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Czechoslovakia 1938 - Kocobo (Kosovo) 2008

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We all like to play CM, me too. Its simulation, but its trying to be the realistic simulation.

Some of us like also history. I just want to inform you, that right now we are part of history again. And history likes to repeat itself. 29.09.1938 has been signed Munich Agreement (Munich Dictate), which allow annexation of Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland. The Sudetenland was of immense strategic importance to Czechoslovakia, as most of its border defences were situated there. Later 15.03.1939 the rest of country was occupied and divided into Czech protectorate of the Reich and pro Nazi Slovak Republic. By the way, your favorite Hetzer tank has been produced in Czech. These all happens against the will of majority of the Czechoslovakian people, using minority nation for political purposes...

Just want to inform you, that something like this has happen last weekend too, 17.02.2008, when Kosovo has declared independence against the will of majority, which will lead to the new destabilization of the region...

Please do your opinion by yourself.

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I saw similarity with Trianon Dictate.

In the late 19th century, the Serbians infiltrated to Hungarian soil and after the WWI, they annexed 200k square miles from Hungary. (Trianon Dictate)

Now it's happened them again, but backward: the albanians infiltrated to ancient Serbian soil and they annexed it.


I hope Serbians will start thinking, how funny it is.

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Seems a bit far-fetched.

Hitler annexed the Sudetenland. I don't see no Kosovan Hicler around hungry for world-domination. Unless you call the UN an evil empire trying to undermine Serbian sovereignty. or the US. because they let it happen.

Also, why do people always draw parallels. Parallels don't mean chickenstew. Every historical event is linked to its context, makes sense only within that context, etc.

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Really who cares? You nationalist types are on your way out, this is evidenced by the creation of the European Union. People will decide what they want. Serbia is a backwards old country with nothing left but what they didnt burn in the 90's. This is a result of Serbia's ridiculous assertions of power in a region that isnt powerful. Eastern Europe has been the bane of Western Civilization for several hundred years, yet they really have nothing to offer the world but Dracula. On that note, i'm a dual american/german - this is because my family was chased out of europe by these same people on both sides of my family. Get back to your farming, tend your sheep, make some semi-good quality pistols. Enough with this whole national "pride" thing.

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Originally posted by Marwek77 aka Red Reporter:

17.02.2008, when Kosovo has declared independence against the will of majority, which will lead to the new destabilization of the region...

I do believe that the will of the Kosovar majority told the will of the Serbian majority to get lost. You illustrate everything that's wrong with Serbia right now. You apparently hadn't even considered the Kosovar viewpoint on the mattter, but instead thought of the Serbian majority as the only relevant opinion.

And if you were willing to look seriously at how the Serbs ruthlessly dominated their neighbours for so long, it is not hard to understand why the Kosovar people decided to go their own way. The recent more inclusive Serbian policies were too little, too late.

Oh poor bully, why will the other kids not play with you?

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IMHO its true the kosovar (albanian) people have lived for quite a small time there, compared to serbians. A great deal of Serbian culture is connected to places in today's Kosovo. How did Native Americans feel when USA declared independence? :D

How will Turkey feel if Kurds declare Kurdistan, Spain/Basks, minority vs majorities, etc etc. There are plenty of countries on the world facing similar problems. The start of WW1 was connected to similar problems. The priors of WW2 had similar problems. vietnam had, Korea had Afghanistan has, Iraq has, Congo has, etc etc

Groups of people claiming right on certain parts of earth soil. Thats the problem. Its nature. Its like a crocodile defending its territory.

On the other hand, this little thing might have big consequences. I dont think it will though; The middle east is much more "hot" a.t.m. This wont be front page news after tomorrow.

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You reap what you sow,

For any country you either bring people together under one culture which unites people with something that can bind them more than the differences between them.

The classic example of that has been the US which has through "the American Dream" has created a unifying ideal that everyone regardless of where they came from, immigration ( legal or illegal), slavery, native or naturalised can sign up to.

Nations like Iraq and Yugoslavia didn't do that, they did in some respects the opposite choosing one type of identity as superior to others and one which being ethnic other groups were excluded from.

That is building on sand because ultimately what makes nations isn't land but people.

Once the people in an area decide that they want something different, who used to own the land doesn't matter, possession is 9/10th of the law.

After Tito the artificial unity imposed by the war and authoritarian rule was loosened and the divisions that had not been addressed re emerged.

So what we then had was little short of tragedy.

Rather than accept that in the long term it is better to have a friendly neighbour than a rebellious province they tried to hold people against their will with disastrous consequences, not least for Serbia.

You would have hoped by now that they would have learned the hard lesson of the last decade, but it doesn't look like it.

Oddly enough if you look at the nations that are backing Kosovo they tend to be democratic and ethnically diverse with a record of integration by choice and resolving there own political conflicts and regional disputes peacefully.

Those who have backed Serbia or failed to recognise Kosovo tend to have had less success unifying ethnic groups and have had to use force to maintain and control areas where the majority want change.


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