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The Peng challenge, a thread that will live in infamy

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Whoohoo! von schrad's back!

Hey dude, tell me, still got the van?

I do believe it is time. Yes, time for me to right a wrong which Shornofbolding has pointed out, but which he, in his present condition is unable to correct. I will for the first time ever (an possibly last if my experience with pets is any guide) take on von schrad as my squire, if there are no objections. Hardly right to let an old one from the Beta Demo days languish with the really bilious SSNs that have washed in of late.

If there are objections, well, you can just stuff a sock in it or suffer the consequences because there's no way I'm getting gesumped on this nasty little catch that comes with its own transportation.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Phone Shred questioned MY judgement ... can you believe that a lowly SERF would question MY judgement ... when he replied: How can you halt such a earthly process. Here this fine, young piss-boy is given a hand up by our gracious Seanachai<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well there you make your first mistake AND your first correct move all in one. He whose name may not be bolded is NOT gracious, in fact the closest he came is when some interloper to the 'pool read one of his posts and said "gracious me" ... needless to say he, the interloper, was never seen again and a right good thing it was too. You did, however, instinctively fail to bold his name and thus showed the repugnance we all feel at a gut level for the evil done by him. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> and you choose to stop his charity. Would I wish you harm? Such as barefoot hiking through........<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ah lad it is no charity I assure you. Better that you be taken to squire by Bauhaus ... and I think there are actual LAWS against that. Further I have no doubt that you wish me harm but we'll let that pass for the moment. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I would gladly have my attorneys work it out with you Joe but, they are more accustomed to getting people out of felony rap's. The glove obviously did not fit.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> If it doesn't fit, you're full of ... well you get the idea. I don't trust attornies, doubtless my view has been warped by the presence of these creatures here in the CessPool but what's a lad to do in any case.

I tell you what, Phone Shred, I shall offer to undertake your instruction and take you to squire. I would point out that BOTH of my previous squires, Agua Perdido and Speedbump both became Knights of the CessPool under my tutelage, so my record as an instructor is flawless.

Lorak, what say you? Shall he whose name may not be bolded have the squire or shall I undertake the onerous task of teaching him? I leave it to your capable if palsied from drink hands.


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No need for you to mine the Outerboards for nuggets today lads, I've done it for you. Let me just add what I think is the best bitch slap of the week from Steve to Losername:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>When you get around to finishing up your game, we'll talk on an even footing. Now that you are on the dole again I guess you can finish it up soon, right?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Once they have CM2 finished and all they have to do is sit around and count their cash, I sure hope he starts posting to the pool.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Piss off JoePshaw. I beat you to this one and von scrad is mine.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Come now Goanna it is unseemly for Knights to bicker and fight over a mere Serf! Here, let's make it fair, I'll toss a coin and if it comes up heads (sit down Bauhaus) I shall be his Knight, if it comes up tails (damnit Bauhaus) you shall have him. Ready?


There you have it, a fair and equitable resolution to the crisis. Now go back to snapping at flies or whatever it is that you scaly green lizards eat.


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Rubbish. I clearly posted just before you accepting him as a squire, so you can suck eggs (which is quite tasty actually, take it from a lizard). I am sure that the keeper of the tome will se it my way.

In short PFFFTTTT!!

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I am afraid the winner could also be the loser. I am like a cancer who eats away all that comes in contact with me.

Lets make it fair eh?

Whoever bitch-slaps me hardest is the winner...er...loser....er..?

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Hey dude, tell me, still got the van? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Not the custom one with the mag wheels and 4 on the floor with matching gun rack. I had to set a match to it to burn out the fingerprints from the last endeavor across the state line. I am now working on another improved extended van capable of carrying 15 of your closest ****-kicking friends in comfort. Isn't violence grand.

the serf'n piss-boy

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by von shrad:

You let Stuka create a thread? Now of course he will be strutting around.


Not so much of the strutting going on at the moment Von Scabs.

The latest Stuken Aussie outback/motorcycling adventure went a little haywire yesterday, culminating in a high speed/low altitude coming together with Terra Firma Australis.

Result: Fractured right clavical.


(b.4) It is awkward to type left handed.

(X11-8) Painkillers/muscle relaxants/boubon makes one vewwwy sleepy.

(3) It is nice to see both my tail gunners stripped to the waist to supply rags for the mopping of my fevered brow.

(a1(VI)) I still hate you guys.

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Oh man, that does suck. But I have you beat. Because of my current health condition I am unable to ride and must limit myself to washing that 426cc beast in the garage. To make matters worse, 3 of my friends came out to ride, I do live on 128 acres of deadly trails after all, and the only thing I could do is watch and offer glasses of water. Is it wrong to wish bad things on your friends? I think not.

I am the serf'n piss and water boy

BTW, I hope you are milking that injury for all it is worth. The poor gal will be wore out by the time your boney-thingy is fixed.

And for god's sake, quit that horrible strutting. It is scaring the children you pumpkin hair-cutted freak!

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Oh, I wouldn't call it 'strutting'

'Hobbling' would be a better description as the right hip and back copped an awful caning too.

Why can't Australia be a land of soft earth and cushy grasses instead of rocks and sun-baked concrete-like dirt?

Why I ask you, Why?

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I presume Stukes that you crashed the KTM or Husqvarna and not the vaunted Speed Triple? A real pity that would be and far too cruel a punishment for even you, though you have taunted me most mercilessly whiile I am so far away from my beloved pair of Italian beauties.

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No, Joanna it was a mere Honda of the off-road ilk.

The mighty Daytona is still rugged up nice and safe in my garage and before any one tries it, no "Daytona" is not my uber secret password. Yes, I'm looking at you Elvis.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by von shrad:

I am the serf'n piss and water boy



mensch has spoken!

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Smell that, that's testosterone!

Anyhow, I'm for one thankful of firm, good'ol Aussie soil...great for breaking falls when you land on your noggin.

Good to see that Van shag(-pile carpet) has returned...Goes to show you can take the bloke out of the cess, but you can't take the cess out of the bloke. We'll you can, but I dont think this is the place to discuss his personal toilet-related habits.

And if goanna/Joe Shaw don't stop bickering over Van shag, we'll have to settle this in a fair and reasonable manner...let's get a chainsaw and cut him in half then each can have a piece of him.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

No, Joanna it was a mere Honda of the off-road ilk.

The mighty Daytona is still rugged up nice and safe in my garage and before any one tries it, no "Daytona" is not my uber secret password. Yes, I'm looking at you Elvis.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You have it in the garage!!!!

My God how unaustralian of you, it should be in the loungeroom.

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Jesu Christo!

I come back from leading a rat pack of young boys through their summer Webelos Camp for a week and log on to check out the Cesspool, hoping in vain for something a little above the 5th grade squabbling I have had to endure for a week.

And here I find two Kaniggets rendering more of the same childish bickering going on between goanna and Joe Shaw over who claims von Schrad as Squire.

Fine. When Kaniggets behave a Squires, let them resolve their differences as Squires!

A challenge map! Constructed by Berli of course. With the biggest LOSER taking on von Schrad as Squirrel. Forget your tactics, forget your planning. He who loses the mostest the fastest before the autosurrender is the weiner.

Now go back in your tents and don't come out until it's time for evening flags.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>And if goanna/Joe Shaw don't stop bickering over Van shag, we'll have to settle this in a fair and reasonable manner...let's get a chainsaw and cut him in half then each can have a piece of him.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> An excellent plan, one worthy of a CessPooler, let's do it. I seem to recall reading something similar someplace, perhaps J.F.C. Fuller, but this sounds reasonable, I get the top half, it would make a lovely Halloween decoration.

I'm getting damned sick of all these down-under types preening about their horsepower and how MANLY they are. If you want to try something manly, try caving. There's nothing like rappeling into a few hundred feet of darkness to get the blood going.


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Gawd there must be some kind of undertow in this place.

Here I stick my foot into the Muther Beautiful Thread to kick some life into that bag of repellent insect parts, MrSpkr, and then next thing I know I am up to my neck in challenges. Lady Seanachai, the cross dressing wiccian dwarf of my last post, has taken exception with my fair description of our encounter and has defamed me most cruelly. You fancy yourself an Old One? I say that perhaps this acolyte of Abdul Alharazed has had the misfortune of attracting the attention of something truly Old and Unnamable? Guard your head! The eldritch crys of "Tekeli-li! Tekeli-li!" surging up from the darkness signify the approach of your doom Lady Seanachai.

It appears that Squeeker has freed at least one of his hands long enough to recount a dream he has had. will not speak as to MrSpkr's hallucinations of having my body chained to a wall somewhere as his plaything except to say that the thoughts of such are repellent in the whole. Such kindly ministrations should remain with his basement collection of paperboys and pizza delivery personnel.

I have sent the Lady Seanachai a QB PROBE as a response to his challenge but on second thought feel that perhaps a setup created by Beriberi might be a more fitting poniard upon which to hoist this reprobate. For Beriberi, as one who sucks at the rancid teat of Yog-Sogoth is known to all as the most evil of all the makers.

BerryLicker: Could you perhaps dredge up from the most foul and putrid corners of your most evil self a setup for the Lady and I?

"Being attacked by him is like being savaged by a dead sheep." Dennis Healy

[ 07-16-2001: Message edited by: Claymore ]

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Jeeves, I say Jeeves, have you a mo'?

Yes sir, may I be of assistance?

Ah righto, Jeeves, jolly prompt of you if I must say.

Yes sir.

Well Jeeves, you see old top, it's well, have you been reading the thread recently Jeeves?

The CessPool Sir? One attempts to pay as little attention as possible Sir but I do try to keep up on current events. May I assume Sir, that you are once again incensed by Herr Oberst?

Oh, quite so, Jeeves, I say that's jolly perceptive of you. You see Jeeves, he's at it again.

At IT again Sir? Surely you mean Bauhaus?

No, no Jeeves, not THAT, well yes, Bauhaus is but ... well ... that evil little man Hairy Obreast is ... well ... trying to "take charge" again. After all Jeeves, there are forms to follow and a certain scheme of things, propriety you know, and this Hairy Obreast, well, he's ... annoying.

Annoying Sir, quite so, one does see your point. However, I wonder Sir, if it might be possible to simply ignore him as apparently do all the other inhabitants of the CessPool? He is, after all, hardly EVER in attendance, no one pays him the slightest of attention and he seems content to pose and then depart. We could wish the same for, oh, any number of recent SSNs could we not Sir?

Just ignore him, Jeeves? Would that be ... sporting do you think?

Oh quite Sir, indeed Sir he does seem something of a sitting bird and THAT wouldn't be sporting.

Quite so Jeeves, quite so, he did depart rather quickly when you took him to task did he not. I say that WAS jolly good fun.

Indeed Sir, I say Sir, you're not planning to move that Mark IV THERE are you Sir?

Why ... yes Jeeves, I am. Jolly good ambush spot don't you think.

Actually Sir, I recommend against that course of action.

You do? Oh very well then Jeeves, I rely upon your advice as you know.

I attempt to give satisfaction Sir.


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Gaaaah. Monday. Tired. Need more meth.


Killing Seanachai. Kill enough before time runs out? Maybe.

DekeFentle killing me. Gamey, gamey, gamey bastard. Hasn't been in Cesspool forever. Must ask Lorak to demote him.

Terence dying like a good little ssn. Was going to tell Lorak to make him serf, but hasn't been around forever. Will have him killed. Maybe flayed.

Goanna and I both dying in the snow. Hate snow.

Croda back in the Pool? Resent last file. SEND ME A FECKIN' TURN! Hate snow.

stevetherat's computer busted. Pls fix or do somefink.

Hmmm... forgetting someone. Ah, Joe Shaw. Exploding sniper decoy didn't work. Will try gunfire instead.

Bugger off, all.

Agua Perdido

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

If you want to try something manly, try caving. There's nothing like rappeling into a few hundred feet of darkness to get the blood going.


By all means, please do. I’ll sit up here on the dozer waiting to fill in the hole…

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Since that coward Lawyer is too ashamed to post this himself....Lorak let the record show:

ELVIS - WINNER!!!!!!!!

lawyer-loser (by surrender)

Of course when he lost the first place he went is the first place everyone who gets crushed by me goes "it wasn't a balanced game" or "I only got 15 Panthers ..how am I supposed to win with just that."

Perhaps the next game you play will be "more balanced" although if it is against me then I doubt it. I am in my unbeatable zone again.

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