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Please Program the AI to WIN!

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Understanding defense. Understanding the Objective is to WIN. Combat Mission would be the number one game of all time, but, the AI is stupid near the end of the scenaro. It's on a defensive mission and it breaks out of it's foxholes near the end and does this parade of death towards my well protected line of attack toward objective flags. It's practically suicidal. It does the same thing in meeting engagements when IT'S AHEAD, it would win the stupid battle if it would just hold it's ground, but, those "objective hexes" have been programmed to be too important and it breaks its line and it's defense trying to take the sole and only objective hex I occupy and thus my men slauther it and I end up winning. That's just sad, really sad.

Anyway you can fix this or adjust this somewhat Steve and Battlefront peoples?

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From what little I've been able to understand from Moon's many posts it sounds like the CMx2 AI is going to be a real mutha to fight and beat, especially for us old CMx1 players who have absorbed all the old AI's tricks and shortcomings. Add to that relative spotting and possibly reduced 'Eye-of-God' overfly abilities and it sounds like it might be a challenge and a half to win consistently ...especialy if you like playing the Syrian side in QBs! :eek:

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I would like it if the computer defended a map better than it does. In CMx1, I have a large map as an operation with multiple objectives and it situated 80% of its forces in the farthest 200m of the map. Someplace that even if I run my troops I will not reach until 3 battles later. It was crazy to play a game where I had PSW222s and the computer T-34s but I ended up covering much of the board without any opposition. Placing 1 AT gun near the edge of the set-up area would have slowed me down considerably.

I am really hoping that this will be corrected in CMx2. I have owned CMBB for 2 years and only found a PBEM friend in my area 3 months ago. I am getting my clock cleaned as I have picked up so many bad habits playing against the computer. He is acting more from a logical point of view and I from a "vs. computer AI" point of view.

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The grogs may find it really really hard to believe, but I recall BFC once claimed the great majority of CM purchasers got the product for human vs AI play only (GASP!). Basically, most buyers either didn't have the patience or internet hookup to send and recieve turns for weeks to grind through what should be a 25 minute battle. Also, the great majority of CM purchasers have never downloaded a mod or posted to the forum!

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Originally posted by Pvt. Ryan:

The new AI system for CMx2 is called FIONNAI. Each time a player starts a game against the AI he will really be playing a head to head game against Fionn. God help us all.

HAHAHAH! Wow. That would be good. ;)

The AI in CM is pretty dang good, IMO. It is dealing with a lot. The balance between an AI that is good and one that is too good is a fine line to hit. The CMx1 AI had to make abstractions to find out what each units should know and see. CMx2 will take care of that and that is the biggest issue.

The other issue is making an AI that is good in all terrains/scenarios for the purpose of QBs. This is something that CMx2 will handle by having a narrower scope. The AI doesn't need to be as complex because there aren't as many possibilities.

Now I have no idea if the AI checks for this in CMx1 but imagine before making a decision on placing the units the TacAI must consider: The weather, terrain of the map, cover available, cover with decent LOS to objectives, force composition (who should be near who) and probably a myriad of other things. What is better this plowed field 300m from the objective or this heavy tree 500m away?

CMx2 will be far more complex of course but also things like terrain and force composition decisions are reduced. The limited time frame allows more SOP sort of AI decisions.

These troops are positioned this way because they are a Styker unit in Syria in 2007 is much easier then these troops are a (German/US/Brit/Polish) (armored/infantry/SS/FJ/mech) unit in (France/Holland/Germany) in (June 44-May 45).

That entire post was made up but hopefully is along the right lines.

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"...I had moved on to OSX..."

I've read more than one post on this board from people who still have their redundant old OS 9 mac plugged in for one purpose only - so they can keep playing CM!

Me, I'm still running ancient system 8.5 (constructed from deer sinew and sticks). I've really really REALLY got to upgrade before CMSF comes out.

[ December 01, 2005, 06:55 AM: Message edited by: MikeyD ]

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Originally posted by MikeyD:

The grogs may find it really really hard to believe, but I recall BFC once claimed the great majority of CM purchasers got the product for human vs AI play only (GASP!). Basically, most buyers either didn't have the patience or internet hookup to send and recieve turns for weeks to grind through what should be a 25 minute battle. Also, the great majority of CM purchasers have never downloaded a mod or posted to the forum!

:eek: shocking! I refuse to believe it.
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When you are the only person around that knows a T-34 from a Titmouse, you tend to play against the AI.

When you have to give the AI 5 T-34s so you can have 1 PzIVH, it takes away from the historical realism. I love playing against a PBEM opponent but we have played 1 operation for 2 months and I need a stronger fix than that.

While I am at it, I would like the AI to rain arty down upon an area that I actually have troops in. In an operation, it continually called arty down on an area that I had vacated in Game 1. Giving the AI arty is a useless waste of points.

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AI in CMx1 teaches u really bad habits. I'm in the process of getting my ass kicked by a complete novice who's only been playing a couple of months against human players, whereas I've been playing the AI for about 18 months now. It really embarassing. Please improve the AI for CMx2 and save me this kind of humiliation in future.

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Originally posted by Lars:

I can only shudder to think how the AI would have turned out if Kellysheroes hadn't done us all a service and posted this topic.

I think the key was when he said ...
Anyway you can fix this or adjust this somewhat Steve and Battlefront peoples?
Whoa man, like ... deja vu.


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Originally posted by Zalgiris 1410:

I really wont be buying it if that isn't improved and I don't apologise for that since there are bloody plenty of other Pox Americana simulations out there that...I desist! :rolleyes:

Uh, what does bloody mean?

I think the AI will be great. The more I think about this game and all the options that they have already listed as being in game the more I like it. Like you can choose which sector you want an individual to cover, not just a squad or a team.

I really wanted a WW2 game at first but now I am really looking forward to this release. I think it will make everyone proud to play as the bloody Americana's.

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Even though I am not in love with the ameri-centric universe (I could care less about the Battle of the Bulge) You have to admit that it is just something that must be put up with until either the expansions come out or the modders get their paws on it. I love CMBB and even like CMAK for Italy but if we want CMx2 to succeed so that it can be expanded later we must allow it to be a commercial success.

I have posted before that I am not in love with the subject matter but it is a great step in the right direction. CMBB was an abstraction (20x20m squares, elevation very picky) and even though CMSF will also be an obstraction it allows us to portray the battlefeild to a greater degree of accuracy.

If this means putting up with US vs Syria then so be it. It it eventually allows me to create more accurate East Front maps then I will support it.

I feel your pain as I live in Canada (try living next door to the idiot savant) but it is not their fault that there culture holds so much attraction. Fulfilling the desires of 270 million people with money/god in their pockets is a more powerful force than 30 million people with cultural views on guns/drugs...or even what the subject matter should be in popular entertainment.

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