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Funniest CM moments

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In CMBB there weren't that many funny moments so far.

My all-time favourite is still from CMBO:

A Panzerschreck team fires at a Sherman from inside a building. They hit the Sherman but due to the backblast of the Panzerschreck the building catches fire. Meanwhile the Sherm's crew bailed out of their burning tank, heading for a nearby house, panicked.

Our heroic Panzerschreck crew, sitting in a burning house panicks, runs out of the building into the next house.

Guess who's already lying there? Yup, the Sherman crew.

So we have this little house, the crew of a Sherman tank and the Panzerschreck team that was responsible for their bailing-out, each of them cowering on the floor next to each other...

A kingdom for their conversation... :D

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My funniest moment is in the demo, the russian platoon commander surrendered, his troops (behind him) didn't and started to withdraw. My german troops fired at the fleeing troops and shot the russian commander instead. He died.

(pretty much emulates real life)

[ November 19, 2002, 08:41 PM: Message edited by: laxx ]

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In a CMBO PBEM with Tanklord , I killed 2 PSWs with first shots from 2 Green Canadien Stuarts in one turn (1 PSW per Stuart). :eek: In an attempt to honor those 2 brave crews I started an ode to all things Canadiem in the General Discussion Forum...it promptly sank to page 87. :( Methinks I am part of a Pro-Canadien minority. :confused:

[ November 20, 2002, 02:05 AM: Message edited by: mike the wino ]

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CMBB: Rocket spotter calls in rockets on the wrong building (you guessed it...) and kills himself.

CMBO: Watching a buddy's jeep trying to go uphill in the snow/ice... he kept sliding backwards, only to try again (he never made it before being blown away). (I'm starting to giggle again just thinking about it... me - "what's your jeep doing over there? I didn't know BTS put reverse in the game!" him - "that's not reverse! He's sliding backwards!")

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Had to be watching a Finnish Tank hunter team and a T-34 M40 play a game of chicken. I had ordered the tank hunters to attack the T-34 as they were only about 50m away. Meawhile the T-34 was taking fire from multipul 37mm Bofer AT guns.

The Finns charged at the T-34 the exact same moment the Soviet tankers routed and tired to get the hell out of dodge. The two charged blindly and straight at each other until they were about 15m away. At that moment a lucky 37mm round blew one of the tracks off of the T-34. Moments latter the Finns let fly with the molotovs and brewed the T-34 reall good.

...but wathing the Finns and the T-34 play a game of chicken and have the tank lose was priceless. :D

I guess all those Uber-Finn toothpick stores were true after all.

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Originally posted by Tigrii:

Mine is seeing temporarily burning water when an Apulomet attacked an assualt boat.

What's fun with that ? :confused: A Molotov throwed in water will keep burning on the surface during a short period time... Try yourself at home in your bathtube.

[ November 20, 2002, 08:44 AM: Message edited by: Thin Red Line ]

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A kubelwagon moving fast along a road got hit by an at gun. The wagon slewed of the road at high speed and into some tall pines!

A panzergrenader squad causing 74 infantry casualties in a meeting engagement!

Taking friendly fire from a tiger.

The shell clipped a small building that a panzergrenader squad was taking cover in, destroyed the building and caused 5 out of 9 casualties to the squad!

My last hope in a quick battle against kvs was an 88 flack. The flack got strafed by a friendly bf109....no casualties.....88 supressed by bf109....kv comes into line of sight of 88, and fires 4 shells at the 88....88 finaly recovers and finishes the kv!

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Originally posted by Kingfish:

The funniest (and rarest) CM moment is without doubt the appearance of the 12th SS Panzerclownische bug. There have been only 2-3 confirmed cases, with one guy managing to get a screenshot. Simply hilarious.

What's this bug?
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IIRC, the first sighting was in 2000, in the Arnhem Op. A German A/C was knocked out atop the bridge, and a few seconds later the crew bailed out, but they were quickly followed by another, then another. Every few seconds a new crew would appear, one right after the other, all the while being mowed down by the Paras defending the bridge. The screenshot showed the knocked out A/C with about a dozen or so dead crew all around.

I tried a search, but couldn't find it. Hopefully someone can dig that gem up.

[ November 20, 2002, 10:52 AM: Message edited by: Kingfish ]

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Arty team on the very far left of the map on a hill(CMBO). On turn 10 a squad from my enemy sarts shooting at them. What do they do? Run for the nearest cover which is where the enemy is. Needless to say they didnt last long in the trees with a full squad of germans.

I went scouting with a kubelwagon. Roaming around my enemies back side when all of a sudden a Churchill AVRE is heading right at the kubelwagon. They narrowly miss each other. AVRE turns its turrets but doesnt get a shot off. We go around the back of the map for like 15 turns. This huge tank chasing around this stupid jeep. Until finally my jeep got a stray 105 from one of my guns land about 30 meters from it and they abandoned.


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My funniest moment was finishing a Quickbattle I was positive I had won, only to find I had suffered a major defeat! I went back to look at the map and found that fully half of the enemy force had flanked me and were sitting peacefully at ALL the flags to my rear! Clever AI!

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One of my T-34/85s was racing down a sloping road when it received a fatal hit. Its momentum allowed it to continue for some distance before it eventually careened off the road and ran straight into a house leaving only half the tank visible. The owner was an old Babushka who rushed out of the ruins and started attacking the dazed survivors with her broom. ;)

It just amazes me how true to life this game can be.

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The most satisfying one.

A smallarms firefight at pretty close range, and then he starts lobbing 155mm on me. I fire smoke from a mortar before my guys, causing the spotter to lose LOS, which made him switch to the wide pattern. One shell landed directly on the woods where *his* men hung out.

The screenshot at thforums anti-artillery guide is a remake of that.

[ November 20, 2002, 02:07 PM: Message edited by: redwolf ]

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Mine probably has to be in Danube Blues. I get all these Tigers as reinforcements, and I almost do a Prussian march around the room, screaming "Take that, Ivan!" Well, after a couple of turns one of my Tigers is stuck near the bridge (almost drove into the water) and the other ones are already burning. I mean, c'mon, these are TIGERS!!!

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A sherman doing a fast move up a hill gets shot... crew bails out and the shermans momentum carries it a couple of meters further up the hill - and then stops and rolls back again running over the paniced crew killing them.


[ November 20, 2002, 11:34 PM: Message edited by: Jev.Dk ]

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