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A Thousand Points of Peng, A Kindler, More Gentler Cess

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(lightly walks in . . . dammit! stepped in a pile of crooda. . . ick!)


So sorry [yeah, this place sure is!] to invade such hallowed [hollowed out is more like it] grounds . . . but it seems all of you have some competition [for a change]:

"Trent Lott: Justice Department a cesspool"


Which thread are THEY posting to?!?

(runs out . . . now needs bath)


Continuing the fight from the secret command bunker!

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Iskander, since we are now ordered to be kind to newcomers, I have this to say to you:


Now on to stevethechupacabrastalker. This insolent dolt sent me the most bizarre setup in the history of mensch-created bizarre setups. Assuming that the file was in fact random, and I'm not having an Operation Lizard pulled over my eyes, this bonehead sends me the following:

A map that most closely resembles a green toothpick - long and absurdly (no more than 400m across) thin. I am the Axis defending a flag with the strategic value of an ox's nose ring in guatemala. And what am I defending with, you ask? The local boy scout troop, of course! Looks like they picked them right from their meeting, working on their damned Arts and Crafts merit badge. These little runts will turn tail as soon as the first shot is fired. If he comes at me with anything above green troops then I will call foul so loud that ducks around the world will flock to me.

Mister therat, I may well have a return file for you when this is over (should take all of 6 turns before you surrender, heh heh). You may well meet the destruction that is Crodaburg.





Damn Croda. That is one funny sig!!!

must suck to be you - Hiram Sedai

Croda, you rock! - Meeks

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[setting: dusty street in the middle of Peng-thread Town (dusty? the street's awfully muddy for that... eewwwwwww...). It's probably sometime around noon, but the sun is hard to make out in the swirling, noisome fog that blankets Peng-thread Town.]

[A dirty sheep, its hindquarters shaved, stumbles down the street like a bleating, animated tumbleweed.]

[A lone figure walks slowly down the street in front of the saloon, spurs a-jinglin' as much as they can a-manage while a-covered in filth and barely breaking clean of the muck on each step.]

Chupacabra! I'm a-callin' you out! Yer yella (and not in a good way, like the ribbon she wore around her neck for her lover in the yoo-ess cavulray--but I'll a-git to you later, Joe Shaw) and I'm a-fixin' to fix you good! C'mon out, ya lili-livered varmint! Y'all'll suck goats even better once I'm done boot'n y'all's teeth in!

[Pause to hawk phlegm and gob horribly in the street... The pleasant familiarity of a loogie makes the part of the street where it lands seem a little less unsettling than the rest of the mucky avenue...]

Now, as for you, Joe Shaw: You crone-mongering Mormon fetishizer! What is your obsession with BY's concubines? Were you invovled in the SLC free speech movement back in the '60s? Do a little too much LDS? Your brain would have to be drug-addled to rate "SWAYR" higher than JW's nuanced, mature performance in "The Searchers." Clearly you are an even bigger doofus than you have always appeared to be!

And as for your challenge to prove I'm not an imposter: ha! Prove I'm not you! You're just the type of insecure weasel to make up a new board persona so you can talk to yourself in public. Count yourself lucky that Chupacabra is an even bigger buffoon than you, or else you would have the onus of sending your setup to certain destruction at my hands.

Andreas (who has the brain of a duck, you know): If I knew where it was, I wouldn't be lost now, would I? True to form, just like the early days, you are doggedly pendantic, persistently multilingual and unashamedly foreign. Thanks to the recent sickening picture-love-fest, I can add that you are also a fuzz-pated, pasty-faced, bespectacled goofball. After I'm done with Chupacabra and Shaw, I won't challenge you real soon because you probably play too much better than I do. I mean, uh, more abusive and unkind things about you and selected relatives.

Everyone else: Why the love fest? Meeks was (shudder) right with his PSA: even with the pictures and toned-down words, you don't have to let go of your hate! Use this chance to mock peoples' appearances! Some of you have already.

You are all degenerate low-lifes with the reasoning ability of a bag of hammers, but surely (may I call you Shirley?) we can increase the unkindness of the current pool discourse. Remember: if you don't have anything nice to say, say it here.

Now get out and put the boot in!

Chupacabra: You are a knave, and a villain, and a[n] [illegitimate child]. Come out of hiding, you dastard, and fight!

Agua Perdido

[Edited to remove errant pictures of wiener dogs.]


Feel the pain of outlaw cinema!

[This message has been edited by Agua Perdido (edited 01-25-2001).]

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Originally posted by Agua Perdido:

[setting: dusty street in the middle of Peng-thread Town (dusty? the street's awfully muddy for that... eewwwwwww...). It's probably sometime around noon, but the sun is hard to make out in the swirling, noisome fog that blankets Peng-thread Town.]

Sorry (not actually) ya useless waste of oxygen and testemenet to why there is an incest taboo. That image has already been done. Go come up with something original. A new sceanrio or metaphor. Sheesh.


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

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Hiram's Game Updates

Its been awhile since I've mentioned CM in the Cesspool AKA Muthabeautiful Thread AKA MRPeng Challenge Thread. I don't have the picture to accompany the updates like you would find from Chupacabra. I don't have the wit that you would see if you were reading Croda's Updates. I don't have the funny accent you would see if this were OGSF's game updates. Here they are anyway. You will notice the underlying theme of mediocrity and apathy throughout my games. Inebriation coupled with ineptitude makes for a bad record.

Seanachai A true gentlemen. He has always been kind enough to save me trouble of watching the movies. When he killed my harmless and hapless Puma, I found out at work and could do nothing about it. I paced inside of my roomlet (cool word for cubicle) but could not find the title for the Puma so I can collect damages. He warned me repeatedly about dancing with my Puma but I didn't listen. *Sigh* I will have to eviscerate his brits and play jump rope with their entrails. His tanks will be barbecue points for my soldiers. Hot dogs for everybody!!

OgreStuffinSpankingBlender We are playing Peekaboo with Tanks. I am axis and he is silly. I plan to kill his gamey and deceitful jeep, sharpshooter, and flamethrower with my big shiny tank things. It won't be a hit and run. It will be more like a hit and meander. At least he speaks American English in the emails.

Marlow Snow and more snow. Playing Chuppie's Revenge has been difficult for both of us. I'm just glad I was given so much arty. But it hasn't done much for me. Poor planning and tactics can defeat good stuff any day. I go through tanks and manpower like so much toilet tissue after a visit to Taco Bell. I found all sorts of minefields the hard way and my running up hill has been detrimental to the health of my guys. Wait til he sees what I have in reserve. hehe

Elvis Night of the Engineers. This was designed by Rune and I am allies but Rune refuses to tell me how to win. I need some help up in here. Could I just pay one of you to do my turns for me and I'll send them? I'll give you my peanut butter sandwich. At least he's not cheating yet.

Berli He is freakin invisible. He puffed smoke last year and I haven't seen him yet. I wonder if he's on the same map as me. He does mention that I miss him with my arty, but that's just a reoccurring theme with me.

PeterNZer He has Panthers and some nice guns. I have a huge amount of tanks and manpower...but once again, use the Toilet Tissue analogy (or is that a simile, Joe?) VOT II has been quite tough on me because its not flat enough. Speaking of flat...

Goanna Flat and foggy. Like Tennessee on a hot summer morning. We are playing the Hello echo game. I'm allies and he is reptilian. Will he respect me in the morning? It seems I'm the only one who gave him a fair QB during Operation Lizard. If he ever finds me, I'm dead meat. Like a gecko on a stick. That kind of dead.

Croda Insert nebulous and esoteric rants here. We are still up in the air about our struggle. I've long since forgotten what we are doing or who owes who what? (Is that who owes whom, Joe?)

Major Tom Canned Scenario called "hell on wheels" or something like that. I'm allies and he is....DEAD!!! I'm grinding his bones to make my bread. (figure that one out Seanachai)

Mensch Take the biggest force you ever played with and double it. I thought I was being clever when I purchased the assault boats but Mensch was nonplussed. Oh well. I hope he has lots of arty cause I have the stuff to play with. Perhaps the amount I have will overcome the amount I need to learn. Get it?

Germanboy We are playing an ME. Nevermind that ME's never occured in history. He is axis and I am Polish (in the game) In real life I'm Amerikanish) I plan to inundate him with questions during the game because I want to pick his brain on my way to omniscience. Mooo hahaha ha ha


I probably forgot some people but then again its quite normal. I tend to break out in a sweat when I try to remember my home phone.


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

[This message has been edited by Hiram Sedai (edited 01-25-2001).]

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Originally posted by Agua Perdido:

[setting: dusty street in the middle of Peng-thread Town...]

... more insane ramblings about the old west...

Agua Perdido

Aguilera Pecadillo,

WTF is up with this western town theme you have in your brain? I don't know what type of delusional syndrome you suffer from, but it ain't welcome here... I've heard that many such conditions can be caused by poor diet. I can only surmise that you have been munching too many monkey-muffins lately, and that this has induced a chemical imbalance in your brain.

Now, arguably, Meeks has just such an imbalance, but we tolerate his condition, and one Meeks in the pool is enough, thank-you-very-much. Seanachai's condition is merely due to old age and chronic hemmorrhoids. Lorak fell into his fairy fantasy long ago, and while many of us don't condone the use of fairies, he keeps the Cesspool scores somewhat up to date. Berli is, well, Berli, and has been around since The Beginning, and just as surely as there is Goodness outside the pool, there is Evil in the pool and he is it. Lawyerboy is nothing more than a doppleganger for Berli. Oh sure, this one struts around in a suit and uses legaleese to perform his corruptions while Berli just uses good ol' temptation, but they are one and the same underneath it all. Mace is our volunteer veterinarian, specializing in the wooly types. Crawdad we maintain as our pet social sympathy project, for someone must take in the glow-in-the-dark, three-eyed, one-armed imbecile who grew up too close to Three Mile Island, and when it gets too nasty in the pool, it's nice to have somewhere to wipe your shoes. I find his low brow and jutting chin a very effective combination at scraping off that stuff that gets stuck right in front of the heel of your shoe, ya know?

You, on the other hand, come in here saying "I got a fist full of posts (all 4 of them mind you), and I'm a itchin fer a fight". The Duke is gone, and you are a shallow replacement of the cardboard Hollywood image. To gain the respect of the 'Pool, and possibly a battle, you will have to do something truly unique.


To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

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Originally posted by Agua Perdido:

Ooh, is that Chupacabra ever sexually attractive. I would sure like to engage in sexual intercourse with him, including several positions which would be extremely degrading to me and yet strangely fulfilling. I would then like to do his laundry and clean his place of residence while he sleeps. The following morning I will cook fresh eggs for him, and bring them to him in bed, along with coffee and perhaps freshly-squeezed grapefruit juice if he wishes it. Afterwards I would sexually pleasure him again if he would so desire it. Finally I would quickly and quietly leave. Gee, that would be swell.

Great, I've attracted a stalker. Listen spanky, maybe shooting Ronald Reagan would make me like you, why don't you go and find out?

It's very nice to see that you've been lurking for so very long.

I am also King of the Canaanites.

But seriously, let me ask you a question: Exactly how pansified does one have to be to read this thing for over five thousand posts, never having had the eggs to post so much as a wee squeak of a challenge? Is that, like, adorable newborn kittens-level pansy, or snuggly warm wool blankets-level pansy?

And then you come waltzing in like the cock of the wall with your "original" showdown metaphor and "hilarious" England jokes. My my.

Well, sorry, but insulting England isn't going to send me into some sort of red-hazed rage. My shorts can think of funnier England jokes than that, and don't even get my socks started. They're freaking brutal after they've had a few pints.

I don't play anyone until they've made me laugh. Your post gave me painful gassy buildup. Then I burped for like ten seconds straight and I felt better, but that's another story.

So impress me, baby, impress me.


Soy super bien soy super super bien soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super

[This message has been edited by Chupacabra (edited 01-25-2001).]

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Mensch: Take the biggest force you ever played with and double it. I thought I was being clever when I purchased the assault boats but Mensch was nonplussed. Oh well. I hope he has lots of arty cause I have the stuff to play with. Perhaps the amount I have will overcome the amount I need to learn. Get it?

right since this is our first game (official) with me I ask the Pooler Thread (seanachoo this is your cue)

<h5>whats my name! SAY IT!</h5>


www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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Originally posted by Chupacabra:

So impress me, baby, impress me.

Chuppy, you shouldn't lead people on like that, it will make things worse for you my friend. I don't wanna be hearing stories about you and some FNG having long, late at night ICQ chats or something.

Anyway, here are my updates for anyone of you southern ends of a Northbound horse:

Berli: We have not made contact yet. This fog is the same density as the cloud that surrounds Peng's head, which means we may never find one another. But there's this town you see, and the VL's happen to be firmly planted in the middle of them. So, hopefully we will run across one another before the end of the game.

Wildman: He is fastly learning that the Daimler I sent up ahead was merely part of a greater, master plan. The loss of his puma about 3 seconds later after he brewed up my Daimler told him that. I say the first round goes to me as I immobilized another of his Puma's as well on the same turn.

Lorak: We just got done with setup phase. I am cutting him slack due to his exceptional work on his page. (Jeez, did I just actually compliment him?) I will keep him on a very short dalemleash though if he drags on for tooo long.

The pictures on Lorak's site grow more interesting by the minute. The fearsome foursome was enough to make me close the page without proceeding any further.

And Markmeforaloss was killin me. I picture that worthless scrap berating me on a constant basis for my sentence structuring. It adds a spice now for me to know somewhat how he looks as he's typing in my corrections on his screen. I can't wait to have him Die-a-lot to Tom's Fearsome Combat Polygon Wombats.

GI Tom


Think before you POST, TEST before you cry BUG and take a "Time-Out" break before you counter-flame the guy that just called you a Plutonian ButtMonkey---Madmatt

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Guest Germanboy

May I just add that 'Cannot hold water' and Chuppy's little tete-a-tete is about as interesting as watching paint dry? Thanks.

Now, the estate agent turned politician who claims to be a lawyer - hell, it would be a (albeit small) step up the social ladder - has huffed and puffed, but has not sent me any info about flats, let alone a setup. Having said that, Hakko 'slightly overweight and balding not so hunk of love' Ichiu has joined him in that. As for my other games.

Lorak is currently experiencing the pain of being killed by the Irish Guards. Die-a-lot now. Hiram is about as good at returning turns as Southwest Airlines is at in-flight service. Major Tom is getting so worried that he no longer sends any files. Geier has no clue of what is going on, as his last post evinced. Grego is finished - so finished he won't be able to ever get up again and look into a mirror. I am sure I forgot some, but what the hey.

Now, public service announcement - ASL conversions are not suitable for PBEM unless done by Berli. You read it here first. 'Merzenhausen Zoo', 'Scotland the Brave II', the ASL Arnhem campaign are unplayble crap as PBEM. Don't waste a minute of your life on them. I swear my hand shall fall off before I DL another of these abnormalities for a PBEM.

Now go away.



Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

Lawyerboy is nothing more than a doppleganger for Berli. Oh sure, this one struts around in a suit and uses legaleese to perform his corruptions while Berli just uses good ol' temptation, but they are one and the same underneath it all.

That was so loverly (sniff) the kindest words........


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

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by germanboy:

Lorak is currently experiencing the pain of being killed by the Irish Guards. Die-a-lot now.

Pardon me sir. But what game are you playing?

Herr Lorak....has destroyed approx 20 or so tanks and vehicles?

Herr Germanboy... has umm... died a lot.. Oh yes, and shot up 1 platoon of my infantry, 2 AT guns, and a MG team.



My e-mail is down right now. In fact if any of you are sending any mail to a road runner address in north carolina, it is most likely down.

They are working on the problem, but haven't got an ETA on when it will be up.



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Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

OK, it's not a great picture, but whatever:


It's not my car, though. I just borrowed it.

To hell with the car, get your butt over here right now biggrin.gif

Seriously Hakko,Great pic of Mr Sex on Legs himself, ( be still my beating heart) thanks for that it really made my day/night.


Just for the record, I am a hunk, a hunk o'burnin' love. So's Meeks, buts that's only until the antibiotics take effect.



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Originally posted by Germanboy:

Now, public service announcement - ASL conversions are not suitable for PBEM unless done by Berli. You read it here first. 'Merzenhausen Zoo', 'Scotland the Brave II', the ASL Arnhem campaign are unplayble crap as PBEM. Don't waste a minute of your life on them. I swear my hand shall fall off before I DL another of these abnormalities for a PBEM.

I'll be sure to pass that on to Cory

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Gather round ya poofta poolers! I have something to tell you.

Stuka, Speedy, Goanna, OGABCD, Kitty (aussie in training) block the doors, and don't let any of these nongs escape!


So please, no disrespect directed to our fine nation today thank you!




Mace (Aussie and proud of it)!

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The only thing worse than Australia on a normal day, is Australia on Australia Day. What garbage. We might as well celebrate Arbor Day twice, if we're going to celebrate something as inane as Australia Day. What happens on Australia Day? Do you all have the day off of work to get drunk on Kangaroo piss and plan the stories you'll tell the grandkids about the year that Sydney hosted the 'Lympics? I think I'll celebrate by drinking a mason jar of E-Coli and spending the day turning my innards into outards.

BTW, Happy Australia Day, ya nong!

[Edited just because.]





Damn Croda. That is one funny sig!!!

must suck to be you - Hiram Sedai

Croda, you rock! - Meeks

[This message has been edited by Croda (edited 01-25-2001).]

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Originally posted by Croda:

What happens on Australia Day? Do you all have the day off of work to get drunk on Kangaroo piss

Nah, mate. We call that Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Kitty - Top Shiela - Spunk Rat


Hamsters at War!

Chicks With Tanks

Lorak's FTX

"I'd rather the Bees than your Mask of Shame." - Stuka

The True Blue Aussie Slang Source

The Unofficial Vic Bitter Website

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Originally posted by Kitty:

Nah, mate. We call that Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Kitty - Top Shiela - Spunk Rat

So this would mean that everyone actually goes to work on Australia Day? Bizzare traditions from a bizarre country. No wonder the water swirls the wrong way in the toilet.





Damn Croda. That is one funny sig!!!

must suck to be you - Hiram Sedai

Croda, you rock! - Meeks

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Chupacabra wrote:

Yay! My own stalker! I will love him and pet him and call him George.

Stalk you? Not in the way you think, with all the pictures of your mother with Lara Flynn Boyle's face that you've pasted on the walls next to your bed using--ewwwww, someone's seen "Happiness" a few too many times... [shudder] You may be president of the Philip Seymour Hoffman Fan Club, but you're definitely not getting back your cleaning deposit.

Where was I? Oh yes, more stalking in the vein of:

"Hey, what's that flashing red dot on my head?"


"Why are my brains in my lap?"

Having only a handful of gravel in your skull to prop up your Neanderthal-esque brow will finally pay off: you can use a whisk broom to clean up afterward, avoiding the expensive dry cleaning bill that spilled gray matter would entail.

He further opined:

I am also King of the Canaanites.

A glam-metal fan, eh? I knew those Clash lyrics were a front! I'll bet your hard drive is filled with Twisted Sister mp3's.

and also inquired:

Exactly how pansified ... adorable newborn kittens-level pansy, or snuggly warm wool blankets-level pansy?

("No, Mrs. Chupacabra, I think your son's interest in pansies is just healthy experimentation.... I'm sure it's just a phase.... What?... Lara Flynn Boyle?... And he's stuck up how many?... With what?!... I see... I see... We'll take that up at next week's session, but I think he's going to forfeit his cleaning deposit... Yes, see you tonight. Wear the red dress.")

Definitely "snuggly warm wool blankets." But the itchy kind, because I'm all edgy--like Peter Lorre. You're more an "aborable newborn kittens" kinda guy, right, like Sydney Greenstreet? Damn! Now he'll never ask me to the prom!

And lastly, he noted:

...don't even get my socks started. They're freaking brutal...

Tell me about it! Have you ever washed those things?

Herr Oberst wrote (in bowler hat and pinstripe trousers, carrying umbrella):

I've been working in the city for more than twenty years, and I definitely wouldn't say that I'm stuck in rut... stuckinarut... stuckinarut...

Lurkers learn to hate just as savagely as empty-headed Herr Post-a-Lots (COUGHandreasCOUGH). And you actually bothered to check my profile? That's exactly the sort of pointless "I either need to get a life or actually play some of my pending CM games" background checking I'd expect from Croda.

jd wrote:

I am a waste of skin.

The fact that you are still alive is depriving some techno-loving German teenager of a longed-for pair of lawyer-hide pants that would look oh-so-stylish at the next rave, even though the carcass they came from dressed like a used car salesman in life (but don't tell the young German lad... hint it was really Alan Dershowitz or Clarence Darrow and slap a bootleg "Benetton" label on it).

some crazy Aussie:

Aussieaussieaussie! Oi! Oi! Oi!

Have a nice bickie, cob. That's some good tucka, innit?

Yes, celebrate your national liberation, a day as rousing as Canada Day. Whee! Today is the anniversary of our administrative autonomy! We commemorate the brave bureaucrats who filed the paperwork! Like an Aussie needs an excuse for a bit of a drink-up...

Agua Perdido

[Edited because dammit, I love this game.]


Feel the pain of outlaw cinema!

[This message has been edited by Agua Perdido (edited 01-25-2001).]

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