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Setting the Record Straight FAQ

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Boy, this is great. We treat customers like they are gold, bend over backwards to put in every significant feature request we see, and continue advancing what most people acknowledge to be the best wargame ever made. But OH MY GOD!! Change "Waffen SS" to "Waffen Grenadier" and change one BMP... and guess what happens? We have "sold out" we "don't care", yadda yadda yadda. What a load of crap.

Customers do have the right to voice their opinions. They also have a right to express frustration at how our decisions affect them. But NOBODY has the right to cast dispersions on us or our motivations. What have such people done for the wargaming community that gives them the moral authority to judge us? We do more in one day than most people do in a lifetime. The day that no longer counts for something is the day we close up shop and do something far less stressful.

OK, now that that has been said, time to clear up all the WRONG information being circulated around. I will do this in the form of a FAQ:

Q - What is with BF.C's sudden change of policy towards selling Combat Mission into Europe?

A - There is nothing "sudden" about it. We have not been selling Combat Mission - Beyond Overlord into Europe for nearly a year now. CDV has been doing all sales and distribution into Western Europe during this time. An even older deal has existed with a Japanese company for them to sell and distribute CMBO in Japan. A number of months ago we even made a deal with another company giving them the sole rights to Poland and the Czech republic. Just because someone might be totally ignorant of these facts does not make them any less real.

The new CMBB arrangement is no different. CDV has exclusive rights to Western Europe, and therefore we can not sell directly into that market. Just like it is illegal for them to sell into the other territories not covered in our agreement. This is a standard, sensible arrangement that is good for both parties.

It is also worthy to note that we retained the Macintosh rights because CDV was not interested in the Mac market. Instead of killing off the Mac version, like so many other companies would have done, we structured the deal so that we can continue to sell Mac version of CM into Europe. And no, CMBB is not likely to be a hybrid, so PC users don't plan on buying the Mac version. We packed the game with too many graphics and sounds to fit both version onto one CD smile.gif At least that is how it is looking to be.

Q - Why on Earth would BF.C, who brazenly displays its independence, "sell out" to a big publisher?

A - We didn't sell out. What we did was make a decision that is in the best interests of both customers and us. The truth of the matter is our direct sales into Europe were about 25% of what they in theory should be. This is in part due to the variety of languages, but it also has to do with the fact that Europeans do not use the Internet as much for their purchases. So by continuing to ignore these facts we are missing out on 75% of CM's potential direct customer base. And since retail can still hit 10-20 times the number of customers we can attract directly, we were only capturing perhaps 5-10% of the potential market for Combat Mission in Europe.

Note that I am only talking about CUSTOMERS here, not revenue. The revenue picture is very different because direct and retail sales involve totally different forms of compensation, risk, and efforts. Yes, we will make more money through this arrangement with CDV, but one very important thing to us is to get CM into the hands of as many people who want it as possible. CDV can sell to far greater numbers of people than we can, so it make sense from that perspective alone.

Those of you who are online and buy your products from us in Europe are a small, but growing type of consumer. It is not fair of this small group to put its narrow self interests ahead of all the others out there. It is critical for the survival of wargames to GROW its customer base, not shrink it down to a small hardcore audience. History of this industry clearly shows this very clearly.

Q - OK, so the deal with CDV was an act of desperation and/or a yielding to piles of corporate profits, right?

Wrong. Although we are certainly not a non-profit company, would never, ever put ourselves in a position that we feel compromised us or our products in any meaningful way. The deal with CDV is, as with any honest deal, not totally lopsided in our favor. And that means there are some things about the arrangement that we are not 110% happy with. But for those of you who are in business or even personal relationships know... there is no such thing as a perfect deal. None.

However, our arrangement with CDV is closer to perfection than we ever thought possible. Not perfect, but if we expected perfection we would be utter fools. Other publishers would laugh at CDV for pretty much agreeing to all our terms. We have seen what the others offer, and it makes us sick to our stomachs to think that anybody would be foolish enough to sign such arrangements. CDV has been a very good partner to work with and they understand that doing things more or less our way is good business for them. That is the only reason we are still working together.

Q - So let me get this straight... you guys have the power to tell any publisher in the world to take a hike, yet you voluntarily signed an agreement with CDV. Do you mean to tell us customers that you did this because it is in our best interests short and long term?

A - Yes. Now you are catching on smile.gif What is good for CDV is good for us. What is good for us is good for the customer today, tomorrow, and the days after that. If we are not totally happy with the contract CDV presented to us, we will not sign it. I am sure that those CDV officials who were a part of the contract process would tell you (in confidence of course smile.gif ), that we are tough as nails to negotiate with. If you think that you care about what happens to CM, multiply that by the number of possible Quick Battles the generator is capable of producing and that is how much WE care about it. We do NOT F AROUND WITH OUR FUTURE OR OUR WORK.

Q - So you are going to stay with CDV forever now, right?

A - Wrong. We have no agreements with them beyond one product. We signed up with them for CMBO only at first. Both parties were pleased with the results so we decided to continue working together. The current agreement only covers CMBB. Obviously if we continue to be happy with our relationship it is possible that we will work together on more products. But it will always be on a case by case basis.

Q - What are the differences between the BF.C and CDV versions of CMBB?

A - No version of CM has ever had Swastikas in it, but the CDV version will not have "SS Runes" in it, just like the CDV CMBO version for sale over the last year. The only other difference, and I need to stress this.... ONLY other difference relates to what the Waffen SS units are labeled as within the game and (obviously) the manual. Just like with the year old CDV CMBO version, Waffen SS troops will be called Waffen Grenadier.

If any of you have further questions, kindly go to your dictionary and look up the word "only" and see what that word means. That will answer any question without the need for posting here.

Q - OK, so if I get the CDV version can I undo the censorship?

A - Yes and no. The player can swap out the BMPs if desired and put anything in there they want, just like any other BMP. If you want Swastikas dripping with blood displayed in your game, knock yourself out. No version of CMBB will prevent you from doing this.

What the player can't do is change the text in the game. That would require hacking the application. We are under legal obligations (well, more ethical than legal I suppose) to not do anything to undermine this. However, if someone were to figure out how to hack this one aspect of the game we wouldn't be upset.

Q - Why the censorship? Doesn't Battlefront care about historical accuracy?

Q - Of course we care about historical accuracy. Why else would we have spent five years painfully researching and developing a wargame system that the bulk of people out there don't give even a second glance? Because we like limiting our audience and income, or might it be because we care so much about doing it right that we rather make far less money and have something that we feel proud to say is the most accurate wargame ever made?

That having been said, there are certain realities we have to deal with. The world we live in is imperfect, and therefore perfection is an ideal that is never obtainable. In this case German law prohibits certain symbols and terminology associated directly with the Third Reich. It is a criminal offense to sell or possess products made with these things within the boarders of Germany.

Unfortunately, CDV is a German company. Unlike most other nations, Germany does not allow its corporations to conduct business in other countries which is legal there but not in Germany. Therefore, it is illegal for CDV to make or sell anything outside of Germany that is in violation of German law. That means, effectively, that German law is dictating what CDV sells to the rest of Europe. This is what we like to call REALITY, and therefore fighting against it is dumb. And ruining the whole arrangement with CDV over this fact is beyond dumb. It would be downright moronic.

Q - German law does not dictate that Waffen SS, the term, can not be used. So why must it be changed?

A - Because Germany has lawyers that work on the same principles of legal paranoia that all lawyers do. Oh sorry, "prudent assessment of potential liability" or some other such mumbo jumbo. The fact is we argued, and argued HARD, with CDV's legal council. The creative contacts at CDV also argued on our behalf. But in the end their legal department stood firm. Their opinion is that the potential for blacklisting by the German software rating board did exist, and therefore including one term (Waffen SS) was not important enough to risk risk the financial health of the company and its shareholders. As much as we disagree with the laws and the decision, we can not argue with the logic. We would not risk potentially millions of dollars over a couple of ASCII characters, so why should we expect them to? Only someone who is either totally unreasonable or completely nuts would fail to see that this is a sound decision. Doesn't mean it has to be liked.

Q - I think CDV sucks and am concerned that the translations will suck, tech support will suck, and patches will suck because CDV has its name on the box. So I have a reason to bitch about stuff, don't I?

A - No, you don't. The localizations for CMBO and CMBB were done by us, not CDV. If the translations suck, it is a reflection upon us choosing the wrong people to translate the game for us. CDV has nothing to do with this. And any problems that CDV customres might experience with the game will be experienced by all customers, so obviously CDV customers will not be treated any differently than the rest of CM's customer base. As for patches, there is absolutely no reason to fear this. We are the only ones that make patches because we are the only ones that have the code. CDV has no ability to make patches even if they wanted to. So if we release a patch that sucks, CDV would be the wrong party to yell at.

Q - But I want to find some reason to yell at CDV. OK, copy protection... I hate their copy protection!! What about that?

Q - Blame software pirates, not CDV. The software they use is rapidly becoming an industry standard. It will soon be difficult to purchase any software that does not have this or another software encryption method on it. In fact, we looked into do this for our own CDs, but found we did not like the pricing. However, when it becomes less expensive and universally found on other games, it is entirely possible that we will also use such software. Again, blame the &%*$ing $*#@offs who have made this necessary in the first place. I speak of the hAkeRz who are just too KoOl I can't possibly describe them accurately enough in a public forum. They steal billions of dollars worth of software every year. And if you think that this doesn't affect us or you, think again. Nothing in life is free, and therefore there is a price to be paid for this. Inconvenience to the honest user is that price.

There, I think that addresses the major points. I hope so, because typing this up probably means at least one tank model will not be in CMBB. As I just said, everything has its price. Mindless bitching and badmouthing us on our Forums is not an exception to the rule.


[ July 10, 2002, 04:24 PM: Message edited by: Battlefront.com ]

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Member # 1

Oh My God!! Member#1 has appeared, and he is ALIVE!!

All of those posts in the past that have speculated on the identity of member #1 have been answered. The "Masked Member" has been revealed....

[ July 10, 2002, 04:26 PM: Message edited by: wbs ]

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I didn't realize CDV will not get the sourcecode and hence not edit, compile and link the European version. That invalidates my biggest concern.

As for copy protection, one product I use that has the agressive copy protection you are probably talking about is Talonsoft's TOAW-CoW. It crashes my computer if I remove the CD while the game is running (terminating the game would be fine, but it crashes the OS) and it prevents it from running on environments I can run games with CMBO's and TOAW-1's copy protection fine on. And I am the guys who paid for the software, not the pirate.

The warez guys on the other hand are entirely capable of cracking copy protection schemes based on encryption of a no-copyable CD area by patching the *.exe file.

The priorities are not set straight here.

[ July 10, 2002, 04:32 PM: Message edited by: redwolf ]

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I'll tell you what...i'll distribute CMBB in Europe for ya and get it to everyone who wants it! I'll undercut whatever percentage CDV are making on sales and will promote and market CMBB (and CMBO) via the web/magazines. Finally, i'll also ship it UNCENSORED!

Make me an offer!

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That great news for mac Fans in Europe!

"It is also worthy to note that we retained the Macintosh rights because CDV was not interested in the

Mac market. Instead of killing off the Mac version, like so many other companies would have done, we

structured the deal so that we can continue to sell Mac version of CM into Europe. And no, CMBB is

not likely to be a hybrid, so PC users don't plan on buying the Mac version. We packed the game with

too many graphics and sounds to fit both version onto one CD At least that is how it is looking to


This is the EASY answer:

Buy a Mac and get the CMBB (for Mac) "original" via mail order from BFC via the internet! What better reason to switch over to the best platform? Then you can get the US version of CMBB for your new Mac :D !

Thanks for clearing things up Steve! smile.gif

-tom w

[ July 10, 2002, 04:44 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]

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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

There, I think that addresses the major points. I hope so, because typing this up probably means at least one tank model will not be in CMBB. As I just said, everything has its price. Mindless bitching and badmouthing us on our Forums is not an exception to the rule.


PLEASE STEVE, don't drop a vehicle for this. Don't even bother responding to anything in this thread. Anyone else with any gripes about whatever is crappy about CDV, PLEASE, just drop it as you're costing us units now.
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Originally posted by Manx:

I'll tell you what...i'll distribute CMBB in Europe for ya and get it to everyone who wants it! I'll undercut whatever percentage CDV are making on sales and will promote and market CMBB (and CMBO) via the web/magazines. Finally, i'll also ship it UNCENSORED!

Make me an offer!

Hey guys, LOOK! Manx is trying to scalp CMBB! Get'em lawyers, GET'EM!!! :D
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Thanks for clearing that up for the European purchasers. Are we in Europe still OK to buy online from the US if we choose to? I like that 'old time' interweb-type feeling I get when shopping online.

By the way, Steve - and I know you're a busy man working your bollocks off - for 90% of us Yewropeens those little changes don't matter. We really appreciate the hard work that is put in, and we don't think you're selling out. Your choice of supplier doesn't matter. What matters is that you buggers are producing the finest wargames known to man or beast, and that I'm able to spend my money on such a worthwhile product. In the last fifteen months, I have bought TWO computer games. One of them was Civilisation III, and that lasted a month. This is the finest game I've played since Elite for the Acorn Electron - twenty years ago. I have never, ever played a game as much as this one, apart from Elite. You are valued, you have a great product, and most of us are bright enough to realise it. We look forward to the game - when it's ready! :D

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The priorities are not set straight here.
If you have a better suggestion how to handle piracy, I am sure the software industry would love to hear it. Yes, the methods for protecting one's intelectual property are not without their downsides, but the alternatives (i.e. doing NOTHING) are unacceptable. If you think that companies like CDV are thrilled at the notion of paying some software company millions of dollars a year just to irritate you, think again.

Yes, all forms of copy protection can be hacked (eventually). However, WAREZ copies are only a fraction of the problem. The other big areas are casual piracy and (in some countries) cheaply produced CDs. This software DOES defeat those people, and since they make up the bulk of the softare theft... it is not a wasted exercise. Just because it is imperfect does not automatically invalidate it.

Put another way... if you had a life threatening disease, and there was a drug with some POTENTIAL side effects, would you take the drug even if it only gave you a 30% chance of recovery or would you shun it because it wasn't good enough? Same logic applies here. Imperfect, but better than sitting around with thumbs up one's backside.


[ July 10, 2002, 04:45 PM: Message edited by: Battlefront.com ]

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Ohmy, I'm suddenly glad I live in Canada. I had no idea there was so much controversy over this issue. Well well, an eye opener no?

By the way, Manx- I like yer approach! I'm assuming you'll get first CMBB dibs of course. :D

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[QB)There, I think that addresses the major points. I hope so, because typing this up probably means at least one tank model will not be in CMBB.[/QB]
No, please don't! Promise me you will not punish us in such a cruel way, and I swear I will be a good boy! I love CDV. I adore them. I will name my first-born child CDV. But don't drop a tank, pleaaaaase!


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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

There, I think that addresses the major points. I hope so, because typing this up probably means at least one tank model will not be in CMBB.

Hopefully some obscure Hungerian contraption nobody but Rexford has even heard of. ;)
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I swear to God...any of you guys cause Steve, Charles, Matt, et al. to have an aneuryism thereby delaying CM:BB one SECOND and I'm calling down all sorts of horrid mojo on ya. Steve, you have a singular ability to type ANGRY. Those of us possessed of auditory (sp?) conceptualization skills were flinching through the whole FAQ. Please know that there is a legion of people out here who are fans of this series (I have one friend who is preparing for a 2-year GoodWill mission to Haiti and is paranoid that he won't get CM:BB before he leaves.) and who regard it as one of the "last-best" hopes of genuine wargaming. BTSAK? Not Guilty. I just do what I can to remember and support those things for which I'm grateful. Questions, clarifications, etc., strike me as valid matters for a forum of this type...apocalyptic ranting about the demise of the "true spirit" of BTS and how the filthy crypto-Nazi censors are invading Britain is obfuscatory waste.



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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

...Q - But I want to find some reason to yell at CDV. OK, copy protection... I hate their copy protection!! What about that?...


Well, sorry if you got that impression, but IMO that's not the point.

As stated earlier two of my friends have problems with the CDV version of CMBO. I bought mine directly from you and don't have any problems.

So I think being concerned about that is not whining or CDV bashing.

Anyway, thx for taking the time to reply. I think we all know how hard you guys are working to give us a truely outstanding game.

[ July 10, 2002, 04:53 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

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Hell, maybe I'll take over Canadian distrubition.... Yah I can see it all now! Hundereds of CDs with big "SALUTES" posted on them, followed by "DISTRIBUTED BY LGMB" in huge letters. Heck maybe I'll just drop the title all together! We'll call it, CM:Beyond the Lord General. Hmmmm.... I like the sound of that. :D

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Originally posted by Lord General MB:

Hell, maybe I'll take over Canadian distrubition.... Yah I can see it all now! Hundereds of CDs with big "SALUTES" posted on them, followed by "DISTRIBUTED BY LGMB" in huge letters. Heck maybe I'll just drop the title all together! We'll call it, CM:Beyond the Lord General. Hmmmm.... I like the sound of that. :D

AGAIN, AGAIN! THEY'RE DOING IT AGAIN! Send in the lawyers! tongue.gif

[ July 10, 2002, 04:57 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]

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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

Yes, all forms of copy protection can be hacked (eventually). However, WAREZ copies are only a fraction of the problem. The other big areas are casual piracy and (in some countries) cheaply produced CDs. This software DOES defeat those people, and since they make up the bulk of the softare theft... it is not a wasted exercise. Just because it is imperfect does not automatically invalidate it.

My point was that the "softer" copy protection as on the original US CMBO version is fine for me as a customer.

Does it defeat these mass-copy people who don't actually bother to technically break the protection?

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Considering the audience you play to and your CMBO experience I would have though you’d have grown much thicker skin by now.

No amount of bad mouthing can tarnish your history with your fans.

Simply code what you have to code deal the way you need to deal and just let us know when your done, so I can place my order.


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What the player can't do is change the text in the game. That would require hacking the application. We are under legal obligations (well, more ethical than legal I suppose) to not do anything to undermine this. However, if someone were to figure out how to hack this one aspect of the game we wouldn't be upset.

Well, that's ineresting, very interesting. Besides the subtle condoning of minor hackage, they also seem to be implying that they WILL NOT themselves release a hack. Or something...

Steve, I am a small voice in this stream, but I too want to say that all of us get so uptight about these things because WE LOVE THE THE GAME SO MUCH! CM is OUR GAME and anything that even has a chance of damaging it (not theat this does) fills us with worry and consternation.

[ July 10, 2002, 05:05 PM: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]

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