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Originally posted by Boo Radley: Nidan1

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />


Say Boo is Croda our Liege? We can't have the likes of the Austrailian idjit, Noba besmirching our house, now can we?

Young Nidan, I had hoped you could figure this out for yourself. Take notes, there will be a test later. I am YOUR leige. Croda is MY leige (more's the pity). JDMorse is Croda's leige (which explains so much), and I believe, you have a squire, so YOU are HIS leige, which scares the panties off of all of us.

As for Noba, have pity on him. Not only is his leige Slapdragon, he is after all Oddstralyun, which puts him in the same phylum as plant life. Or just below it...I can never remember. [/QB]</font>

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Originally posted by YK2:

* Sigh * I think I'm in Love...

Yeah, I know it's the third time this week, but hell I'm a sucker for words, and he'll do till the Bard stops fiddling with his graphics card and posts something more worthy of his title....

Do you know, on Friday I got together with my friend Jen and her new baby daughter, just turned 4 weeks old.

I remember quite a lengthy list of girl names before she was born, and how the parents went back and forth quite a bit about what to name her.

For a while 'Anya' was going strong, but many came and went in favour.

I was up North when she was actually born. When I got home, and asked her name, I was told 'Well, we decided to name her that one that you liked, too. We named her 'Emma'.'

I told her: "Well, I can honestly say that I think it very likely that she will grow up to be a beautiful woman."

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Wine is winging its way to the Minnesota clime for enjoyment by der Uber Gnome.

If true, you've just entered my list of 'loathsome Outer-Boarders who I would actually swerve around in the parking lot, rather than running them over'.

Is it red wine? Berli would doubtless appreciate any attempt to further cripple me.

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Originally posted by Becket:

Reputation is an idle and most false imposition: oft got without merit, and lost without deserving.

Generally true, lad, but not around here.

Here you'll get what you deserve, and deserve whatever you get.

As for 'merit'...well, if you had any, you wouldn't be here, now, would you?

Art thou to quote Shakespeare before me, then, and me an Olde One of the Peng Challenge Thread?

Consider this:

Be more concerned with your character than your reputation. Your character is what you really are while your reputation is merely what others think you are.

-John Wooden

Here in the Peng Challenge, we are all about Character. Reputation is what Dalem's dog, Sten, is currently having a slash on over there in the corner.

[ August 31, 2003, 01:11 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Originally posted by Snarker:

It would be free wine, gameless one. Never look a gift hangover in the mouth, especially if it saves your pennies for a proper machine that you can take forever to send turns from.

Witless toad!

I'm currently saving my pennies for CMAK.

But a very good point about the 'sending of turns'. Know that now that I am once again able to play CMBB, I have reverted to my normal habit of making people curse, threaten, implore, and weep in order to get the next turn.

All of my opponents are once again waiting for a turn. Not because I cannot send them one, but because I have been set over them by the very gods themselves to teach them patience, humility, and forebearance.

You are all quite lucky, really, to have me.

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Originally posted by Lars:

You bastard, so that's why they always bring me a white wine spritzer when I go there now .

Right, like you had anywhere to go but 'up' given your normal girlie drink preferences. Sod all if a wine spritzer isn't a quiet statement of manliness compared to your normal pattern.

What was that strange pink slushy drink you were slurping on when we arrived? It looked like an alcoholic 'Mr. Misty', for the love of God.

Originally posted by Lars:

Yes, let it be the Rennaissance Festival...

Now sod off.

It will be up to you and I to arrange it, of course. My only concern would be how you would get home. I don't think your faithful boat 'Trigger' is going to work to drag your drunken arse home from Shakopee, despite the proximity of the Minnesota river.

For myself, I always have the talented and deeply disturbed Papa Khann, who's like a coherent driving god.

I've never died when he was in charge of my homecoming.

It was touch and go with Dalem. Fortunately, Sten was in the car with us, and seemed to be controlling his brain.

Ah, Sten. The poor, earless bastard.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

You are all quite lucky, really, to have me.

Oh yes.

My first thought of every morning is 'how lucky we are to have Seanachai'!

....then the nightmare finishes and I wake up.


[ August 31, 2003, 04:15 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

The fixation with Panties needs to be adressed.

Let's, shall we? I mentioned "panties" once and your eyes lit up like Barney Fife's at a jaywalkers convention.

Say no more. Say no more. SAY NO MORE! </font>

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Anyone know what happened to AJ and his most faithful Squire Konrad ?

AJ did say a while back that if his father-in-law lost the fight against cancer then he (AJ) would probably drop off the face of the earth and stop posting..

Has anyone heard from him? I was going to mail him, but feel I would be invading his privacy if his in-law has died.. Your thoughts on this please...

And Konrad .. I was away for a wee while and haven't seen or heard a peep from him since I got back... Did someone finally chase him away?

Enquiring minds want to know...

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Originally posted by YK2:

I was going to mail him, but feel I would be invading his privacy if his in-law has died.. Your thoughts on this please...

Dear Lady,

IANAP, but it's always been my opinion that people who are feeling sad isn't helped by also feeling lonely. Certainly you want to be alone with your pain, but I don't think that's a good idea in the long run. I think being around people that care helps, even if it's via computer.

My own father-in-law died of lung cancer a few years back. We had gotten closer in the last few years, even though we no longer lived under the same roof. It felt strange, that he would get lung cancer, since he hadn't smoked in 15 years, and excercised regularly, so it was something of a shock.

I miss him, and his ironic wit. I remember him fondly and he'll always be with me in spirit. Should the worst have happened, I can only hope that your friend will cope with it as well as is possible.


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Originally posted by YK2:

Anyone know what happened to AJ and his most faithful Squire Konrad ?

AJ did say a while back that if his father-in-law lost the fight against cancer then he (AJ) would probably drop off the face of the earth and stop posting..

Has anyone heard from him? I was going to mail him, but feel I would be invading his privacy if his in-law has died.. Your thoughts on this please...

And Konrad .. I was away for a wee while and haven't seen or heard a peep from him since I got back... Did someone finally chase him away?

Enquiring minds want to know...

Lady I do believe that AJ has taken to a deep mourning stage. I was in the middle of a game with him back when his father-in-law passed away. Apparently the loss of this man affected him deeply. AJ's wife was spending time with her father near the end, and by the tone of his posts he missed her as well during that time. (I believe her father lived quite a distance away, Australia is a big place). I sent an EMail or two, but never got a response. I do believe however, that a person with the sense of humor that AJ posessed, would not remain in the doldrums forever, a note from you would probably be appreciated.

As for konrad he is still active on my IM list, although I have not seen him online for quite sometime, he was in the process of moving, and also had some troublesome personal issues.

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Thanks SirReal and Nidan ..

AJ sent me a very moving mail after my mum died, his words although upsetting to read were a great comfort to me.. I really did appreciate that mail...

Yes Nidan, you're right, AJ does have a great sense of humour and I for one miss his posts. Had I known that his Father-in-law had passed away then I would have mailed him, not knowing, made it didfficult to know what to say....Thanks for the info.

Also.. say hello to Konrad if you see him online and please send him my best wishes..

I miss his posts also.

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Dame Yk2 I do believe (and indeed HOPE) that Berli's response to that ... legal fellow, was not an invitation HERE but rather an acknowledgement of Bucket's status with Berli on a PROFESSIONAL level.

Quite right... all lawyers go to Hell... standard clause </font>
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Originally posted by Noba:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

The fixation with Panties needs to be adressed.

Let's, shall we? I mentioned "panties" once and your eyes lit up like Barney Fife's at a jaywalkers convention.

Say no more. Say no more. SAY NO MORE! </font>

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