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To kick things off... a poll of sorts...

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1. No more .wav sound files.

2. Tanks tipping over if dive bombed.

3. Destructable fences and other obstacles including civillians like in the great X-Com.

4. Grenades that don't sound like muffled zits popping. Louder weapon sounds all around.

5. This game needs more cowbell, as well as Panther turrets not being so slow since they could rev the engine to speed them up.

Here's what not to change,

1. Basic concept of the game.

2. Scope of the game.

3. The price

4. Fast a$$ shipping to New (better) England

5. Keep keep'n it real?

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The ability to tell my AFV commanders 'load that %^&@ tungsten right %&^@ now!', or AI that is far more profligerate with tungsten use. Maybe it's just me.

Also, and this is a minor issue, but the point distributions in the "combined arms" setting nead to be tweaked for small unit battles. In 600 pt or less combined arms games, the point totals are often so low that you can't really buy anything, leaving you to fill in the point gaps with fortifications and the like.

I'm not too sure about the doctrinal use, but the ability to call for illumnination during night battles would be neat. Just neat. I'm not frothing at the mouth for it or anything.

Oh yeah, set the whole thing in 1988 in the Fulda Gap. (kidding).

Aside from that, keep the awesome rolling.

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MadMatt said it in his example: a campaign smile.gif . I would like to start with a core unit and command that unit through the war (or whatever segment of the war is being modeled) in different randomly generated scenarios.

Basically I want the kind of campaign that was done with a spreadsheet to be automated.

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I would like to add two things to my previous list.


6. The ability to preview the map (at least partially) for quick battles, before choosing your side. It would be great if some idea of the map was known.

7. Terrain FOW. Maps were not totally accurate all of the time.

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* I would like a "move by road" order, to avoid fourteen waypoints and about 90 seconds delay to move one unit by road...

* I would like, for similar reasons, a convoy move order or so...

* I would like to order artillery (company or battalion level) by HQ.

* I would like a change in sound detection. A more abstract sound detection it would be better. I dont like see where that noisy thing is heading...

* I really would like a little operational level tool to manage campaings...

* I would like less information when you hit a target. I guess its very hard to see when you has hit (and if it has penetrate...) at not too much distance...

* I would like more levels (or maybe more scalate-it exits this word?) to HQ abilities.

* And I would like to have to be close to a germantank to have a minimal chance to destry it with a PIAT... smile.gif

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1.) Amphibious capabilities. We already have assualt boats. I doubt its that big a step up making LCVPs to hold a platoon or LCMs to hold a single tank. Without amphibs, your missing out on North Africa's Torch, Anzio, Sicily, Southern France, Normandy, and darn near every freaking LARGE river crossing ever did.

2.) How about a damn "Y" road crossing for mission/map builders? Sure coulda used one more than once building missions instead of trying to jury rig some goofy, way larger than needed "Y" with whats ingame.

3.) Leaders that can be assigned to any particular unit in the mission builder. Not just mere platoon leaders. But I want to be able to assign company and battalion leaders.

4.) How about MOBILE HQ's to accompany mobile units?

5.) Fog that works on an ATI video card. Fog shows up on all my other games that have it.

Dont Need:

1.) The game MORE complicated. Its user freindly and playable for the most part now.

2.) More scalable difficulty for newbies.

3.) Im thinking about it.

4.) Im thinking about it.

5.) Im thinking about it.

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Hi there. If been Reading about CMX2 for a long Time now and been playing CMX1 since the Beginning. Greetings to all German Players and the Rest of the World smile.gif

My 5 Things are:

NOT to Change:

1) Realism over Eye Candy and Gameplay


3) Squad Movement as a whole

4) Map Size

5) Wide Scale of Units and Veh.

What i want to see

1) The Realtive Spotting and and Soloution to the BORG Problem

2) Hardcoded 3D Tankmodells

3) Recon Ability against Hidden Units

4) More Complex Moralsystem and Spottingsystem

5) An After Aktion Viewer for the Whole Game in one Ongoing Videofile !!!

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Things to change:

1) Improved CPU/StratAI that could be used by the player to optionally help with ordering own units, but especially for choice between different solo opponent settings. (Especially StratAI handling of on board mortars, guns, armour and indirect artillery fire plans please.)

2)Formation command of units that are realistic with options that ease control and playability with of course column and follow road movement.

3) Artillery fire patterns that the player can arrange as well as options such as curtain and creeping barages including perhaps with multible batteries.

4) An area of sight / vision freature especially for units and for HQ spotted mortars and artillery teams and may be even for map postions also.

5) Blind fire into and through smoke sceens, dust clowds, fog and at night, also allow actual blind fire by martars and Infantry guns and for plotting artillery.

6) Better night fighting with pistol flares, very lights and with artificial moonlight provided by AA spot lights when documented or acceptiable.

7) OoB table availiable at start, finish and during play to help with checking and finding my units.

8) Provide an ability option to set rate of fire for units and artillery including TOT.

9) Allow for actual though some what retarded spotting against hiden units, considering all those binoculars and have an ability to recon hiden units accordingly.

10) Coloured troops to represent US, colonial French and British Negroes, Indians and esp the NZ 28th Maori Btln.

11) Gun traverse limitations according to stats for effects upon on board guns similar to the penalties that turrettless SP guns face when targeting outside their gun traverse arc.

12) Coned out area fire arcs which will make for much better zoned area suppression effects rather than the case with pin pointed single lined area fire.

13) Individual loadouts of ammo for each differnt weapon in squads so that LMGs can fire off at distance while rifles still keep enough rounds for themselves. BTW I haven't liked the way extra SMGs lower and run down the ammo of squads so much. (ie; IMO it shouldn't matter to the riflemen how many SMGs are in the squad as they both carry their own full loads of personal amounts of different kinds of ammo.) :confused:

14) A move to contact and a fire range setting for all units or types of units that distinguish between tanks and Infantry and MMG and TH teams so that I don't have to set so many individual covered arcs.

15) I wish to see or hear somekind of in game modelling and reporting feedback on say their target braketting by all gun and AFV crews as they fire at specific enemy units.

Things to keep:

1) WEGO system though it could be improved by perhaps having optional 30 second turns or elso at least in solo games the ability to interupt at any point to make orders.

2) Small countries as in CMx1 for the variety though I wish I could have Slovakia! :confused:

3) Planes as they are outside of my control and exciting but I wish I could actually see them! :cool:

4) Sandbag positions but not as a terrain tile as in CMAK but like trenches, also rock contructed sangars could be treated the in same way and availliable especially for NA and the ruff.

5) Wide variety of historically accurate ET&O in a WWII setting, just what I always wanted, thank you very much. smile.gif

[ August 31, 2005, 02:06 AM: Message edited by: Zalgiris 1410 ]

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Zalgiris 1410 , that's a nice thought-out list but you might want to subdivide your list into 2 postings to get it into their database. I think Matt said at the top that any suggestions beyond the 5 x 5 response limit would be discarded. :(:rolleyes:

Your firing blind through smoke suggestion (5) is an old old complaint of mine that i had completely forgot about, and flare pistols a night (6) is one of those suggestions that make you slap your forehead and say "Of course!"

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1) Infantry and Vehicle Formations

- This is critial for non-skirmish type theatres, such as the Napoleanic wars.

2) Improved Cavalry & Vehicle Dismounting Logic

- This drives me nuts in CMX1 - I should be able to tell a vehicle to drive to point X and have the passenger(s) dismount and move to position Y, while the vehicle scoots to position Z. If cavalry or mounted infantry is implemented in the new engine, the same goes for horses and riders. (except hopefully the horses won't scoot!)

3) The ability to place target reference points while in game for Air Strikes

4) 3, 4, 5 or 6 player options for TCP/IP play

5) More options in the map editor - roads crossing train tracks, rail yards etc... Specifc types of buldings - such as Industrial, row housing etc... Also drawing a road, wall etc by dagging the mouse would be a big bonus.


1) WEGO - if you change this I will not buy the product.

[ September 01, 2005, 09:18 AM: Message edited by: J Ruddy ]

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Sorry if some ideas are repeated - consider them my vote in support.

1. Treat bunkers/pillboxes like sturdy houses - able to man/abandon/reman with any units that fit inside (or leave completely empty). Like houses, have several options with different capacity, firing arc dimensions, and "sturdiness" - different point "prices" a given (fighting unit not included).

2. Give all infantry units some "engineer" ability - to have a chance (however small) to spot a minefield before walking over it, to remove wire and dismantle roadblocks (however slowly, and only when not engaged in fighting). HQs, Teams and crewed weapons should be a little worse at those tasks; dedicated engineers should be much more efficient, plus they would remain the only ones to clear a minefield (and not only by using their explosives). In all cases, higher experience level should mean faster and more efficient action.

3. Allow more flexibility in defensive formations/posture/orders - just like we have "move to contact", "advance", and "assault", let's have "skirmish and hightail", "hold your ground", "fighting withdrawal under fire". It can be realized by movement or formation commands.

4. Allow the assignment of "victory points" to the destruction/preservation of units and structures - now those "capture the building intact" or "destroy that KT" in the briefing become more meaningful. After all, we already have "should exit for points" for units.

5. Allow preview of map before unit purchase in QBs.

Please, in addition to those Top 5, kindly consider those "honorable mentions":

6. Give at least squad infantry the ability to "swim" (cross water not at ford) - slow and dangerous (like sewer movement), but still... While we are at it, introduce "water state" to account for current, waves, etc, and make water more or less difficult to cross.

7. "Experience" for fortifications (except TRPs) - then more money would buy you trenches with better protection; minefields, wire, and roadblocks that are harder to detect/pass through/clear.

8. Even if we don't get "full battle replay", at least allow turn resolution movie recording a la PBEM turn for all types of games.

9. Ability to "draw" roads over terrain.

10. Ability to recrew abandoned weapons; if with the original crew, then with the usual "Broken!" handicap. Allow recrewing with "fresh" crews, but only if they are the same "class" - MG/mortar/field gun/AFV crew, etc., with a slight decrease in effectiveness.

[ August 31, 2005, 03:06 PM: Message edited by: Foreigner ]

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Things to change:

1) Improved CPU/StratAI that could be used by the player to optionally help with ordering own units, but especially for choice between different solo opponent settings. (Especially StratAI handling of on board mortars, guns, armour and indirect artillery fire plans please.)

2)Formation command of units that are realistic with options that ease control and playability with of course column and follow road movement.

3) Artillery fire patterns that the player can arrange as well as options such as curtain and creeping barages including perhaps with multible batteries.

4) An area of sight / vision freature especially for units and for HQ spotted mortars and artillery teams and may be even for map postions also.

5) Blind fire into and through smoke sceens, dust clowds, fog and at night, also allow actual blind fire by martars and Infantry guns and for plotting artillery.

Things to keep:

1) WEGO system though it could be improved by perhaps having optional 30 second turns or elso at least in solo games the ability to interupt at any point to make orders.

2) Small countries as in CMx1 for the variety though I wish I could have Slovakia! :confused:

3) Planes as they are outside of my control and exciting but I wish I could actually see them! :cool:

4) Sandbag positions but not as a terrain tile as in CMAK but like trenches, also rock contructed sangars could be treated the in same way and availliable especially for NA and the ruff.

5) Wide variety of historically accurate ET&O in a WWII setting, just what I always wanted, thank you very much. smile.gif

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Things to change:

6) Better night fighting with pistol flares, very lights and with artificial moonlight provided by AA spot lights when documented or acceptiable.

7) OoB table availiable at start, finish and during play to help with checking and finding my units.

8) Provide an ability option to set rate of fire for units and artillery including TOT.

9) Allow for actual though some what retarded spotting against hiden units, considering all those binoculars and have an ability to recon hiden units accordingly.

10) Coloured troops to represent US, colonial French and British Negroes, Indians and esp the NZ 28th Maori Btln.

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Things to change:

11) Gun traverse limitations according to stats for effects upon on board guns similar to the penalties that turrettless SP guns face when targeting outside their gun traverse arc.

12) Coned out area fire arcs which will make for much better zoned area suppression effects rather than the case with pin pointed single lined area fire.

13) Individual loadouts of ammo for each differnt weapon in squads so that LMGs can fire off at distance while rifles still keep enough rounds for themselves. BTW I haven't liked the way extra SMGs lower and run down the ammo of squads so much. (ie; IMO it shouldn't matter to the riflemen how many SMGs are in the squad as they both carry their own full loads of personal amounts of different kinds of ammo.) :confused:

14) A move to contact and a fire range setting for all units or types of units that distinguish between tanks and Infantry and MMG and TH teams so that I don't have to set so many individual covered arcs.

15) I wish to see or hear somekind of in game modelling and reporting feedback on say their target braketting by all gun and AFV crews as they fire at specific enemy units.

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Things to change:

16) More terrain types such as Beach terrain, proper Orchards and Y road intersections.

17) Phases of the Moon for night fighting even if just no moon -quarter -half -full moon which would effect vision distance for veriety and may be more realistic night fighting.

18) Reinforced concrete bunkers or fighting positions that Infantry and crew weapons can occupy so that such sieges as those of Bardia, Tobruk, Odessa, Sevastopol, etc as well as fortified lines (walls) can be better depicted.

19) A hold fire on the move order for AFVs.

20) Some concept of light wounds category so that troops can stay until the end of a battle or say a day in a campainge but count as a half-casualty in the tally. Same half cost should go for damaged and immobile AFV as well.

[ August 31, 2005, 08:43 PM: Message edited by: Zalgiris 1410 ]

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Things to change:

21) Dragon teeth and and other abatis.

22) K 18s the German 105mm field gun availiable for on board deployment on top of the 105mm leFH.

23) Hobarts' funnies at least especially flail tanks and bull dozer tanks. Also Bocage busting Allied tank additions.

24) Penal Battalion option for the Russians with reductions in the number of rifles distributed and handled somewhat like disarmed troops, say with between 2-5 men per rifle. (May be also Ostbattalions for the Germans.)

25) MG battalions for the Commonwealth, the Germans and for the Russians in their Fortification Regions (MMG Divs). Would help with purchasing Coys & Pltns and I would like to see the same treatment with ATGs, for I would like to buy Coys or at least Pltns of those like as with AFVs.

Things not to change:

6) Keep Katyushas and Nebelwerfers even the tracked kind off the on board map. As cool as they might be they don't have a level direct fire capability and I understand this as a perfectly good reason for not having them outside their distant indirect fire role.

7) Keep the rifle grenades capacity in the German Infantry squads and outside of player control, ie under the TacAI direction. However I think that they should have a larger layout of grenades becuase I have a sourse that says that the rifle grenadier was given 5 AP and 10 HE rounds normally. It would be more realistic if they could be fire according to their proper ranges since they were intended to replace the 50mm mortar AIUI.

8) Keep up the ammo, especially allow for the designer to assign higher levels of ammo than normal if they want. Even increase the maximum amount and make it quicker to do so as well please. ;)

9) Keep the capacity for Infantry and teams to be able to ride on top of AFV, though I would like to see them perform a mine and obsticle detection activity that according to their degree of experience would lessen the likelihood of their AFV bogging and avoiding mines.

10) WWII historical focus over game play eye candy or else at least make as much eye candy and game play that reproduces WWII as historically as possible just as I found the CMx1 series to be, thank you. smile.gif

Edit: Sorry for all the posts, I hope I haven't made a massive donkey vote! :eek:

[ August 31, 2005, 08:41 PM: Message edited by: Zalgiris 1410 ]

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I would like to see a real-time option for single player. I understand the need for a WEGO system for PBEM, but I have no interest in PBEM and the turn system is essentially worthless (not to mention frustrating) to me in single player.

The WEGO system in singleplayer is essentially what has kept me from really enjoying CMAK. I would love to simply play it in pauseable/real time mode like in the close combat series.

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I played the CMBO demo for 6 months (amazed)

before I needed to buy the Bundle Pack..

Been playing CMBB ever since. Mostly Ops,

and mostly by PBEM. Love it.

I've spent of lot of happy hours with the Editor...

getting Not Much Done.

My Five:

(1) Night combat needs all the obvious

features: flares, CDL & AA searchlights,

illumination rounds, light from nearby

fires etc

(2) Field Engineering is far too limited:

needed are mine-clearing AFV's (plough, flail, snake); and bridging (by pontoon and

AFV-launched bridge). Amphibious vehicles

(and troop landing) are missed by almost

everyone. The same goes for paratroops,

and glider assaults, and prepared demolitions.

Fortifications need a total revamp:

"Like-A-Vehicle" the bunker, pillbox,

trench, foxhole, sangar, gun pit, tunnel,

fortified house, Polish basement,submarine

pen etc - these should all be able to hold a certain number and type of units, including

guns and fixed flamethrowers, and should

come in heavy (prepared defence)and lighter versions.

(3) PBEM.

I'll still buy the damn thing even if,

but I'd only be playing with myself :(

(4) Operations.

I love 'em. Whether company-sized or bigger,

they can only benefit from the announced

terrain and Editor improvements...20-battle

Op in a medieval town, anyone?

(5) Can I save this one, and then complain bitterly when you don't put it in the game?

Cheers & Best Wishes,


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1. Make map edges less attractive. Absurdly wide maps relative to the size of the forces might be enough, but failing that, model some larger possibility of danger from outside the map edge to elements close to it.

2. Line-of-sight aid. Overlay indicating the exact scope of a selected unit would be good (although might reduce player involvement). Even increasing the contrast between terrain at different heights would help though.

3. On-map visual indicator of the status of elements during the orders phase. It's a pain to me in larger fights to have to check every non-sneaking unit to see which have taken fire. Make it switchable for those who don't want it.

4. AI. Make it better at it's best certainly - but allow it more variability, both in the level of tactical skill it displays and the tactical approach it can take (passive/aggressive, dispersed/concentrated). I'm sure this is not easy to do.

5. More unknowns. The defender surely ought to have more terrain knowledge than the attacker in most cases? Troop quality - aren't the reactions of men under fire unpredictable, even units which have seen action? Aren't weapons, particularly innovative ones, less than reliable? (I love the anecdote where a panzer crewman, startled by a shouted command, breaks the handle of his vision block dust-wiper, obscuring his vision, who then jumps out of the vehicle...is this really modelled by 'bogged'?)

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Nuts - I forgot one other thing that drives me crazy - no Map.

I'd like to see a 2D map (especially when I need to purchase units) of the scenario area - it doesn't have to be too detailed, at least some kind of 1:10,000 representation of the area would be nice.

Even the 2D view from the Scenario Editor would be better than nothing...

If you could include a jpg or bitmap in the scenario description, people could make their own 'field sketches' or 'intelligence photos' based off of a screenshot etc...


Oh ya and...

I'd like to have a campaign system where I shepherd a core group of units from battle to battle

Although I think I've posted that, emailed to support and yelled it from the top of the CN Tower already and if I recall, was rebuked quite effectively.



While I'm at it, I will add this from another post.

Someone please tell me they are putting in a freeking volume control! When I am Voip'd to my opponant and can't make him any louder and can't make the game quieter (without moving away from the battlefield or muting the game) it sure makes conversation frustrating...

Give me sliders or give me death!

Master --------O--

Ambient ---O--------

Game Sounds --------O---

Music O-----------

Space Lobsters ----------O-


[ September 01, 2005, 01:52 PM: Message edited by: J Ruddy ]

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1. The scale of the game i.e. from individual men and vehicles up to battalions and

beyond. Let the upper limit be set by our hardware and not by your coding.

2. A bias towards realism, without it becoming a straight jacket.

3. The width of the game, covering entire theatres.

You have already said that this is to go, so I guess this request translates as “Be as

benevolent to your future module-makers as you were to the mod-makers of the first


Please do not hamstring their enthusiasm, for they will be the life blood of the new game.

... and they’ll give us width!


5. The ability to rename units.


1. Mod your own squads/ build your own units.

If this upsets PBEM play, then make it available only when playing solo.

2. Compatibility with third-party campaign managers.

If unencrypted files are a threat to PBEM play, then make them optional.

3. Vastly improved maps and mapping.

4. LOS/ LOF blocked by vehicles.

5. Full movie playback.

Beyond 5 won’t count in the poll; but they may still be stated:

6. An in-game index of units, so that I may find my lost sheep.

7. More boats

8. 1:1 representation.

Nobody seems to be mentioning this. Presumably people feel it’s “in the bag” so why waste wishes on it?

I just want you to know that I think this change is great. This would have been my number one wish if it wasn’t already, well, "in the bag"!


... and Cheers!

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