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To Peng, or not to Peng, that is the Challenge

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Originally posted by Moriarty:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

I'm late for work, my car keys are nowhere to be found, and I learn my father has to undergo several surgeries on his heart and neck.

Thanks for the Monday, Berli.


It is my sincerest hope that all goes well for your father.

As for the rest, well, you know the drill .... Sod off, hoser!</font>

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Hmmm, not QUITE enough information Slapdragon. First I'd like to point out your typically shoddy job of research in that you first claimed (without a shred of documentation mind) that it was your ggggg uncle who was the individual referred to and now you state that it was:

1828 (Alexandria, VA) GGGG-Dad. Was cousin to Virginia Jacksons that included Uncle / Cousin / Nephew Thomas Jackson
Note that the first individual had FIVE "g's" while the later individual had only FOUR! My Gawd man, how do you sleep at night?

Secondarilyish I'd like a bit more information about THIS chap:

1860 (Alexandria, VA) GGG-Dad. Moved to Ohio later Iowa and started farming. (Lots of relatives in Civil War on both sides).
I need his full name, name of spouse and any children (if alive in 1880) and the county he was living in in 1880. Don't dawdle lad, time's a wasting.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Secondarilyish I'd like a bit more information about THIS chap: </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />1860 (Alexandria, VA) GGG-Dad. Moved to Ohio later Iowa and started farming. (Lots of relatives in Civil War on both sides).

I need his full name, name of spouse and any children (if alive in 1880) and the county he was living in in 1880. Don't dawdle lad, time's a wasting.


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Originally posted by Slapdragon:

He also was a college professor. His students all hated him. His troops one day up and shot him.


So you're saying we have a chance...

[ May 07, 2002, 05:10 PM: Message edited by: Lars ]

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Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:


Joe, secondarilyish is not a word.

You really let me down...you, the Justiciar...making up words...I never knew it would come to this.


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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

So, is anyone else tired of hearing about the ancestory of Slappy and Joe? Was there a lesson to learn? I mean other than the defeated breed more defeated

You're just mad 'cause I didn't ask about YOUR relatives ... so okay, fair enough, same details on any of your relatives alive in 1880. What could be more fair than that?


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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

the defeated breed more defeated

Which reminds me...

Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Aussie Jeff, why aren't you chewing on CMplayer's viscera?

Update: Aussie jeff has demonstrated an uncanny ability to be easier to defeat than the AI. I remain wary, though, in case it's just a trap.
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Which reminds me, CMplayer and I have finished our latest match.

Lars, Axis - 41

CMplayer, Allies – 39

A Draw.

It was a close battle till the very end, when we both decided that our forces were dead, out of ammo, or just not going to listen to the idjits in charge any longer.

Till next time, CMplayer, till next time…

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family this, history that.

Problem with you lot is your not irish enough.

Dad, drank and got into fights.

Gdad, drank and got into fights

ggdad, drank got into fights.

repeat until the begining of time...

Hated and shot by your own troops. Bah! thats just a nice of affection. Hell if you don't love your kin enough to beat the ****e out of them and throw them through a window now and again, what use are ya?


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Finallyish, I am about ready to announce the entrance of someone to the CessPool who you'll all learn to hate and detest even more than you hate and detest ME. In fact some of you hate and detest him already.


Wait a minute. Wait just a darn minute! There's only one entity that I can think of that I loath and detest more than you. (Admittedly, there are many who tie you or at least run a very close second...ostensibly, most of the Pool) But, say it aint so, Joe! You can't be contemplating inviting in the Father of all Lies, The Man-Goat himself, the being who hates all that is good and right in the world...ADAM SANDLER!!!!

I just don't think I could take it.

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At's a teem fer rrrejoicin' ain tha stankin 'Pool, fer yer favourite Seniour Kanniget ha' laid tha smacketh doon tae tha tune o' 88 tae 12, fer a Total Victory o'er tha slap-'n-glo idjit Lars. Mah conscripts ain green laddies opened oop a grreat big can o' whup-ass an' poured tha containts o'er haes Veterans wi' a casual glee! Mah lone 88 stood firm, at's green troops refusin' tae run as they worked tha gun - firin' o'er an' o'er 'till haes armoured hordes looked leek tha battered cistern o' a Justicarrot's oot hoose.

Mah open topped Wespes were unmolaisted bah anythun akin tae tactical acumen from mah *snigger* opponent, such as MORTAR FIRE, GREAT BIG SHERMAN TANKS, BAZOOKAS or FLANKING MOVES. At were leek layin' aintae a full nappy (diaper) wi' a number wun wood!

A sweet revenge fer tha turkey shoot abomination hae foisted on mae fer our firrst to-do!

An' noo at's a QB, tae dreeve tha point haim.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Gawd this is almost too easy. I mean it's like shooting fish in a barrel, hardly any challenge really.

Patch, poor dear fall-for-the-oldest-trick-in-the-books Patch ... well the second oldest perhaps, I mean you DID marry Berli after all.



Shooting fish in a barrel...

Shooting fish...

Shooting == guns...

Guns == Shotguns...

Shotguns == Shotgun weddings...

Married Berli...

Well, that explains it all!

or is it just the Lagavulin talking???

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

... and there's work to be done, man's work, real sinew straining, muscle cracking, sweat off the brow work ...


I don't give a rat's ass how long you have been constipated, that's just way too much information...

If you want to pull an Elvis, please fdo it on your own time.

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A mad pipe bomber from Minnesota? Who'd'a thunk it? Probably saved up all his matchheads from when Lars turned off his heat in January and he had to light piles of stale hot dish to keep warm.

Is it a "date" if you don't think you're trying to nail the chick and you don't think she's trying to nail you?

leeo!!! I was going to send you a setup. I didn't because I'm a lazy pigpoker. So send me a setup, because I'm a lazy pigpoker.

I asked for abuse and the only one to respond was dear Hiram, he whose hatred knows no bounds. The rest of you are obviously filled with a boundless love for mankind and have rose petals falling continuously inside your pointed little heads.

I am trying hard not to look forward eagerly to the next Star Wars thingie, but am failing just a little bit. Maybe it won't completely suck.

When did Kirsten Dunst get those thingies on her front part?

Why do pimps dress funny?

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Originally posted by OGSF:

At's a teem fer rrrejoicin' ain tha stankin 'Pool.

Truer words have never been said, OGSF has once again displayed his great talent for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. He must surely tremble now at the sight of a computer picked US mg company on the attack. His smg squads and motorized pioneers never stood a chance.
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Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

Oh, c'mon! Every horrible place has something to recommend it...

Time to finish that battle, with me as the Krauts and you as some type of namby-pamby Allied troops. Last I recall, it was in the hills, and there were trees around, and some smoke and big 'explody things.


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Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:


Joe, secondarilyish is not a word.

You really let me down...you, the Justiciar...making up words...I never knew it would come to this.


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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

So, is anyone else tired of hearing about the ancestory of Slappy and Joe? Was there a lesson to learn? I mean other than the defeated breed more defeated

Good gods, that's brilliant.

I only wish I'd said it.

"The defeated breed more defeated..."

Now that's good Cess!

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(Admittedly, there are many who tie you or at least run a very close second...ostensibly, most of the Pool)
Now since Seanachai granted me leave to make up words in the course of my natural and commonplace duties, it just stands to reason that I am also granted leave to point out the errors made by others in their choice of words. This is not, of course, to be compared to the quibble made by Patch nor can it be considered to be a pre-planned stunt since, let's face it, he who wrote the above probably made heavy use of the dictionary just to get through the words with more than two syllables.

So ... you don't mean ostensibly lad, you may have meant specifically or you may not have had a single clue what you meant and just grabbed a word at random. I suppose we should be glad that it didn't read "(Admittedly, there are many who tie you or at least run a very close second...Neanderthal, most of the Pool)" or even ... gypsum, most of the Pool.

No extra charge, all part of the service.


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