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The first war game? (Poll)

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The first I can remember playing was TAC on a friends computer.

The first one I owned was Kamfgruppe.

They're both still kinda fun.

As for boardgames,when I was eight,I went to a barbecue where I entered a game of skill and daring (egg toss).My partner and I won and we each got to choose our prize.He picked the Star Wars game (the bastard) and I got AH's Air Assault on Crete.Needless to say,this was a little too advanced for my tiny little brain.I still have it but haven't looked at it in years(still hampered by a tiny little brain I guess).

Jarhead,I also ordered those plastic soldiers.They came in a little cardboard box that looked like a footlocker.The bases were too skinny to keep 'em propped up without support and if you managed it you had to be very careful not to breath on 'em.The ads were definitely better than the product.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by saru3000:

Jarhead,I also ordered those plastic soldiers.They came in a little cardboard box that looked like a footlocker.The bases were too skinny to keep 'em propped up without support and if you managed it you had to be very careful not to breath on 'em.The ads were definitely better than the product.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well at least I know I was not the only sucker to buy those things. I remember the add was on the back page of the comic. It showed the "Army Men" on top of a cliff overlooking an invasion fleet. Guns blasting on both sides. Funny thing is, here I am still playing with "Army Men". Well...no matter, I'm not going to quite.


Semper Fi.

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Does Risk count?

If not:

Board: Panzer Blitz (AH game that evil Peng brought over one day and my life hasn't been the same ever since).

Computer : Squad Leader (I don't rememeber for sure if that is what it was called but it used the SL board #3 and my Commador 64 processed the turns and told you with text where to move units ect...)


What do we do with a terrible liar? Well, Great liars we send into the clergy.

Good liars we groom for politics. Moderate liars we supply with sherrif's badges

and guns, and the bad liars, well, we make them heroin whores. So what the hell

do we do with the Terrible Liars? Well, it seems we turn them into physicists

called "chrisl." Peng

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jarhead:

Originally posted by saru3000:

Jarhead,I also ordered those plastic soldiers.They came in a little cardboard box that looked like a footlocker.The bases were too skinny to keep 'em propped up without support and if you managed it you had to be very careful not to breath on 'em.The ads were definitely better than the product.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well at least I know I was not the only sucker to buy those things. I remember the add was on the back page of the comic. It showed the "Army Men" on top of a cliff overlooking an invasion fleet. Guns blasting on both sides. Funny thing is, here I am still playing with "Army Men". Well...no matter, I'm not going to quite.

Geez, the memories - I was always looking at those ads but I never actually got around to ordering the Army Men. Remember the ads for German helmets that were only like 2 dollars (I had to ask my science teacher what "styrene" meant! LOL!) Or the 6 foot submarine you could order to play in?

Those army men sound like as big a ripoff as x-ray specs!

And I remember seeing the ad for Computer Squad Leader too - with board 3 and all. It all seems so silly, now.

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Board Game: when I was six I learned (and loved) Stratego. If you don't consider that a "real war game" then it would have to be Squad Leader when I was about 12 or so. I had got some money for my birthday and my mother let me use some of it at the local toy store. I was looking around in there at the games and stumbled upon Squad Leader. It looked interesting, so I bought it. That game really changed my gaming habits for the rest of my life. It's funny but I never saw Squad Leader offered at that store before or since. After all, it was a very small toy store, not a hobby shop which is where I ended up going after that to buy more and more war games.

Computer Game:I played a game called "Combat" I believe on my Atari 2600. When my father got a "real" computer (I don't think we had any war games for the TRS-80 CoCo, so I had to wait until he bought a IBM XT) I had Empire, The Ancient Art of War, Gato, Crusade in Europe, and some others, but I'm not sure which one came first. Probably Empire, as it was written before the others.

An addition/correction to above: I did play a war game on the TRS-80 CoCo. It was called Nuke War and was put out by Avalon Hill IIRC. Back then the computer we had didn't have a floppy drive, let alone a hard drive so you had to load the game with a cassette recorder. It took forever, but the game was alot of fun. So that was the first computer war game I played.

While Mech Brigade wasn't the first computer war game I played it was the best one of those old games that I played. It had a QB system too, alot like CM does. It was so advanced for its time. We used to use its point system for units when we played micro-armor in my local game club. I'd place this game toward the top of a top games of all time list.



"Only a madman would consider the possibility of war between the two states (France and Germany), for which, from our point of view, there is no rational or moral ground." - Chancellor Adolf Hitler, Oct. 14, 1933

[This message has been edited by Subvet (edited 01-21-2001).]

[This message has been edited by Subvet (edited 01-21-2001).]

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Whoops - I forgot about TelStar Combat - it came out shortly after PONG, I think. It was a lot like Atari's combat game for the 2600, but you could only play 4 different versions. The console was built in, with two joystick controls per person, to control the tracks individually. One had a fire button on it. The screen showed a maze in black, with black and white tanks. I think there were mines you had to avoid, and the you had to hit your opponent 21 times or something like that. Probably one of the first video games ever made. I wonder what my parents paid for it...I'm off to check ebay to find a picture of one if possible...

Oh, the best part was that if you wanted to play the "night scenario" you had to manually adjust the contrast on your television set.



[This message has been edited by Michael Dorosh (edited 01-21-2001).]

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The first board game I played was called City Fight by the now defunct SPI. It was a modern kind of CM in a way. There were two identical boards for each side to simulate the fog of war.

The first computer game I played was a made up computer program dubbed Empire. It was made for the C-64 and it was like a space version of risk. A great beer and pretzel game. tongue.gif


'Lets go you apes! You want to live forever?'

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It was PanzerBlitz. Saw it in the games section at a department store. I saw the orange and black box with the German tanks and didnt have any idea what was inside. The box was so cool.

That is why I joined the Marine Corp. The uniforms were so cool....


"The Legitimate object of war is a more perfect peace."

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Cobat Mission...actualy Arching spitfire...or was it CM mabe I got them at the same time.

March 2000

[This message has been edited by Rob/1 (edited 01-21-2001).]

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Guest Space Thing

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jarhead:

What was the first war game you played?


SPI's Napoleon at Waterloo (NAW) that came with a subscription to Strategy & Tactics.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nathman:


To quote James Dunnigan, " All wargames derive from that earliest and simplest of wargames: chess."<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, you stole my answer, I started with chess about age 7.

First real wargame - France 1940, the Avalon Hill edition, about 1973 or so. I played the "idiot's plan" over and over. Been hooked on the historical aspects of wargames ever since.

I can't remember the first computer game, I've had computers since the Vic-20.



When the game is over, the kings and pawns go in the same box. - Old Italian Saying

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Board: Ambush! 1989 or something.

Oh, and I can remember (vaguely) Some Milton Bradley game called Tankslag (Dutch version, probably called Tank-battle or something) back in the late seventies.

PC: Must have been SWOTL (secret weapons of the Luftwaffe) in 1991. Great fun!


Officer: Old man, vhere ist your Spinnink Vheel?!

Old man: My... my what?

Officer: Your Vheel! your Vheel! Vhere ist your Vheel?!

Old man: Oh, I am sorry, I do not eat meat, I am a vegetarian.

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