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Emergency CPR - Challenge-Peng Resuscitation


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Visions of Lizard-on-a-stick are becoming more and more appealing. Yes, that's right GoAnna, you Gecko, I'm talking to you. … Oh, how I remember the times we used to catch Gila Monsters, put them in a box and then poke at them with sticks. Watching them hiss and bite at the stick, all the while too stupid to look up and bite the fleshy appendage that was holding the stick. I will enjoy placing you in the CM box and then pokeing at you will 'spoldy things, and sharp bayonets. The tire of life is approaching, GoAnna, just lie down in the road and take it like the Gecko you are.

Oh, you will surely smoke a turd in hell for that one mister, and make no mistake. Since the erstwhile scots have not risen to the challenge, as it happens I do, in fact, have space on my dance card, and Wildman is also indeed included on the list of Things to Kill and Eat. I am acquainted with your future landlord personally, and I am sure that the Rauchenfuher himself will be willing to set up a match to hasten your delivery to his fold. If not, we can select a map from the Depot and have a setup prepared by another like croda who has recently proven himself (amazingly) to both read and reply in English to electronic communication and who is also aware that the CM engine has more than two buttons with which to screw with.

Sock Monkey: I wandered in after watching this thread befoul the main board for the past year.
Only the last year, you sad sad bastard. What catching up you have to do. So much that it makes my eyes nearly bleed from the thought of it all. I have had employees less time than I have heard the bitter statements of Berli, the plaintive wails of Hiram , the attempts by the Bard to join that together that was fowled by chaos itself and the pitiful attempts of Pshaw(bastardised beause I know it pisses him off) to apply rule to that which is in itself formless. And to think you have spied only a year. Oh to be that young again and with some hope in life.

Ouch! Joe, I'm sure glad I wasn't your squire...the Überlizard is a lot more forgiving than you are...I never had to experience "the boot". (Of course I was smart enough to never use any smilies.)
Which is precisely why I squired you , dear lady. You are like a circus oddity or space alien. Were you not to post daily, I could not believe that such innocence and naivete could exist in such a world as this. I have been called many things, but forgiving is a first. I may copy this on to my wife and others that know me at length to prove to them that someone still holds such a view. Whether they will view you with the reverence that American Indians hold for the insane, or the derision that we of European extraction have for the mentally challenged is, however, still up for grabs. But to me, you will always be my special possession. That is, until I get hungry and am forced to kill and eat you.

[ February 27, 2002, 02:11 PM: Message edited by: Goanna ]

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Originally posted by Goanna:

Oh, you will surely smoke a turd in hell for that one mister, and make no mistake. Since the erstwhile scots have not risen to the challenge, as it happens I do, in fact, have space on my dance card, and Wildman is also indeed included on the list of Things to Kill and Eat. I am acquainted with your future landlord personally, and I am sure that the Rauchenfuher himself will be willing to set up a match to hasten your delivery to his fold. If not, we can select a map from the Depot and have a setup prepared by another like croda who has recently proven himself (amazingly) to both read and reply in English to electronic communication and who is also aware that the CM engine has more than two buttons with which to screw with.

I do so like it when the Geckos of the world overcome their desire for self-preservation and leap madly into the trap baited with but a single tidbit of food.

Have whomever will return your email dig the hole in which I will bury you in. If I require a second for this battle I hope that Seanachai will de-funky himself long enough to fulfill that most glorious of positons. (Enough Donkey, we all know what your thinking. Didn't the temp agency find you that job in Tejuana yet?) As a member of the "Great White Frozen Tundra" he understands my pain. My pain of seeing clear blue skies and yet the temperature is below zero. The pain of walking into a building and taking five minutes just to remove the first layer of clothing required to live in this area. So "Sabot UP....On the Way" BARD your services are needed to defend our desire to see curling develop into the international sport it deserves to be.

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Originally posted by Goanna:

Which is precisely why I squired you , dear lady. You are like a circus oddity or space alien. Were you not to post daily, I could not believe that such innocence and naivete could exist in such a world as this. I have been called many things, but forgiving is a first. I may copy this on to my wife and others that know me at length to prove to them that someone still holds such a view. Whether they will view you with the reverence that American Indians hold for the insane, or the derision that we of European extraction have for the mentally challenged is, however, still up for grabs. But to me, you will always be my special possession. That is, until I get hungry and am forced to kill and eat you.

Eeeeek! Goanna, I better make sure you are kept well fed...let's see...Mace has so many sheep that he won't notice any missing...and if you're looking for something with a bit more meat on it... you could try the donkey that's quietly munching on thistles in yonder paddock.

[grumble]circus oddity, space alien[/grumble]


[ February 27, 2002, 04:39 PM: Message edited by: Persephone ]

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Originally posted by Sp...s Monkey:

[QB]Ahem...please excuse me...This post is brought to you by the letter C...f...fo...for "Coward". My lord Diceman I wash your feet with the tears of my terror stricken eyes. My house and all within are yours. A tenth of the fruits of the fields to you, and a fifth to your Sire, Joe Shaw ...

For crying out loud man, Stand Up . Here, here's my recipe for getting a pair...Oh forget it. It is as you say: your house and all within are mine. But you shall not cultivate my fields. My Sire b] Joe Shaw shall find some worthy surf to cultivate the fields. You can stand on the street corner and beg for work.

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Been drinking at work, Dice? You seem to be having trouble with the "bold" command. And please don't take my assertion that I'm no longer going to "beat the pants off of you" to be anything approaching a lack of confidence, it's just that sometimes the messages you and Joe (note the proper use of the bold command there, btw) share make me feel like I've wandered into a NAMBLA forum and using otherwise innocent turns of phrase in such an odd context make me feel...very, very icky. Anyway, as much as I enjoy the smack, I'm confident the game will be even more amusing and I'll be sure to get you the setup before you have a chance to sober up.

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Originally posted by Diceman:

Excellent attempt young Diceman, quite admirable in many ways and I commend you for it ... barring, of course, the unfortunate odd UBB and spelling errors but who among us can claim perfection there eh?

However, as my Squire I DO require that you meet MY high standards of posting and one of those is that you do not misquote nor invent quotes. Yes, yes, your effort was worthy and amusing and even had a high taunt quotient, but a REAL taunter need not invent words to place in the mouth of an opponent. Rather you should take their words and use the actual words against them.

You're doing just fine lad, keep up the good work ... oh ... the paper for tonight, almost forgot.

Let's have 31 pages, double spaced on "The Donkey, What's It Good For Then?" And don't forget the boots lad, they got a bit smudged earlier and we can't have that.


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Originally posted by Sock Monkey:

And please don't take my assertion that I'm no longer going to "beat the pants off of you" to be anything approaching a lack of confidence.

Oh, that was a joke! A sexual innuendo.

I didn't get it.

, it's just that sometimes the messages you and Joe (note the proper use of the bold command there, btw) share make me feel like I've wandered into a NAMBLA forum and using otherwise innocent turns of phrase in such an odd context make me feel...very, very icky. [/QB]
You've never had latrine duty have you? CESSPOOLS can make you feel like that sometimes. Don't worry it comes off in the wash.
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Originally posted by Persephone:

Ummm Hiram, maybe you're taking this just a little bit personal...I don't know how to tell you this but...the smilies aren't real...they're just animated gifs...they have no mind of their own.


Ummm Persephone Whilst we like to paint ourselfs as among the Gentler of the Gentleworms of the pool (toward the fairer sex at least), we must strenuously remind you that the vermin emoticons are IN FACT living critters with an agenda of, if not world domination, then, for want of a better word, they are indeed bent on world dumbination.

You have shown yourself to be of a calibre above and beyond the typical slack-ass poster boys here, with your keen killer photographic insights into the greasy underbellies of the denizens of the MBT. However, should you continue to post the unadorned propaganda of the Thought Police, we shall have to have a quite serious look at the situation. The T.P. spread their mind numbing pap through the use of innocents such as yourself, those not wise in the ways of the spreading of Big Lies.

As Father Confessor, I admonish you to say three "Hail Berli's" and spin around in place until you are dizzy, stop, and then try to do ten squat thrusts (hush boys!). Oh and you may want to check with your spousal unit about the TRUE nature of smilies.


P.S. Diceman can go pound sand.

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Croda m'boy, methinks you ticked off little ICS. Well done, very well done

Oh I don't think so, methinks Croda is ticked off at ICS now. Looks like Croda loves to poke the wild animals with sticks but when they turn around and wack him back he can't take it.

I take it that once you've finished 'baiting this bear' the next drooling cretin who wanders in will be the recipient of the same pack mentality accompanied by the usual 'heroic' mutual backslapping.

"Major Chater-Jack: Milligan, we've just crossed the border into Tunisia.

Milligan: Fine, sir, I'll carve a statue at once."

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Originally posted by Simon Fox:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Croda m'boy, methinks you ticked off little ICS. Well done, very well done

Oh I don't think so, methinks Croda is ticked off at ICS now. Looks like Croda loves to poke the wild animals with sticks but when they turn around and wack him back he can't take it.

I take it that once you've finished 'baiting this bear' the next drooling cretin who wanders in will be the recipient of the same pack mentality accompanied by the usual 'heroic' mutual backslapping.

"Major Chater-Jack: Milligan, we've just crossed the border into Tunisia.

Milligan: Fine, sir, I'll carve a statue at once."</font>

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Originally posted by Croda:

Careful or you won't be poked, you'll be bashed. It may also acquit you well to read and then think before posting.

You can rest assured that I do Croda. Otherwise I'd be absolutely livid with misplaced indignation at this very moment.

"I suppose," said Suitcase, "you know you are three months late arriving for your call up?"

"I'll make up for it sir, I'll fight nights as well!"

(Adolf Hitler: My Part in his Downfall)

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There are places where civil discussion turns to less than civil discussion. After that is a place people don't tread, unless you're ICS of course in which case there are no rules, as evidenced by his 'unique' version of history as well as his quick trigger to attack lineage. Comment on me and my arguments - fair game. Past that and you've entered a different league.

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Originally posted by Simon Fox:

Well if you insist on stirring up some barbarian it's hardly suprising if they don't adhere to your rules of engagment is it?

Ah, yes...the innocent victim mentality.

"Well, you knew he was a bloody, merkin-wearing pillock so it's your fault because you riled him up."

It's all so much clearer now. Thank you for pointing out the glaring deficiencies in my argument. Please do youself the favor of sewing your lips together and cutting off you fingers so that nobody else need be privy to your fountain of wisdom.

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Originally posted by Bastables:

I thought it was some sort of elaborate trap.

It is.

Ah, yes...the innocent victim mentality.

"Well, you knew he was a bloody, merkin-wearing pillock so it's your fault because you riled him up."

It's all so much clearer now. Thank you for pointing out the glaring deficiencies in my argument. Please do youself the favor of sewing your lips together and cutting off you fingers so that nobody else need be privy to your fountain of wisdom.

Well I suppose you can cast yourself in the innocent victim guise if you wish. I'm glad to be of assistance.
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For I while now I've been wondering about the Aussies on this board. Most of them seem like fair dinkum blokes, but there are a couple of tight-asses that really could turn a lump of coal into a diamond. I wonder if they wear their undershorts a couple of sizes too small on the west coast.

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

Take it outside you two

Really Peng (I thought you didn't exist anymore) don't be discomforted by a little 'edginess'. Things can't be all bonhomie and 'hale fellow well-met' all the time. I'm sure Croda and I can manage to keep things simmering along quite nicely without them boiling over. Well, I'm sure I can at least. This thread was excuruciatingly dull anyway.
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