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Things Peng and I have challenged about

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Originally posted by stoat:

Boo Radley, though being beaten, will take time to succumb.

Pffffft! I'm going to go through you like cholera through a slum.

Anyone else ever consider Arthur Radley NOT to be a "mockingbird" in that compilation of tripe? I'd call him more of a starling in that he serves no real purpose. That girl should never have dressed as a ham. Problem solved.
I like ham.

Except when it's disguised as Canadian Bacon. Then it is evil and a mockery to all things ham-like, and no, I'm not talking about Joe's head.

But if this were a parallel universe... I could be.

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Radley !!!!, did you get my email?

Why is it you allow time to go by without acknowledging the fact that I have neglected to send a turn (once again), and five days pass before I (once again) realize that our game has not progressed?

The battle you and I are playing (well at least I am playing it)is a one-of-a-kind, first run scenario, by a heretofore unknown designer, who for all we know could become famous in the annals of CM Scenario Design, up there with the likes of rune , Andreas , and dare I say it ** shudder **, Dan Berli Brown .

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:


Yes, I got your turn and I returned a file to you. You should have gotten it last evening, maybe around 9PM.

Oh, and before I forget, Are you cool?

My time...or Ohio Time?

Cool Test Result: You are SOOO cool, that you may have to wear sunglasses forever....'cause after all "When you are cool the sun is ALWAYS shining, right?"

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:


Yes, I got your turn and I returned a file to you. You should have gotten it last evening, maybe around 9PM.

Oh, and before I forget, Are you cool?

My time...or Ohio Time?


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HEY, I said my mind is made up ... I'm going to Texas today and I'll brook no more whining or begging. Blame Peng for this, it's all his fault ... well, maybe his fault and that of Sir Sir 37mm ... and probably Boo Radley too ... wouldn't surprise me a bit if Nidan1 weren't involved and I think we can take Seanachai's part in it as a given.

But I'm leaving and that's that, stop being such drama queens about it, I'll be back next week and I may ... MAY I SAID ... be able to get sufficient web access to drop in while I'm gone.

But for the luv of Gawd grow a pair you lot ... between you if necessary.


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Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:


Yes, I got your turn and I returned a file to you. You should have gotten it last evening, maybe around 9PM.

Oh, and before I forget, Are you cool?

My time...or Ohio Time?


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Noba old chum...I can't see why anyone would be so anxious to continue getting tuned up the way you are in our current encounter.

It's so much fun watching PzKw V's drill holes in Shermies, while hearing the Brit infantry cry;"No,run run.

I'm sure you all know what I'm taking about.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Noba old chum...I can't see why anyone would be so anxious to continue getting tuned up the way you are in our current encounter.

It's so much fun watching PzKw V's drill holes in Shermies, while hearing the Brit infantry cry;"No,run run.

I'm sure you all know what I'm taking about.

Since the game we are playing is one of YOUR designs, and you gave yourself the Panthers, rockets, mortars and a few mark 4's...I'd expect to take most of the game just getting close to the first flag (no chance to get to the rest) with squads reduced to bugger-all numbers, and no HQ's - the rockets, again. Churchills might be dandy in defense, but advancing 2 miles THEN finding Panthers is enough to ruin any allied Tankers day.


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I have been beaten by Kerchberger's 9 year old son. The vicious little bastard cheated by sending a gamey setup.


And usually it's the dirty old men on the Internet who beat nine year olds. Nice to see you're incompetent even at this. At this rate, they're going to toss you out of NAMBLA.

I have taken the lad on in a match, and he shall soon be dealing with years of repressed memories.

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

Swine. Some messiah you turn out to be. I'm in full harumph over your current addytood. Mind your P's and Q's Bub, or there may be a stern lecture involved.

Toad. I have a marvellous attitude… one of the best, if I do say so myself.

I’m also quite particular to the idea of a 'lecture from Peng', sounds like a fine & novel concept perhaps like receiving a damn good thrashing from Stickypixie or a beautiful serenade from NG Cavscout.

Either way… carry on and take care. Toad.

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Originally posted by Lars:

In other news, Speedy won. But it was an Andreas Sealion scenario so it hardly counts. The man must really have self-loathing issues to stack the deck against the Germans so badly.

That reminds me I better put SB Pro PE away for a few minutes and fire a couple of turns off.

I have been having dreams lately of people yelling 'Gunner PC fire, fire heat' or similar phrases.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

...I was whizzing around the Jurassic last night...

Translation: Nidan1 was so drunk—even drunker than usual—that he completely lost track of what reality he was in (not that his connection to reality is all that robust in the first place) and imagined he was back in some far-prehistoric world of giant snakes and other unsavory creepy crawlies. How that is supposed to be different from the late night streets of the town he inhabits is an exercise left to the reader.


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Well, well, the Manchestronean imbecile has finally managed to start a proper thread without it being locked, abandoned or ignored. I knew I should have checked in more often. Now, what the hell am I doing here…oh…right…

I, v42below, Knight of the MBT, do hereby propose juan_gigante to Kaniggethood. The bastard has shown unmatchable resistance to BOOTings from his liege and other honoured members of the Pool, bravery and astuteness in the arts of CM (by beating that no good pillock Sir Sir 37mm), as well as general stickiness and stickability around the One True Thread, not to mention his rivetting AARs (far superior to those of that no good pillock Sir Sir 37mm). Joe - please fill out the paperwork and send me the bill, I'll write the amount off against the cleaning costs for that stain you left on the armchair.

Finally, it truly must be said that Sir Sir 37mm is a no good pillock.

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Originally posted by v42below:

Well, well, the Manchestronean imbecile has finally managed to start a proper thread without it being locked, abandoned or ignored. I knew I should have checked in more often. Now, what the hell am I doing here…oh…right…

I, v42below, Knight of the MBT, do hereby propose juan_gigante to Kaniggethood. The bastard has shown unmatchable resistance to BOOTings from his liege and other honoured members of the Pool, bravery and astuteness in the arts of CM (by beating that no good pillock Sir Sir 37mm), as well as general stickiness and stickability around the One True Thread, not to mention his rivetting AARs (far superior to those of that no good pillock Sir Sir 37mm). Joe - please fill out the paperwork and send me the bill, I'll write the amount off against the cleaning costs for that stain you left on the armchair.

Finally, it truly must be said that Sir Sir 37mm is a no good pillock.


I feel for the Latchkey Squires of this thread, indeed I do. When shackled to a substandard and neglectful Liege they must fend for themselves and it's only by dint of hard work and, may I say, more native intelligence than was shown by his Liege that juan_gigante was able to not only survive but, may I say, PROSPER in this the Mutha Beautiful Thread.

It is testament to HIS fortitude and skill that he has now reached this pinnacle. Indeed, were it up to his Liege he'd probably still be pondering the riddle of UBB codes.

But I have seen mettle in this one, indeed it is my thought to add him to the Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread in some menial role so that he may study at the shoulder of a REAL master ... that would be me, of course. But that's for the future ... the LAD does do magnificent research though, you have to give him that ... and the attention to detail is second only to my own ... but enough of that.

oooOOOgahh, oooOOOgahh, oooOOOgahh,

GATHER YE ROSEBUDS WHILST YE MAY ... no wait ... that's not it ... oh, Page 14, my mistake ...


juan_gigante, Squire of the CessPool, ye have completed the required course of study (granted it was pretty LOOSE but what can you do) set forth by your Liege v42below and he has adjudged and the Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread has acknowledged that you are WORTHY of admittance to our ranks.

Therefore, by the power vested in me by the Olde Ones of the Peng Challenge Thread, I hereby adjure you to ... RISE SIR juan_gigante, Knight of the CessPool and be greeted by your comrades ... may the backflow ne'er overtop the porcelin.


p.s. I DID mention the initiation fee didn't I? $400 in small, unmarked US currency ... just send it directly to me and I'll see to it that it's distributed properly. By an odd coincidence, that's the exact amount a new 60 gig Ipod would run ... isn't that the oddest thing.

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