM) its a safe bet to say it wont.

Second point - I've always detected a distinct whiff of sycohanticism in this forum and events recently since the announcement of CMSF have only confirmed this for me. Anyone that even hints of disagreeing with the management decsions of BF gets shot down in flames. Look over a lot of the recent posts if your unsure of this!

To the Battlefront forum old boys network...do yerselves and everyone else a favour and come over to where free speech is valued and true wargamers are honored - The Blitz.

Wait!...what is it?! Oh no! It cant be....yes it is..could it be a BAN (arghhhhhhh)

- falco.

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Originally posted by (fgm) falco:

To the Battlefront forum old boys network...do yerselves and everyone else a favour and come over to where free speech is valued and true wargamers are honored - The Blitz.

:confused: Where do I join this old boys network? How come I haven't been invited?
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I think the biggest reason that these threads get locked up and/or shot to pieces by other forum members is simply because you have said NOTHING in this post that hasn't already been said and addressed a hundred times in many other threads.

Please take the time to read some of the other posts and some of BFC's responses.

The comment about CM:SF going after the FPS teenage crowd has been made and answered so many times its simply staggering.

[ October 12, 2005, 10:47 PM: Message edited by: Green Hornet ]

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Yes, you guys REPEATEDLY keep harping on about how the rest of us are supposed to go back through old posts that are supposedly about the same topic. Well maybe we dont want to....maybe we just want to voice are own opinions in our own way - however half-baked you and others ay thnk they are.

- falco.

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Originally posted by (fgm) falco:

Yes, you guys REPEATEDLY keep harping on about how the rest of us are supposed to go back through old posts that are supposedly about the same topic. Well maybe we dont want to....maybe we just want to voice are own opinions in our own way - however half-baked you and others ay thnk they are.

- falco.

Lazy as well as redundant..I think your a masochist...


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I don't see any harm in raising it again, but if nobody wants to respond to it reasonably for the 50th time, who can blame them. You certainly shouldn't expect BFC to respond everytime someone raises the same point again, they've got much better things to do.

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Falco, if you had posted what you posted at the start of this thread in your first thread you may have gotten a better response. Not great because what you have written is still redundant, but not so hostile. After all plenty of BFC froum "old boys" have made similarly redundant posts ;) .

Instead you posted this:

From the info we've been given so far by Battlefield, it does look seriously like there WILL be no PBEM. This SUCKS!! - no ifs or buts...end of story. What are you guys thinking??!!

Which doesn't make you sound very smart because it is:

a) based on your imagination and not facts


B) Asks no question, does not leave any room for discussion on a particular topic.

So your posts are indeed

senseless, absurd, aimless, fruitless or futile.

[ October 12, 2005, 10:14 PM: Message edited by: Hoolaman ]

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Took all that time to look into a dictionary and yet you still come off uniformed and clueless.

And for someone that had to look up "pointless" and "stilted" I find it interesting that you still got the definition for the word "Maybe" wrong. If PBEM wasn't going to be a feature of CMSF we would have said so. We said "maybe", as in maybe it will and maybe it won't. Right now all things being equal it looks like it will but since we aren't 100% sure yet, we have to be honest and say simply "maybe".

Of course, you took that "Maybe" comment and you clutched it tight and squeezed it and massaged it until it fit what you WANTED to hear. You want to have a good reason to be upset with us. We didn't provide you with the next CM game of your dreams and your hurt, your ego bruised, your passions ignored by the very same people that you trusted and admired in the past. We didn't listen to you, you who are such a fan of our work, you who KNOWS exactly what we should do and how our next game should be. Damnit why won't we just listen to you!!! It's terrible.. I know..

I believe the medical field has a name for this type of behavior. Psychotic. Need to look that one up too?

As to your banning.. Nah, not yet but I have hope for you yet.


p.s. And here I thought this was going to be a post all about David Bowie... Great song too...

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Quoting from (FNG) falco, but slightly edited:

This whole new CM/Strike Force thing will be a disaster. Battlefront are obviously going after the FPS teenage crowd who buy MOH & Call of Duty, either that or they ARE going after the US defence contracts. Either way they're ignoring their natural fan base and the result is going to be as predictable as it is sad. Like many other software developers in the past have done, they have come up with a first class product, in this case CMBO/BB/AK and then promptly forgetting what it is that made these games unique in the first place. Guys, wake up!...maybe you should consider why people like myself write (sometimes) passionate messages on this forum -- we LOVE these games dammit!! [End Quote.]

To a large extent I too am verry worried about your predition, although I'm happy enough with the BFI developing a modern / near future CM:SF game first for the developmental experiment process phase for the next and many further WWII CMx2 games later on, but hopefully soon enough. smile.gif

I suspect, not that I'm all that concerned though, that the CM third person WEGO mechanics are not going to appeal to the FPS market to a commercially successful degree. I hope that this means that the BFI will have to get back to concentraiting more for the current CM wargaming market even with a few of these modern or other different settings from WWII. ;)

I also hope that the BFI arn't entirely banking on the commercial success of CM:SF even with a US defense department contract! tongue.gif

BTW I'm also fearing that the 2nd CMx2; CM:ETO 44-45 is not devoted exclusive to a US Army only song and dance troope, although however I wouldn't be all that bloody surprised at this! :eek:

[ October 12, 2005, 10:37 PM: Message edited by: Zalgiris 1410 ]

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CMBO/BB/AK and then promptly forgotten what it is that made these games unique in the first place.
You mean the game design? Nah, we haven't forgotten about that. In fact, we've made it a lot better. I'm sure if this were WWII you wouldn't be complaining at all. You're just another brat who didn't get what he wanted and now it is time to throw a messy tantrum. Hope mommy laid out a new set of jammies for you since you've probably soiled the set you're wearing.

Anyone that even hints of disagreeing with the management decsions of BF gets shot down in flames.
Nah, only ignorant, whining, redundant, factually incorrect, irrational, daft in the head, unwilling to read, incapable of coherent thought, posters tend to get it right between the eyes. If you think you're on the receiving end of things... well, there is a logical reason for it and blind support of us has nothing to do with it.

Look over a lot of the recent posts if your unsure of this!
Check the responses to mature, rational criticism of our choice of setting if you are unsure of what I said above. Idiots get special treatment, the others are treated like everybody else.


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Originally posted by (fgm) falco:

AND an 'idiot'. Damn....wot have I done yo deserve all the special attention??

- falco.

You forgot Lazy, Redundant and Masochistic...those were mine...


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Originally posted by (fgm) falco:

Second point - I've always detected a distinct whiff

Ahh yes. That would be the whiff of my childish taunt, since withdrawm.

I return you now to contemplation of Jennifer Connely, which is a Great Thing.


[ October 12, 2005, 11:29 PM: Message edited by: dalem ]

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