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Originally posted by Stuka:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

Don't do it, Shaw. You'll wake up with your underpants on backwards and your shirt buttoned up wrong...

Which would be an improvement on how Joe normally dresses I imagine. </font>
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Why Seanachai how nice of you to care...

Schooling continues unabated...only 3 more subjects to go before I am crowned "Bachelor of Commerce" (like I need 7 years of study to tell me I am a bachelor)

As for the fillies....I have found the internet to be quite a useful tool in the global search for poon tang. The pinnacle of my success to date has been the luring away from her husband of 3 months, the lovely Belinda from Borneo (Aussie ex-pat) who somehow convinced hubby that a week in Singapore 'alone' was a good idea.

'Alone' not being exactly an accurate description of course, muahahaaaaaa!

Anyway, to cut a long story short i got to stand in the same spot as the lovely OSGF did for his photo in Lorak's cesspool site, next to the sentry guarding the entrance to the WW2 british Command Centre, the 'Battle Box'.

*Singapore WW2 historical photos available upon request via private email to olde ones*

*Singapore 2004 photos of the lovely Belinda available upon request via private email to olde ones who ask really nicely*

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I was supposed to go back to Canada (Canada!) again this Memorial Day weekend, but I'm thinking it might be more fun to stay in town and make a Midnight assault on your house, ala Oscar Zeta Acosta's 'Lawn of Flame'.

I can't imagine anything more fun than dancing around in the street shouting insults at you, while you peer shivering through your front window at your whole front yard on fire.

I'm pretty sure my brothers-in-law can take care of the old people. Time for some serious Dalem harassment...

If I notice that my front lawn is on fire then dancing in the street would be a bad place, because I have a pretty clear field of fire to the street, and you've seen my gun collection.

Now if someone were to set my BACK lawn on fire I might just make them a nice sandwich and jug of coffee, because my back lawn is a little disaster.

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Originally posted by dalem:

Now if someone were to set my BACK lawn on fire I might just make them a nice sandwich and jug of coffee, because my back lawn is a little disaster.

I've seen your back yard, and it needs serious work, lad. Plus, from the 'Lawn of Fire' aspect, there's no good way of quick escape. As opposed to the street out front, upon which I can escape in any and all directions.

Jesus,Dalem, have you no shame? Aren't you going to do more with that backyard? I mean, seriously, I'd be ashamed to pass out drunk in that yard...

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

Now if someone were to set my BACK lawn on fire I might just make them a nice sandwich and jug of coffee, because my back lawn is a little disaster.

I've seen your back yard, and it needs serious work, lad. Plus, from the 'Lawn of Fire' aspect, there's no good way of quick escape. As opposed to the street out front, upon which I can escape in any and all directions.

Jesus,Dalem, have you no shame? Aren't you going to do more with that backyard? I mean, seriously, I'd be ashamed to pass out drunk in that yard... </font>

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Originally posted by Stuka:

Why Seanachai how nice of you to care...

Schooling continues unabated...only 3 more subjects to go before I am crowned "Bachelor of Commerce" (like I need 7 years of study to tell me I am a bachelor)

As for the fillies....I have found the internet to be quite a useful tool in the global search for poon tang. The pinnacle of my success to date has been the luring away from her husband of 3 months, the lovely Belinda from Borneo (Aussie ex-pat) who somehow convinced hubby that a week in Singapore 'alone' was a good idea.

'Alone' not being exactly an accurate description of course, muahahaaaaaa!

Anyway, to cut a long story short i got to stand in the same spot as the lovely OSGF did for his photo in Lorak's cesspool site, next to the sentry guarding the entrance to the WW2 british Command Centre, the 'Battle Box'.

*Singapore WW2 historical photos available upon request via private email to olde ones*

*Singapore 2004 photos of the lovely Belinda available upon request via private email to olde ones who ask really nicely*

Ah Singapore....brings back some fond memories. I went there on R&R from Vietnam in the spring of 1967. Not a popular R&R spot at the time, but that turned out to be a plus, because the city was not crawling with crazed American servicemen like some of the other Asian spots at the time.

There was a place there called Buguis Street, not sure I'm spelling it correctly, where all of the entertainers and bar girls, in the various clubs, were guys. Very interersting to say the least.

Thankfully there were plenty of real women around to make a lonely Marine feel welcome. I understand that Singapore has changed quite a bit over the years, and even hand holding in public is a no no.

I do remember the beauty of the place, flowers everywhere, friendly and interesting people, and the bargains that could be had for gems, bronzeware and other unique items. I took lots of pictures, but over the years they have become lost.

Judy Tam was my companion for the entire six day stay, funny I still remember her name. She was a lovely Chinese girl, really smart, and was a god send when haggling at the local shops. I think the girls all had deals at specific local merchants, and would steer people in their direction, but things were still a bargain.

I could go on, but I think I'm wasting my nostalgia on you turds, plus I have to start working now.

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Originally posted by Stuka:

Anyway, to cut a long story short i got to stand in the same spot as the lovely OSGF did for his photo in Lorak's cesspool site, next to the sentry guarding the entrance to the WW2 british Command Centre, the 'Battle Box'.

So now we have pictures of two losers standing in front the loser's box?
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Ah yes, 'Singapore' a city devoid of litter, devoid of graffitti but still afflicted by the cordoned off area signed "Here Nidan1 defoliated himself, 1967"

You know, the flies are bigger and badder around that spot, I wonder why?

On another, brighter note, seeing as you are all just dieing to hear about me, me, me fabulous me....in 5 weeks time I shall be sunning myself in the Solomon islands, on the famous island of Tulaghi to be precise, famous for something to do with your US Rangers chappies and something of a spat they had with those sons of Nippon some 60 years ago.

Mind, I am there for a spot of underwater diving activity but Joe, I shall keep an eye out for that nickel you dropped back in '42 when you tripped over your ego and lay unconscious for 3 hrs while the rest of the lads did your dirty work for you...did it have your name on it?

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

I could go on, but I think I'm wasting my nostalgia on you turds, plus I have to start working now.

And those burgers aren't going to flip themselves, are they, big guy? </font>
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Flotsam and jetsam, my friends, flotsam and jetsam is what I find washed up on the beaches (so to speak) of the CessPool this morning. The figurative and sometimes literal wreckage and assorted fixtures and cargo of once fine vessels tossed by the storms of fate upon the rocks and shoals of life as we know it. Let us sort through the noisome mess and see what we can see, shall we?

Aha ... here's a likely bit of refuse, no doubt fitting into the jetsam category as being obviously of no future use and therefore flung overboard in a desperate attempt to lighten ship as it were. How ARE you these days Stuka? Still in Australia no doubt? Yes well, that explains MUCH doesn't it. You mistake me, my lad, I was not going on about our last game, lo these many months gone by but rather explaining that my joy in seeing you again has allowed me to forget and forgive your minor transgression. Well met indeed, Stuka ... so ... would THAT perhaps induce you to part with the photos of young ... what was her name again, not that it matters.

And MrSpkr, I see you sufficiently beyond your funk to respond appropriately to the shock therapy I provided. No extra charge, lad, no extra charge. In fact, if you've a mind and the time presents itself. I'm still looking for another to playtest a small Ker Dessel* scenario ... the same offer to all of course. You I would categorize as flotsam, a formerlly fit vessel now collapsed and useless ... a fate to be sent to ALL faux Texans, not to get all GF HERE of course.

Nidan1 we appear to be of an age sir ... and you a former Marine too. No doubt I knew that but at OUR age ... well ... regardless I have a soft spot for Marines, my brother and son both being of that ilk ... YOU I shall move beyond the tide line and the reach of the crabs ... no, not THOSE crabs, you'll have to see a doctor about those.

And last but not least we see two specimens of the species Loseri Minnesotaii ... recognizable from their pale white skin (at this time of year) and shifty eyes. Watch the one with the gun, he looks unstable.

All in all a despressing landscape ... made better, of course, now that I'M here to police up the place.


* Ker Dessel - When You Want To Play CM In The Worst Way!

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Originally posted by Stuks:

On another, brighter note, seeing as you are all just dieing to hear about me, me, me fabulous me....in 5 weeks time I shall be sunning myself in the Solomon islands, on the famous island of Tulaghi to be precise, famous for something to do with your US Rangers chappies and something of a spat they had with those sons of Nippon some 60 years ago.

Mind, I am there for a spot of underwater diving activity but Joe, I shall keep an eye out for that nickel you dropped back in '42 when you tripped over your ego and lay unconscious for 3 hrs while the rest of the lads did your dirty work for you...did it have your name on it?

Leave it to an Aussie to screw up US military history. The Rangers did not land on Tulagi and Gavutu. (dont forget to visit there too, good diving) they are a hockey team. It was however, the 1st Bn. 2nd Marines, and Edson's Raiders, all part of the Guadalcanal operation in August 1942.

I now return you to regular programming.

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Lars and dalem were in a local bar enjoying a beer when they decided to get in on the weekly charity raffle. They bought five tickets each at a dollar a pop. The following week, when the raffle was drawn each had won a prize.

dalem won 1st place, a year's supply of gourmet spaghetti sauce and extra-long spaghetti.

Lars won 6th prize, a toilet brush.

About a week or so had passed when the two met back in the neighborhood bar for a couple of beers.

Lars asked dalem how he liked his prize, to which dalem replied, "Great, I love spaghetti!" dalem asked Lars, "How about you? How's the toilet brush?"

"Not so good," replied Lars. "I reckon I'm gonna go back to paper."

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The "Peng Challenge Thread"!?!? C'mon now, Elvis. You can do better than that. You chose a title somebody like Berlichtingen would come up with.

I say CM 2 (or is it CM II) will have UberAussies in it. Waddaya wanna bet? What would make me think that? Over your heads? I give up then. I'm returning you to your regularly scheduled manure.

Treeburst155 out.

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Originally posted by Kitty:

Seanachi is short. =|


It might be short, but it's how you USE it.

Originally posted by dalem:

David Essex - Rock On

Currently on an early 70s revival kick?

Bugger, now I can't get that tune off my mind.


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Originally posted by Mace:

Bugger, now I can't get that tune off my mind.

It's hell when the needle skips, eh? It's hell when the needle skips, eh? It's hell when the needle skips, eh? It's hell when the needle skips, eh?
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Doing as I'm told - as a stupid but disciplined grunt. Copy/paste :

G'day to you all !

First things first, let's have a wee bit of introduction : I'm Kobal2, I'm French (so hide the frogs and turtles you may have, cause I'll EAT THEM), and even though I may be only 22 and have kind of a hot blood at times, I will do my best not to flame anyone just for the kicks. For at least 36 seconds.

I must also own up to the fact that I'm quite the "silly bugger", and enjoy nothing more than stirring up an argument about something dear to you, then watch you scream and squeal in anger while laughing in an armchair, with a healthy supply of popcorn and saucisson of course.

Now, to the point : I've been playing all three CM games (though I've only got CMAK installed and modded right now - bloody full blown system crash a few days ago) for some time now (4, 6 months, maybe ?) against the AI, and have gotten somewhat good at it - let's say no more than 4 major defeats out of 5. With overwelming odds in my favor of course. Witnessing such an outstanding (and boring, of course - as constant victory is) success against the AI, I feel it is time for me to beat the hell out of you old and decrepit fools, from whom I've been reading so much in the past months.

So, without further ado, I'd like to get one of you into a PBEM game with me.

Now, although I've been lurking this forum for quite some time now, I must admit I haven't identified most of you, but I'd like to meet with experienced fellows first - if they'll give me pointers and constructive criticism afterwards of course. Nothing like getting your arse properly kicked about to learn the fast way.

I prefer scenarios to quick battles, since the latter have a propension to become very one-sided from what I've seen, while scenarios are engineered to somewhat even the forces (I know, I know, it's not historically correct, since a commander worth his salt will always try to attack where he'll be 5 to 1, but it's a game after all).

On a side note, I like to play the germans or French Foreign Legion (toughest outfit in the world ! And dumbest too !) mostly, and since the AI is awfull at attacking, I've always played the attacker, so I'd like to start with that role. Also, I don't like the "whole Tigers and King Tigers" thing, so you can expect reasonnable forces from me - one Panther/Tiger at most, but mostly regular Panzers/Marders/JadgP etc... Oh, and for the time being I'd rather have small ops - size of the map doesn't matter, but too many forces to manage and I'm overwhelmed. Think 500 - 1500 point battles first.

Now, which...one of you...bitches...wants to dance ?

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We don't like braggarts, we don't like arguments, we don't like being challenged as a group, and you haven't earned the right to call any of us "bitches". And the day you earn that right is the day you realize you don't need to call someone a "bitch" to get the attention you so desperately crave.

Did you read the rules posted in the first page of this, the MBT, before you blindly copied & pasted your initial ejaculation as the clever lads in your original thread told you to do?

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*Sigh* Kobal2 seemed a good fit here, and Flaming Knives told him to read the rules first. The evil Pheasant Plucker recommended he cut and paste his original rant. The lad failed his gullability test, eh? Or passed, depending on your point of view...

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