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Will CMBB properly model thrown bones? Better check inside!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Okay, seems the whiney maggots are once again infecting the forum asking to be fed so I guess its time to do that so I can get some work done around here.

Feast your eyes on the this little gem.

Okay, now to the expertly trained and honed eye there is a lot more going on here then just a bounty of new winter texturized building and terrain graphics.

First of all, have a look at the building in the background. 'Yeah so', you are saying to your smug self, 'its on fire...Big whoop, happens all the time.'

True, true it does, but you see in CMBB fires now have this habit of starting rather small and innocent (similar to how Mace approaches a sheep) but after some time they grow in size to become these all consuming conflagrations (much like Rune at a dinner table!). Small fires don't force troops to run away but once they grow in size your troops will hightail outa there...Oh one other thing, fires now SPREAD! On a dry and hot day a small brush fire can easily grow to consume an entire Wheatfield.

Now, in the foreground there is a plethora of twinkling little snowflakes, happily dancing and frolicking as they tumble and spiral from above, being blown by the wind. Hmm, seems like an awful lot of them doesn't it though? Well that is due to two things which I know that you do not.

Okay, moving on..You will notice...Hmmm what's that? Oh, you want to KNOW what those two things are? Well, I don't know...I really shouldn't be telling you all of this...Oh alright.

#1 What you see there is a new weather type called Blizzard. For those of you in the tropics, that means LOTS OF SNOW!

#2 Is that I have enabled a new display setting called EXTREME. Basically in CMBO you have none, medium and full levels of trees, and weather effects right? Well in CMBB you now have an EXTREME level and it just gives you MORE. There are separate settings for weather effects (snow and rain), Trees and finally doodads. If you got the video muscle, then go ahead and play with the EXTREME settings!

#3 oh, did I say there were only two things? Well I lied, the third thing (and its hard to see in this pic) but you may notice that both the smoke in the background and the snowflakes seem to be arching away from the camera. Well, that is becuase the wind is blowing in the that direction and as mentioned before it does affect stuff like this. It also makes the trees sway, but that you will have to see for yourselves...

Now then that about wraps up my overview on what CAN be seen in this picture. How about what CAN'T be seen? Well, for starters Dan is kicking my face in during this nightime December 1944 Quick Battle and I even have intimate knowledge of the map too...Yup, in fact I created this map myself..Yup, sure did, some time ago in fact..Way before me and Dan played this QB last night...

Now some of you are probably smiling and the other 99.8% are wishing I would get on with it...So, why are those select few so happy?

Well because the only way I could have seen this map before I played a QB is if we have allowed custom made maps to be loaded into Quick Battles...Guess what? WE HAVE ALLOWED CUSTOM MADE MAPS TO BE LOADED INTO QUICK BATTLES.

Yup! You can build your own map in the editor, save it and then next time you want to play a QB with your friends and neighbors you can load IT instead of having the computer make one for you. Right now, the computer will create new setup zones and victory flag locations and I am not sure if we will be able to be carried over or not from the pre-created map but I think Charles is going to try to make that work.

Even so, just the ability to finally play a QB on a pre-created map is really cool.

Well, that about wraps it up, chew slowly, I wouldn't want you to choke on this bone...


Madmatt snow_fire.jpg

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Originally posted by Madmatt:

JPEG compression has sorta smushed the fire colors together in that pic. The fire in CMBB does look better than in CMBO but everything can (and probably) will be moded at some point.


Don't worry Matt

it Looks GREAT on my screen!

nice shot

glad to see at least "some" of you are already enjoying CMBB!!!!

-tom w

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Originally posted by Madmatt:


Great and glorious news! Having PBEM'ed Steel Panthers for years this one of the features I have really missed..

Human made maps for quick battles, ah, this will put a turbo on all CM sites "maps" sections:)


[ February 01, 2002, 12:10 PM: Message edited by: Mattias ]

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Originally posted by Madmatt:

JPEG compression has sorta smushed the fire colors together in that pic. The fire in CMBB does look better than in CMBO but everything can (and probably) will be moded at some point.


Cool. It might be quite a while before a lot of what we have already seen gets modded though. The terrain, buildings, eveything has looked very good from a grapical standpoint so far. Thanks for the info and screenshot oh bald one. smile.gif
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it all sounds *very* good, thanks for the bones!

a few questions,

Oh one other thing, fires now SPREAD! On a dry and hot day a small brush fire can easily grow to consume an entire Wheatfield.
do fires simplyforce the soldiers away or will it now actually hurt them? (in CMBO fire doesn't hurt, it simply makes the soldiers go away).

If you got the video muscle, then go ahead and play with the EXTREME settings!
when I'm on moderate setting, will I have to toggle through the most extreme setting to get back to the most basic graphic setting? Because computers like mine probably can not take the extreme settig and might get hung at "extreme" while I am cycling through the different settings.

Well, that is becuase the wind is blowing in the that direction and as mentioned before it does affect stuff like this.
will those stong winds affect ballistics of guns (less accuracy) ?

Yup! You can build your own map in the editor, save it and then next time you want to play a QB with your friends and neighbors you can load IT instead of having the computer make one for you.
If I start a QB with someone, and he gets to select things/settings, will there be a message at the beginning of the game telling me he used an imported map (the way we are now shown force bonuses) ?

[ February 01, 2002, 12:18 PM: Message edited by: M Hofbauer ]

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The More I hear, The More I read, The More I see, The More I want.

I guess I will have to start learning about Russian Tanks and maybe even Finish ones?


Thxs MM for the info, your presentation style is a bit brutal but content of message is great.



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a few questions,

do fires simplyforce the soldiers away or will it now actually hurt them? (in CMBO fire doesn't hurt, it simply makes the soldiers go away).
I am pretty sure you can have guys hurt in fires now in CMBO, if so then the same would apply to CMBB but I am not 100% certain either way. I guess you will just have to wait and see.

when I'm on moderate setting, will I have to toggle through the most extreme setting to get back to the most basic graphic setting? Because computers like mine probably can not take the extreme settig and might get hung at "extreme" while I am cycling through the different settings.
You have to cycle through all the settings but it won't hang up. Its not THAT much of a difference.

If I start a QB with someone, and he gets to select things/settings, will there be a message at the beginning of the game telling me he used an imported map (the way we are now shown force bonuses)
Hmm, there is a new BRIEFING DISPLAY that can be toggled in a QB so players know what sort of options were selected. Nothing about it being a loaded map though, I will see if we can add that, good sugestion!


[ February 01, 2002, 12:40 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]

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I agree with someone who posted above. This is cruel. I want to know all there is to know about CMBB, but like many others, find the waiting a strain.

I have never played a QB because for me, a top quality map is a “must”. Now even this is fixed. Greatly looking forward to all the QBs to come.

All the best,


PS. The graphics look great. CMBB will be a real challenge for all those Modders, how to improve on what ships with the game!

[ February 01, 2002, 01:57 PM: Message edited by: kipanderson ]

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OK ok

All the sneak peak stuff about CMBB is cool and everything.......

BUT, the FAITHFUL amongst us in this thread want to know how we can pre-order the game!?

(Ok ok I knw there are no pre-oders available this time around for CMBB.)

I'm NOT complaining about when it will be released or how long it will take to complete, or any of that stuff. Sure, we all know we are going to have to wait until its finished before BTS will release and ship the game BUT then it will be another GREAT game. No problem there.

BUT is it fair to say that the faithful amongst here (and there are PLENTY of us) would like to know if there will some way that our interest in buying CMBB and our orders will not get bumped to the bottom of the order pile, by accident.

I think Steve has addressed this issue and has given us hope, but I recall cases where other folks here complained about having preordered CMBO and some people who ordered the game after it was shipping got their game sooner.

The fact is we ALL want to get our hands on this GREAT game as soon as it is released. If we ALL order online how will we know our purchase will be processed and filled in the sequence that it arrived at the server that takes the orders as that server is likely to be somewhat overwhelmed the minute you say GO, and let all of us "refresh monkeys" at it?? smile.gif

-tom w

[ February 01, 2002, 02:44 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]

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At risk of facing the wrath of this great wargaming community, I would like to say just one thing about this gratefully appreciated bone...erm...Why does it seem to me that this blizzard is a little *gasp* weak in appearance? Surely in a blizzard we would have the lovely thick black smoke which is sofly billowing out of the blazing building in the background swirling lower, pouring out at almost at right angles as if it was really blowing forty bast**ds?

Ok, so maybe I am not seeing it on the right angle but surely...a blizzard? It looks like a quiet Christmas night.

Before I get taken out and bashed around the head with the bones that have been so generously given to us, can I say that regardless of the possible blizzard smoke shortcomings :D ...I will line up like the rest of us to get my hands on a copy of what will be an amazing game.

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