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I got Afrika Korps yesterday..........

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I got hold of the demo from a PC gamer DVD a month or so ago and really enjoyed it so decided to get the full game.. I had never played any of the series before so didnt know exactly what to expect.

The editor is fantastic... really simple to get to grips with and really powerfull.. also great for trying out strategies and units... one of the first things I tried out was having a church in the centre of the map.. occupied by germans... I then set up about 60 artillery spotters in the outlying forest and set a few target reference points on the church.. the results were truly hilarious... and spectacular smile.gif I have but one critisism... the demo doesnt seem to send the message across about just how much freedom you get with the editor and the randomly generated "quick missions"... another thing that isnt really a critisism but is more of a thing that daunts me is the size of some of the maps... especially the operation maps... the idea of playing a game on this humoungous battlefield seems like it would take days and days to finish... at the moment I prefere to play with two or three platoons backed up with some armoured support... is this a normal thing? smile.gif did any of you veterans prefere to play with small battles to begin with and move up to taking over the world? :D anyway.... enough praise I think.... good luck with the next generation... and I look forward to seeing the next engine in action!

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I think that what you are experiencing is normal as far as starting out with smaller maps and slowly working your way up. I prefer to play battles where each side gets no more than 1500 points. It's a great game. I personally don't think there are currently any better war/strategy games on the market.

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I always start new editions with smaller units to get a feel for the mechanics and the units, but generally find myself progressing up the ladder once I get a feel for it. I play about 75% PBEM these days and generally in the 1500-3000pt range. I think this makes the outcome more dependant on skill than luck in a relative way (one rare (and bad) outcome ok when you have 8 tanks, not ok when you have two). The other thing about PBEM is that you don't have to play the whole thing end to end. It takes only about 10min to watch the movie and process most turns even for a 2500pt battle. Sure, it takes months overall to play 60 turns, but the individual effort is manageable. I can easily keep 4-6 games going at a turn a day while I'm drinking coffee, doing laundry, etc. I find it much more manageable for my relationship than 4-5 hour sessions v. the AI.

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I discoverd the CM series two weeks ago and it's just taken over my gaming life. It's the first real wargame where right from the start you have to worry about the tactical situation and not the game mechanics.

Pardon! What do you mean by I'm married? What kids?? and what the hell is a job??? <g>

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Hello Wires!!!

You wrote:

I had never played any of the series before so didnt know exactly what to expect. .... and OMG HOW COOL IS THIS GAME!!!
I can understand your happiness! It is the natural reaction of any wargamer upon encountering CM for the first time! I am sure that you will have a lot of fun with the game!

Sadly, you also found out one of the major drawbacks:

Another thing that isnt really a critisism but is more of a thing that daunts me is the size of some of the maps... especially the operation maps... the idea of playing a game on this humoungous battlefield seems like it would take days and days to finish...
I find it hard to pick up the game knowing that I am going to spend 3 to 4 hours (usually valuable sleeping time) on a single battle! That is one of the reasons I seem to be unable to finish CM:BB, let alone CM:AK.

I could name another WW2 game, that fits into my tight time schedule, but cannot be compared to CMs technical sophistication. It is not particularly popular around here, so I refrain from doing so.

It would be nice to have the best of both worlds in one game, but I do not think that is going to happen anytime soon.

But, in any case, choosing CMAK as your start into the CM world is an excellent choice and you will go a long way with this game!!!!

Have fun,


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Reminds me of an experience a friend of mine had, a couple years ago. Apparently she and her fiance got into some hanky panky one afternoon, and immediately afterwards, he went back to playing an Xbox game. Not quite as good as a round of CMAK I'm sure, but anyway, she failed to see what it was I found so funny about her experience and subsequent annoyance at being denied a chance to snuggle. Oops. :D

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It's nice for us grizzled old CM veterans to be reminded ocassionally of why we like the game. 3-D true-scale historically accurate warfare any time of the day or night, in all weather conditions, on most of the major European fronts of WWII... on your home pc! Oh yeh, so THAT'S why I like CM! :eek: :D

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I kind of envy you, getting to discover CM from scratch. Anyway, I'd like to chime with Slappy and push for PBEM (Play By E-Mail). Don't be afraid to start early with multiplayer, you'll learn quick and there's most likely someone else on your level. It's most convenient to spend 15-30 mins every morning and/or evening going through 1-5 games or so. Lot's of emails to discuss tactics and whatever too.

Congrats to finding out about CM!

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wow a pretty active community too! smile.gif

I'm really pleased I found CMAK.. in the strategy genre the majority of games are just command and conquer clones... with X and Y being different... CM and the Total Tar series are the only two series' that I feel have been innovating... I'm constantly looking for a WW2 game that fills the vision I have in my mind for one... ever since playing the close combat series I have longed for one in 3d... and now it is here smile.gif I hope that with the next engine it will be possible to push enough polys to get rid of the slight abstract it has on squad sizes etc... when I can see soldiers running up to the shingle on omaha beach, or a glider crashing down onto the barbed wire at pegasus bridge and then having the control and amazingly powerfull moral systems etc in place... I think I might just be in heaven :D

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Yep he has all the signs, he'll be modding, designing scenarios, guestioning grogs and exchanging insults with the trans-sexuals on the waffle thread soon.

I wonder,......wires, do you find you cannot go to sleep at night until you get in one good 500-800 QB?

The addiction grows

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=] These are the threads, were I a developer, that would make my day! Welcome Wires. Have you tried the Italians yet? They're a blast!

EYSA is a mess lol. I had a headache after 10 minutes. It is now a coaster for my bottle of scotch (it didn't really need one, but hey, you gotta treat an 18 year Macallan with a little respect...)

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Welcome, Wires and DaveR!

Not only have you gotten a superb wargame, but because of time periods and the theaters of war it covers, you can also explore whole areas not covered in any of the previous CM games, let alone

what can be done by those willing to think about the delicious unconventional possibilities.

You've already met some of the troops, all in all a great bunch, but you need to brace yourself for brilliant discourses from the grogs on such matters as the scale of issue of FOs/FOOs (precise nomenclature's an important grog distinction), artillery issue, scale, and unit subordination, the merits of radio vs. wire commo, and the proper procedure for requesting, adjusting, and massing fires. JasonC apparently has the ammo production statistics for the entire war at his fingertips and uses them to mount amazing arguments about battlefield weapon lethality, and I'm convinced Michael Dorosh has no room in his house because it's full of moldering WW II AARs.

In time, you'll understand the distinctions among DS, GS, and GSR fires, will speak fluent rolling barrage (very hard to do), and as the Allies later in the war, will learn to love the proximity fuze, as well as lament the continued absence and tactical possibilities of white phosphorous and mixed volleys. For fun, though, three battalions (werfer regiment) of nebelwerfers (158 mm rockets) and some TRPs will make for exciting viewing as the Germans. Ever seen an entire map end explode?

Should you run into technical problems with your game, we have an entire board devoted to restoring you to your favorite addiction, with separate boards devoted to scenarios and tips and tricks. Stay out of the Pool unless your hide rivals a rhino's in thickness. Should your energy level permit, there's also a general discussion board. There's a fair amount of agitation for a board devoted to mods, too.

Sixty FOs on an occupied church?! Haven't had that much exitement since a green FO of mine called down accurate, devastating battleship fire in CMBO and nearly leveled a block. With that kind of firepower, though, short rounds can be a problem.

Would hang about longer, but am engaged in a mighty

RoW. Sorry, couldn't resist!


John Kettler

[ July 13, 2004, 10:26 PM: Message edited by: John Kettler ]

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Isn't it just the best? A few years ago I found the game 'Eastern Front' and then 'Western Front' by Talonsoft, which I thought at the time was amazing- and then CMBO came along. The CM series is, like another poster has in their quote- "like real sex, anything else is just porn", or something like that.

PBEM is a pretty new thing for me, and seriously get started because even a crap human opponent is MUCH more fun than the AI (and more satisfying to drub into the ground... or be drubbed by in my case!) ;)

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:D I've been playing around with a desert mission I created where the brits have to hold off a mechanized infantry attack which goes up a notch when each team gets three tanks as reinforcement... last night I played it as the brits and was having a whale of a time until the enemy's Panzer VII took out both of my stuarts and my sherman died a pathetic death... right at the back of the map the brits have an anti-tank gun strappet to the back of a truck that I wheeled into place in a crater behind the front line... after desperatly trying to take out the panzer with my two anit-tank guns I realised there was basicly no chance of doing any damage... so I retreated my front line back to tempt the panzer into my AT gun... the problem was... as the panzer breached the front line all of a sudden "the battle has reached its conclusion" "it was a draw" I was left bewildered as to why the battle reached a conclusion... I had set it so that the amount of turns was 30+... would the enemy securing all the flags have been enough to finish it?
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