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I fell out of the Peng Tree and hit every Challenge on the way down

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For the love of Gawd people, I've only been gone for a couple of days! Can't you people get anything done without me? This is the silliest, most simpering and pointless incarnation of the MBT since ... well, since the last one actually.

I blame the rules, if you can call them that. The rules to the MBT are sacred and not to be tossed off with a summarized, SSNs Digest version. After all ... you can't say SOD OFF to SSNs often enough.

Now that I've made an appearance I EXPECT to see some drastic improvement. Harv, your paper for tonight will be 32 pages double spaced with footnotes on "Joe Shaw Hosted Mutha Beautiful Threads, Classics In Our Time."


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Harv, your paper for tonight will be 32 pages double spaced with footnotes on "Joe Shaw Hosted Mutha Beautiful Threads, Classics In Our Time."

Harv, it seems that the Justiciar has made an error on your paper writing topic. It should be "Joe Shaw Hosted Mutha Beautiful Threads, Comedic Blunders In Our Time." You'll find lots to write about with this topic.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

For the love of Gawd people, I've only been gone for a couple of days! Can't you people get anything done without me? This is the silliest, most simpering and pointless incarnation of the MBT since ... well, since the last one actually.

I blame the rules, if you can call them that. The rules to the MBT are sacred and not to be tossed off with a summarized, SSNs Digest version. After all ... you can't say SOD OFF to SSNs often enough.

Now that I've made an appearance I EXPECT to see some drastic improvement. Harv, your paper for tonight will be 32 pages double spaced with footnotes on "Joe Shaw Hosted Mutha Beautiful Threads, Classics In Our Time."


Well, if it ain't Joe "Lookie what happens when I ain't here" Shaw. None of this would have happened if you had done YOUR JOB and crucified CMPlayer (bolded due to Joe's failure to justicate) when I handed him to you bound up like a sheep at Mace's birthday party. So, we'll be havin' none of your "lookie what happened" this time bub
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Pardon me for interrupting the flurry of Algonquonesque ripostes that are indeed the trademark of the MBT, but I'd like to comment on an important matter that I think warrants some consideration.

I feel that wearing ones underwear on ones head is truly a comforting and stylish form of therapy.

"Stylish?" You say? But of course. Briefs give you an insoucient air, almost as if you were wearing a jaunty beret. Believe me, if you were to wear a pair of briefs on your head and break into a Maurice Chevalier impersonation, you will bring a smile to anyone's face.

How do I know this? Back when I was in high school, my mother hosted a bridge club every third Wednesday of the month. My bedroom was upstairs but the bathroom was downstairs. One evening as I passed by the living room on my way to take a shower, I broke into a chorus of "Zank 'eavon for Liddle Gurrlz..." while wearing a bathrobe and my Fruit of the Looms on my head. The room was all smiles! My mom was so happy with me, that after that, she would pay me to go to the movies on bridge night and I was welcome to take my friends, too!

Boxers, on the other hand, are far more whimsical. Don't believe me? Try a pair on and look in the mirror. Suddenly, you're the Swedish Chef! Or run across the room, do a pirouette. Don't you feel more graceful? I knew you would.

A thong, is only for the more devil-may-care individual. Put one on and suddenly you're exclaiming to the world, "I am my own person! I don't care what you think!" or "I'm a pirate. Arrrrr!"

But if you're still unsure as to the theraputic value of wearing underwear on your head, go to your dresser right now. Pull out a pair. Slip them on your head. Ears covered or not, it doesn't matter. Go stand at the window, close your eyes and breathe deeply. Can't you feel the warmth, the goodness? I thought so. Let the healing begin.

[ June 12, 2002, 11:34 AM: Message edited by: Boo_Radley ]

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Pardon me for interrupting the flurry of Algonquonesque ripostes that are indeed the trademark of the MBT, but I'd like to comment on an important matter that I think warrants some consideration.

I feel that wearing ones underwear on ones head is truly a comforting and stylish form of therapy.

"Stylish?" You say? But of course. Briefs give you an insoucient air, almost as if you were wearing a jaunty beret. Believe me, if you were to wear a pair of briefs on your head and break into a Maurice Chevalier impersonation, you will bring a smile to anyone's face.

How do I know this? Back when I was in high school, my mother hosted a bridge club every third Wednesday of the month. My bedroom was upstairs but the bathroom was downstairs. One evening as I passed by the living room on my way to take a shower, I broke into a chorus of "Zank 'eavon for Liddle Gurrlz..." while wearing a bathrobe and my Fruit of the Looms on my head. The room was all smiles! My mom was so happy with me, that after that, she would pay me to go to the movies on bridge night and I was welcome to take my friends, too!

Boxers, on the other hand, are far more whimsical. Don't believe me? Try a pair on and look in the mirror. Suddenly, you're the Swedish Chef! Or run across the room, do a pirouette. Don't you feel more graceful? I knew you would.

A thong, is only for the more devil-may-care individual. Put one on and suddenly you're exclaiming to the world, "I am my own person! I don't care what you think!" or "I'm a pirate. Arrrrr!"

But if you're still unsure as to the theraputic value of wearing underwear on your head, go to your dresser right now. Pull out a pair. Slip them on your head. Ears covered or not, it doesn't matter. Go stand at the window, close your eyes and breathe deeply. Can't you feel the warmth, the goodness? I thought so. Let the healing begin.

Boo, I think you forgot to take your meds today.


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Originally posted by Persephone:

Boo, I think you forgot to take your meds today.


No, I think this is normal medicated behavior for him. When he's off his meds, he does... other things... with undies.
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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Persephone:

Boo, I think you forgot to take your meds today.


No, I think this is normal medicated behavior for him. When he's off his meds, he does... other things... with undies.</font>
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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

So all I'll say is may God bless you and keep you away from anything as dangerous as knowledge.

Because, lord knows, it's worked for Boo_Panty

But enough of that. I want to talk about Wednesdays. Mondays are mere trifles compared to Wednesdays. On a Monday morning your system is relaxed from the weekend, it's even suffering a few withdrawal symptoms, and you can hit it with triple the full daily recommended dose of caffeine, sugar, and aspirin, AND THEY HAVE AN EFFECT. By Wednesday, your system is so accustomed to these not-quite-lethal doses that it laughs them off. "Pah", it says, "give me more. I want morphine. Tequila. And quadruple espresso shots, INTRAVENOUSLY".

I tell you, the bar bill on a Wednesday is a total bitch compared to Monday's expenditure.

Gamey Updates: Dalem did a perfect imitation of his legless dog, i.e. he rolled over and died. A lot. Repeatedly. I think he even lost worse than Yeknod, and that takes some doing. Truly, he is a Chevalier amongst losers.

The "game" that Goanna and I have been playing for several months is about as sadistic as you would expect from WBW. British infantry assaulting heavy buildings in a town. With dustbin-throwing funny tanks that can't even face the 75mm pillboxes they were BUILT to take out. He's run out of infantry and I've run out of ammunition. Never mind. I shall roll up his flank and turn it into a nice crocodile-skin bag.

Fionn is probably preparing maps and rules in triplicate for me even as I type. From his AARs I can tell that he was never allowed to play with firecrackers as a kid. He likes blowing things up even more than I do, and that can't be healthy. The pool shall be kept fully apprised of his gamey behavior.

[ June 12, 2002, 03:40 PM: Message edited by: PondScum ]

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Well, I can't feel too angry with you because at the moment, I'm in my happy place. (which just happens to be the Victoria's Secret storeroom at the Chapel Hill Mall).

Oh lordy, he's in my 'hood. Someone hand me a fecking flamethrower.
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Chapel Hill Mall...

Couldn't happen to a nicer town. As long as he stays east of I85, I'll be a happy camper.

Of course considering what a libreal pansy arsed waste of a school UNC is... I don't see why a guy hanging out in a womans underware store would even get a second notice. Maybe he is just trying to color co-ordinate with his fishnets before he heads out to franklin street tonight.

(not that there is anything wrong with that.)

Lorak the loathed

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Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

Oh lordy, he's in my 'hood. Someone hand me a fecking flamethrower.

No need. Just find a shiny rock, and he will stand there oogling it for hours. In the meantime, you can burn down the whole damn strip mall.
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Gamey Updates

er, make that a Gamey Update, singular, since Moriarty seems to have taken a hiatus concerning our foul PBEM based on scenario from Der Kesselfink.


Seanachai: I love the sound of Klonk! in the morning. I love the sound of Klonk! in the afternoon. I love the sound of Klonk! in the evening. Particularly after a nasty day at the office. I really love the sound of twin Klonk!s in the evening. Especially when they are two of Seanachai's little Stuart V's.

True, he Klonk!ed one of mine this turn, but it was a gun-damaged HT that I had planned to use for bait anyway. and that Klonk! alerted me to a gamey ground-hugging Bazooka unit.

Elsewhere on the map, my hamstertruppen have been chewed up by his funny talking Brit infantry, and some ridiculous sized arty that he is using to fell trees on top of my men.

[ June 12, 2002, 06:39 PM: Message edited by: Herr Oberst ]

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Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

Gamey Updates

er, make that a Gamey Update, singular, since Moriarty seems to have taken a hiatus concerning our foul PBEM based on scenario from Der Kesselfink.

au contraire, you dog. The e-mail you're now sporting is different from the previous one.
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Slow newsday. Must be time for an ÜberLizard Update!


I shall roll up his flank and turn it into a nice crocodile-skin bag.

Correction: "I shall attempt to reach his flank with my last fresh platoon by running it across the field of fire of a pillbox 75 manned by the Argentenian football team. Upon reaching the map edge, I will stop to clean my daks, shore up several large sucking belly wounds and have a lie down until the game ends."

Time to start our cheer: Who are ya! Who are ya!

Setup is completed, stuffed and filed with the Bard's people. My defensive positions suck, my troops suck and I didn't get that metre of gooey mud I was hoping for. Looks like reverse psychology doesnt work on Moriarty.

Speaking of Moriarty, the left side of Soilles-Ville is clear of the reek of Frenchmen and we are busy making match sticks and assorted kindling out of his present hiding positions on the right with our ample stock of undersized HE rounds.

Finally, bauhaus has fallen victim to a most excellently planned and executed ambush of several pieces of light armour during the same turn as he attempted to drive not one but two tanks over a not quite dead PaK38 (which will hereafter be known as the Little Pak38 That Could), accompanied by the requisite screaming, burning and flitting about of the crews. LPTC is now getting busy on his infantry.

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Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Well, I can't feel too angry with you because at the moment, I'm in my happy place. (which just happens to be the Victoria's Secret storeroom at the Chapel Hill Mall).

Oh lordy, he's in my 'hood. Someone hand me a fecking flamethrower.</font>
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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:


Finally a legimate conversation here on the CM boards, something to chew on, something with MEAT in it. Me, I like to wear my underwaer in a totally normal place, ONLY OUTSIDE MY PANTS! Call me crazy, but it really attracts attention. I pretend not to notice and go around like usual, but it's been 2 1/2 yrs since I started and STILL no one has commented!

Strange, huh?

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