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Originally posted by aka_tom_w:

Um I'm sorry to say but your statement seems to be contradicted somewhat by MadMatt's last Proclamation:

I'm not saying BFC is ready to release CMBB, or even ready to tell us when they are going to release it, just that it must be getting pretty close.

[ July 04, 2002, 02:02 PM: Message edited by: Pvt. Ryan ]

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Originally posted by Pvt. Ryan:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by aka_tom_w:

Um I'm sorry to say but your statement seems to be contradicted somewhat by MadMatt's last Proclamation:

I'm not saying BFC is ready to release CMBB, or even ready to tell us when they are going to release it, just that it must be getting pretty close.</font>
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Darn. Only about 3-4 miles away, and I just can't get away to go see the game.

18month old that's not feeling too well, 6 month pregnant, very hot, uncomfortable wife, and trying to get everything together to go see family out in the suburbs for a 4th family get together.

I want to see the game SOOOOOOOO bad, but the 4th is just not a good day to try and drop everything. Thanks for the invite, when we get back in the evening I'll post and see if the invite is still open. We're not going to go see fireworks, so I can probably get out then.

Any word on how late this will go on?


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Originally posted by karch:

Darn. Only about 3-4 miles away, and I just can't get away to go see the game.

18month old that's not feeling too well, 6 month pregnant, very hot, uncomfortable wife, and trying to get everything together to go see family out in the suburbs for a 4th family get together.

I want to see the game SOOOOOOOO bad, but the 4th is just not a good day to try and drop everything. Thanks for the invite, when we get back in the evening I'll post and see if the invite is still open. We're not going to go see fireworks, so I can probably get out then.

Any word on how late this will go on?


Well that sounds like you better take care of your Domestic affairs FIRST or you know you will be in BID DooDoo with the wife (I should imagine) :eek:

I am sorry to hear our closest MAC representative could not make the trip, you best take good care of your wife and your child first. smile.gif

Good luck

-tom w

[ July 04, 2002, 04:13 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]

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First chanc to reply since the people here wouldn/t allow me to end the game to post. The posts that will appear over the next few days is of their opinion, I told them if they think the game sucks, to say so, just be honest. I also pointed out some things are to remain a secret, and some thing are not finished [obviously[.

All I can say as the host of the event, is the amount of drool on the floor may never be all wiped up. MG guns, extreme fog of war, editor and more were all demonstrated. The common answer was "I will never go back to CMBO". They saw covered arcs, cover arc armour, machineguns, human waves and more..

I will let them speal for themselves...


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Barrold713 here at Casa Del Rune with a first-hand report of CM:BB and you heard it here first. CM:BO was the game I always wanted to play except it wasn't on the Eastern Front. Well CM:BB fulfills all of my hearts desires. The things you will see and experience will re-ignite the initial passion that was felt upon first playing. Actually, you should kick that up a couple notches.

We are of course under limits to speak about the specific changes, but if you think about some of the frequently asked questions and click your heels together three times, some of your most bestest wishes just may come true.

The down side of this experience is that it will be difficult to just go back to the old way. The wait for the release is going to be all the worse for the oh so delicious taste of CM:BB I had today.

I would love to tell more, but I have to get another couple turns in before rune kicks me out and I have to drive back to Grand Rapids. Hear me now and believe me later...it was worth the two and half hours in the car.


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Going to step in here for a minute, you may contact any of these people who saw it today, and they may reply as long as they don't tell the surprises I pointed out to them.

If they think it sucks, they may say so. Honest feedback is better then none. That being said, there is NOT a person here who is NOT drooling. Covered arcs seems to really impress, as well as the tank models, enviroment, the atmosphere, the doodads, the damage buildings, the massiveness of the factories [i made a factory scenario they seem to love]. The amount of flexibility added into the commands and gameplay and how much in enhances the game and gameplay really impressed.

So, if someone tells you CMBB is nothing more then CMBO with smem changes, they know NOT what they talk about. If someone says maybe if won't be as good as CMBO and expectations are too high, remember it is someone who hasn't seen CMBB. Bottom line: they are impressed, i am cleaning my keyboards from the drool, and the last comment is, and I quote:

" I really REALLY like machine guns"


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In a moment of excitement, a assaultt gun unidentified popped over a hill within 60 meters of an 88 gun. Fortunately for the 88, it wasn't spotted as it rotated 90 degrees and the assualt gun was knocked out by a Hidden Tiger. There was mass cheering and sweating by the german players. After a couple replays, a 75mm made him button up and the 88 then took it out. There are still high fives going on....


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In a moment of excitement, a assaultt gun unidentified popped over a hill within 60 meters of an 88 gun. Fortunately for the 88, it wasn't spotted as it rotated 90 degrees and the assualt gun was knocked out by a Hidden Tiger. There was mass cheering and sweating by the german players. After a couple replays, a 75mm made him button up and the 88 then took it out. There are still high fives going on....


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With all the excitement aside, I cannot help but note that for those of us who couldn't go to this wonderful event, nothing has changed except that we now know there are a few more people who know for sure that CMBB is really great -and that has been something we all have taken on faith.

These fortunate few must feel blessed indeed. I for one am happy for them. I really am. smile.gif

When they learned of the new improvements in CMBB, nothing terrible happened. What I want to know is: why is it assumed to be so bad for the rest of us to know? Why do these improvements still have to remain so secret -especially now? It doesn't make any sense.

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Originally posted by Le Tondu:

With all the excitement aside, I cannot help but note that for those of us who couldn't go to this wonderful event, nothing has changed except that we now know there are a few more people who know for sure that CMBB is really great -and that has been something we all have taken on faith.

These fortunate few must feel blessed indeed. I for one am happy for them. I really am. smile.gif

When they learned of the new improvements in CMBB, nothing terrible happened. What I want to know is: why is it assumed to be so bad for the rest of us to know? Why do these improvements still have to remain so secret -especially now? It doesn't make any sense.

It's actually kind of insulting to be treated like grade school girls who couldn't possibly handle "the truth." Maybe we should just wait for GI Combat to come out? I've had more than one tester communicate stuff to me via email and then tell me what a secret it was - it is honestly getting a little tiresome. If you can't talk about it, then don't talk about it. I'm as trustworthy as the next person - more, I would like to think - and I do understand the need for a certain level of discretion, but the pronouncements I keep getting regarding the need for discretion - in tandem with the little leaks here and there - quite honestly have me baffled.

I guess the best thing to do is to just ignore all the little (tee hee) insights into what is going on that are shared among a select chosen few and wait for the information destined for general distribution - precious little of it that there is.

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Originally posted by Le Tondu:

It doesn't make any sense.

It may not make much sense from where we're sitting, but BFC obviously has a reason for not giving away all the goodies, don't you think. Otherwise we'd all already know what there is to know.

Maybe it's 'the element of surprise.' Sound military tactic, that. ;)

Ah, patience. Glad I learned that part of life a long time ago.

Man, I used to be an impatient sod when I was younger, phew. Really hurt me more than it helped me. But anyway, I'm rambling. smile.gif

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I do not want this to turn into a BFC/BTS bashing kind-of thing. I like them and I wish them well.

What I don't understand is why someone who showed everyone that he had A WHOLE BUNCH OF INTEGRITY by staying home and meeting his family obligations (like a real man) when he lived so close to the event and yet, even he isn't allowed to know what all this secrecy is about. It just doesn't make sense.

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Originally posted by Le Tondu:

I do not want this to turn into a BFC/BTS bashing kind-of thing. I like them and I wish them well.

I know you do, and, to let you know, I wasn't trying to bash you, either. Sorry if it felt that way.

Sure, I'd like to know more as well, but any begging or whining on my part wouldn't get me the answers anyway. So why bother, is what I'm thinking. Then again, i'm easy in things like that.

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Lets see do I trust BFC?


So do I mind the fact they are being secretive?


Do I know at least three or more testers?


Have I asked one question about CMBB to them?


When it is done it is done. And I am sure BFC has a reason and that is good enough for me. Hey and Dorosh you go play GI Combat and make sure you concentrate on their forums for a bit, we will hold the fort down here I am sure. See you in lets say, what, a year... :D

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Originally posted by Le Tondu:

What I don't understand is why someone who showed everyone that he had A WHOLE BUNCH OF INTEGRITY by staying home and meeting his family obligations (like a realman) when he lived so close to the event and yet, even he isn't allowed to know what all this secrecy is about. It just doesn't make sense.

Everybody thinks they have a lot of integrity. If BTS spilled the beans to everyone who claimed they could keep a secret there would be no secret to keep sinse everyone would be told.

Besides, the people who went to Rune's house were not chosen because they were thought to have some integity the rest of us lack, but were chosen simply because they could get there. I couldn't get there either, but I don't feel slighted.

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Originally posted by Priest:

Lets see do I trust BFC?


So do I mind the fact they are being secretive?


Do I know at least three or more testers?


Have I asked one question about CMBB to them?


Precisely - so why the need for this really stupid dangling of stuff into the forum (or worse, emails), coupled with pronouncements of how "secret" it is. If it's so damn secret then don't talk about it at all. I am content to wait for the game to come out, thanks. If there is information to share, then share it - don't advertise the fact that there is information to share but no, you, you and you can't have it but you, you and maybe you can. As far as publicity stunts go, this is about as lame as Les Nessman and the Thanksgiving turkeys.

I've been to the GIC forum, btw, and no thanks.

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Michael, I would suggest that the reason beta testers whom are talking to you and asking you be descrete are doing so becuase they signed a pretty clear cut NDA and are under obligation to say nothing about CMBB out side of the beta test group. I am suprised that some of our testers may not be treating the NDA as seriously as maybe they should to be honest.

Guys, there are no big secrets we are keeping from you and to be totally honest Im not sure why you think there is. Maybe we do have a couple of surpises we wish to keep aside until release, but are we not allowed this? smile.gif

The other reason Rune asked the guys he demonstrated too to keep certain feature under wraps is that the product is not finished. Features currently in there may not stay (until fully tested), new ones may go in, and its best not to give people details until they are set in stone. The people whom went have not been forbidden to chat about what they saw and I beleive you will see some posts soon (in which they have been asked to give their honest opinion). I beleive they have been asked to check before they mention certain features until we know that they are definately going into the game as they saw them.

I think Tim did a very generous thing...please give him credit for taking time out of his day to do so.


[ July 04, 2002, 11:34 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

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product is not finished. Features currently in there may not stay (until fully tested), new ones may go in, and its best not to give people details until they are set in stone.
Hmmm.... are you trying to imply that BFC _doesn't_ want people chewing their noses off over features that almost/almost didn't make it?

But, seriously, I don't see why you don't just tell everyone everything and trust that they'll be understanding. It's not like a grognard is a grumbler by definition, or anything. ;)

Re: Publicity stunt: I see more begging for bones than dangling of tidbits.

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Well, is the preview party over? It's 10 til 10 and we just got home, gave the kid a bath and got him into bed. I could be over in, probably 15 minutes. But I understand it's getting late.

Boy, what a party today. All the kids I grew up with and their families back together for a 4th celebration, and out of 8 childhood friends, 4 of us have pregnant wives and are all due between August and October. Those family get togethers were fun growing up, but watching all OUR little ones was so much more fun. 5 children under 5 with 4 more on the way. Very thankful for what I have...... now a peek at CMBB and my day would be complete! ;)


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My friends, I have seen the promised land and it is good. Believe me, CMBB definately does NOT SUCK. It was very amazing, and definately a huge thanks to Rune for his hospitality and giving us the chance to get a peek! Now, on the secrecy thing, Tim told us it was more for all of you to get the same drop jawed surprises we got today on our first game. The doodads are awesome! Seeing your troops move through 3D wheat fields is quite an experience. Another thing is the MG's definately do not suck. The new covered arc command is awesome and totally will change the way you play. I think i can tell you all that I human wave attacked with three platoons of conscript troops and all three platoons were utterly repulsed by two, yes two german mg's. Ok, enough for the moment. Feel free to ask what you want to know and I will tell all I can!

Again, Tim, thanks, you rock! And thanks to BFC for giving clearance for us to try out the best wargame yet. You will not be able to go back to CMBO once this one comes out. Can't wait.

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