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The Memorial Ascent of Peng Challenge (Elev. 40,000-1/2 ft.)

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The complete, flaming and brain-dead idiot formerly known as CMPlayer requested that we:Please advise.
Righto then, I can do that. You're a complete, flaming and brain-dead idiot for taking that grog-wannabe to Squire! Have you left your senses on the nightstand AGAIN? Give me one good reason, just one mind you, for taking him to squire. Berli has the right of it, it's Coventry for this one and no error.


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Originally posted by Lars:

They gazed up at the lofty summit, awed by the mighty bastion which reared its majestic head against the cloudless sky...


...and to their horror saw a strange man in a dress singing and twirling around on the mountain top.


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Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Goanna:

Where's the hate and derision I so rightly deserve I ask you?


The ÜberLizard out on a hot date.


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Dear Simon,

I guess this has been a long time in coming. Ever since we met on that bridge back in Milan, on that dusty Monday evening, fate has pushed us into this direction. I had hoped that our mutual love of all things "Bohemian" would somehow allow us to rise above the petty squabbling but it seems, my love, that we are to be dragged into this. Like two carp in a slowly draining pond, our little gills fluttering in desperate terror of the inevitable. My mouth is filled with ashes and I smell the copper of despair.

We are to souls bound by fate to suffer the insufferable. The pain of gnawing insatiate love. for the rest of my days I shall remember how your lips glistened after you sipped your espresso in the main square. Remember how we would pass the time at the Cafe Belzile? You would read the daily paper and I would watch the little lines in your face shape the message of your hidden emotions. Ah those days are forever gone now, but the lines of your smile will be with me. Drawn into a conflict by forces evil and foolish. A conflict not of our own doing.

I can only hope, when we stare across the bloody field, that you remember me as I was at 3 a.m...my long black hair tousled and unmade. The sweet sweat of lovemaking glistening off my naked form. And in those still moments between heartbeats when we saw each thru the others eyes and truly became one. Those days are like a virgins laugh, gone to quickly in the wind and caught up in the firestorm which has engulfed the two of us.

Remember the nights in each other arms,

Remember the glorious mornings filled with laughter and sunshine,

Remember my voice like warm bourbon on a sunny afternoon.

I will remember you, even as I destroy you before the whole world. But know this, I am also destroying my own heart.

Now lie still and this will be all over in a bibby. Choose you weapons!!


[ May 27, 2002, 03:53 PM: Message edited by: The_Capt ]

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Originally posted by Persephone:

Yeknod, sharing his lunch of dandelions with his favorite lady, Julie.


Mistress Patch, why do you spend so much time modifying everyone's picture, then leave the donkey's image unretouched?

And Noba. As winner of the great legal battle between good and evil, prepare to be knighted young Paduan. Write a nice long and very wicked jab at some idiot here in this slime hole and I will challenge you to your first game.

Master Berli, we have a game. Have you sent me the next file?

Noodle head Seanachi, I await your taunting of me in reply to my last taunt. Your little trial got in the way of that. I have a file to return to you, but no taunt from you to enjoy it by. By the way, I noticed you did not recognize that the only person to make effective arguments in the trial was Noba. I think you need to swallow you immense pride, admit he was the winner of your little bit of idiocy, and declare the prize, making sure you lay the winning of the price entirely at the very soon to be kniggets door.

Joe I think you are a leperous twonl. That has nothing to do with anything really. Not sure if you are better than Meeks, on who I had money as the person most likely to have run off and become a circus clown. But I am sure you are a twonk.

And finally Hiram, I await patiently the return of yourself to gaming. Not that I can remember what we were playing.

[ May 27, 2002, 09:41 PM: Message edited by: Slapdragon ]

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Originally posted by Persephone:


Yeknod, sharing his lunch of dandelions with his favorite lady, Julie.


Julie, Julie! Dearest, loveliest, smoochums... hold me Julie,...

Look, look she's wearing her favourite twig in her hair... I can smell her she's so near... oh, me Lady, yer tease me... oh... look, see how her dress touches me knee, see how she smiles and thrusts her hands against her taut body as her dandelions spill over her hips..... owhhhawwwwwww gawwwwwwwd.... oh, Julie, Julie


Oh, but what's this?

Another beauty! A more delicate, winsome and flighty little bit of totty! Oh, they must be related, I must get to know this little minx that skips and twirls and excites me senses! I shall call this one - errrrr, Julie Redux.

But which one to choose?! Which one will capture me heart and shower me with dainty puckerings and toyful smacks on me rump? Which one will gaze into me lobes and scratch me stomach?

Bother - errrr, they shall have to compete for me affections... yes, they will have to show their worth... in a wrestling match... smoothered in baked beans or somefink... yes, yes and they shall sing, sing me favourite songs as they grapple and grasp each other... all desperate to win me... *sigh*...

...oh, I'm all het up and flustered with one of me twinges... *sigh*... where the heck's Seany-babe? I want to make some comparisons regarding parameters and such...

Yeknod o' tha Thistle

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Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Goanna:

Where's the hate and derision I so rightly deserve I ask you?


The ÜberLizard out on a hot date.


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Noo tha ye gi' a rat's wobbly buttock, but there hae bin a disturbance ain tha Force. Dalem ha' handed mae a wee bitch slappin' tae tha tune o' 90 tae 10. Ah were attackin' across a billiard table baheend mae cunning smoke screen, whain a wee whisperin' breeze o' feckin' death puffed a gap ain mah smoke. As mae two pieces o' Yankee armour collapsed aintae thaimsailves lak toasted marshmallows batween Joe Ah cannae play ye us' noo, mah tinea's actin' oop Shaw's second an' thirrrd belly, owin' tae tha gamey placement o' Uber-absterfeckinpanzersmacker guns, mah aintire company o' General Issues ran aintae tha same buildin'. Which haes tae gamey Uber-Stuggewerhslappinsprechen's proceeded tae blow tha jelly roll snot oot o'.

Everywun daid, an' Ah suffer a good auld "country ass whuppin'" tha leeks o'whuch Ah haive ne'er seen since Ah turned Speedy aintae a red eyed gibberin' fool wi' a score o' 91 tae 9. Boot tha were long agi' an' far awah....

An' AJ, Ah hadnae forgotten ye, laddie.....ye whuppin' as comin' ain due course mon....

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Harv wrote:

First of all Simon Ewe, it is now time to decide. I shall await your setup for that which we will make that decision. E-mail for details, or just send me something that will allow me to lose gracelessly. For if I win, and I shan't, I will for once and for none, for (almost) ever and never, until the end of time (or when my watch quits, whichever comes first) leave Mace's herd of fluffy girls alone.

CMPlayer added:

And after deep reflection I have come upon a suitable virgin quest for the newly besquired The_Capt.

Seek thee out a pom by the name of Simon Elwen and make him look like Beetle Baily after a fight with the Sarge. Whether by challenge or by taunt is no matter. The choice of words or weapons is up to you.

I trust you will come victorious, or at the very least beslimed out of the exchange. (oh and brush off any clingy bits of fuzz before returning to report)

Then my liege Boo_Radley spake:

Squire Lurker, for your quest you shall challenge Simonize Elfwand, Idjit-Goes-Hawaiian and Noba-Fett(simply because I hates him).

In these battles, you will either be Greenies if Allies, or if you choose the Axis side, you will be VolksGeezers.

I trust you will do House Croda proud. Or something.

Holy Moley Simon! I realize that everybody hates everybody here but you must have something special, a certain Je Ne Se Qua' (like winning, they hate that!) that makes yourself especially odious to the kaniggets du cess. Certainly having a name like you do has made you bitter, (Heck, "Simon" would get a kid beat up by kids named "Niles" and "Percy"), and you have apparently nursed that bitterness well. My heartiest congratulations, and my gauntlet sir. Oh wait, let me insert the brick first, that's better! *WHACK* There.

[shakes brick bits out of gauntlet]

Send me a set-up you pommy-wannabe and prepare to be eviscerated, you squire to an Australian! I shall bring your head back as a trophy to the inglorious House of Croda, (home of the Nefarious Legions and the 59¢ Double-bacon burger) or I shall die horribly while failing miserably. Come on and fight me, you twitching, twittering tactical teet! I laugh, HA! mostly because it's too soon to start weeping and rocking back and forth.

The only terms of battle I have been given are Green Amis attacking Volksturm. I don't care which side I (or you) take. Keep the fight to 1500 pts or less.

Lurkur, squire to Boo_Radley

Oh, and you other gits on my quest list, Gidget and Nobi-gone-kablewi, will get your proper taunting when I'm good and ready. Until then, wait by the phone.

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Originally posted by The_Capt:

do you guys ever talk about anything but your own pathetic attempts to play CM and take shots at each other?

Of course! We often get together to trade recipes (Berli loves his lamb chops) and knitting patterns. (I myself have knitted OGSF a MkIV Panzerkampfwagon for his birthday)

Why, only this morning I had Peng over for tea and biscuits and we happily whiled away an hour discussing ways to remove the unsightly collection of stains from his sofa.

Where ever do you get this notion that we only play CM and throw muck at each other?

You Git.


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Originally posted by OGSF:

Who can tell what The Poet McTeagle is saying anyway?

I assume it's a burring acknowledgement of the most supreme persiflaging I've ever laid upon a fellow primate. My boot is so far up his Highland bum that my gaiters are going to need cleaning.

I've never destroyed a whole company of troops in two turns before. I mean, that wasn't my own. It was quite exhilarating.

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Posted by my Liege, Slapdragon:

And Noba. As winner of the great legal battle between good and evil, prepare to be knighted young Paduan. Write a nice long and very wicked jab at some idiot here in this slime hole and I will challenge you to your first game.
So many Idiots. So little time.

ps. My Lord, my original path to Knighthood goes well. The forces of AJ do almost be auto-surrendering in the awfull joust.

pps. Yeknod, how do you get your legs shaved so smoothly...? or was it wax ?


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Originally posted by Persephone:


...and talking about Dinner, it's easy to see what Yeknathod had for his.

Sheesh, mate, didn't your mother ever teach you how to sit donkey like?


[ May 28, 2002, 04:55 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]

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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Persephone:


Umm, Goanna, next time you're in melbourne:

ii) wear that dress;

349.2) put a paper bag over you head;

XX) let's do dinner!


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Originally posted by Stuka:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by The_Capt:

do you guys ever talk about anything but your own pathetic attempts to play CM and take shots at each other?

Of course! We often get together to trade recipes (Berli loves his lamb chops) and knitting patterns. (I myself have knitted OGSF a MkIV Panzerkampfwagon for his birthday)

Why, only this morning I had Peng over for tea and biscuits and we happily whiled away an hour discussing ways to remove the unsightly collection of stains from his sofa.

Where ever do you get this notion that we only play CM and throw muck at each other?

You Git.


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Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lars:

They gazed up at the lofty summit, awed by the mighty bastion which reared its majestic head against the cloudless sky...


...and to their horror saw a strange man in a dress singing and twirling around on the mountain top.


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