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Sock Monkey

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Everything posted by Sock Monkey

  1. I don't think I'd pay for a few landmarks, but I'd sure as heck pay an extra ten or fifteen bucks for full movie-playback.
  2. For people looking to rent rather than buy these movies, all of them discussed so far in this thread except The Winter War are available through Netflix at Netflix.com.
  3. I'll play you, Boo, but just because you sound so literary and collegiate and all with your high school literature handle. Didn't there used to be an Atticus wandering around the board somewhere? You're also much more amusing than Tank Man, who isn't nearly antagonistic enough. I, however, am not one of the people who gets the in-jokes or my name in bold type, so you don't get a little plastic trophy if you turn out to be a gamier bastiche than me and win. Send me an email with a setup or conditions. Something smallish.
  4. Did Madmatt spell his name with craters or foxholes? Will foxholes (as, for instance, fall-back positions) be purchasable by defenders as a fortification like barbed wire and roadblocks?
  5. Gah, it looks like the Tiger shot the hands off the guy on the left before they got it. And I thought gun hits were gamey
  6. There was a long thread maybe about a month back or so before the board crashed talking about whether or not BTS would sacrifice unit realism to balance the game since the Russian player would have a significant advantage in this regard. While others here can likely give a more detailed account of that thread, the upshot was that the Germans would have an advantage in aspects such as maneuver where the German army was historically more ept. BTS felt that they had done a good job of balancing play while keeping things historical and given their track record with that in CM:BO I'm sure that the end result won't be nearly as one-sided as it appears. [ March 04, 2002, 06:45 PM: Message edited by: Sock Monkey ]
  7. AFAIK bridges behave like buildings, so while it isn't possible for, say, engineeers to blow one up with satchel charges, it is possible to destrtoy one with HE, esp. high-calibre artillery. {edit} Ah, the picture you saw may have been acheived by placing minefields onteh bridge and then moving in engineers, who target teh minefields with satchel charges. I imagine some number of satchel charges used in this way might be enough to bring down a bridge but I'm not aware of a way to get engineers to target a bridge with satchel charges generally. [ March 03, 2002, 02:05 PM: Message edited by: Sock Monkey ]
  8. I believe (correct me if I'm wrong) BTS has also committed to allowing opposing players to play units of the same nationality (i.e. brit vs. brit), but I think this is also awaiting a rewrite.
  9. Ah, it must've been the accent that confused me, my apologies.
  10. Are sock monkeys gendered? And if they were, would you want one? I think an anotomically correct sock monkey is fairly far down the list of things the world needs. It's just... gross. And about Minnesota. I've had the pleasure of exploring the length of the Land of 10,000 Lakes, from Ludson to Winona, from the Mall of America to Gary's Bar in Utica. And Brainerd (save for the giant talking statue of Paul Bunyan) isn't all that atypical. It's claustrophobic in Minnesota. Too many trees, poor LOS. My games against Pvllvs (who still hasn't wandered back here) and Dice are still in embryonic stages, but apparently I'm putting on a great parade for Dice's Americans, who haven't had the common decency to line the streets and wave. The setups Bastables and Lars sent are nothing short of hazing, I'm surprised they haven't delivered a bottle of Southern Comfort and a funnel. Lars gave me seven old men armed with muskets to face down a company of Shermans, which is bad enough, but Bastables went so far as to send me a single-player attack scenario balanced for play against the AI, showing a distinct lack of confidence on his part. Has it really been so long since you won a game that you have to send me a Globetrotters vs. Senators comedy like this And, uh, being Seanachai's serf doesn't involve any of that "first night" nonsense, does it?
  11. Eeek, Lars, it looks like half the men on my side were turned out of the old volks home, still shellshocked from The Great War, and the other half didn't, in fact, survive it at all. Marlow has a macabre sense of scenario design. So be careful, you're little green army men (and probabaly their Pershings, eh?) face Adolf's personal 1st Nazi Zombie Corps(e)!
  12. Bump and has BTS said anything recently about the full-movie playback feature? Anybody know if they came up with a sufficiently groovy kludge to get it into the game?
  13. And: No it won't patch the current incarnation of CM in any way, nor will further patches for CM:BO be forthcoming.
  14. Some of my family is from Minnesoda, Lars and I've spent my fair share of time there, so I understand that sarcasm is largely lost on you sub-Canadians, due probably to the combined action of the numbing effects of winter and exsanguination by mosquitos throughout the rest of the year (and plus lots of them are Swedes ya betcha, but that's another matter), but you really are beginning to try my patience. Anyway, I doubt that you could pry yourself away from editing your Lake Woebegon fan-fiction 'zine or scrawling yet another angry letter on tree bark to the Coen brothers for their portrayal of your state in Fargo (I've been to Brainerd, Lars and it isn't half as pretty in real life -- much more of a strip mall and less of an idyllic woodsy town) to play anything like a serious game of Combat Mission, but thanks for cranking up the ol' kerosene generator long enough to share your thoughts. If however sometime in the distant future they ever run a real power line over the empty schnapps bottles out to your icehouse and the lake sturgeon aren't biting, you can feel free to send a setup. How about a nice winter scenario with lots and lots of snow and foul weather, preferably in the dark with nary a building in sight. I'm new here, so I figure the least I can do is spot you the home field advantage.
  15. Gosh, Lars, I don't remember promising anything to anybody. Your disapproval of my taunting of the (late?) Pvllvs has left my inner child blue, but since you mentioned class (here? Yikes, I'm hip to cultural relativism and all, but really? class?) I wonder if perchance you have time for a bit of schooling in the finer arts of blowing things up? I promise to be extra-nice and I'm a regular kitten when it comes to setups.
  16. Hey, which one of you lackwits scared off Pvllvs Maximvs? I've been getting his second tavnting all nice and toasty and have even received a set-vp from him, bvt it appears that one of yov frightened the poor widdle snookvms one time more than his fragile nerves could bear and he's afraid to come back. Thanks a lot. To wit, one of you mvst take his since tavnting Diceman is too easy, especially since Shaw spends more time shanking him than I do. So, in the best (albeit short) tradition of the too-long-departed-for-my-vitriolic-taste Pvllvs: Ummm, guys. Guys? Hey, will somebody play me a game? Please. Umm, it would be just swell. I'd be, just, gosh guys, I'd be pleased as punch! Since most of you self-appointed "knights" seem to hide from SSN's such as myself behind your "squires" (and what you're doing back there I'd rather not know, frankly) I'll wait for somebody to be sicced on me. ... Or I'll just wait awhile and randomly launch into ad hominem against one (or all) of you, I suppose. Either way, I want to get another game going. Breathlessly, Sock Monkey
  17. They're there in all their splendour. Just click on "other mods" on the left and "trees/bushes" on the right. They'rebe the first picture that pops up. Do you have a cached version of the site you're looking at?
  18. And, conversely, let's say you're laying down a barrage with good LOS which is subsequently obscured by smoke. Does the accuracy of the barrage get worse at that point?
  19. Been drinking at work, Dice? You seem to be having trouble with the "bold" command. And please don't take my assertion that I'm no longer going to "beat the pants off of you" to be anything approaching a lack of confidence, it's just that sometimes the messages you and Joe (note the proper use of the bold command there, btw) share make me feel like I've wandered into a NAMBLA forum and using otherwise innocent turns of phrase in such an odd context make me feel...very, very icky. Anyway, as much as I enjoy the smack, I'm confident the game will be even more amusing and I'll be sure to get you the setup before you have a chance to sober up.
  20. No, Mace, I wasn't brought in on the soles of your shoes, I wandered in after watching this thread befoul the main board for the past year. It held a certain fascination for me, a temptation like the weird desire ya get to jump off a tall building or touch a hot iron (or, in your case, wear women's clothes to work). So if you smell something "unpleasurable" I'd start by washing your upper lip, and if the problem persists you've probably been hit by something flung by a monkey. Diceman , I've decided not, after all, to beat the pants off of you, because I think that would just give Joe Shaw ideas. And what happened to Phallus Minimus? He deserves a good taunting for not getting his setup back to me. PS -- :cool:
  21. Well, Joe aren't you going to look silly when I've beaten the pants off of your new boy toy and you're left standing there with a naked, shivering lawn gnome? It's apparent that you're no smarter than the person (whom you no doubt also hand-picked) who made your travel arrangements. Your discrimination, even by the nigh-nonexistant standards of this collection of numbskulls, is shockingly low and everything I've seen written about you is obviously too kind by several orders of magnitude. Dicey , the fact that you're now playing a spandex-clad Robin to this only-endowed-by-his-codpiece Batman will make the whupping you're about to receive even sweeter for me than the sweet, sweet daiquiris I had as a schoolgirl.
  22. Yeah, can we establish a sliding scale, perhaps tied to your member number, to control the length of .sigs? Vader, with your member number, your sig is already too big. [ February 25, 2002, 07:41 PM: Message edited by: Sock Monkey ]
  23. Diceman Since it appears to fall to you to be the junior assistant kicking boy of this cyst, which has befouled my most favorite board in which to lurk, and furthermore being that your pathetic attempts at humour in this thread and meekness and groveling in the face of your self-appointed pengly "superiors" make me giddy with the thrill of an anticipated easy butt-kicking, I challenge you to defend the dishonor of the community that, through an untoward volume of the vacuous, feeble thoughts of simplistic, febrile minds caused said board to crash leading to me actually get work done, thus artificially raising the expectations of my company and dooming my next performance appraisal. Furthermore, and really just parenthetically, I also challenge you, Phallus Maximus , simply because your lame use of V's to imitate a carved inscription in your feeble latin and your mewling wandering around page 5 makes me giddy with the thrill of a second easy victory. If either of you can manage to locate my email address (hint: don't go sounding out all the big words in the yellow pages -- it isn't in there!) I'll expect an ME setup or a series of very, very small words discussing terms.
  24. Won't hits by high-calibre artillery do it?
  25. I'm asking this in all seriousness: Is anybody planning a CMMOS-compatible hampstertruppen mod? I'd sort of like to use it, but perhaps not all the time
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