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The Peng Challenge Thread Podcast - For Pods By Pods

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Listening to the Podcast, it scares me that:

1. Joebob sounds like a cross between a smooth jazz dj, and a man with three buttocks.

2. It scares me he can't keep his own podcast on track.

3. Boo I lost all respect for, actually going along with Joebob. Only redeeming moment is he never got the hang of playing as the Russians.

4. joebob agress with you about IL2, cause he sucked so badly at it.

5. You invite the Aussies to your house Boo, then you also have to invite their sheep.

6. *GACK* Poets? POETS? Don't ever mention them again.


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Originally posted by rune:

Listening to the Podcast, it scares me that:

1. Joebob sounds like a cross between a smooth jazz dj, and a man with three buttocks.

Speaking from experience on the latter part?

5. You invite the Aussies to your house Boo, then you also have to invite their sheep.
But if the sheep sits on the Aussie's lap, you still only have to pay for one ticket.
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Originally posted by rune:

Listening to the Podcast, it scares me that:

1. Joebob sounds like a cross between a smooth jazz dj, and a man with three buttocks.

2. It scares me he can't keep his own podcast on track.

3. Boo I lost all respect for, actually going along with Joebob. Only redeeming moment is he never got the hang of playing as the Russians.

4. joebob agress with you about IL2, cause he sucked so badly at it.

5. You invite the Aussies to your house Boo, then you also have to invite their sheep.

6. *GACK* Poets? POETS? Don't ever mention them again.


Methinks I hear a dweeb...
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Originally posted by rune:

Listening to the Podcast, it scares me that:

1. Joebob sounds like a cross between a smooth jazz dj, and a man with three buttocks.

You DO realize that this makes NO sense at all right? We've come to expect that of you but this is really beyond the pale.

2. It scares me he can't keep his own podcast on track.
I was on track ... it was conversation between friends ... oh sorry ... didn't mean to tear the scab off that wound like that.

3. Boo I lost all respect for, actually going along with Joebob. Only redeeming moment is he never got the hang of playing as the Russians.
And you DID? But then you were likely playing with YOUR scenarios.

4. joebob agress with you about IL2, cause he sucked so badly at it.
Unlike some, I never claimed differently. I wore my suckiness at IL2 like a badge of honor.

5. You invite the Aussies to your house Boo, then you also have to invite their sheep.
Not necessarily, sometimes it's only necessary to remind them that in America we DON'T allow the livestock into the house with us.

6. *GACK* Poets? POETS? Don't ever mention them again.


Dweeb I said, dweeb I meant. I'd be happy to schedule YOU as a podcast interviewee if you like and we can debate the subject of your dweebiness. Of course I'll be doing the final editing of the interview so I suppose it COULD end up like one of your scenarios ... foregone conclusion and all that.


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I look forward to my upcoming participation in the 'Peng Challenge Thread Podcast' project. I have recently emailed my acceptance and schedule of availability to Joe, and shortly we will be conducting...well, not so much an 'interview', as a crazed, roller-coaster ride of ego run amok, stream-of-consciousness insights into the nature of God, Man, the Olde Ones, and all things Way Weird.

This will be the 'Kiss and Tell' interview that even the Tabloids could not bring you. It won't involve simple 'slander', it will, because it is recorded, involve actual, actionable 'libel'! A Feast for Lawyers! Anyone who wants to be subjected to 'The Worst Aspects of Human Nature, Made Possible Through the Degradation of Technology' will want to download the ongoing: Peng Challenge Thread Podcast!

I am, even as I type this, listening to the 'Justicar/Boo Radley Interview', and let me just say this: It sounds like a coy, jolly NPR piece on 'What Does It Mean to You to Be on the Web?'

Note this: The Interview with your man Seanachai will not be like that.

If interviewed, I promise you that I will run with it! If questioned, only main force will keep me focused on whatever it is Joe is on about.

I am willing to state that NO ONE on the Peng Challenge Thread has met as many members face to face, has talked to as many on the phone, or exchanged as many emails as myself.

And, if that is not ENOUGH to garner your interest, I will state, unequivocally, that I WILL WEAR A RED POINTY HAT throughout the entire interview. Also, if it seems right for the moment, my underwear on my head.

I know all the secrets. The entire list of crimes and indictments of Lars's innumerable cousins. The court case that forced both Lawyer and JD Morse to recuse themselves from further participation in the Peng Challenge Thread. Just exactly how sexy Queen Emma sounds when you've been woken out of a sound sleep at 3 AM. What Treeburst155 wore when he was posting as 'Roxy'.

All this, and more. Of course, Joe will probably try and limit me to some reasonable length of time. Ain't going to happen.

Once I begin, attack dogs couldn't make me toe the line.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

For all those of you who've actually listened to the 'First Peng Challenge Thread Podcast': Am I the only one who thinks that Joe sounds like a genetic manipulation cross between Molly Ivens and Garrison Keillor?

Are you implying that there are those who HAVEN'T listened?

Let's not be forgetting that while YOU will be the one making the statements ... I will be the one ... EDITING them.

By the time I get through I'll have RECORDED proof that you're the biological father of Michael Jackson.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Let's not be forgetting that while YOU will be the one making the statements ... I will be the one ... EDITING them.


Editing? EDITING?! I can't be having with that, Joe. I am an Olde One of the Peng Challenge Thread.

Editing my remarks would be like correcting the colours in a Van Gogh to make them seem 'more realistic', or putting a diaper on Michelangelo's 'David' so as to not shock old women in Sioux Falls.

If you 'edit' my remarks, Justicar, you deprive me of my ability to harmonize between my god-like intellect, and my animal nature.

I ask you to reconsider. Or at least, to consider carefully. My soul is as large as Buddha's smile, as fiery as Mohammed's crusades, as meek as Jesus' sermons, and as dirty as a joke told by Lao-tzu.

Would you deny the world an unvarnished look at the stew I've made of my soul?

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I call for....nay, demand a podcast debate between Joe (debating in the affirmative 'Australians, top blokes one and all and why I want to be one') and any of the Aussie contingent debating in the negative 'Get stuffed Joe you aren't worthy'.

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I ask you to reconsider. Or at least, to consider carefully. My soul is as large as Buddha's smile, as fiery as Mohammed's crusades, as meek as Jesus' sermons, and as dirty as a joke told by Lao-tzu.

Would you deny the world an unvarnished look at the stew I've made of my soul?

Oh I'm sorry, did I imply that I would somehow change the meaning of your statements? If so I apologize for that was not my intent. No I'll be editing to ... tighten ... summarize ... to remove irrevelant remarks and uncomfortable pauses.

If that should HAPPEN to imply a link between yourself and Michael Jackson ... well that would depend on what you say won't it.

Therefore it might behoove you (or behoof you if you choose to only use one foot) to carefully consider YOUR remarks.


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Originally posted by Stuka:

I call for....nay, demand a podcast debate between Joe (debating in the affirmative 'Australians, top blokes one and all and why I want to be one') and any of the Aussie contingent debating in the negative 'Get stuffed Joe you aren't worthy'.

Stuka in my younger days I was a collegiate debater and commonly debated pro and con on many issues. I learned by doing this that many, if not most, issues can't be simply categorized as "right" or "wrong".

In the case of Australia however, I think I'm on safe ground when I state that there's a REASON it's the only island continent, a REASON why most of it is surrounded by the GREAT BARRIER REEF and a REASON why it is home to an evolutionarily lower form of life ... I refer, of course to the current human population there.

In my debating days I could, honestly, argue for the affirmative in one round and as honestly and forcefully argue for the negative one hour later.

I could not have done that had I been forced to argue that Australia is, in any way, more than an abberation. I welcome ANY debate with any Australian on the subject "Resolved: Australia and Australians are a waste of space and oxygen."

I shall be taking the AFFIRMATIVE side of the debate.


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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

[meanwhile, back at the Paddock something grey and heavy is practicing for an interview]



*honkety-honk* *honk* *honk* honk-honkety-honker-honker-honk*


*snort* *snort* *snort* *hacccccup* *hack* *honk*

And at that you'll be making more sense than any Australian could.


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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

[delicately caressing a sprout with fulsome, moist and sensuous lips]



*sniff* *nibble* *nibble* *sluuuuuuuuuuuuuurp*


Wow! You sure do love your food.
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